Grade 9 EMS Classic Ed Guide A4

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EMS Classic Grade 9

Educator’s Guide
Lisa Akerman | Séan Topper | Yvette Russell | Cathlyn Dracatos


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Economic and Management

Sciences – Grade 9 Classic
Educator’s Guide

CAPS Aligned

Lisa Akerman

Séan Topper

Yvette Russell

Cathlyn Dracatos
PTY LTD EMS Classic Grade 9 Educator’s Guide

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PTY LTD EMS Classic Grade 9 Educator’s Guide Table of Contents

Chapter 1 The Economy 1

Chapter 2 Financial Literacy 9

Chapter 3 Entreperneurship 40

Notes on using the Educators Guide:

○○ Time does not allow for a group of learners to do every exercise in the books. In many cases, there are
several class discussion or research options throughout the chapter. The Educator must decide which
are the most appropriate ones for that specific group of learners.

○○ Some exercises using Rubrics or other Marking Guidelines do not require further Memoranda.

○○ Some exercises are self-reflection, or group/class discussions and cannot be given specific
Memoranda, especially when they are based on newspaper articles, website information or current

○○ Other exercises and case studies have Memoranda in keyword format, not full sentences such as the
learners are required to use. These are merely guidelines for the Educator who should keep in mind
that answers could cover a broader spectrum than given here.

○○ Learners should be encouraged to give their own opinion, motivations etc. In many cases the
process is more important than the actual answer i.e. assess thinking process rather than simply factual


This Educator’s Guide provides answers for Exercises in the EMS Classic Textbook, Grade 9.

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PTY LTD EMS Classic Grade 9 Educator’s Guide Chapter 1

Chapter 1: THE ECONOMY

Unit 1: Economic Systems

Task 1:

Example only

Communism/Command • Full Government Control

Capitalism/Market • Less Government Control

Task 2:

Identify the economic system of the countries below, namely Capitalist, socialism or communist.

Country Predominate Economic System


1. Another name for capitalism is market system

2. In a free market system businesses try to maximize their profits

3. If prices are determined by demand and supply, it is a capitalist system.

4. South Africa has a mixed economy.

5. Under a system of communism/planned all businesses are owned by the government.

6. The businesses that the government owns in South Africa form part of the public sector.

7. Businesses owned by private entrepreneurs operate in the private sector.

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PTY LTD EMS Classic Grade 9 Educator’s Guide Chapter 1

8. Any other relevant and suitable examples.

Service: Reason not performed by Private Sector
Defence/Police It is not a profit making organization.
Legally all children have to go to school until they reach Grade 9 or the age of
Education 15. This is a law which Government has laid down so they must supply the
necessary facilities for citizens to be able to uphold this law.
According to our new Constitution, we all have rights and one of them is the right
Public Health Care
to health care.
The Government is responsible for providing these services so that the private
enterprise can use them in order to make money.
Conservation Looking after our natural resources for all citizens to enjoy.

Task 3:

1. Students will use own words but essentially answer needs to encapsulate that A1 involves
artificial (not produced by a human brain/computer generated information) decision making
based on data received.

2. The contribution of AI will be substantial – a 14% projected growth in GDP as a result of the
use of AI by 2030 (which is only 12 years away!)

3. Yes – Human intelligence will be required to determine the strategic and ethical application of
AI and be responsible for “providing challenge and oversight to (AI) decisions”.

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PTY LTD EMS Classic Grade 9 Educator’s Guide Chapter 1

Unit 2: The Circular Flow

Task 4:

Household – Two households, Thando and his workers.

Households own all factors of production. Thando acts as an entrepreneur and supplies jobs to
his workers. However, without the workers selling their labour, Thando will not be able to run his
business (farm).

Business – Thando and business he trades with. Businesses employ factors of production.

Businesses buy factors of production from households. In return for using the factors of production,
the business will remunerate the factors of production. Goods will then be sold to satisfy the needs
of the target market. Businesses are profit driven and must pay tax to the government on all profit

Foreign sector – Importing and exporting.

Thando exports some of his produce. This brings money into South Africa and help to stabilize the
exchange rate.

Government – Taxes, RDP

Government is responsible to provide services to the citizens of the country. These services include
police, justice, education, health etc. In order to provide these services Government needs money.
All households must pay tax on income. Businesses are taxed on profits made. The South African
Government has a special task to develop previously disadvantage communities. This is called the
RDP – Reconstruction and Development Program.

Interdependence: (How all the sectors are interlinked?)

The Business (Thando) employs labour from other households in exchange for wages and salaries.
The business uses the money that it generates to purchase other capital goods to increase the
business capacity. The Business exports goods overseas and thus receives money in return. This
money is then invested back into the business or invested in financial institutions. Government
claims a portion of the profits for tax and also provides the basic infrastructure in which the business
can operate.

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PTY LTD EMS Classic Grade 9 Educator’s Guide Chapter 1

Task 5:

Capital - Money invested into the production of the textbook. This could also take the form of fixed
assets such as printers, computers.

Entrepreneurship - The authors of this EMS textbook who planned the writing and printing of the
books and then also the marketing and selling of it.

Land - Trees which were used to produce paper which in turn was manufactured into a book.

Labour - Foresters, paper mills, textbook writers

Task 6:

Each learner’s answer will be different, and Educators must check that the correct exchange rate is
used. Below is an example given.

1. Price x Units per ZAR (in particular currency)

Name of product: Rand Value Exchange rate Imported Currency Value

Nike shoes R1 400.00 R1 = $0.13 $103.87

2. South African’s would pay less for items imported from America.

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PTY LTD EMS Classic Grade 9 Educator’s Guide Chapter 1

Unit 3: Price Theory

Quantity demanded
Price per ice cream Total spent
R10 500 R5 000
R8 750 R6 000
R6 1 000 R6 000
R4 2 000 R8 000
R2 2 200 R4 400

Demand Graph

Price - Rand

500 750 1000 2000 2 200

Supply table, the supply curve and the law of supply:

Price per unit of ice cream Quantity offered/supplied

R3 100
R4 200
R5 300
R6 400
R7 500

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PTY LTD EMS Classic Grade 9 Educator’s Guide Chapter 1

Price per ice cream Quantity demanded Quantity supplied Equilibrium?

