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New Beginnings: Pakistan after 1947- LP1- 80 +40

Resource 1- Major issues faced by Pakistan after

Independence In 1947
Geographic Two wings of Pakistan were separated by
al Problems about 1000 miles of Indian lands
Economic Pakistan had many underdeveloped
Problem states
90% of rural population
Administrati Shortage of trained personnel, buildings
ve Problems and office equipment.
Refugee 5.5 million Non-Muslims migrated to India
Problem: from Pakistan
Over 6.5 million Muslims migrated to
Pakistan from India.
Refugee camps were set up in Kasur,
Gujranwala, Sialkot and Karachi.
Unfair Unjust boundary commission set up
Boundary under Sir Cyril Radcliffe.
Distribution Muslim majority areas, Gurdaspur,
– Radcliffe Ferozpur, Jullandar and Kashmir were
Award: given to India.
Division of Out of 4 Billion rupees only 75 crore was
Assets: paid to Pakistan.
India also made Pakistan Liable for 20%
of united India's external debt.
India also refused to transfer 33% of all
military assets which were reserved for
New Beginnings: Pakistan after 1947- LP1- 80 +40

Canal water Three eastern rivers were given to India.

The Kashmir was a Muslim majority state with
Accession of a non-Muslim ruler Maharaja Hari Singh.
Princely The people wanted to be part of Pakistan
States: but the ruler secretly signed accession
with India.

Hyderabad`s ruler Nizam wanted

dominion status but the Indian Army took
control of the State of Hyderabad in
September 1948.

Junagadh was a state located between

Bombay and Karachi and had a Hindu
majority with Muslim ruler, India also
annexed this small state.
Constitution In Pakistan, a constitution was not
issue adopted until 1956. The process was
complicated by disagreements between
the country's political leaders
New Beginnings: Pakistan after 1947- LP1- 80 +40

Resource 2- Contributions of the migrants

and common people in the struggle for the
Freedom of Pakistan.

Political Migrants and common people attended

participa rallies and meetings, distributed
tion pamphlets, and even engaged in civil
disobedience and protests to raise
awareness about the cause.
Financia They donated money to political parties
l support and organizations, supported
newspapers and other publications that
promoted the cause, and even funded the
travel expenses of leaders and activists.
Military Many joined the armed forces and fought
service against the British and Indian armies,
sacrificing their lives for the cause.
Social They built schools, hospitals, and other
and institutions. Contributed to the arts,
cultural literature, and music, which helped shape
contribut the national identity of Pakistan.
New Beginnings: Pakistan after 1947- LP1- 80 +40

Resource 3: The pull and push factors behind the

Migration of 1947
Push Factors: Pull Force
1. Riots and massacres 1. The idea of a
between Hindus, homeland for Muslims to
Muslims, and Sikhs left have a religious identity
many feeling unsafe in was a powerful pull
their homes and factor.
communities. 2. The promise of
2. The political economic opportunities
uncertainty surrounding in a new country also
the creation of Pakistan drew many migrants to
and India also Pakistan. The
contributed to the government of Pakistan
migration. That their offered land to refugees,
lives would be more which was a powerful
secure in a new country. incentive for people to
3. Economic insecurity move to the new country.
was also a push factor. 3. Nationalism was a pull
Many people were factor for many migrants.
concerned about losing The idea of a new
their homes, property, country with a unique
and livelihoods in the identity and culture was
event of a partition. appealing to many
New Beginnings: Pakistan after 1947- LP1- 80 +40

Resource 4. The most

challenging problem Pakistan
had to face after Independence.

If we were to assess
the impact and gravity
of the various issues, it
can be argued that
political and economic
instability are the most
challenging problems
that the country had to
face after
New Beginnings: Pakistan after 1947- LP1- 80 +40

Resource 5- The migration of 1947 was the

biggest migration in human history-
Here are some reasons why:
1.Scale: The migration involved the
displacement of an estimated 14 million
people, including Hindus, Muslims, and
Sikhs, who were forced to leave their homes
and move to either India or Pakistan based
on their religious affiliation.
2.Violence and trauma: The migration was
marked by extreme violence, with communal
riots and massacres resulting in the deaths
of hundreds of thousands of people.
3.Administrative challenges: The logistics of
moving such a large number of people were
enormous, and both India and Pakistan
struggled to provide adequate infrastructure
and support for the migrants.
4.Lasting impact: The migration sparked
ongoing tensions between India and
Pakistan, and had a profound impact on the
identity and sense of belonging of the
millions who were displaced.

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