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7/16/2021 The Motherlode Has Been Found

Buried beneath the Chihuahuan Desert, in the

southwestern United States, lies an ancient TREASURE
TROVE that's being called...

It could be worth over $1.4
trillion. And everyday
Americans are discovering
they're entitled to a piece of

"Many of the world's greatest treasures were only

discovered when nonprofessionals stumbled upon
them by accident." – HISTORY CHANNEL

Dear Reader,

Sometimes in life, all it takes to get rich is dumb luck.

It was certainly dumb luck when, a few years back, a married couple was hiking
with their dog in the foothills of Sierra Nevada, California. 1/70
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It was a path they had traveled many times before.

On this particular morning though, they happened to spot some rusty cans sticking
out of the dirt.

Upon closer inspection, they found each was filled to the brim with 24k gold coins.

1,427 of them to be exact.

And they dated way back to the Gold Rush of the 1800s. 2/70
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Their discovery later became

known as The Saddle Ridge

And it made them very rich... $10 MILLION RICH!

It was also dumb luck when, on a whim, an unemployed man named Thomas
Higgins decided to take his metal detector to a field in Staffordshire, England.

It was here that he stumbled upon the largest Anglo-Saxon treasure hoard of all

Buried beneath that field were 3,500 ancient

artifacts, including golden sword hilts, Christian
crosses, and jewels. 3/70
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The total haul was worth $5.5 million.

And it made Mr. Higgins very rich.

It was dumb luck once again when a man came upon a torn painting at a flea
market in Adamstown, Pennsylvania. 4/70
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It featured a dismal country scene that was signed by a no-name artist.

But it wasn't the painting that interested the man.

He just wanted to see if he could salvage the frame.

So he paid $4 for it, which turned out to be the bargain of the century.

Shortly after, while inspecting the painting at his

home, he discovered something much more
valuable hidden behind it.

A first printing of the Declaration of Independence.

It was one of only 24 in existence. And it made him $2.4 million richer.

Without question, each of these dumb-luck stories is incredible.

But this next one is even more amazing.

It might actually be the greatest dumb-luck story ever told. 5/70
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Only this time, it could be you who is handed a seven-figure windfall from it.

A historic treasure trove has been

discovered right here in the United

It is so big, it could crown 100 new

millionaires, every single month, for the
next 11 years.

And if you play your cards right, you could be one of them.

Because help is needed to get this treasure out of the ground.

And that's where you may want to play a role in this story.

Intrigued? Excited?

You should be.

So let's get right to it.

I'd like for you to take a look at this picture. 6/70
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Do you notice anything out of the ordinary?

Probably not.

Because you are looking at 3,458 acres of what was long believed to be worthless

It's smack dab in the middle of the Chihuahuan Desert in the Southwestern United

It's a place where temperatures regularly hit 112 degrees.

And rain is in short supply.

It's so dry here, you could...

Place just one of these test tubes anywhere on this land...

Leave it there for a year...

And when you returned, it wouldn't be filled up with rainwater.

So as you can imagine, nothing grows here.

And it's uninhabitable. 7/70
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The closest sign of life can be found

miles and miles away in the town of
Pecos, Texas...

It's a place once known for some of the most famous cowboy stories
from the Old West.

But today, many of its dusty roads are deserted, as tumbleweeds blow across the
sidewalks. 8/70
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If you were looking to find the greatest

buried treasure in American history,
this desert would be one of the last
places on your list.

There were no ancient maps that marked this spot with a big X.

And the Jumano tribe, who roamed the area for hundreds of years, told no tales of
legendary gold or silver deposits here.

Yet, for some reason, a former banker in Colorado, who was living out of a suitcase
full of clothes...

Scraped together the little money he had and acquired this seemingly unwanted
plot of land for pennies on the dollar.

Which was all this former banker could afford.

And for a while, it looked like a "dumb" decision.

But that's when the "luck" part of the equation kicked in. 9/70
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"The motherlode."

Four months later, while surveying the area, a group of geologists from the USGS
determined that something very special was indeed hidden beneath the desert
sands in this region.

A historic treasure the Financial Post described as "the motherlode."

It could be worth an estimated $1.4

trillion. That's $1.4 trillion with a
capital ‘T.’

To put that in perspective...

That's bigger than the GDP of 181 of the 192 largest economies in the

It's about as valuable as the gold reserves of the top 40 countries placed in
one big pile.

It's nearly 3,000 times more valuable than the biggest headline-grabbing
treasure haul in recent history.

You probably remember the story of a team of deep-

sea treasure hunters called Odyssey Marine
Exploration. 10/70
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While searching a remote part of the Atlantic Ocean, they discovered a colonial-era
shipwreck they codenamed "Black Swan."

It was carrying $500 million worth of gold and silver coins.

The New Yorker declared it had the potential to be the largest treasure haul ever
recovered from the sea.

"Possibly the largest treasure ever recovered

from the sea."

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Odyssey Marine Exploration's discovery ignited an international controversy.

The Spanish government declared they had sole claim to this treasure.

"A Spanish warship threatened to open fire on

American treasure hunters yesterday as they
tried to flee Gibraltar."


At one point, a Spanish Warship threatened to open fire on Odyssey Marine

Exploration's vessel.

Eventually, they were able to smuggle the gold and silver coins back to the U.S. by
hiding them in 551 plastic buckets and then placing those buckets on a charter

Suddenly, this little-known treasure hunter became the talk of Wall Street.

Years prior, shares of Odyssey Marine Exploration were trading for $0.78 a piece. 12/70
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This discovery, though, sent the stock to over $113.

And it delivered those ground-floor investors a 14,438% windfall.

However, the story I'm going to tell you today has

the potential to reward ground-floor investors with
a windfall that could be nearly 10 times bigger...


