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> Chapter 1 Review of number eencepts identify and classify different types of numbers find commen factors and common multiples of numbers write numbers as products oftheir prime factors work with integers used in reablfe situations calculate with powers and roots of numbers uncierstand the meaning of indices use the rules of indices revise the basic rules for operating with numbers perform basic calculations using mental methods and with a calculator round numbers in different ways to estimate and approximate answers. PU | ew > CAMBRIDGE 1GCSE™ MATHEMATICS: CORE & EXTENDED COURSEBOOK 1. Alot of the work in this chapter is revision. Look through the chapter to base see what is covered. a Are there any parts of this chapter that you could confidently skip? plain why cube b Ifyou only had to do three topics in this chapter, which would you choose? Why? composite number cube root exponent 2. Look at this completed factor cross-number puzzle. Write set of clues for the puzzle. Each clue should include at least one of the concepts from this chapter Index index notation b Find the sum of the three oreotest numbers. irrational number Write the answer in words. multiple 3. Write each of the following using only pow numbers and brackets ifneeded. itil Cie a nine cubed b twelve squared prime number € seven to the power of five rational number the reciprocal of three to the power of two ‘procall @ the reciprocal of three-quarters to the power of zero aaa f nine to the power of half square number 9 fourteen billion, ten thousand and nineteen cmne 4 Look at this Problem involving decision diagrem ‘calelaion for problems involving ¥ ’ calculation Tran appre Do you nad an answer good enact ase? snout TH ¥ * ¥ Tis mania Tse iva wren states | | alelator meth vad Estima the | “sottion, ‘a Give an example of @ problem where an approximate answer is good enough b How do you decide which method to use when an exact answer is needed? € Estimates are useful for all of the methods in this decision tree. How could you convince someone that itis important to estimate even if you can use a calculator? 11 Review of number concepts ‘The statue shown in the photograph is a replica of a 22.000-yeur-old bone found in the ‘Congo Basin. The real bone is only 10cm long and itis carved with groups of notches that represent numbers. One column lists the prime numbers from 10 to 20. [tis one of the earliest examples of 4 number system using tallies. What do you think ancient civilisations used tallies for? ‘Our modern number system is called the Hindu-Arabie system because it was ~ developed by Hindus aud spread by Arab traders who brought it with them when they moved to dilferent places in the world, The Hindu-Arabie system is deeimal. ‘This means it uses place value based on powers of ten. Any number at all, ineluding. decimals und fractions, can be written using place value and the digits from 0 10 9 1.1 Different types of numbers Make sure you know the correct mathematieal words for the (ypes of numbers in the table Natural [Any whole number from 1 infinity. [,5, rmmber | sometimes called ‘counting number Dienotncludd 5 ‘Odd number [A whole number that cannot be divided | 13,5, 7... S exactly by 2. 3 Even number | A whole number that can be divided |, Ss exactly by 2 = Tnteger “Any of the negative and positive whole 2102S & res elding 2. g 5 Prime number [A whole number greater than which [2.3,5, 7,11. has only two futors the number itself = and | S ‘Square The product obtained when an integer | 1, 4,9, 16, o umber sip by ise Fraction | A number representing part of whole B ‘Find the product” 3 means ‘multioly’ number, writen in the fen where a Sante ree of Band 4is 12, ie. 3x4 12, and b age non-zero integers. Decimal ‘A number that used place value and a [0.5,0.2, 0.08, 1.7 docimal point to show a fraction, ‘The set of real numbers is made up of rational numbers and irrational numbers. Rational numbers can be written as fractions in the form ¢ where a and bare non-zero integers, The set of rational numbers includes all integers, all fractions, all terminating decimals and all recurring decimals, Irrational numbers cannot be written as fractions. The set of irrational