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Jann Apollo Nisperos August 16,2023

1 FSM 1


(Pattern and Sequence)
Guide Question:
1. Where, When and how to use mathematics?

We use mathematics according to William John Lavin Sullivan is math can be related to
music not just only for that, but also in Sport Activities and from the Arts. It informs us by
the nature to see and it surrounds us. Mathematics can be the center of history and its
culture and with that it was an evident made in ancient arts, Egyptian architecture and
music. I can say that mathematics uses many different techniques on how to solve
things around us and helps us to determine on how object works and to think critically,
to analyze the pattern and the shapes of an objects. Math in everyday life helps the
students to learn on how to make an analytical decision based on the logic or sense.

Mathematics is a science of structure, order, and in relation to that it evolves from

elemental practices of measuring, counting, and I can say that you can describe the
pattern of the shapes as well. In that sense, Mathematics plays an important role in the
modern culture by the means of observing things around the environment and by the
means of observing things around the environment and somehow it enables us the
vision on how the objects work and are being formed. Furthermore, there are some of
the characteristics of mathematics in which it includes the following the Logical
sequence, the structure, precision and accuracy, abstractness, mathematical language
and symbolism, applicability, generalization and classification. From the video is the
patterns that can be seen around the nature like the Fibonacci sequence, golden ratio,
tessellation, and symmetry.

In conclusion that mathematics can be used in everyday life just like from the
engineering, Architecture, up until to the medicine and finance. It helps us to understand
the world around the environment and to make decisions so it can make your life easier
based on your observation and from the critical thinking. It deals with the nature of
mathematics appreciation of practical, intellectual and beautiful dimensions that can be
observed. Hence, for the lesson from learning in where, when and how to use
mathematics provides a bigger opportunity to see on how the student can think critically
and by analyzing the patterns of objects in nature.

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