And unlike Odyssey Marine Exploration, which was eventually forced to return all
of the gold to Spain after a lengthy court battle...

Thanks to an obscure 1901 court decision known as the "Rule of Capture,"

nobody can contest this American discovery...

Because, the U.S. government helped discover this treasure trove in the first place.

And now, one tiny energy explorer just needs to get it out of the ground.

And those that help them in these early stages could be handed seven-figure
windfalls. 13/70
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Before we continue, let me say this is the very definition of a speculative


Which means it carries extra risk.

But with that risk comes reward.

After all, 136,235% is the equivalent of transforming:

$50 into $68,170...

$500 into $681,700...

And $1,000 into $1,363,000.

And if shares in this tiny explorer follow the revenue surge I'm projecting, that's
what could be in store for you... a 136,235% windfall!

Without a doubt, it's a rare and exceptional figure.

And let me be clear...

Insiders with this small exploration firm

are already starting to covertly stake their 14/70
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They recently invested $21 million. They've got serious skin in the game.

Plus, institutional heavyweights like Deutsche Bank, JPMorgan Chase, BlackRock,

Citigroup, Morgan Stanley, and Värde Partners have joined the adventure, kicking
in a total of eight figures.  

They know what's coming.

And so do I.

I'll repeat...

This is a situation that could create 100 new millionaires, every single month, for
the next 11 years.

The good news is, I'm going to show you how you could be one of them.

So let me introduce myself.

My name is Dr. Kent Moors.

And you're probably going to think I'm the last

person who should be sharing this "dumb-luck"
story with you.

That's because for 40 years, I worked for the United States

Intelligence Community.

To this day, most of my counterintelligence operations...

During the Vietnam War...

As well as the Cold War missions I conducted inside the

former Soviet Union... 15/70
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And the plans I helped President Reagan develop for countering the Soviet
nuclear threat...

Are still classified.

However, I can tell you that I earned Distinguished Service Medals from Presidents
Nixon, Reagan, and Clinton.

And hanging in my office are 23 commendations from the U.S. Intelligence

Community, including the intelligence equivalent of the Medal of Honor. 16/70
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In recent years, I've leveraged my unique

skill set to become what's referred to as a

In other words, I'm the guy who is called in

when a sensitive deal needs to get done.

For instance, I was called in to help lead two State Department task forces,
charged with cultivating natural resource assets in the developing world.

I was also called in to work with the Bank of England and the Russian Central Bank
on energy investments worth billions.

And when China's largest Oil Company, Sinopec, wanted to tap into $2 trillion
worth of natural gas investments here in the U.S...

Their executive team traveled to my vacation home in the Bahamas to hammer out
the deal.

Today, I'm a policy consultant to 29 world

governments and nine energy majors.

My work puts me on a first-name basis with

sheiks, oil ministers, OPEC heads, and
Fortune 500 CEOs. 17/70
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People like...

Abdelmalek Sellal, Algeria's former Prime Minister...

Mohammed Barkindo, OPEC's Secretary General ...

Khalid Al-Falih, Saudi Arabia's Minister of Energy...

Even an old adversary, Alexander Novak, Russia's Minister of Energy.

My connections and expertise have made me one of the highest-paid consultants

in the world.

So when I say this is the most lucrative investment opportunity I've ever come
across in my life, I suggest you take it very seriously.

However, I'll be the first to admit, this situation is a

bit crazy.

And as you probably can tell, there's a twist to this story.

Through dumb luck, this former banker didn't purchase a small parcel of land that
was hiding buried coins, or ancient gold artifacts. 18/70
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This region was sitting on top of a different kind of treasure altogether.

"USGS: Largest oil deposit ever

found in U.S."

The largest oil deposit, not just in modern U.S. history...

"The largest oil deposit ever found

in America was just discovered.

But that's ever been found in this country.

It's 20 billion barrels of oil...

16 trillion cubic feet of natural gas...

1.6 billion barrels of natural gas liquids...

$1,425,000,000,000 worth of energy.

"The 'crown jewel' of

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This area of the country is now being called the crown jewel of energy.

Incredible, right?

Wait until you hear the full story.

As I'll explain ahead, this former

banker's "dumb luck" continued to
get better.

The oil in this region is of the highest quality, yet it's the cheapest to get out of the

According to the CEO of one of the largest energy exploration firms in the world,
much of the oil in this region will only cost $2.25 a barrel to extract.

This is the next great American oil find.

It's bigger than all that came before it.

And in the past, the tiny companies at the center of those stories were millionaire-
makers for ground-floor investors.

Take Triangle Petroleum.

Triangle was a tiny, no-name explorer who was one of the first to lay down drills in
the Williston Basin of North Dakota.

They made ground-floor investors 47,542% in less than a year!

Anybody who invested just $500 in

Triangle Petroleum was handed
$238,210! 20/70
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Anybody who locked up a $2,500 stake became a


They were rewarded with a $1,191,050

payday in less than a year! 21/70
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The Permian Basin that stretches across much of Texas and New Mexico has also
been a millionaire-maker. 

And Gulfport Energy certainly played a big part in that.

They delivered ground-floor investors a 4,717% payday.

Over in southeast Texas, the Eagle Ford discovery helped a lot of folks reach
millionaire status as well.

I'm sure many of them have a micro-cap explorer named Earthstone Energy to
thank for that too.

They delivered an 11,758% windfall to ground-floor investors! 22/70
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We also saw a similar scenario with small explorers drilling in the Marcellus Shale
in western Pennsylvania.

Ultra Petroleum Corp. was one of the standouts.

They handed ground-floor investors a 15,570% return.

What's about to happen in the Southwestern U.S. could be bigger than all of these
stories combined... much bigger. 23/70
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Shortly before the USGS' big

announcement, I was working with a client
in the nearby Midland Basin.