numbers consists of non-terminating, non-recurring decimals. The square root of a non-square number (such as v2), the cube root of a non-cube number (such as V2) and ware all irrational numbers. MATH! [xo Are enrol You will deal with rational and irrational numbers in more ‘detail in Chapter 9 11 Review of number concepts Using symbols to link numbers Mathematicians use numbers and symbols to write mathematical information in the shortest, clearest way possible, Exercise 1.2 1. Rewrite each of these statements using mathematical symbols a 19islessthan 45 b 12plus 18 is equal to 30 € OSisequal tot d_ O8is not equal to 80 Rane fe ~Mis ess than 2 times ~16 5 equalto + is not equal to therefore the number x equals the square root of 72 ernest 4 anumber (x) is less than or equal to negative 45 is greater than or J thesum of 3 and 4 is not equal to the product of 3 and 4 equal to ke the difference between 12 and ~12 is greater than 12 therefore 1 the sum of =12.and =24 is less than 0 m the product of 12.and a number (x) is approximately ~40 Say whether these mathematical statements are true or false V" the positive square root of 2 0599> 00 b 51999 is approximately equal to 10000 < sesh a 2r43ea3 462 © nx9=1x8 f s0=6 g “1-4 h 199<20 i 1000 > 199 x § i vie=4 ke 35522350 1 20-4=5+20 m 20-a24-m0 mn 20x424%20 3° Work with a partner. 2 Look at the symbols used on the keys of your calculator. Say what each one means in words. b List any symbols that you do not know. Try to find out what each one means ) CAMBRIDGE 16CSE™ MATHEMATICS: CORE & EXTENDED COURSEBCOK 1.2 Multiples and factors Multiples A multiple of a number is found when you multiply that number by a positive integer. ‘You can think of the multiples of a number as the ‘times table’ for that number. For example, the multiples of 3 are 3 x 1= 3,3 x 2=6,3 x 3=9and soon, ‘The first multiple of any number is a What are the first three multiples of 12? b 15300 amultiple of 12? Answers a 12,2436 Multiply 12 by 1, 2 and then 3. 1ax1=12 12x 2=24 12x 3=36 b Yes, 300s @ multiple Divide 300 by 12. Ifit goes exactly, then 300 is of 12. a multiple of 12. 300 +1225 Exercise 1.3 41. List the fist five mips of an boa es ds eo f 10 g 2 h 100 2 Use aealculator to find and list the first ton multiples of: a 2 b 44 © 75 aon e299 f 350 g 1012 ho 9123 3 List a the multiples of 4 between 29 and 53 b the multiples of 50 toss than 400 © the multiples of 100 between 4000 and S000. 4 Here are five numbers: 576, 396, 354, 792, 1164. Which of these are multiples of 12? 5. Which of the following numbers are not multiples of 27? 3783868 The lowest common multiple (LCM) ‘The lowest common multiple of two or more numbers is the smallest number that is & multiple of all the given numbers. ‘> 1 Review of number concepts WORKED EXAMPLE 2 Find the lowest common multiple of 4 and 7. ‘Answer My=4, 8,12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32 List several multiples of 4 1M, =7, 14,21, 28, 35, 42 List several multiples of 7. LCM = 28 Find the lowest number that appears in both sets. This is the LCM. Exercise 1.4 1. Find the lowest common multiple of: a ands b Sand 10 © band 4 ds 3and9 fe 3and 55 f Gand 11 2 _ [sit possible to find the highest common multiple of (wo or more numbers? Givea reason for your answer. Factors A factor is a number that divides exactly into another number with no remainder, For example, 2 isa factor of 16 because it goes into 16 exactly & times 1 isa factor of every number. The largest factor of any number is the number itself. WORKED EXAMPLE 3 a 12 b 25 © 110 Answers a Fin=1,2,3,4,6,12 Find pairs of numbors that multiply to give 12: 1x12 2~6 axa Write the factors in numerical order. 