R10 100 500 Supply 400 > demand
R8 200 400 Supply 200 > demand
R6 300 300 Equilibrium
R4 400 200 Demand 200 > supply
R2 500 100 Demand 400 > supply

Equilibrium price:

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PTY LTD EMS Classic Grade 9 Educator’s Guide Chapter 1

Task 7:

1. The place where goods and services are bought and sold is called the MARKET. (1)

2. Prices of goods and services are determined by SUPPLY and DEMAND. (2)

3. The higher the demand for a product, the HIGHER the price will be, if the supply stays
constant (1)

4. If there are a large number of suppliers selling the same product, there will be competition
between them to sell to the same target market. It can therefore be said that an excess supply
will lead to LOWER prices. (1)

5. The exchange value of an article is the same as the SELLING PRICE of the article. (1)

6. One of the advantages of competition is that businesses will try to sell the best QUALITY
product at the LOWEST price to attract more customers. (2)

Task 8:


Source: [Downloaded 8 October 20xx]

2. The equilibrium point has shifted to the right. This means that the price that the customers are
prepared to pay for the product has increased and the quantity has increased too. In other
words, more goods can be supplied.


html [Downloaded 8 October 20xx]

4. The equilibrium point has shifted to the left. The price has increased but the quantity supplied
has decreased. So the product becomes more expensive.

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PTY LTD EMS Classic Grade 9 Educator’s Guide Chapter 1

Unit 4: Trade Unions

Task 9:

NUMSA agrees to wage deal in steel and engineering industry:

1. A wage agreement is usually the result of Collective Bargaining which is a process of

negotiation between employers and a group of employees. It is an agreement that regulates
and stipulates working salaries, working conditions, benefits, rights for workers who are in full-
time employment.

2. a) Solidarity and NUMSA

b) Steel and Engineering Industries Federation of South Africa

3. The National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (Numsa) is the largest trade union in
South Africa and the biggest union of metalworkers on the continent.
[Downloaded: 25 January 2018]
NOTE: COSATA is a Congress of Unions, and the above information may change. Educators need
to check at the time of doing the exercise.

4. Mouthpiece for worker’s rights

◦◦ Collective bargaining for its members

◦◦ Improve working conditions of employment

◦◦ Negotiate on behalf of employees

◦◦ Offer legal advice

◦◦ Represent employees in disciplinary hearing

◦◦ Any other relevant

5. Students’ articles’ will dictate answers. Ensure that they address the three issues specifically.

Task 10:

List three careers that you are personally interested in, and the Trade Unions that represent them:

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PTY LTD EMS Classic Grade 9 Educator’s Guide Chapter 2


Unit 1: Revision

Task 11:

Discount in Rand Amount Paid

1 780 4 420
2 11 445,25 80 116,75
3 3,15 41,85
4 309 927
5 146,88 5 728,12
6 199,13 357,60
7 5 128 5 128
8 1656,90 3 866,10
9 181,80 828,20
10 340 8 160

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PTY LTD EMS Classic Grade 9 Educator’s Guide Chapter 2

Task 12.1:


Number Amount Reason Amount Reason Amount Reason
1 +800 000 Bank increases +800 000
Land & Buildings
2 +850 000
-850 000 Bank increases
Current inc
3 +6 000 Bank increases +6 000
Water &
4 -1 500 Bank decreases -1 500
Elec (exp)
5 -2 000 Bank decreases -2 000
stores (exp)
6 -13 000 Bank decreases -13 000
7 +6 450
-6 450 Bank decreases
8 +9 000
-9 000 Bank decreases
9 -4 000 Bank decreases -4 000
Current inc
10 +25 985 Bank increases +25 985
11 -11 700 Bank decreases
+11 700

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PTY LTD EMS Classic Grade 9 Educator’s Guide Chapter 2

Task 12.2:

No. Journal Source Document Account Debit Account Credit

1 CRJ Duplicate Receipt Bank Capital
2 CPJ Cheque Counterfoil Land and Buildings Bank
3 CRJ Cash Register Roll Bank Current Income
4 CPJ Cheque Counterfoil Electricity Bank
5 CPJ Cheque Counterfoil Consumable Stores Bank
6 CPJ Cheque Counterfoil Wages Bank
7 CPJ Cheque Counterfoil Equipment Bank
8 CPJ Cheque Counterfoil Equipment Bank
9 CPJ Cheque Counterfoil Advertising Bank
10 CRJ Cash Register Roll Bank Current Income
11 CPJ Cheque Counterfoil Equipment Bank

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PTY LTD EMS Classic Grade 9 Educator’s Guide Chapter 2

Task 13:

Cash Receipts Journal of Invisible Cleaners for January 20xx CRJ1

Analysis of Current Sundry

 Doc D Details Fol  Bank Fol Details
Receipts Income Amount
R01 1 Mr Muscle 205 000 - 205 000 205 000 - Capital
crr 3 400 - 400 400 -
b/s 7 Books Galore 4 200 4 200 - Rent Income

R02 11 Mr Muscle 70 000 - 70 000 70 000 - Capital

crr 1 790 - 1 790 1 790 -
18 Rendered
crr 5 759 - 5 759 5 759 -
30 Rendered
287 149 7 949 - 279 200 -

Task 14:

Cash Receipts Journal of DJ’s for ALL for January 20xx CRJ1

Analysis of Current Sundry

 Doc D Details Fol  Bank Fol Details
Receipts Income Amount
R01 1 Mr Kay 500 000 - 500 000 - 500 000 - Capital
crr 3 4 000 - 4 000 - 4 000 -
bs 6 ABSA Bank 250 - 250 -
R02 15 Mr Kay 50 000 - 50 000 - 50 000 - Capital
crr 21 525 - 21 525 - 21 525 -
19 Rendered
crr 5 600 - 5 600 - 5 600 -
20 Rendered
R03 29 Mr Kay 50 000 - 50 000 - 50 000 - Capital

