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Decision on your application

DA Langeveld, born on 11-11-2001 in Lisse

Student number: 2821486

Leiden, 16-05-2023

Dear Daan,

The board of the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences at Leiden University has issued a
decision on your application for admission to the Master Psychology programme (specialisation:
Clinical Psychology), commencing on 1 September 2023:


In order to meet your admission condition(s), please complete both the following steps before
the deadlines stated below:

Step 1:
Upload all document(s) stated in your conditions (below) via the decision screen of the online
application system (uSis).

Step 2:
For each document(s) stated in your conditions (below), check if there are additional submission
instructions. If so, follow the instructions carefully. Note that these instructions are in addition to
step 1.

If any of the documents stated in your conditions (below) are not issued in English, French,
German or Dutch, please submit both the original document and an official translation, either
issued by your institution or a sworn translator.

In order to meet your conditions of admission, please do the following before the start of your

• submit an official copy of your Bachelor (university) in psychology and transcript of grades
from Universiteit Leiden.

Additional submission instructions:

You must upload a digitally certified pdf from DUO confirming your diploma (extract from
'Mijn Diploma's'): A certified copy of
your transcript is only necessary if you are required to obtain a certain grade or subject(s)
as part of your admission requirements.

• This study programme has a limited number of places. This means that your admission
decision does not guarantee you a place on the programme. You must also take part in a
selection procedure.

Your score on the selection criteria: Excellent (1st choice). Applicants with an excellent rating
will be placed into the program of their first choice, unless in the unlikely event that there are
more excellent applications than available positions. In that case a draw will be made.

Obtaining proof of placement

All students who have been admitted into the program will receive information about their
placement by the 31st of May at the latest. Students on the waiting list will receive their rank
number. Students who have been placed will receive an e-mail with a link to an online form. You
need to fill in the online form and submit it in order to accept your place in the programme. You
have 14 days to accept your place. If you do not accept the offer within 14 days, you will forfeit
your place. If a candidate declines the offer (or forfeits their place), the highest-ranking
subsequent candidate on the waiting list will obtain the offer that was rejected. Post-placement
can take place until August 31. Make sure to check your e-mail regularly (including your spam
box) for correspondence about your application!

See our FAQ for more information on how the ranking works: FAQ clinical specialisations of the
Master in Psychology - Leiden University ( (note, the FAQ content is the
same for all clinical specialisations).

Meet your conditions on time!

If you need a student visa or residence permit, the deadline is:
• 1 June for studies starting in September
• 1 December for studies starting in February

If you do not need a student visa or residence permit, the deadline is:
• Before the start date of your study programme

Address for hardcopies

If your conditions (above) state that documents must be sent by post, make sure they meet all
criteria and send them to:

Postal address Leiden University Admissions Office

All documents received by Leiden University will become the property of the university and will
be destroyed in a secure manner after processing, in accordance with the Higher Education and
Research Act (WHW) and the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).

On behalf of the Executive Board,

Prof.dr. E. van Dijk

Chair Board of Admissions

This decision was made in accordance with Wet op het Hoger onderwijs en Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek, 1992,
artikel 7.30b (toelating tot een Master programma). If you have questions regarding the decision made, please
contact the bachelor team for bachelor applications, or relevant study programme contact person for master
applications. This decision can be appealed to the Examination Appeals Board within six weeks after it has been
announced to you by e-mail. This can be done in two ways; by e-mail or by mail to Rapenburg
70, Postbus 9500, 2300 RA Leiden. You should motivate your appeal and sign. You must also enclose a copy of the
decision you are appealing against.

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