1x25 5x5 Do not repeat the 5. © Fro 1,2,5, 10, 11,22,55,110 1% 110 255 5x22 tox M, means the multiples of 4. Later in this chapter ‘you will ee how prime factors can be: Used to find LOMs.. Fp means the factors of 12, ) CAMBRIDGE 16CSE™ MATHEMATICS: CORE & EXTENDED COURSEBCOK Exercise 1.5 1. Listall the factors of: a4 bs < 8 au e 18 foe 9 35 h 40 ios i 9% k 100 tis m 160 n 133 ° 300 2 Which number in each set is not a factor of the given number? a4 (1,24, 714) b 15 {1,3,5,15,45) © Mt {1,37 14,21) 33 {13,11 22,33) e 42 (3,6,7.8, 14) 3. State true or false in each case ais factor of 313 bisa fuetor of 99 © is factor of 300 d_ 2isa factor of 300 isa factor of 122488 Ff 2isa factor of 60 9 210iss factor of 210 hh Sisa factor of 420 4 Whatis the smallest factor and the largest factor of any number? The highest common factor (HCF) ‘The highest common factor of two or more numbers is the highest number that is 2 factor of all the given numbers. Find the highest common factor of 8 and 24. Answer Fer, List the factors of each number. Fa=1,2,3,4,6,8,12,24 — Underline factors that appear in both sets. HCF=8 Pick out the highest underlined factor (HCF Exercise 1.6 1. Find the highest common factor ofeach pair oF numbers. a Band b Mandi6 ¢ Sando d 42.and 70 fe Mand36 Ff 26and36 og and4d hand 48 2 Not including the factor provided, find two numbers less than 20 that have: a an HCP of 2 ban lICF of 6 3) What isthe highest common factor of two different prime numbers? You will learn how Give a reason for your answer. to find HCFs using prime factors later in the chapter 1 Review of number concepts Peace) 4 Simeon has two lengths of rope. One piece is 72 metres long and the ‘other is 90 metres long. He wants to cut both lengths of rope into the longest pieces of equal length possible. How long will the pieces be? Ms Sanchez has 40 canvases and 100 tubes of paint to give to the students in her art group. What is the largest number of students she ‘can have if she gives each student an equal number of canvases and an ‘equal number of tubes of paint? ‘A jeweller has 300 blue beads, 750 red beads and 900 silver beads, which are used to make bracelets, Each bracelet must have the same number Recognising the type of problem helps you to choose the correct mathematical techniques for solving it Word problems involving HCF usually involve splitting things into smaller pieces or arranging things in equal groups or rows. and colour of beads. What is the maximum number of bracelets that can be made with these beads? 1.3 Prime numbers Prime numbers have exactly two diferent factors: one and the number itself Composite mbes have more than two factors. ‘The number | has only one factor so it is not prime and it is not composite, MATHEMATICAL CONNECTIONS Later in this chapter you will learn how to write integers as products of prime factors. One of the reasons why itis important for 1 to NOT be defined is prime is to make sure that the prime factorisation of any number is unique. Finding prime numbers . ‘Over 2000 years ago, a Greek mathematician called Eratosthenes made a simple tool for sorting out prime numbers, This tool is called the ‘Sieve of Eratosthenes’ and the diagram shows how it works for prime numbers up to 100. OIOLT® ‘Cross out, 08 not prime Circle 2, then eross out other smltipls of 2. Circle 3, then cross out other multiples of 3. Circle the next available number 3 then eross out al its multiples Repeat nil afl the numbers in the table are ithercieled oF crossed out ‘The cireled numbers are the primes ) CAMBRIDGE 16CSE™ MATHEMATICS: CORE & EXTENDED COURSEBCOK Other mathematicians over the yeurs have developed ways of finding larger and larger prime numbers. Until 1955, the largest known prime number had less than 1000 digits Since the 1970s and the invention of more and more pewerful computers, more and ‘more prime aumbers have been found. The graph below shows the number of digits in the largest known primes since 2000, ‘You should try to memorise the prime numbers between I and 100. [Number of gs io largest known pre number aginst yer fd 2000 2002 lod 2506 2008 HIN 2012 2014 2016 61s 2020 Year Sours: hips://mwu:mersenne.ore/primes! ‘Why do mathematicians find prime numbers exciting? One reason why prime numbers are interesting and intriguing is because there isa lot about them that we don’t know and that mathematicians have not, been able to prove. 