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9.14 Using Facebook

Facebook Basicsfor
Amazon Sellers

Dynamic Marketing Strategy

▶ Strategy in which you are constantly adapting and changing
because ecommerce is constantly evolving

▶ In order to survive in this market, you need a marketing

strategy in place

How to Create a Marketing Strategy

▶ Important for anyone you onboard to help you with your
marketing campaigns

▶ Marketing strategy should demonstrate the purpose of

your brand

What Your Marketing Strategy Should Include

▶ What your product is and how is it making the world a
better place

▶ KPI (Key Performance Indicators)

• Stats that prove if a strategy is working

▶ Customer Acquisition Value

• Current revenue & ad spend

▶ Platforms and Assets

• Where your KPIs are coming from

▶ Branding Phase

• Organic content strategy, paid ads, TOF monthly

budget allocation

1 Using Facebook for Amazon Sellers

Module 9.14

▶ List Building Placements

▶ Education and Nurture ▶ Recommended (all placements as optimized by
▶ Sell, Upsell, and Cross Sell
▶ Manual Placements
• Retargeting Ads -- i.e., SMS marketing, daily
messenger broadcasts, desktop notifications,
Campaign Audience
pre-sell landing pages
▶ Cold Audience
• Dynamic Catalog Ads
• Interest/Core Audience
▶ Google Ads Strategy
• Lookalike from custom audiences (seed audience)
• Youtube Ads & Bing Ads
▶ Warm Audience
Creating Your Campaign Plan • Website visitors last 90 or 365 days, Customer
List, Facebook page follower, etc.
Campaign Objectives

▶ Brand Awareness Ad Copy

▶ Reach ▶ Test variations

▶ Traffic Ad Creative Single Image

▶ Engagement ▶ Links to ad images

▶ Conversions
Destination URL
▶ Catalog Sales
▶ Link to your product
▶ Lead Generation
▶ Link to where your ads lead
▶ Video Views
Download Your Own Marketing Strategy
Campaign Goal Campaign Template:
▶ Target ROAS ▶

Campaign Daily Budget

▶ Depends on # of purchasers

2 Using Facebook for Amazon Sellers

Module 9.14

Creating a Campaign Top 5 Ecommerce

From Scratch in Facebook Softwares
Ads Manager ▶ Shopify

▶ Three Levels ▶ Zipify

▶ Objective ▶ ManyChat

▶ Audience/Budget ▶ Klaviyo

▶ Creative element ▶ iZooto

▶ Campaign Budget Optimization (CBO)

▶ Turn on if cold audience or off if multiple

warm audiences

▶ A/B Testing © Freedom Ticket, All rights reserved.

No part of this document, including the text, data, graphics, interior

▶ Daily Campaign Budget design and cover design, may be reproduced or transmitted in any
form without explicit consent from Freedom Ticket.
▶ Conversions

▶ Choose Targeted Audiences

▶ Automatic Placements (Recommended) or


▶ Include Your Ad Copy Variations

▶ Include Destination URL and Other

Contact Information

Facebook Dashboard
▶ Customizable presets according to your campaigns

▶ Find your KPIs that make the most sense for

your campaign

3 Using Facebook for Amazon Sellers

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