And I started hearing whispers that a new "mother

elephant" deposit was out there for the taking.

That's the nickname we use for a discovery involving more than 1 billion barrels of

However, when the USGS reported it was 20 billion barrels, it simply blew my

Especially since the person who controlled arguably the ultimate sweet spot in this
region, was this former banker.

You have to understand, the oil game is a good ol' boys network.

Everybody knows everybody.

Except for this banker. Nobody knew him.

Word was, he left his job on Wall Street after his company rang up a few bad deals
and seven-figure losses.

That's how he ended up in Denver.

Yet somehow, he had outmaneuvered all the big players to get a large piece of the
energy find of a lifetime.

And this banker, he'll be the first to tell you he's "not an oil man."

But in this case, not being an oil man played to his advantage big time.

I'll explain. 24/70
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Here's a map that shows a chunk of the Southwestern United States.

Large tracts of this land have become known as...

"Millionaire's Row." 25/70
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This is where, in recent years, loads of everyday Americans have become

millionaires virtually overnight.

And many of those success stories were due to nothing more than dumb luck.

Basically, these folks were fortunate to own land that was sitting on top of gigantic
treasure troves of oil.

Like Mason Clayburn, who was running out of money before oil was discovered
beneath his family's ranch.

Mason went from making $30,000 a year to $3 million a year.

Then there was Dick Campbell.

Dick was a real estate and insurance broker in Three Rivers, Texas.

Dumb luck smiled upon him, too.

Dick was able to lease his land out to an energy exploration company
for roughly $10 million a year!

Childhood friends Jay Cody and Ryan Stetler were even luckier.

After college, they took out massive bank loans, scraped a bit of money together
from their family...

And started buying up an acre of land here... and an acre of land there.

Usually they signed the contracts on the hood of their pickup truck.

They were hoping to hit the black-gold Powerball.

It turns out, they were lucky enough to hit it multiple times.

Jay and Ryan eventually sold their land for $2.8 billion!

The truth is, everyone and their mother's uncle saw

the insane amount of wealth coming out of
Millionaire's Row. 26/70
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And this former banker thought it would be easy for

him to grab easy riches too. That wasn't the case.

He quickly faced two big problems.

Problem #1: Millionaire's Row eventually attracted the attention of the big boys.

Exxon flexed their financial muscle with a $41 billion acquisition in this area.

Chevron went in with a $3 billion stake.

Encana bet $7.1 billion on it.

EP ($153 million), Parsley ($148 million), and Diamondback Energy ($440

million) each invested nine figures as well.

This led to Problem #2: Prices for any remaining scraps of land multiplied by more
than 10-fold.

In fact, companies were starting to pay as much as $65,000 for a single acre. 27/70
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So this failed banker made a decision that a

professional oil man probably would've never

Taking a closer look at this map – you'll notice that the yellow area resembles the
top half of the letter "H."

That dip in the middle is essentially an oil dead zone – it's no-man's land.

To the left, this banker saw wide-open tracts of land that could be had.

That's because the big players – those professional oil men – didn't think there
was any oil there for the easy pickings.

But someone without all of that expertise might check out that map and say to

"Hey, all these people are becoming millionaires over here on the

There has to be oil over there in that spot, where nobody seems
to be looking. 28/70
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I mean, it's right next to Millionaire's Row. It can't be bone dry,


Of course, in the real world...

YES, it very well can be bone dry. And that was a common belief among many

Because those same experts were relying on outdated intel.

In the old days, the federal government would

regularly assess America's oil basins. They wanted
to determine how much was still "undiscovered," yet

Yet, they hadn't conducted a

comprehensive national assessment
since 1995.

But here's the thing, when you're talking about energy technology, a lot has
happened since 1995.

Most notably, hydrofracking. With fracking, oil deposits once believed to be

undiscovered and unrecoverable...

Could now be discovered and recovered.

So in June of 2016, when creditors forced a small company to put a 3,458-acre

tract of land up for sale... 29/70
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A tract of land located right here on the map...

There wasn't much interest in it.

Going off those dusty, old 1995 assessments, the oil experts thought it was

And this banker saw his opportunity to strike.

He scraped together all the money he had.

He called everybody in his Rolodex, begging them to cut a check.

He exhausted all of his favors to get the startup capital he needed.

Over the next four months, his tiny company was barely able to stay afloat.

The former banker and his small team didn't take any salaries... not a single
paycheck was cut.

But he finally took possession of that plot of land.

And that's when dumb luck kicked in.

That following November, the United States Geological Survey – the USGS –
dispatched survey teams across the nation to discover new mineral, oil, and
energy reserves that were previously undiscovered... yet recoverable. 30/70
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And one of those teams was sent right to the region where the banker had just
bought his land.

Shortly after, the USGS made an announcement that shocked the world.

"USGS Estimates 20 Billion

Barrels of Oil"

The numbers are so astounding, they're worth repeating again...

20 billion barrels of oil...

16 trillion cubic feet of natural gas...

1.6 billion barrels of natural gas liquids...

$1,425,000,000,000 worth of energy was beneath the ground.

"USGS Announces Largest Oil and

Gas Deposit Ever Assessed in

And thanks to fracking, every drop of it could be recovered.

The USGS determined this underground ocean of oil

and natural gas was about 3X bigger than the Bakken 31/70
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Remember, the Bakken singlehandedly transformed North Dakota into a haven for
new millionaires.

At first, it was creating two new millionaires every day.

Then 2,000 new millionaires a year.

Everyday folks were cashing $20,000 to $100,000 royalty checks... EVERY


All because they were lucky enough to be sitting on a previously undiscovered oil
deposit or had the opportunity to be ground-floor investors in the fields.

Folks like Lou Russell who found himself looking at a $1 million a year payday.

