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Grammar to go!

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Unit 3 Present perfect continuous

Oxford Living Grammar explains how grammar works and when to use it. The
exercises use real-life situations to practise grammar in context. This lesson
consolidates your students’ knowledge of the present perfect continuous in the
context of a visit to the doctor’s.

Lesson length: 45 mins

Aim: 1. to review the use of the present perfect continuous for recent continuous actions that explain how
we look or feel
2. to review the use of the present perfect continuous for actions happening over a period of time up
to now, with for and since
3. to extend vocabulary for explaining how we feel at the doctor’s

n Prepare a copy of the illustration for exercise E on the activity worksheet as a flashcard.
n Prepare a selection of adjectives in pictures or words on small pieces of paper; fold these and put
them into a hat, a box or similar container.
n Prepare a copy of the illustration from Grammar in action 5 from the downloadable unit as a
n You will need a copy of the following for each student/pair of students:
FAN Yes, I always bring it with me. I’ve got more than 200 autographs.

Activity worksheet: How long have you? JOURNALIST Whose autograph are you hoping to get today?
FAN Scarlett Johansson’s. I 6
(try) to get it for years but I still
haven’t managed it.

Activity worksheet: Oxford Word Skills Unit 22 - I canE talk

about illness
Use the verbs in the present perfect continuous to complete the dialogue.

Grammar Review (recent continuous actions) build do feed look play

JACK AND EVE Hello, Mummy. We’re home.


MOTHER Thank goodness. I have been looking 0

for you everywhere.
n Show the class the flashcard of the children playing in the mud from exercise E.
We 2
in the park.
MOTHER But you’re all dirty.

Ask students:
JACK Yes, I 3
houses with the mud from the pond.
n EVE And I 4
the ducks.
about where you were. Well, you can

How do the children look?

both go and have a good wash!

F More party preparations

What do you think has been happening? What have the children been doing? Fiona is in charge of a big party but she arrives late, in the middle of the preparations.
Complete the dialogue by putting the verbs into the present perfect simple or the
present perfect continuous.
n Don’t worry if students don’t use the present perfect continuous correctly in their replies. Write some
FIONA Hello, everybody. I’m sorry I’m late. I have been trying
but so far I haven’t found 0 (not, find) one, though one
(try) to find a DJ

of the ideas as -ing forms on the board, e.g. playing in the garden, jumping in the mud, playing on a
(promise) to phone me later.
(you all, get on) with what we

KATE Well, Tim and I 3

(make) sandwiches ever since we arrived.
farm etc. So far, we
FIONA Charlie – 5
(make) about 50.
(you, manage) to set up the sound system yet?
(work) on it all morning but there are a couple of

n Choose one or two of the ideas and say present perfect continuous sentences aloud: technical problems that I (not, solve) yet.

FIONA You look very hot, Mike. I suppose that’s because you 8

(move) the chairs and tables.

They’ve been playing in the garden. MIKE That’s right. But I’ve almost finished, and my sister
all of them so they are ready for use.


Ask students again: What do you think has been happening? What have the children been
FIONA Oh, that’s my mobile. Hello … Yes, I (expect) your call …

You can? Oh, that’s great! … See you about 9 o’ clock then. Bye!
FIONA Great news, everybody. That guy I mentioned 11
(agree) to

doing? and elicit responses using full sentences with the present perfect continuous. Check
be our DJ.

you have a negative statement, too, e.g. they haven’t been reading in the library.
OVER TO YOU Now go to page 122.

n Take your prepared container of adjectives and ask the students to each take one. Tell students to Verbs and tenses | 13

imagine they feel like the adjective on their piece of paper. Take one yourself, and make a statement
to explain why you feel that way. e.g. Very tired > I’m tired because I’ve been working in the garden.
LivGram Intermediate 5P.indb 13 3/2/09 13:04:08

n Choose students to make a statement according to their own paper. Ask ‘What have you been
doing?’ to elicit their response.
n Write the question and a few complete phrases on the board.