631 375 - 31 125 - 600 250 -

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Task 15:

Cash Receipts Journal of Zippy’s Waste Removal for October 20xx CRJ1

Analysis of Current Sundry

 Doc D Details Fol  Bank Fol Details
Receipts Income Amount
R01 1 Zola Seven 300 000 - 300 000 - Capital
crr 900 - 300 900 - 900 -
crr 4 880 - 880 - 880 -
crr 9 1 430 - 1 430 - 1 430 -
R02 Mr Homeless 5 000 - 5 000 - Rent Income
R03 Zola Seven 50 000 - 55 000 - 50 000 - Capital
crr 23 750 - 750 - 750 -
b/s FNB 30 - 30 - 30 -
28 Income
358 990 - 3 960 - 355 030 -

Task 16:

Cash Payment Journal of Reds Hairdresser for January 20xx CPJ1

Doc Day Name of Payee Fol Bank Wages Stationery Fol Details
Q Doring
3 5 550 - 5 550 -
541 Distributors
542 Cash 14 000 - 14 000 -
5 Management 8 990 - 8 990 -
543 Expense
Teddy Suppliers 4 645 - 4 645 - Stationery
545 9 Cash 7 220 - 7 220 -

546 15 I Ivans 9 300 - 9 300 - Equipment

R Ramsy 6 900 - 6 900 -
547 Inventory
Metro Cash and
21 1 200 - 1 200 -
548 Carry
549 Cash 4 625 - 4 625 -

550 30 Trip Repairs 4 880 - 4 880 - Repairs

551 Cash 10 300 - 10 300 -

77 610 - 36 145 - 6 750 - 34 715 -

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Task 17:

Cash Payment Journal of Eric’s Plumbers for June 20xx CPJ1

Material Sundry
Doc Day Name of Payee Fol Bank Equipment Fol Details
Cost Amount
Q Water and
1 Municipality 892 - 892 -
222 Electricity
223 Fran’s Properties 5 600 - 5 600 -
224 Comp-Limited 10 000 - 10 000 -

225 5 Wobker Plumbers 2 563 - 2563 -

226 Sam’s Suppliers 785 - 785 - Stationery

227 8 Cash 4 156 - 4 156 - Wages

228 10 James’ Stores 4 887 - 4 887 -

229 15 ROPCC 1 580 - 1580 -

230 Hart’s Wholesalers 6 990 - 6 990 -

231 Cash 7 500 - 7 500 - Wages

232 26 Beta Stores 2 560 - 2 560 -

233 Telkom 4 100 - 4 100 - Telephone

234 29 Car CC 1 600 - 1 600 - Repairs

235 30 Sam’s Suppliers 450 - 450 - Stationery

53 663 - 4 143 - 2 4437 - 25 083 -

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PTY LTD EMS Classic Grade 9 Educator’s Guide Chapter 2

Task 18:

Cash Receipt Journal of Topies Tailors for October 20xx CRJ1

Analysis of Current Sundry

 Doc D Details Fol  Bank Fol Details
Receipts Income Amount
R 01 1 Mrs Topies 200 000 00 200 000 - 200 000 - Capital
crr 4 12 000 00 12 000 - 12 000 -
crr 6 4 500 00 4 500 -
R 02 Hilda Cronje 2 220 00 6 720 - 2 220 - Rent income

R 03 Mrs Topies 205 000 00 205 000 - 205 000 - Capital

crr 6 890 00 6 890 - 6 890 -
24 rendered
430 610 - 23 390 - 407 220 -

Cash Payment Journal of Topies Tailors for October 20xx CPJ 1

Doc Day Name of Payee Fol Bank Stationery Wages Fol Details
Q01 1 Colombo Estates 5 550 - 5 550 - Rent expense

02 4 Cash 3 170 - 3 170 -

03 6 Montana- Traders 55 - 55 -

04 10 Fielas Insureres 6 640 - 6 640 - Insurance

05 11 Sommer Lekker 980 - 980 -
06 Cash 5 900 - 5 900 -

07 15 Donkie Traders 2 850 - 2 850 -

08 Rhodes Furniture 11 000 - 11 000 - Equipment

09 23 Steve’s Motors 122 000 - 122 000 - Vehicles

Montana -
10 25 145 - 145 -
11 30 Computer CC 4 000 - 4 000 - Equipment

162 290 - 3 050 - 9 070 - 150 170 -

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PTY LTD EMS Classic Grade 9 Educator’s Guide Chapter 2

Task 19:

Cash Receipt Journal of Troy Hairdresser for January 20xx CRJ 1

Analysis of Current Sundry

 Doc D Details Fol  Bank Fol Details
Receipts Income Amount
R 01 3 Mrs Gabriella 395 000 395 000 Capital
Crr 6 500 401 500 6 500
Crr 13 12 985 12 985 12 985
Crr 20 4 000 4 000
R 02 Mrs Mooi 105 000 109 000 105 000 Capital
Crr 29 775 775 775
524 260 24 260 500 000

Cash Payment Journal of Troy Hairdresser for January 20xx CPJ 1

Doc Day Name of Payee Fol Bank Equipment Wages Fol Details
3 Tina’s Traders 3 450 3 450
02 Dik-Daan Estates 5 980 5 980
03 10 Rooibos-Rand 6 700 6 700
Siembamba Land and
04 13 175 000 175 000
Estates buildings
05 15 Jimmy’s 10 700 10 700
06 Bennies Dealers 1 600 1 600
07 20 Cash 1 200 1 200

08 29 Cash 555 555

09 30 Tops traders 558 558 Stationery

205 743 20 850 1 755 183 138

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PTY LTD EMS Classic Grade 9 Educator’s Guide Chapter 2