He described his dumb luck as, "an unexpected blessing, like winning the lottery."

Darnell Perkins was another lucky benefactor of the Bakken.

But in his town, he didn't think his story was that special. "It's not very hard to be a
millionaire nowadays,"he said.

Now imagine how easy it will be to become

a millionaire, when you own a piece of an
oil deposit that's 3X BIGGER than the

Actually, the only more oil-rich region in

the entire world may be Saudi Arabia's
Ghawar Field.

That was discovered in 1948. 32/70
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It's the source of Saudi Arabia's political power.

And look at the extravagant wealth it's created.

Sports cars, gold-studded palaces, expensive jewelry...

You might not want any of that...

 You may just want to retire and live comfortably.

 Or buy a vacation home.

 Or set up a charitable foundation in your family's name.

As you'll soon see, if you play your cards right, you could make that a reality.

And never have to worry about money again.

Because this small explorer has been laying the foundation to get this energy
treasure trove out of the ground.

This year, 2018, they're ready to set their plan in

motion. And you can get in on the ground floor. 33/70
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A year from now, their plan could make you 12 times richer...

And while, at the moment, shares are trading for a miniscule price, I fully expect
their value to soar right in line with a coming revenue explosion.

So when all is said and done, a total windfall of 136,235% may be in play.

Before we get to that, there are a few more critical parts of this story I need to
share with you.

Obviously, once the USGS announcement was made, the banker knew he had to
act fast.

He acquired more and more plots of cheap land in the region.

And his initial 3,548 acres grew to 15,000.

It was a wise move.

Because while the big boys may have been late to the game, they quickly made
their presence felt.

"Land rush."

And a land rush was unleashed... 34/70
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RSP Permian paid $2.4 billion for a plot of land right next to this banker's

Oasis Petroleum ponied up $946 million for their spot.

Concho Resources cut a $430 million check to get in the game.

Centennial Resource Development paid $350 million for their land.

Callon Petroleum shelled out $615 million.

And the award for biggest ticket purchase goes to none other than Exxon.
They coughed up $6.6 billion to stake their claim. 

So to recap...

Through dumb luck, a former banker, who by his own admission was "no oil man,"
acquires a plot of land for pennies on the dollar.

Then the USGS determines this region is sitting on top of the largest energy
deposit in U.S. history...

A deposit that could be three times bigger than the Bakken Shale discovery.

At its peak, the Bakken was creating 2,000 new millionaires a year.

And this discovery could be three times more lucrative! 35/70
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So to no surprise, after the USGS's announcement, all the major players swooped
into the region, locking up the land surrounding the banker's for billions and
billions of dollars.

Fast forward to today – 2018. All that's left to do is get this oil out of the ground.

But since he wasn't an "oil man," this banker first needed to build a team that was
full of them.

And that turned out to be very easy.

After all, who wouldn't want a piece of this discovery?

In virtually the blink of an eye, this banker was able to assemble...

A Rock-Star Team of Legendary Oil


Every one of them instrumental in unlocking America's greatest domestic


And in the process, they have repeatedly made ground-floor investors a fortune.  

The CEO is a geologist and entrepreneur with over 30 years of experience in

American oil.

He struck pay dirt while extracting the Barnett Shale of west Texas. And he
helped grow his company nearly four times to over $27 billion, making
ground-floor investors a killing in the process. But he wasn't done.

He then went on to create another $12 billion in new wealth for his partners
with exploration firms in Colorado and New Zealand.

The Executive Chairman is also a Texas oil legend.

He grew his first company from $30 million to over $3.2 billion in 4½ years.
 Crunch the numbers – that's a growth rate of 10,567%! And it's the kind of
situation that can transform ground-floor investors into millionaires.

Overall, he personally developed a portfolio of more than $25 billion in

energy assets. 36/70
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The Chief Operating Officer the former banker hired was another rock star.

He cut his teeth at EOG Resources. He led the adoption of hydraulic

fracturing techniques to open up the Bakken shale.

EOG Resources grew into the largest oil producer in the lower 48 states.
Today, it's a $68.86 billon behemoth.

And the ground-floor investors who hitched their wagon to this firm as it
soared 4,528% must be very happy with their good fortune.

These guys helped create so much new

wealth with their prior projects, it would be
like transforming every $1,000 into

And thanks to this former banker, they were suddenly all in one place at the same

All working on a discovery that is bigger than everything they've done before...

And they quickly staffed up with a "special ops" team of oil professionals and
engineers, who have been recruited from heavyweights Devon Energy, Occidental
Petroleum, and Quantum Resources.

These guys knew what they were doing.

And when they conducted their own assessment of their land, they discovered...

The Mother of All Sweet Spots! 37/70
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So let's look at a different map of this location.

Without getting too bogged down in the details, essentially the darker the color on
this map, the deeper the oil and natural gas goes.

And the land this banker purchased is in the deepest and darkest purple area of
this map.

Every 640 square feet, an area a little larger than a two-car garage, there's an
estimated 60 million barrels of oil packed tight as a drum, just waiting to be

But it still gets better.

This oil is going to be cheap to get out of the


Dirt cheap.

Most oil fields are spread out horizontally, covering tens of thousands, even
hundreds of thousands of acres.

This forces explorers to drop one rig and get a little bit of oil... 38/70
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Then drop another rig in the next pay zone and get a little more oil.

So the overhead costs of laying those rigs can add up!

Not with this deposit.

If we were to turn this map on its side, this is what it would look like...

It is a geologic freak of nature.

Not one, but eight separate oil fields are stacked, one on top of another, like a layer

So you can just place one rig, in one spot, and hit eight pay zones.

You may not be familiar with Pioneer Resources – they aren't a marquee name like
Exxon or Shell.

But they're a $29 billion resource explorer.

