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This experiment was designed to investigate the characteristic curves and

performance of a centrifugal pump in single, series, and parallel pump systems. A
graph has been constructed between the characteristic curves (pump head, mechanical
power, and efficiency) and the flow rate for each pump system to demonstrate pump
performance. The aim of this experiment was to determine the characteristic curves
and the performance of a centrifugal pump in standalone, series and parallel pump
systems. To show the pump performance, a graph will be plotted between the
characteristic curves (pump head, mechanical power, and efficiency) and the flow rate
for each pump system. It is shown from figure (40) that the best efficiency point for
parallel pump system is (21.5%…) when the flow rate is equal to 0.000215❑❑ /s(…).
It is noticed from figure (30) and (20) that the efficiency for series is 31.13%(…) at
0.000292❑❑ /s (..), and for single operation system is 8.425% (…) at 0.0002317(…).
Ccomparingison with single series and parallel single, parallelseries operating systems
are considered to have the highest efficiency point. This is because in series
combination, it will be enabled to combine the heads from each pump and satisfy the
needs of a high pump head, low flow system. This is due to the fact that each pump's
fluid pressure increases as the flow continues [1]. While connecting pumps in parallel
or to any number of connection branch, each of which handles a portion of the flow,
the pump will be able to attain a high flow rate. connecting pumps in parallel or to any
number of line branches, each of which handles a portion of the flow will allow the
pump to achieve a high flow operating point (that a single pump cannot provide).
Furthermore, parallel pump systems have a low head compared to series because the
head in parallel is .constant. The parallel pumps can be turned on or off in this system
arrangement, giving you additional flexibility to respond to the variable flow
circumstances [1]. Flow rate and efficiency are directly proportional to each other,
and this is also confirmed from the mathematical equation (10). Moreover, the
operating point of a centrifugal pump can be obtained by finding the intersection of

the system ( ❑❑ )and pump ❑❑ characteristic curve [2]. The operating point of s ingle

pump is 3.8655 m at 0.0001367❑❑/s, it is noticed that single pump has an operating

point because it has the pump head intersect with the system curve as mentioned
before. For parallel and series pump no operating points obtained. The reason
behind that no operating point in parallel is the high values of pump head in the and
it may be referred to the increasing of pump velocity mistakenly. Thus, higher head
pump compared to single pump is obtained .

While in series combination, it will be enabled to combine the heads from each pump
and satisfy the needs of a high pump head, low flow system. This is due to the fact
that each pump's fluid pressure increases as the flow continues [1].

Moreover, the operating point of a centrifugal pump can be obtained by finding the

intersection of the system ( ❑❑ )and pump ❑❑ characteristic curve [2]. The operating

point of series, parallel and single pump is (…),(…) and (…) at flow rate (….)
respectively. It is noticed that series pump has the highest operating point because it
has the highest pump head as it mentioned before. Parallel is less than series
because the head in parallel is constant.

This is because connecting pumps in parallel or to any number of line branches, each
of which handles a portion of the flow will allow the pump to achieve a high flow
operating point (that a single pump cannot provide). Furthermore, parallel pump
systems have a low head. The parallel pumps can be turned on or off in this system
arrangement, giving you additional flexibility to respond to the variable flow
circumstances [1]. Flow rate and efficiency are directly proportional to each other,
and this is also confirmed from the mathematical equation (0). While in series
combination, it will be enabled to combine the heads from each pump and satisfy the
needs of a high pump head, low flow system. This is due to the fact that each pump's
fluid pressure increases as the flow continues [1].

Moreover, the operating point of a centrifugal pump can be obtained by finding the

intersection of the system ( ❑❑ )and pump ❑❑ characteristic curve [2]. The operating

point of series, parallel and single pump is (…),(…) and (…) at flow rate (….)
respectively. It is noticed that series pump has the highest operating point because it
has the highest pump head as it mentioned before. Parallel is less than series
because the head in parallel is constant.


[1]: Ballun, J. (2015, January 22). How To Operate Centrifugal Pumps In Series Or

Parallel. How to Operate Centrifugal Pumps in Series or Parallel. Retrieved October
3, 2022, from

[2]: Operating point. (n.d.). Operating Point. Retrieved October 3, 2022, from

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