Task 20:

Cash Receipts Journal of Rambo Services - August 20xx CRJ1 

Analysisof Current Sundry
Doc D Details Fol Bank Fol Details
receipt Income Amount
R01 1 R Rambo   78 000 - 78 000 -     78 000 -  B1 Capital
CRR 10   7 125 - 7 125 - 7 125 -        
CRR 18   2 560 - 2 560 - 2 560 -        
CRR 25   3 322 - 3 322 - 3 322 -        
R02 30 R. Rambo   49 300 - 49 300 -     49 300 -  B1 Capital

R03 31 F. Frans   4 000 - 4 000 -     4 000 -  N2 Rent income

            144 307  -  13 007  -  131 300   -    

B2 N1

Cash Payments Journal of Rambo Services - August 20xx CPJ1 

Doc D Name of Payee Fol Bank Equipment Wages   Fol Detail
01 1 Fiela Frames   640 -         640 -  N4 Stationery

02   Leon’s Estates   95 000 -         95 000 -  B4 Land & Buildings

03 8 Silly Stores   3 880 - 3 880 -            

04 13 Cats Dealers   6 700 - 6 700 -            

05 15 C N A   962 -         962 -  N4 Stationery

06 19 Toyota Dealers   1 105 -         1 105 -  N5 Repairs

07   Steve’s CC   555 -         555 -  N6 Packing material

08 22 Cash   1 890 -     1 890 -        

09 25 Silly Stores   1 444 - 1 444 -            

10 26 Cash   7 350 -     7 350 -        

11 28 Durban Spa   5 830 -         5 830 -  B5 Drawings

12   CNA   88 -         88 -  N4 Stationery

13 30 Rob Robertse   7 600 -         7 600 -  N7 Salary

        133 044    12 024  -  9 240   - 111 780   -    

        B2    B3    N3           

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PTY LTD EMS Classic Grade 9 Educator’s Guide Chapter 2

General Ledger of Rambo Services

Balance Sheet Section

          Capital     B1    
              1 Bank CRJ 78 000 00
              30 Bank CRJ 49 300 00

              127 300 00


        Drawings B2    
28 Bank CPJ1 5 830 00              

          Land and Buildings B3    

1 Bank CPJ 95 000 00  

Equipment B4
31 Bank CPJ 12 024 00          

          Bank B5  
20xx 20xx
31 TotalReceipts CRJ 144 307 00   31 Total Payments CPJ 133 044 00
Aug Aug
Balance C/d 11 263 00

144 307 00 144 307 00

Sept 1 Balance B/d 11 263 00

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PTY LTD EMS Classic Grade 9 Educator’s Guide Chapter 2

Task 21:

Cash Receipts Journal of Dainfern CC for February 20xx CRJ1

Analysis Bank Current Sundry

Doc D Details Fol Fol Details
of Receipts Amount Income Amount  
R 01 1 Mrs. Randall   550 000 - 550 000 -   550 000 -  B1 Capital

CRR 10 Services rendered   1 200 - 1 200 - 1 200 -        

R 02 12 Mrs. Randall   100 000 -         100 000 -  B1 Capital

CRR   Services rendered   2 333 - 102 333 - 2 333 -        

R 03 15 Baby Blue   4 100 -         4 100 -  N2 Rent income

CRR   Services rendered   755 - 4 855 - 755 -        

CRR 22 Services rendered   4 560 - 4 560 - 4 560 -        

CRR 28 Services rendered   8 696 - 8 696 - 8 696 -        

          671 644   - 17 544    654 100  -    

B5 N1

Cash Payments Journal of Dainfern CC for February 20xx CPJ1

Doc D Name of Payee Fol Bank   Wages   Stationery     Fol Details
Dean Land and
01 1   250 000 -     250 000 - B2 
Developers Buildings
Water and
02 4 Municipality   560 -         560 - N5
03 6 Cash   1 500 - 1 500 -            
04   480 -     480 -        
05 9 Manie Motors   185 000 -         185 000 - B3 Vehicles

06 12 Cash   11 500 - 11 500 -            

07 17 Mark-Traders   6 980 -         6 980 - N6
08 22 Rina Jansen   2 500 -         2 500 - N7 Rent expense

09 28 Cash   4 230 - 4 230 -            

10   8 700 -     8 700 -        
    471 450    17 230    9 180    445 040       

B5 N3 N4

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PTY LTD EMS Classic Grade 9 Educator’s Guide Chapter 2

General Ledger of Dainfern CC

          Capital     B1    
              1 Bank CRJ1 550 000 -
              12 Bank CRJ1 100 000 -
              650 000 -
          Land and Buildings B3    
1 Bank CPJ1 250 000  -  

Vehicles B4
8 Bank CPJ1 185 000  -          

          Bank     B1    
20xx Total Receipts 20xx Total Payments
Feb 28 or Sundry CRJ1 671 644  -   Feb 28 or Sundry CPJ1 471 450 -
Accounts Accounts
    Balance C/d 200 194 -
671 644  -   671 644 -
Mar 1 Balance B/d 200 194  -  
Current Income N1
28 Bank CRJ1 17 544 -

          Rent Income N2  
              15 Bank CRJ1 4 100 -

          Wages N3  
28 Bank CPJ1 17 230 -

          Stationery N4  
28 Bank CPJ1 9 180 -

          Water and Electricity N5  

3 Bank CPJ1 560 -

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          Packing Material N6  
18 Bank CPJ1 6 980 -

          Rent Expense N7  
21 Bank CPJ1 2 500 -

Unit 2: Cash Transactions of a trading business - Sole Trader

Task 22:

Cost price Mark-Up Selling price

1) R 100 R50 R150
2) R 880 10% R968
3) R4 200 25% R5 250
4) R999 5% R1 048.95
5) R909.09 10% R1 000
6) R2 000 30% R2 600
7) R4 217.86 40% R 5 905
8) R2 933.33 50% R4 400
9) R4 500 100% R9 000
10) R7 500 20% R9 000