Their CEO Scott Sheffield thinks these stacked pay zones create a perfect
scenario where the oil can be extracted for just $2.25 a barrel.

And after reviewing the survey and engineering specs, I completely agree with him. 39/70
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This is a game-changer.

Last time you filled up your tank, I bet you

paid well more than $2.25 for a gallon of

Well, there are 42 gallons of oil in a barrel.

And it may only cost $2.25 to fill that

entire barrel with oil from this discovery.

So there is an absolutely enormous profit margin, even if oil prices stay relatively
cheap like they are now.

Or even if oil prices were slashed in half.

Which would probably make most Americans happy when they fill up their tanks.

But what if oil prices surged, hitting $100 or more a barrel?

I'm going to tell you something in a few moments.

Something that was revealed to me at a sensitive meeting in London that strongly

suggests $109 oil could happen in the near future.

If it does, and this small energy explorer can successfully get their oil out of the
ground, they could become one of the biggest companies in the world.

Because energy consumption in this country and the demand for oil and natural
gas, is only going in one direction... up. 40/70
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And it's the same story all around the globe.  

Long story short...

There are going to be a lot of buyers in the U.S. and worldwide for this high-quality

And the all-star team this banker helped assemble is at the very earliest stages of
extracting it. 41/70
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Their initial studies suggest they could drill

1,000 wells across this small 15,000-acre
plot of land.

Yet, to this point, they've only drilled a handful of


Over the last year, their operations produced about $21.8 million in revenue.

That's peanuts.

The entire region contains at least 20 billion barrels of oil, 16 trillion cubic feet of
natural gas, and 1.6 billion barrels of natural gas liquids.

Using the most conservative estimates, this 15,000-acre plot of land is

perched on top of 130 million barrels of energy.

Even at today's suppressed prices, that's still worth $8.58 billion.

$21.8 million jumping to $8.58 billion would represent a revenue spike

of 39,114%.

And yet it still gets better.

What I'm about to tell you is probably the

greatest stroke of dumb luck in this entire
story. 42/70
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Notice how the slope of this

deposit forms what looks like a

Well, what do we know about how funnels work?

We know that liquid will flow down from all directions collecting in the center.

This is very important because, while all of these enormous energy companies
have cut big checks to plant their flags around this area...

This tiny energy explorer controls the acreage right in the center of that funnel.

The deep, dark purple area.

We could soon witness one of the most famous

movie scenes in recent history play out,
transforming ground-floor investors into
millionaires in the process. 43/70
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Do you remember the movie "There Will Be Blood?"

If so, then you'll recall the scene at the end, where the main character, Daniel
Plainview, tells Eli Sunday that the land he is trying to sell him is worthless.

Because Plainview has already sucked Sunday's land dry of the oil beneath it.  

And when he explains how he did it, he uttered the immortal words, "I drink your
milkshake, I drink it up."

This phrase actually dates back to 1922, when Albert Fall, the Secretary of the
Interior for President Harding, was describing a phenomenon known as oil

Fall said if you have a milkshake – and I have a milkshake – and my straw reaches
across the room, I'll end up drinking your milkshake.

And he can do it legally, thanks to a 1901 court decision that established the "Rule
of Capture."  

"The owner of a tract of land acquires title to

the oil or gas which he produces from wells
drilled thereon, though it may be proved that 44/70
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part of such oil or gas migrated from adjoining



In a nutshell, The Rule of Capture says if I can use my land to acquire the oil or gas
on your land, tough luck for you.

And that's great news for this tiny energy explorer.

The funnel-like shape of this deposit

The simple law of gravity

A situation where much of the surrounding oil could

drain into the deep, dark purple part of this map...

The part of the map under the control of this small

explorer. 45/70
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RSP Permian's plot here could have 2.8 billion barrels of energy for the

Centennial Resource Development's land could have 91 million barrels...

And Oasis Petroleum's land could have 312.2 million barrels.

So in theory, all this small-energy explorer would need to do is drill a few

strategically placed wells, and they could potentially drain a large portion of the oil
from the competition.

And there's nothing the competition could do about it.

It's 100% legal.

And since a natural wall exists right behind this plot of land, that wall could act as
a trap for these energy conquests. 46/70
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So let's say this team can capture 10% of the competition's energy.

That would add another 320 million barrels to their tally, bringing their total to 450
million barrels.

And it would bring their total potential-energy haul to a whopping $29.72 billion.

So now a 39,114% opportunity has

transformed into a mind-blowing

That's the equivalent of $500 growing into $681,700...

And a modest $1,000 exploding to $1,363,000. 47/70
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If shares in this tiny energy explorer track that production surge...

That's what an investment in this ground-floor opportunity could deliver you.

And even if those shares only deliver a fraction of that return – you could still end
up richer than your wildest dreams.

However, I've said it before and I'll say it again – this is a speculative investment.

And speculative investments carry more risk than, say, blue-chip stocks.

But blue-chip stocks can't quickly transform someone with a $1,000 stake into a

This opportunity can.

So it's important you have an expert in the field, by your side, to guide you through

And that's where I come in.

I've created a time-sensitive, special report on this situation. And I'd like to send
you a copy of it for free.

The Millionaire Maker! 48/70
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Stake Your Claim to the Biggest Black Gold Discovery in

U.S. History

Unlike a traditional prospectus that is issued by an investment bank, neither I nor

anyone on my team has a vested interest in this deal.

We are not trying to pitch you to raise funds for this company's IPO.

My team and I have extensively vetted this opportunity.

In this special report you are going to be given all the information you need to
decide whether or not you want to take part.

The land surveys, USGS studies, and background on the entire team... you will get

You're going to see right away, the potential with this deal is off the charts.

This tiny explorer may have 450 million barrels of energy within their grasp. 49/70
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Their current plan is to go full speed ahead to get the first 4 million
barrels out of the ground from only 20 wells.