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03 Present perfect
Present perfect continuous
Grammar to go!6 We form the present perfect continuous with have/
Lesson Link
has been + -ing form:
6 We also use the present perfect continuous
about an action we started in the past that fin
I’ve been watching you. very short time ago:
They haven’t been playing long. I’ve been waiting for you to call.
Has he been travelling all day?
n Ask the class if the actions are still going on at the moment of speaking. [No] 7 We can use the present perfect continuous f
7 We use the present perfect continuous to talk about series of repeated actions, for example when
Ask if the actions finished recently orstarted
actions that a longintime ago.
the past and[Recently]
continue into the do something again and again:
present: We’ve been trying to contact you all day to t
Ask if the sentence describes The
one single
earth action,
has been or awarmer.
getting continuous action. [Continuous]
that you’ve won a prize.
n Highlight the form of the8 present perfect
We use the continuous.
present Clarify when
perfect continuous that here
the we are
8 We using it topresent
use the describe an continuous
perfect to ta
action that explains how the children
emphasis look
is on and feel
the action beingnow.
done. (To talk about about an action happening over a period of t
the result of the action, use the present perfect – for now. We can use how long with for or since:
more been
information, -ing form
see p.+10.) Sally’s been cooking all afternoon. She’s bee
Why is the kitchen in a mess? ~ Because Alan’s been preparing for the party since lunchtime. (We
1. REVIEW ACTIVITY making a cake. thinking of Sally doing the cooking.)
Emma’s tired. She’s been tidying her room all We use the present perfect continuous to ta
n Split the students into groupsmorning.
of three(The
is notthem
necessarily finished.) exercise
to complete recent repeated actions or for a repeated acti
E ‘Children’.
is different from usual. We use time phrases s
n Choose one group to read the completed
Grammar dialogue aloud and check the
in action answers as lately,
recently, a class.
this week.
My son’s been staying up late a lot recently –
5 We rather worried.
GRAMMAR REVIEW (actions happening over
use the present a period
perfect of totime
continuous talk up to now with for and since)
about an action we started in the past, and are still
n Show the class the flashcard of the 9 We often use the present perfect continuou
doing now:man in the office from Grammar in action 5, or draw a similar
when a recent action explains why we look o
picture on the board. I’ve been working all day and I still haven’t finished.
feel a certain way:
Jane’s tired because she’s been
painting her room. (The action of
painting explains why she
is tired.)

n Ask students to spot the five differences between the two pictures in pairs. [The time, the sky through the
D Waiting
window, the man’s appearance (clothes and facial for his
expression), thedesk,
starshis waste-paper bin]
A journalist visits a film festival and talks to the fans waiting to see the film st
n Say aloud: He’s been working all day and he still hasn’t finished.
JOURNALIST Good morning. How long have you been waiting 0
He’s been working since 8 a.m.
see your favourite stars?
n Ask students if the man is still working now. [Yes]FAN Well, we arrived at about 6 a.m. and it’s 10 a.m. now, so we
Ask how long he has been working. [Since 8 a.m.]
(wait) for about four hours.
(you, stand) here all that time?
n Clarify that here the present perfect continuous isFAN
No,an action
a friend andthat started
I take in the
it in turns pastofand
because is
the rain.
still continuing now. JOURNALIST Yes, it’s pretty wet. 3
(it, rain) long?
FAN No, only since about 9 o’ clock.
2. REVIEW ACTIVITY JOURNALIST And how about you? Are you a great film festival fan?
FAN Oh, yes. I 4
(come) to this one for six years now.
n Ask students to complete exercise D in pairs. Choose one pair
Six years? the
That’s as completed
long as I dialogue aloud 5 articles for
and check the answers as a class. newspaper. I see you’ve got an autograph book.

n Ask students to find all the phrases with for or since in the dialogue. Revise the use of for and since
by eliciting that for is used
12 when
| Verbswe
and give
tenses the length of the time (for four hours) and since is used
when we give the beginning of the time (since 9 o’clock).
n Ask the class if the verbs in the present perfect continuous in the exercise are action verbs or non-
action verbs. [Action verbs] 5P.indb 12
LivGram Intermediate

n Ask if the verbs describe one single action, or continuous actions. [Continuous]
Ask if the verbs describe a completed action, or one that is still happening now. [Still happening now]
n Write on the board:
Sally looks tired. ~ She’s been baking cakes for the party.
How long has Sally been baking? ~ She’s been baking since lunchtime.
How many cakes has Sally baked? ~ She’s baked four cakes!