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Task 23:

Cash Receipt Journal of Pumpkin-Printers for March 20xx CRJ1

Cost of Debtors Sundry
Doc Day Details Fol of Bank Sales Fol Details
sales control Amount
R001 1 155 000 155 000 Capital
crr 3 Sales 1 500 1 500 1 500 1 000

crr 10 Sales 3 000 3 000 2 000

Mr Banana 3 000 6 000 3 000
R002 Income
crr 18 Sales 9 000 9 000 6 000
B/S FNB 95 95
R003 66 000 66 000 Capital
crr 22 Sales 4 500 4 500 4 500 3 000
R004 30 269 000 269 000 269 000 Capital
511 095 18 000 12 000 3 095 490 000

Task 24:

Cash Receipt Journal of Vaughn Retailers for December 20xx CRJ 1

Cost of Debtors Sundry
Doc Day Details Fol of Bank Sales Fol Details
sales control Amount
R Ms
1 500 000 500 000 500 000 Capital
01 Vaughn
crr 5 Sales 10 500 10 500 10 500 7 500

crr 16 Sales 12 040 12 040 8 600

R Ms
32 000 44 040 32 000 Capital
02 Vaughn
crr 18 Sales 18 200 18 200 18 220 13 000

crr 20 Sales 16 800 16 800 16 800 12 000

R Ms
28 20 000 20 000 Capital
03 Vaughn
crr Sales 8 932 28 932 8 932 6 380

618 472 66 492 47 480 552 000

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Task 25:

Cash Receipt Journal of Dull Dealers for May 20xx CRJ1

Cost of Sundry
Doc D Details Fol of Bank Sales Fol Details
Sales Amount
R 01 1 195 000 195 000 195 000 Capital
crr 5 Sales 2 000 2 000 2 000 1 000
xx 11 Sales 9 000 9 000 4 500
R 02 125 000 134 000 125 000 Capital
xx 22 Sales 1 800 1 800 900
R 03 30 000 31 800 30 000 Capital
362 800 12 800 6 400 350 000


Cash Payment Journal of Dull Dealers for May 20xx CPJ 1

Cost of Debtors Sundry
Doc Day Details Fol of Bank Sales Fol Details
sales control Amount
Cash ‘n
R01 1 3 500 3 500
02 3 25 000 25 000
Sole Traders
03 5 Cash 6 330 6 330 Wages

04 Survival CC 5 650 5 650

Packers Packing
05 11 955 955
(Pty) Ltd material
06 16 The Star 320 320 Advertising
07 2 840 440 2 400
08 Hill Dealers 11 250 11 250

09 22 Cash 5 900 5 900

10 30 31 000 31 000 Drawings
11 B Naude 15 500 15 500 Salary

108 245 440 36 800 16 900 54 105

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Unit 3: General Ledger and Trial Balance

Task 26:

General Ledger of Pumpkin Printers

Balance Sheet Section

          Bank B1    
Total receipts
31 or Sundry CRJ1 511 095 -

Trading Inventory B2
31 Cost of Sales CRJ1 12 000 -

Nominal Account Section

Sales N1
31 Bank CRJ1 18 000 -

Cost of Sales N2
20xx Trading
31 CRJ1 12 000 -
Mar Inventory

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Task 27:

General Ledger of
Capital B1
              1 Balance b/d 20 000 -
              Bank CRJ1 500 000 -
  8 Bank CRJ1 32 000 -
28 Bank CRJ1 20 000 -
              572 000 -
Bank B2
1 Balance b/d 255 000 -           
31 Total Receipts CRJ1 618 472 -  
873 472 -

Trading Inventory B3
20xx 20xx
1 Balance b/d 100 000 - 31 Cost of Sales CRJ1 47 480 -
Dec Dec
Balance c/d 52 520 -
100 000 - 100 000 -
1 Balance b/d 52 520 -

Sales N1
1 Total b/d 135 000 -
31 Bank CRJ1 66 472 -
201 472 -

Cost of Sales N2
1 Total b/d 96 000 -
31 CRJ1 47 480 -
143 480 -

© 2018 Excom Publishers 25

PTY LTD EMS Classic Grade 9 Educator’s Guide Chapter 2

Task 28:

General Ledger of Dull Dealers

Balance Sheet Section
Capital B1
1 Balance b/d 105 000 -
Bank CRJ1 195 000 -
11 Bank CRJ1 125 000 -
22 Bank CRJ1 30 000 -
455 000 -
Equipment B2
1 Balance b/d 5 000 -
31 Bank CPJ1 16 900 -
21 900 -

Bank B3
20xx 20xx
1 Balance b/d 90 000 - 31 Total Payments CPJ1 108 245 -
May May
31 Total Receipts CRJ1 362 800 - Balance c/d 344 555 -
452 800 - 452 800 -
June 1 Balance b/d 344 555 -

Trading Inventory B4
20xx 20xx
1 Balance b/d 60 000 - 31 Cost of Sales CRJ1 6 400 -
May May
3 Bank CPJ1 25 000 - Balance c/d 81 000 -
16 Bank CPJ1 2400
87 400 - 87 400 -
1 Balance b/d 81 000 -

Nominal Account Section

Sales N1
1 Total b/d 120 000 -
31 Bank CRJ1 12 800 -
132 800 -

Cost of Sales N2
1 Total b/d 60 000 -
31 CRJ1 6 400 -
66 400 -

© 2018 Excom Publishers 26

PTY LTD EMS Classic Grade 9 Educator’s Guide Chapter 2

Task 29:

Trial Balance of Rambo Services - 31 July 20xx

Fol Debit Credit
Balance sheet section
Bank B5 20 700

135 900 135 900

Task 30:

Trial Balance of Cyris Lodge - 31 May 20xx

Fol Debit Credit
Balance sheet section
Capital B1 233 225
Drawings B2 12 100
Land and Buildings B3 100 088
Vehicles B4 35 700
Equipment B5 58 200
Bank B6 30 549
Nominal account section
Interest income N1 9 488
Sales N2 17 268
Rent Income N3 1 998
Interest expense N4 9 003
Salary N5 10 546
Wages N6 4 890
Fuel N7 903
261 979 261 979

© 2018 Excom Publishers 27

PTY LTD EMS Classic Grade 9 Educator’s Guide Chapter 2

Unit 4: Credit Sales Transactions

Task 31:

Debtors Journal of King’s Traders for May 20xx DJ1

Doc Day Details / Debtor Fol Sales Cost of Sales
012 5 R. Muller DL1 600 - 400 -
013 9 B. Smit DL2 900 - 600 -
014 12 P. Nel DL3 675 - 450 -
015 15 D. Krantz DL4 1 200 - 800 -
3375 - 2 250 -

Task 32:

Debtors Journal of Queen’s Traders for June 20xx DJ

Doc Day Details / Debtor Fol Sales Cost of Sales
08 4 Margaret’s Cafe DL1 800 - 350 -

09 8 Dianne’s Boutique DL2 1 200 - 800 -

10 15 Grace Kelly Models DL3 675 - 450 -

11 21 Dianne’s Boutique DL2 780 - 520 -

3 455 - 2 120 -

Debtors Ledger of Queen’s Traders for June 20xx

Margaret’s Cafe DL1

Date Details Fol Debit Credit   Balance  

20xx Account Rendered or
1       800 -
June Balance
4 Duplicate Invoice 08 DJ1 800 - 1 600 -

Dianne’s Boutique DL2

20xx Account Rendered or
1 500 -
June Balance
8 Duplicate Invoice 09 DJ1 1 200 - 1 700 -

21 Duplicate Invoice 11 DJ1 780 - 2 480 -

Grace Kelly Models DL3

20xx Account Rendered or
1 700 -
June Balance
15 Duplicate Invoice 10 DJ1 675 - 1 375 -

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PTY LTD EMS Classic Grade 9 Educator’s Guide Chapter 2

Task 33:

Cash Receipts Journal of Akerman Traders Pty (Ltd) for September 20xx CRJ1
Doc Analysis of Cost of Debtors Sundry
Day Details Fol Bank Sales Details
no. Receipts sales control Amount Fol
46 1 L Akerman 200 000 200 000 200 000 Capital

crr 4 Sales 11 500 11 500 8 846,15

Mini HP
47 D1 3 000 14 500 3 000
crr 9 Sales 9750 9750 7 500
48 D2 19 500 29 250 19 500
49 15 Centrino cc D3 30 000 30 000 30 000

crr 18 Sales 26 000 26 000 26 000 20 000

50 28 L Akerman 50 000 50 000 50 000 Capital

349 750 49 125 36 346,15 52 500 250 000

N1 B1 B2

Akerman Traders Pty (Ltd) for September 20xx DJ1

Doc Day Details / Debtor Fol Sales Cost of Sales
100 4 Centrino cc DL3 18 000 - 12 000 -
101 7 Apple Consultants DL2 24 000 - 16 000 -
102 9 Centrino cc DL3 10 125 - 6 750 -
103 21 Mini HP Traders DL1 4 500 - 3 000 -
56 625 - 37 750 -
B2/N1 B1/N2

Debtors Ledger of Akerman Traders Pty (Ltd)

Mini HP Traders DL1

Date Details Fol Debit Credit   Balance  

20xx Account Rendered /
1 3 000 -
Sept Balance
4 Duplicate Receipt 47 CRJ1 3 000 - - -

21 Duplicate Invoice 103 DJ1 4 500 - 4 500 -

Apple Consultants DL2

20xx Account Rendered /
1 15 000 -
Sept Balance
7 Duplicate Invoice 101 DJ1 24 000 - 39 000 -

9 Duplicate Receipt 48 CRJ1 19 500 - 19 500 -

© 2018 Excom Publishers 29

PTY LTD EMS Classic Grade 9 Educator’s Guide Chapter 2

Centrino CC DL3
1 Account Rendered 27 000 -
4 Duplicate Invoice 100 DJ1 18 000 - 45 000 -

9 Duplicate Invoice 102 DJ1 10 125 - 55 125 -

15 Duplicate Receipt 49 CRJ1 30 000 - 25 125 -

General Ledger of Akerman Traders Pty (Ltd)

Balance Sheet Section
Trading Inventory
20xx 20xx
1 Balance b/d 241 000 - 30 Cost of Sales CRJ1 36 346 15
Sept Sept
Cost of Sales DJ1 37 750 -

Balance c/d 166 903 85

241 000 - 241 000 -

1 Balance b/d 166 903 85
Debtors Control
20xx 20xx
1 Balance b/d 45 000 - 30 Bank CRJ1 52 500 -
Sept Sept
30 Sales DJ1 56 625 - Balance c/d 49 125 -

101 625 - 101 625 -

1 Balance b/d 49 125 -
Nominal Account Section

1 Total b/d 55 000 -
30 Debtors Control DJ1 56 625 -

Bank CRJ1 49 125 -

160 750 -

Cost of Sales
1 Total b/d 37 692 -
30 CRJ1 36 346 15
DJ1 37 750 -
111 788 15

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PTY LTD EMS Classic Grade 9 Educator’s Guide Chapter 2

Task 34:

No. Assets = Owners Equity + Liabilities

Amount Reason Amount Reason Amount Reason
1 +R600 Debtors Increase +R600 Sales increase
-R450 Trading stock sold -R450 Cost of Sales
2 +R300 Debtors Increase +R300 Sales increase
-R225 Trading stock sold -R225 Cost of Sales
Debtors paidBank
3 ±R300
Debtors paidBank
4 ±R150

Task 34.1:

Debtors Allowances Journal of Wazowski Suppliers for June 20XX DAJ

Doc Day Debtor Fol Cost of sales
CN25 4 Randall Boggs 805 - 460 -
CN26 10 J Sullivan 560 - 320 -
CN27 18 Waternoose 227 50 130 -
1 592 50 910 -

© 2018 Excom Publishers 31

PTY LTD EMS Classic Grade 9 Educator’s Guide Chapter 2

Task 35:

Creditors Journal of Olympic Shop for March 20xx CJ1

Creditors Trading Sundry
Doc Day Creditor Fol Stationery Fol Details
Control Inventory Amount
25 2 Bolt & Run C1 8 000 - 8 000 -
26 8 C2 578 - 578 -
27 15 C3 18 000 - 18 000 -
28 19 C3 2 000 - 2 000 - Stationery
29 28 Bolt & Run C1 9 000 - 9 000 -

37 578 - 35 000 - 578 - 2 000 -

Creditors Ledger of Olympic Shop

Bolt & Run C1
Date Details /Document number Fol Debit Credit  Balance 
2 Original Invoice 25 CJ1 8 000 - 8 000 -
28 Original Invoice 28 CJ1 9 000 - 17 000 -

Zeus’s Packagers C2
8 Original Invoice 26 CJ1 578 - 578 -

Johnson Wholesalers C3
15 Original Invoice 27 CJ1 18 000 - 18 000 -
19 Original Invoice 28 2 000 - 20 000 -

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PTY LTD EMS Classic Grade 9 Educator’s Guide Chapter 2

Task 36:

NOTE: Account rendered or Balance may be used

Creditors Ledger of Orange County Traders

Purple Rain CL1
Date Details /Document number Fol Debit Credit  Balance 
1 Account Rendered 2 455 -
2 Original Invoice 23 CJ6 2 898 - 5353 -
21 Original Invoice 28 CJ6 6 333 - 11 686 -
28 Cheque 76 9 231 - 2 455 -

Black Forest CL2

1 Account Rendered 943 -

Pink Floyd CL3

1 Account Rendered 8 992 -
Cheque CPJ6 3 000 - 5 992 -
5 Original Invoice 24 CJ6 5 294 - 698 -
18 Original Invoice 27 CJ6 2 467 - 3 165 -
28 Original Invoice 29 CJ6 822 - 3 987 -

Blue Steel CL4

1 Account Rendered 2000 -
9 Original Invoice 25 CJ6 9 773 - 11 773 -
12 Cheque 74 CPJ6 9 773 - 2 000 -
13 Original Invoice 26 CJ6 1 200 - 3 200 -

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PTY LTD EMS Classic Grade 9 Educator’s Guide Chapter 2

General Ledger of Orange County Traders

Balance Sheet Section
20xx Creditors
9 CJ6 9 773 -
Mar Control

Trading Inventory
1 Balance b/d 25 698 -
31 CJ1 12 898 -
Bank CPJ 2 000 -

40 596 -

Creditors Control
20xx 20xx
31 Bank CPJ6 22 004 - 1 Balance b/d 14 390 -
Mar Mar
Balance c/d 21 173 - 31 CJ6 28 787 -
43 177 - 43 177 -
1 Balance b/d 21 173 -

Nominal Account Section

1 Total b/d 329 -
31 CJ6 6 116 -
6 445 -

3 Bank CPJ6 567 -

© 2018 Excom Publishers 34

PTY LTD EMS Classic Grade 9 Educator’s Guide Chapter 2

Task 37:

No. Assets = Owners Equity + Liabilities

Amount Reason Amount Reason Amount Reason
Trading Inventory Owe Creditors
1 +R2 000 +R2 000
purchased more
Stationery Owe Creditors
2 -R2 500 +R2 500
(exp) more
Owe Creditors
3 -R2 000 Bank Decreases -R2 000
Owe Creditors
4 -R1 250 Bank Decreases -R1 250

Task 37.1:

Creditors Allowances Journal of ABC Suppliers for June 20xx CAJ

Creditors Trading Sundry

Doc Day Details Fol Stationery Fol Details
Control Stock Amount

DN1 2 220 - 180 - 40 -
Top Shot
DN2 15 260 - 260 -
Top Gear
DN3 21 202 - 202 -

682 - 440 - 242 -

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PTY LTD EMS Classic Grade 9 Educator’s Guide Chapter 2

Task 38:

Trial Balance of Olympic Clothes – 31 August 20xx

Fol Debit Credit

Balance Sheet section
Capital B1 400 000
Drawings B2 80 000
Land and Buildings B3 520 000
Vehicles B4 255 000
Equipment B5 70 000
Debtors Control B6 54 000
Trading Stock B7 148 000
Bank B8 38 000
Petty Cash B9 1 500
Cash Float B10 2 000
Creditors Control B11 44 500
Mortgage Loan: FNB B12 230 000

Nominal Account section

Sales N1 890 000
Cost of Sales N2 256 000
Rental Income N3 150 000
Interest Income N4 3 800
Wages N5 50 000
Stationery N6 4 500
Salary N7 172 000
Water and Electricity N8 7 300
Advertising N9 2 000
Fuel N10 7 000
Insurance N11 24 000
Telephone N12 4 000
Interest on Loan: ABC Bank N13 23 000
1 718 300 1 718 300

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PTY LTD EMS Classic Grade 9 Educator’s Guide Chapter 2

NOTE: Also referred to as a Statement of Profit and Loss

Olympic Clothes
Income Statement for year ended on 31 August 20xx
Sales 890 000 -
Cost of Sales (256 000 -)
Gross Profit 634 000 -
Income for services rendered 0
Other operating income 150 000 -
Rental Income 150 000 -
Operating expenses (270 800 -)
Wages 50 000 -
Stationery 4 500 -
Salary 172 000 -
Water and Electricity 7 300 -
Advertising 2 000 -
Fuel 7 000 -
Insurance 24 000 -
Telephone 4 000 -
Interest Income 3 800 -
Interest Expense (23 000 -)
Net profit for the year 494 000 -