If they can do that within a year, that would be the equivalent of

boosting the value of their energy haul by 12X. It'd be a $264 million

From there, they'll be aggressively drilling more and more wells with
1,000 wells as their endgame.

So you absolutely have the chance to get in on the ground floor of this opportunity
right now.

Currently, you can lock up shares in this tiny company for around $4.00 a piece.

And because this is a ground-floor investment

opportunity, there are a few exciting outcomes in

Each of which will be discussed in the Millionaire Maker report.

First off, this company is a prime acquisition target.

The big boys are already on the hunt and willing to pay a hefty premium to secure
the land in this area.

In fact, Concho Resources just bought RSP Permian for $9.5 billion.

RSP Permian's land literally surrounds this tiny energy explorer's plot.

Now in the past, this former banker has stated he prefers his company remain, "in
control of their own destiny."

But I think every deal has a price. And if a major player offers up a blank check, it
will be hard to resist.

If that happens, you could become very wealthy. 50/70
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Scenario #1: A future

acquisition could pay you
46X your money!

In the Millionaire Maker report, I'll share who my contacts are telling me a
potential buyer could be.

Here's another scenario...

This small explorer maintains its maverick status, refuses acquisition offers...

And sets out to ambitiously extract every drop of oil and natural gas within reach.

That includes using the "Rule of Capture" to drain as much from their competitors
as possible.

Scenario #2: A historic 136,235% windfall!

It's a rare and exceptional figure.

Even a fraction of that kind of payout would be life-changing.

And remember, we've seen small explorers return as much as 47,542% in less
than a year.

But the USGS has already determined that this energy deposit blows the doors off
those discoveries from the past.

There is also a third scenario that could play out – the best-case scenario.  

You could collect a massive dividend and then cash out with that historic windfall
at the end!

Currently, this small explorer doesn't pay a dividend.

But ground-floor investments never do. Right now, their cash is better spent
getting that energy out of the ground. 51/70
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And frankly, they may never pay a dividend.

But if this company does live up to its potential and they decide to issue

Scenario #3: A 100% Dividend + 136,235% windfall!

By getting in on the ground floor, you could be rewarded with an annual dividend
that equals 100% or 200% of what you invested today.

And then, when all is said and done, you could still cash out with that 136,235%

When I'm assessing an investment opportunity, I like to see the potential for
multiple outcomes like this on the table.

I also like to know all the risks. This deal, like any speculative investment, carries
risk. So the Millionaire Maker report lays that all out on the table as well.

But just as important, I always want to make sure the decision makers have
serious skin in the game.

The all-star team of resource explorers tied to this project definitely do.

They've quietly invested $21 million of their own money into this small company.

And some major players in finance have put their chips on the table too.

Deutsche Bank, JPMorgan Chase, BlackRock, Citigroup, Morgan Stanley, and

Värde Partners have bet eight figures on this deposit paying off.

That's the smart money talking.

And when the smart money talks, it's best to listen.

All of this is revealed in the Millionaire Maker report. 52/70
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Okay, I've got something else to tell you right now. 

It's something I just became aware of. And due to the sensitive nature of this
information, you will have to pardon me if I keep some of the details close to the

Earlier I mentioned that I am an advisor to 29 world governments and nine of the

top energy producers.

I've also spent years consulting OPEC.

Here's why I bring this up...

Every projection I've given you today is

based on current energy prices.

Prices that are fairly low.

However, I was recently in London meeting with one of my Saudi contacts. He

strongly suggested this was not going to be the case for much longer.

This is a person who is, let's say, very connected to OPEC.

It's no secret the Saudi royal family needs oil to get pricier in order to maintain their
wealth and control over their society.

I was told rather bluntly, that the Saudis have a plan to push oil to $109 a barrel.

And as someone on the inside, I can tell you that they can do this very easily.

Especially, with President Trump making aggressive efforts to improve relations

with the Saudis.

So I don't expect they'll face many challenges executing this plan.

That means the oil underneath this former banker's land...

As well as the oil in that entire area...

Could be much more valuable in the future. 53/70
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Oh, and one more thing...

Recent studies suggest there could be WAY

more than 20 billion barrels of energy in
this region.

The total haul could be 75 billion barrels.

Nearly 4X more than previously believed.

Which is why in the Millionaire Maker report, I'm also going to reveal two
other explorers who have locked up pretty interesting plots of land in this

I'm looking at both of them as acquisition targets. Admittedly, their upside

isn't as great as 136,235%. I'd peg the potential with these two other
plays at about 1,000% each.

What this means is you don't need to bet the farm on any of these opportunities.

Only invest what you can afford to lose without losing a moment of sleep.

And make sure you follow my pricing recommendations.

If the big one hits, as I expect it will, you could become a millionaire.

And the other two could pad your net worth even further.

Now, this is clearly a situation where you are going to want to strike fast. 

So I would like to get a copy of The Millionaire Maker in your hands right now.

But I'm just getting started.

There is going to be a lot of money made as this oil is transported from this historic
oilfield to points throughout the country and eventually the world.

And if you position yourself just right, you could be in line to collect some very
large paychecks thanks to a couple of deals that have been inked. 54/70
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So I've prepared two additional special reports regarding these deals.

Become a "Silent Partner" in a Cash-Rich

Collect $5,000 Quarterly Checks from This Unique

I love investing in pipelines.

Because investing in a pipeline is like investing in a very successful middleman.

And middlemen make a lot of money in this world. Think about it.

If I wired you money, I would have to pay a middleman, say my bank, to conduct
that transaction. But what did the bank really have to do though?

It didn't have to earn the money in the first place. I did. 55/70
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It didn't have to create any product or hold any inventory.

