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Answer: I would buy this pair of shoes for a myriad of reasons.

The shoes
have the latest design which I find really attractive.

Reason 1: These pairs of shoes are available in a wide range of colors so I

do not have to worry about not being able to find the perfect match for
myself. I am a student, so I will get a 20% discount.

Explain: Although I come from a well-to-do family background,I feel that

it is utmost important for us to save for a rainy day,so by buying this
pair of shoes, I’ll get to replace my old ones,and save some money. It's
akin to killing two birds with one stone.

Reason 2: I enjoy shopping very much.

Explain: Shopping makes me feel relaxed after doing homework.right from

a tender age, my parents have never failed to impart the wisdom of a
penny earned.they are always mindful of what they spend on.

Experience: Once,I did well in my exam, and I was rewarded with a few
hundred dollars to go and buy whatever I want. I decided to spend all of it
on fidget toys. My parents then told me that I should not spend all of the
money as fidgets are unnecessary and should save the rest of the money
,but that turned on a deaf ear.

nEw idea:I feel that many people around me are also spending money like
water, because they cannot resist the temptation of buying what they
want. I think this is a perennial issue and I have a few suggestions to
rectify it. I think schools play an important role in educating children to
distinguish between unnecessary wants and necessities. During FTGP
lessons, teachers should spare some time explaining the importance of

Conclusion: so in conclusion,i would want to buy this pair of shoes.

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