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Grammar to go! Lesson Link

n Ask students which sentences focus on the action being done, and which focus on the result.
Clarify that we use the present perfect continuous to focus on the action and that we often use it to
answer a question with How long ...?
n Clarify that we use the present perfect simple with non-action verbs.

n Give each student a copy of Activity worksheet How long have you ...? Ask students to form the
questions in pairs, deciding whether to use the present perfect simple (for non-action verbs) or the
present perfect continuous.
n Check the answers together as a class. Students then ask and answer the questions in pairs, taking it
in turns to ask each other a question. When the second student answers they then return the
question, asking What about you? Feed back as a class to find out which student has been doing
each activity the longest.
n This review activity could also be set up as a class mingle. Each student asks another member of the
class one question, then moves on to ask the next question to someone different. When students
have asked all their questions, get class feedback and find out which student has been doing each
activity the longest.

4. CONTEXTUALIZED ACTIVITY (from ‘review’ to ‘free use’)

n Speaking to the class: “Think about when you don’t feel well and you go to the doctor’s.”
n Aim to elicit orally a few reasons for going to see the doctor. Divide the class into pairs and hand out
Oxford Wordskills worksheet.

Task Instructions:
A. Ask each pair to look at the common problems. Point out that another way of saying ‘I’ve got a
headache’ is ‘My head hurts’ (and for the other -ache problems).
B. Look at the ‘At the doctor’s’ dialogue together. Ask two students to read it aloud. In pairs, students
invent a short dialogue at the doctor’s replacing the phrases in italics with the present perfect
continuous for recent continuous actions and to say how long, and with the expressions from Oxford
Word Skills. Check that students use the present perfect simple for non-action verbs (have a cough/
temperature etc)
C. Ask several pairs to read their dialogues for the class.

Ask students to write two dialogues at the doctor’s for homework.
Ask students to try the OVER TO YOU practice section.

Did your students remember the topic: form and uses of the present perfect continuous?
(if not, revisit the presentation section of Oxford Living Grammar Intermediate Unit 3)
Do your students need more practise?: Try exercises F for more practice.
Have you got the right books to develop and extend vocabulary?: use units from Oxford Word Skills
for ‘I can…’ confidence.

© Oxford University Press 2010 Photocopiable page 3

en watching you. very short time ago:
aven’t been playing long. I’ve been waiting for you to call.
e been travelling all day?
7 We can use the present perfect continuous for a
he present perfect continuous to talk about series of repeated actions, for example when we try to
hat started in the past and continue into the do something again and again: to go! Lesson Link
We’ve been trying to contact you all day to tell you
rth has been getting warmer. that you’ve won a prize.

he present perfect continuousYes,

FAN whenI always
Activity worksheet: Present perfect continuous
the bring it8 with We me. the present
use I’ve got moreperfect
than 200 continuous
autographs. to talk or ask
is on the action being done. (To talk about about
JOURNALIST Whose autograph are you hoping to get today?an action happening over a period of time up to
of the action, useFANthe present Scarlett
perfect Johansson’s.
– for I now. We can use how6 long with for or since:
(try) to get it for years but I still
ormation, see p. 10.) haven’t managed it. Sally’s been cooking all afternoon. She’s been
the kitchen in a mess? ~ Because Alan’s been preparing for the party since lunchtime. (We are
ng a cake. thinking of Sally doing the cooking.)
FAN Yes, I always bring it with me. I’ve got more than 200 autographs.
’s tired. She’sEbeenChildren
tidying her room all JOURNALIST WhoseWe use the present perfect continuous to talk about
E Children autograph are you hoping to get today?
recent repeated actions or6for
ng. (The job is not necessarily finished.) FAN Scarlett Johansson’s. I (try)atorepeated action
get it for years that
but I still
Use the verbs in the present perfect haven’t continuous
different it. from tousual.
We use thetimedialogue.
phrases such as
recently, lately, this week.
in action build do Efeed look play worry My son’s been staying up late a lot recently – I’m
he present perfect continuous rather worried.
JACK AND EVE to talk Mummy.
Hello, We’re
Use the verbs in thehome.
present perfect continuous to complete the dialogue.
action we startedMOTHER
in the past, and are still
Thank build do9
goodness. I have been looking 0
for you everywhere.
We often
feed look use
play the
worry present perfect continuous
w: What JACK AND EVE Hello,when 1
a recent
Mummy. We’re home. action explains why we look or
en working all day and I still haven’t finished.
EVE We MOTHER Thank feel2
a certain
in theI park.
goodness. haveway:been looking 0 for you everywhere.
MOTHER But you’re all dirty. What Jane’s tired because1
(you)? she’s been
EVE We 2
in the park.
Yes, I MOTHER painting her room.the(The
mudaction of pond.
But you’re allhouses with from the
JACK dirty.
4 explains why she
the ducks.houses with the mud from the pond.