It just needed to make sure the money was delivered from point A to point B.

Pipelines are the energy industry's ultimate middlemen.

They don't have to drill a single well. They don't have to operate gas stations.

They just have to make sure the oil moves from point A to point B.

And since pipelines are paid on volume – every time a barrel of oil runs through
them, it's like a cash register ringing.

Now, imagine that cash register ringing 20 billion times thanks to this massive

And imagine if every three months you were handed a hefty check for $5,000,
$7,500, or more from those rings.

Who wouldn't want in on that?

So here's how you can make that happen.

You can become a "silent partner" in a very unique pipeline network.

What makes this partnership special is how it's


If you choose to invest, you would receive what the IRS classifies as "Units."

And by law, the pipeline network is required to pay out 90% of its profits to

These distribution checks are sent out quarterly.

And since this pipeline network currently spans 18,700 miles across the Southwest
United States, the checks can be quite large.

For instance, Gavin Alexi is receiving quarterly distributions for $7,500.

And Wendy Ronson is cashing checks for $6,000 every three months. 56/70
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That's what these folks are making as partners in a pipeline network that
transports 5 million barrels of oil a day.

But here's the game-changer...

A deal has been finalized to expand this pipeline

network to the heart of the historic oilfield I've been
telling you about today.

They'll be within reach of every explorer in the region...

And most important, the 20 billion barrels of oil under the ground, as well as all that
natural gas.

So if you become a silent partner right now, you'll begin to receive your distribution

And those checks will have the potential to grow much, much bigger as this
treasure trove of energy begins to flood through their network.

In Become a "Silent Partner" in a Cash-Rich Pipeline, I'll show you how to

secure your partnership units in this pipeline network. It takes a couple of minutes.

And next, I want to show you how to cash another quarterly check from the largest
oil and gas discovery in U.S. history.

Everything you need to know is in the special report...

The Final Secret to America's Energy

Dominance 57/70
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Once the oil is extracted from the ground...

And then transported through the pipeline network...

It has to be refined so it can be used as gasoline and sold on the open market.

Well, a small refiner has inked a deal with the very same pipeline network I just

And just like that pipeline network:

They are also looking for partners.

They are required by law to distribute 90% of their profits to their partners
every quarter...

And those checks can be very big. For example, Iris Connors is pocketing
$6,950 every quarter. And Bob Kamin is receiving profit distributions worth

I suggest you get in now and start collecting your checks. The bigger your initial
stake, the bigger your checks will be at the beginning. 58/70
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And then, when the oil from this historic discovery hits this refiner in massive
quantities, you could expect those quarterly checks to multiply two times or more
in value!

Combining this discovery plus this pipeline network plus this refiner isn't just the
key to America's energy independence, but also our energy dominance!

And you could profit from it every step of the way.

So to recap, today I would like to send you:

Special Report #1: The Millionaire Maker ($199 value)... 

Special Report #2: Become a "Silent Partner" in a Cash-Rich Pipeline

($99 value)... 

And Special Report #3: The Final Secret for America's Energy
Dominance ($99 value).

Altogether, this package is conservatively worth $397. And I would like to send it to
you for free.

Naturally, you're probably asking why?

And the answer is simple.

I want this to be the beginning of a long-term business relationship. 59/70
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So I'm also going to include a 100% risk-free subscription to a one-of-a-kind

investment research service I run call Energy Advantage.

By now, you understand I'm not some desk jockey who spends his days gazing at
ticker symbols running across the bottom of the screen on CNBC hoping to find
the next hot stock.

I'm in the game.

And I want to put you in the center of it as well.

Every month I'm going to compile what I've

gathered out in the field and from my sensitive
meetings into an urgent release called Intel from
the Frontlines.

This is like having a seat at the table

next to me as deals are being
negotiated and inked.

Deals between nations, deals

between energy exploration firms,
and deals that can create
millionaires and sometimes

For instance, every year, I'm called

to Windsor Castle in England by the
royal family to meet with the people
who truly call the shots in the
energy industry.

World leaders, sheiks, scientists,

titans of business and finance...
were all in one room, mapping out the future.

I take the inside info I glean from these meetings and disseminate it through my
Intel from the Frontlines releases. 60/70
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Most importantly, I'm going to show you how you could make money from these
sensitive discussions.

You may recall a couple of years ago when OPEC declared an "Oil War" on U.S.

Well, just after that event, I was in Dubai, meeting with OPEC ministers at the
fabled Burj Al Arab hotel.

I wanted to understand the "story behind the story" and how my readers could
profit from it.

The information I collected from this clandestine meeting allowed me to pinpoint a

trade that paid out 165% in less than three months.

A while back, my sources handed me another easy payday on a silver platter.

They told me John Fredriksen, the CEO of a company called Frontline, was hell-
bent on "acquiring the largest tanker fleet in history."

That was the very definition of a hot tip.

Less than four months after I recommended that company, shares had soared

Western Refining... 143%. Valero... 314%.

Haliburton... 131%. NRG Energy... 101%. 61/70
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Cheniere... 368%. Carrizo Oil & Gas... 106%.

Every monthly edition of my Intel from the Frontlines will reveal an investment
opportunity with triple-digit upside and the story behind it.

But that's just the beginning.

I'm going to be in constant communication with you.

Every week, I'm going to send you a Digital Debriefing.

If one of our model portfolio companies is negotiating a new deal, you'll know
about it immediately.

If they are about to hit a major financial milestone,

I'm going to analyze what it means for you and your

And whenever it's time to close out one of our

positions, I'll email you a Real-Time Action Alert.

Now, some of these opportunities could pay out


Take Atwood Oceanics.

We were in and out in about a month and a half.

And members were able to collect a quick 104%

With Mid-Con Energy Partners, it was about a

three-week play. And we rung up 107% on it.