Olympic Clothes
Balance Sheet on 31 August 20xx
Non-Current Assets 845 000 -
Tangible Assets 1 845 000 -
Current Assets 243 500 -
Inventory 148 000 -
Trade and other receivables 54 000 -
Cash and cash equivalents 2 41 500 -
TOTAL ASSETS 1 088 500 -
Owner’s Equity 3 814 000 -
Non-Current Liabilities 230 000 -
Mortgage Loan: FNB 230 000 -
Current Liabilities 44 500 -
Trade and other payables 44 500 -

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PTY LTD EMS Classic Grade 9 Educator’s Guide Chapter 2

Notes to the Balance Sheet:

1. Tangible Assets
Land and Buildings R520 000
Vehicles R255 000
Equipment R 70 000
R845 000

2. Cash and Cash Equivalents

Bank R38 000
Petty cash R 1 500
Cash Float R 2 000
R41 500

3. Owners equity
Capital balance R400 000
Net Profit R494 000
Drawings (80 000)
R814 000

© 2018 Excom Publishers 38

PTY LTD EMS Classic Grade 9 Educator’s Guide Chapter 2

Task 39:

Profitability ratio:

==> Operating expenses on Sales.

(16 530 ÷ 90 000) x 100 = 18,4%

==> Net profit on Sales.

(73 970 ÷ 90 000) x 100 = 82,2%

Liquidity ratio:

Current assets : Current liabilities

97 650 : 41 250

2,4 :1
This means that for every R1 that the business needs to pay short term debt, they are able
to generate R2.40 in short term assets. In other words, the business is liquid because short
term liabilities can be covered by short term assets.

Solvency ratio:

Total assets : Total liabilities

295 650: 141 250

If the business is Insolvent it means the business is bankrupt, ie owes more than it owns.
In this case the business is solvent because for every R1 is owes (liabilities) it is able to
generate R2.10 if all assets are sold.

Return on Investment

==> Return on Owner’s equity = Net profit/average owners equity x 100/1

(73 970 ÷ 154 400) x 100 = 47,9%

Return on total capital employed = Net profit/(Owner’s equity + long term borrowed capital) x


73 970 ÷(154 400 + 100 000) x 100 = 29,1%

© 2018 Excom Publishers 39

PTY LTD EMS Classic Grade 9 Educator’s Guide Chapter 3

Unit 1: Sectors of the Economy

Task 40:

Use the assessment grid to assess the learners :

Are all 3 sectors labelled ? 2
Are all 3 examples listed ? 2
Have suitable pictures been used ? 2
Is the poster neatly presented ? 2
Has a link been shown between the sectors ? 2

Task 41:

Identify the sector that the following businesses operate in.

Business Sector Business Sector

Private hospital Tertiary Construction company Secondary
Carpentry Secondary Chicken Farm Primary
Printing Press Tertiary BT Games Tertiary
Edgars Tertiary Transnet Tertiary
Checkers All Dischem Secondary and Tertiary
Lawyers Tertiary Plumber Tertiary
Forestry Primary Commercial Fishing All
Ster Kinekor Tertiary Fish Monger Primary
Beef farm Primary KFC Tertiary

NOTE: Students could argue additional sectors, e.g. the fishmonger may sell his own wares. The
motivation, and showing understanding of the concept is what is important.

© 2018 Excom Publishers 40

PTY LTD EMS Classic Grade 9 Educator’s Guide Chapter 3

Unit 2: Functions of a Business

Task 42:

Ensure that groups are brainstorming widely and looking at possibilities and opportunities,
depending on the school policy i.e. are they able to sell at sports functions or only at the market

What are their options: What access do they have to goods or services through parents etc?
Mindmap should be detailed before they make a decision. See Worksheet 1 at end of book.

Task 43:

Ensure that they look at all the FOP: Capital, Raw Materials, Labour and Entrepreneurship and
address each one, even if, for example, they will not be using any outside labour.

Name must be appropriate and have a reason – what does it represent? Do they have a logo and
business identity?

Ensure that they have covered all aspects regarding purchasing - do they have serviettes if it is a
food product, do they have wrapping, receipt books (or printed receipts) etc.?

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PTY LTD EMS Classic Grade 9 Educator’s Guide Chapter 3

Task 44:


○○ They way he/she dresses as they meet a lot of parents and important people

○○ The way they speak to school at assemblies, parents, prospective parents and other


○○ The way they handle parents

○○ The way they represent the school at inter-school meetings/ sports events/ exam committees/
marking sessions etc.


○○ The way they answer the phone

○○ The information they have to direct personal or phone enquiries to the right people

○○ The way they handle upset parents, suppliers etc (remember they are at the front line of


○○ the way they treat juniors and whether they earn respect.

○○ interaction with staff or people from other schools

Captain of Sports team

○○ the way they handle team and competition

○○ the way they lead and accept defeat gracefully


○○ the way you wear your uniform and act when in public

○○ greeting or helping visitors on campus

Any other relevant.

Task 45:

Application based, depending on school.

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PTY LTD EMS Classic Grade 9 Educator’s Guide Chapter 3

Unit 3: Business Plan

Task 46:

Application based depending on the business that each group is planning.

Task 47:

Advert design based on AIDA critria and marked on rubric in Worksheet 4.

© 2018 Excom Publishers 43




Economic and Management Sciences Classic for Grade 9

This CAPS aligned Grade 9 Studying EMS Classic book covers all the aspects of the EMS
curriculum, taking the student on a journey where they will discovery accounting principles
and learn about the exciting world of business and economics. It exposes them to all the
aspects of Business Studies, Accounting and Economics that will assist them in making
subject choices for the FET phase.

Bubbles Inside
‘Bubbles’ are short, interactive online lessons that allow learners
to revise concepts and get additional examples and explanations.
Simply scan the QR codes or click on the active links in the eBook

Introducing bubbles


Research Life Orientation



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