EVE And I is5tired.) 4

the ducks.
MOTHER And I about where you were. Well, you can
about where you were. Well, you can
both go and haveboth a goodgo andwash!
have a good wash!

F More party preparations

FDD More party
Waiting for preparations
for the
the stars
stars Fiona is in charge of a big party but she arrives late, in the middle of the preparations.
Fiona is in charge Complete the dialogue by putting the verbs intothethemiddle
present perfect simple or the
A journalist visits of a big
a film party
present perfectand
but she talksarrives
continuous. to thelate, fansin waiting to seeofthe thefilmpreparations.
Complete the dialogue by putting the verbs into the present perfect simple or the
present Good
perfect morning.
FIONA Hello,
continuous. How long have
everybody. I’m sorryyou I’m late.been
I have waiting
been trying (you, wait) to
00 (try) to find a DJ
but so far I haven’t found 0 (not, find) one, though one 1
see your favourite stars?
(promise) to phone me later. 2
(you all, get on) with what we
Hello, everybody. I’m have been trying
atsorry I’m6late.a.m.I and it’s 10 a.m. now, so we (try) to find a DJ 1
FAN Well, we arrived decided? about
but so far I KATE found
Well, Tim(wait)
and I for about find)four one, though one ever since we arrived.
1 3
(make) sandwiches
(promise) to phoneSome far, welater.2 4
(make) about2
50. all, get on) with what we
JOURNALIST And (you, stand) here all that time?
decided? FIONA Charlie – (you, manage) to set up the sound system yet?

FAN No, a friend and

Well, I it in turns because
(work) on ofit the
all rain.
morning but there are a couple of
KATE Well, Tim and I technical problems that(make)
I sandwiches (not,ever since we arrived.
(it, rain) long?solve) yet.
JOURNALIST Yes, it’s pretty wet. 3
So far, we FIONA You look very hot, 4
(make) aboutthat’s
Mike. I suppose 50. because you 8

FAN No, only since about (move) the 9 o’ 5clock.

chairs and tables.
FIONA Charlie – (you, manage) to set up the sound system yet?
JOURNALIST And how aboutThat’syou? right.AreButyouI’ve almost
a great finished,
film and my sister
festival fan? (wipe)
CHARLIE Well, I all of them so
they areon it all
ready for morning
use. but there are a couple of
FAN Oh, yes.
technical I
problems that
(come) to this 7
for six
yet.years now.
JOURNALIST Six years? That’s
FIONA You look very hot, Mike.
Oh,as long
that’s myas I
mobile. Hello … Yes, I
I suppose that’s because you
(write) articles
for my
(expect) your call8 …
You can? Oh, that’s great! … See you about 9 o’ clock then. Bye!
newspaper. I see
(move) the chairs and tables. you’ve got an autograph book.
FIONA Great news, everybody. That guy I mentioned (agree) to

FAN That’sYes,right. But I’ve
I always bealmost
bring ouritDJ. finished,
with me. I’veand
gotmy sister
more than 200 autographs. 9 (wipe)
all ofWhose
JOURNALIST them so they are ready
autograph are you forhoping
use. to get today?
and tenses ( , OVER
) TO YOU Now go to page 122. 6 (try) to get it for years but I still
FAN RING Scarlett Johansson’s. I
FIONA Oh, that’s
haven’t mymanaged
mobile. Hello
it. … Yes, I 10
(expect) your call …
You can? Oh, that’s great! … See you about 9 o’ clock then. Bye!
FIONA Great news, everybody. That guy I mentioned 11
(agree) to
E Children
be our DJ.
3/2/09 13:04:08
Verbs and tenses | 13

Use the verbs in the present perfect continuous to complete the dialogue.
build feed go to page
play 122.
LivGram Intermediate 5P.indb 13
look worry
3/2/09 13:04:08

JACK AND EVE Hello, Mummy. We’re home.