If you'd like, I will shoot your cell phone a quick text

message notification whenever I've released a new edition of Intel from the
Frontlines, a Digital Debriefing, or a Real-Time Action Alert.

This will ensure you can get this information – and act on it – as fast as possible.

You will also have 24/7 access to Energy Advantage HQ.

This is a members-only website where you'll be able to tap into even more market
research, exclusive reports, and time-sensitive intelligence.

So here's the deal... 62/70
7/16/2021 The Motherlode Has Been Found

I'm Not Going

to Tell You
Advantage Is
Cheap to Join...
Because It's

Normally, the retail price for a one-year membership is $299.

It is a serious amount of money.

But think about this...

Across the board, I've already recommended 78 triple-digit winners to those who
follow my research here at Money Morning.

Ener1 178% Headwaters 198%

Bering Exploration 137% Gastar Exploration 152%
Ram Energy 421% Erin Energy 173%
High Plains Gas 150% Resolute Energy 155%
Blue Dolphin 239% Golar LNG 300%
Westport Fuel 542% Slam Exploration 244%
Halcon Resources 209% Energy Transfer Equity 172%

I have been paid millions of dollars by some of the biggest companies in the world
for my expertise.

Plus, I have a separate, private team that provides market research to the major
banks and investment firms for six figures a pop.

And through Energy Advantage, now I can offer my services to you.

So $299 is a steal when you consider all of that.

However, in a few moments, I'm going to make you an offer that will be impossible
to pass up. 63/70
7/16/2021 The Motherlode Has Been Found

Forget 50%... or 60%... or 70% off... this is going to be way better than that.

The reason I'm willing to do this is I want you to be my next success story.

"I made $2,400 on my very first trade."


Very soon, I want to hear how you made thousands of dollars on your first trade.

"I checked my account this morning and was

$10,374 richer!"


Or $10,000 while you were drinking your morning coffee.

"Right now, I'm 16 for 16!"


And then how you are ringing up winner after winner.


7/16/2021 The Motherlode Has Been Found

Banking over 200%...

"I'm so excited to have made a whopping 300%

thanks to you!"


"I'm looking at total winning gains of 367.5%"


Or 300% from my recommendations...

"I'm looking at an annualized gain of 1,512%."


Maybe even over 1,500%.

Wouldn't that be incredible?

"I'm up $17,114! Holy mackerel can you walk on

water too?"


By following my research, you can learn how to leverage my contacts and real-
world expertise to make a killing in the market. 65/70
7/16/2021 The Motherlode Has Been Found

"Your projected growth rate of 20-40X has me

ignited! I've never hit such a winner!"


You will also get the real story on the most important events that are breaking in
the United States and overseas.

You're going to see these events through the eyes of someone who has spent four
decades in the U.S. Intelligence Community and has facilitated countless high-
pressure deals in every corner of the world.

In fact, I have just put the finishing touches on a must-read book that discloses the
most important events facing our country today.

And I'm going to rush you a free copy.

The Great Game

The Coming Face-Off for Global Supremacy 66/70
7/16/2021 The Motherlode Has Been Found

Inside it you'll learn:

Why China is doing business with a vicious Mexican drug cartel for a
commodity nobody is talking about.

I'll disclose Russia's risky gamble to use oil to crush the U.S. dollar.

You'll get boots-on-the-ground intel concerning the single river that could
ignite a nuclear war between Pakistan and India.

And I'll reveal the secret North Sea energy crisis that could leave the UK
with "the power of a third world country."

For each of these situations, the stakes couldn't be higher.

And you need to know about them.

So if you accept my invitation to join Energy Advantage, I'm going to include a

free copy of my book The Great Game.

That means, you could be moments from receiving... 67/70
7/16/2021 The Motherlode Has Been Found

Special Report #1: The Millionaire Maker. This will give you the exciting
details on the largest energy discovery in U.S. history. 

I'll share the small explorer who has commandeered the ultimate sweet spot
in this region and could hand ground-floor investors a 136,235% windfall. 

Plus, I'll brief you on two additional explorers. Each could have a 1,000%

Special Report #2: Become a "Silent Partner" in a Cash-Rich Pipeline.

Here's your chance to become a partner in a pipeline network. And it is
perfectly positioned to pay out huge quarterly distributions. 

As a partner, you could be mailed a check for $5,000 or more every three

Special Report #3: The Final Secret for America's Energy Dominance.
By partnering with a small refiner who has inked a deal with this pipeline
network, you could collect another distribution check every quarter.

Maybe you're making $3,000 or $4,000 at first. But then once everything
kicks into high gear, those checks could jump two times or more!

A 100% Risk-Free Membership to Energy Advantage! For the next year,

you will receive powerful investment recommendations based on my boots-
on-the-ground expertise and behind-closed-doors deal-making. 68/70
7/16/2021 The Motherlode Has Been Found

A Copy of My Book The Great Game: The Coming Face-Off for Global
Supremacy. I'm going to give you an inside look into the biggest and most
important stories facing our world today.

The total value of this package is $715.

When you click the button below, you'll

discover that it can all be yours for literally
pennies a day.

Plus, I'm also including a 100% money-back guarantee.

 "Kent, I believe you and your team can help

me multiply my net worth many times over in
the years to come!"


My goal is to help you multiply your net worth many times over.

It's what I've been able to do for others.

And I'm confident I can do it for you.

So let's get started.

Sincerely, 69/70
7/16/2021 The Motherlode Has Been Found

Dr. Kent Moors

Editor, Energy Advantage

© Copyright – 2018 Money Map Press, LLC. Saddle Ridge Treasure images courtesy Kagin's; Abandoned Pecos theater
image courtesy Nicolas Henderson; Spanish coin display image courtesy Benjamín Núñez Gonzáles. 70/70

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