MOTHER Thank goodness. I have been looking for you everywhere. 0

What 1
EVE We 2
in the park. Verbs and tenses | 13
© Oxford But2010
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MOTHER you’re Photocopiable
all dirty. page 4
JACK Yes, I 3
houses with the mud from the pond.
EVE And I 4
the ducks.
Grammar to go! Lesson Link

Activity worksheet: How long have you . . . ?

1 Do you wear glasses or contact lenses? How long / wear them?


2 Do you play any sport? How long / play it?


3 Do you have a best friend? How long / know them?


4 What book are you reading at the moment? How long / read it?

5 Do you have a favourite restaurant? How long / go there?


6 Are you studying another language? How long / study it?


7 Do you have a mobile phone? How long / have it?


8 Are you a member of a club or gym? How long / be a member there?


Over to you: Present perfect continuous

Write down three things you have been doing, and how long you have been doing them using for and
since and the present perfect continuous.

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Grammar to go! Lesson Link

22 I can talk about illness Do

Do Unit
Unit 12
12 first

A Common problems
What’s the
the matter?
matter? I’ve
I’ve got…
II don’t
don’t feel
feel well.

aa headache
headache toothache
toothache stomach-ache
stomach-ache aa cold
cold aa cough
cough aa sore
sore throat

fluu aa temperature
temperature aa pain
pain in
in my
my leg
leg backache
backache II feel
feel sick
also my
also my leg
leg hurts

11 Circle
Circle the
the correct
correct answer.
spotlight be
be ill/sick
0 I’m/I’ve
I’m/I’ve got
got aa temperature.
temperature. 77 He’s
He’s got
got flu/a
flu/a flu?
11 My back pain/hurts. 88 Is/Has IIll
ll means
means ‘not
‘not well’.
My back pain/hurts. Is/Has she got aa temperature?
she got temperature?
Rafa’s not
not here
here today; he’s ill.
today; he’s ill.
22 II feel/’ve
feel/’ve got
got aa cold.
cold. 99 II hurt/’ve
hurt/’ve got a pain in
got a pain in my
my eye.
eye. Be
Be sick
sick usually
usually means
means to to
33 He
He doesn’t
doesn’t feel/be
feel/be well.
well. 10
10 Is/Has
Is/Has she
she got
got aa temperature?
temperature? bring
bring up
up food
food from
from your
44 II feel/’ve got toothache. 11 She is/’s got a sore throat. stomach
stomach (also
(also vomit).
feel/’ve got toothache. 11 She is/’s got a sore throat.
55 Do
If you feel
If you feel sick,
sick, you
you think
Do you
you feel/be
feel/be sick?
sick? 12
12 II don’t
don’t feel/haven’t
feel/haven’t got
got aa cough.
cough. you
you are
are going
going toto be
be sick.
66 My knee feels/hurts.
My knee feels/hurts.

22 Complete
Complete the
the sentences.
At the doctor’s
I had to stand up for ten hours; now I’ve got XWYaWY^[
0 I had to stand up for ten hours; now I’ve got
0 XWYaWY^[ ..
Doctor: You look tired!
11 She
She has
has always
always smoked
smoked aa lot,
lot, and
and now
now she’s
she’s got
got aa bad 
bad  ..
22 He’s got
He’s got aa 
 I’ve been running– to getit’s
on time. I’ve come to see you because my head hurts.
– look, it’s 39 degrees.
33 II walked How long has your head
walked 20 kilometres today, and my
20 kilometres today, and been

feet ..
44 What’s
What’s the
 hurting since??yesterday
It’s been
the You
You look
look terrible.
terrible. ~
~ II don’t feel 
don’t feel  ..
55 II ate
ate too
too much
much at
at lunch
lunch and
and now
now I’ve got 
I’ve got  ..
66 My
My little
little boy
boy had
had four
four ice
ice creams
creams and
and now
now he feels 
he feels  ..
77 I’ve
I’ve got
got aa temperature
temperature andand aa terrible
terrible headache.
headache. II think
think I’ve
I’ve got
8 I can’t eat anything; I’ve got a sore 
© Oxford8 University
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33 Test
Test yourself.
yourself. Cover
Cover the
the words
words and
and look
look at
at the
the pictures.
pictures. Say
Say the
the words.

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