1. Goldbach’s conjecture (1742) is one of the oldest and best known unsolved problems in number theory. ‘a What is Goldbach’s strong conjecture? bAPeruvian mathematician, Harald Helgott, hes published a largely accepted proof of Goldbach’s weak conjecture. Find out more about this INK Today anyone can jin the search for Mersenne prime numbers. This project links thousands of home computers to search continuously for larger and larger prime numbers while the computer processors have spare capacity. Prime numbers are. used in codes and codebreaking. The larger the prime you break the code, This is why it is more and cee find larger and larger 11 Review of number concepts Vesa hoon un tas The Mersenne prime number search relies on massive computing power to find large primes. There is no other way to work out where the nth prime number will be or what the distance between large primes will be. Riemann’s hypothesis (1859) claims you can accurately pinpoint the distribution of prime numbers. An Indian mathematician, Dr Kumar Eswaran published a proof for this hypothesis in 2016, but it has received mixed responses and is not yet fully accepted, a Riemann built his ideas on the prime number theorem. Find out what this is and express it in simple language. b__Isthere a proof for the existence of infinitely-many prime numbers? ‘And just for fun... What is an emirp? Find some examples to show what these are. Exercise 1.7 1 Which is the only even prime number? 2 Mow many odd prime numbers ate there that ate less than S02? 3 a List the composite numbers greater than four, but less than 30. b Try to write exch composite number on your list as the sum of two prime numbers, For example: 6= 3 +3and§=3+5, 4 Twin primes are pairs of prime numbers that differ by two. List the twin prime pairs up to 100, 5 Is 149. prime number? Explain how you decided Prime factors Prime factors are the factors of a number that are also prime numbers. Every composite whole number ean be broken «own and written as the product ofits prime factors. You can do this using tree diagrams or using division. Both methods are | Remember, a product shown in Worked example 5. is the answer to a multiplication. So to write a number as the product of its prime factors you write it like this: 12=2%2%3. 11 Review of number concepts Using prime factors to find the HCF and LCM When you are working with larger numbers you can determine the HCF or LCM by ‘expressing cach number as a product ofits prime factors, Find the HCF of 168 and 180. Answer 168-2%2%2x3x7 First express each number as a product of prime factors. Use tree diagrams or division to do this Underline the factors common to both numbers. Multiply these aut to find the HCF. WORKED EXAMPLE 7 Nneeeurone CONNECTIONS Find the LCM of 72 and 120. You can also use ‘Answer prime factors to find W2=2%2x2"3x3 First express each number as a product of the square and cube prime factors. Use tree diagrams or division to roots of numbers Go this if you don’t have a 120=2x2x2x3x5 Underline the largest set of multiples of each calculator. You will factor. deal with this in x2M2"3x3%5= more detail later in 2x 2x2%3%3%5=360 _Ustheee andl multiply them out to fn the eteerea LM = 360 Exercise 1.9 1. Find the HF of these numbers by using prime factors. a 48and 108 b 120and216 ¢ = 72.and 90 d= S2and 78 e 100and125 f 1S4and88 = gs S46.and 624 h 9S and 120 2. Use prime factorisation to determine the LCM of the following numbers a S4and60 bb S4and72 ¢ « @Oand72 ds 4Band 60 fe 1and 180 f Sand 150g Séand9%0 fh 9Dand 120 3 Determine both the HCF and LCM of the following numbers. a Tand 108 — b 2Sand200 € 9Sand 120d 84.and 60 ) CAMBRIDGE 16CSE™ MATHEMATICS: CORE & EXTENDED COURSEBCOK tare) 4 Aradio station runs a phone-in competition for listeners, Every 30th caller gets 2 free airtime voucher and every 120th caller gets a free mobile Phone. How many listeners must phone in before one receives both an airtime voucher and a free phone? Linuns round a track in 12 minutes, Jaleel runs round the same track in 18 minutes. If they start together, how many minutes will pass before they both cross the start line together again? > 6 ‘The mumber p can be writien as a product of the three prime numbers.x, yand =, where x, "and 2 are all different 2 How many factors does the number p have? Another number g can be written as the product of four different primes. b How many factors does g have? ‘The number y can be written as a produet of n different prime numbers. ¢ How many factors does r have? 1.4 Working with directed numbers ‘When you use numbers to represent real-life situations like temperatures altitude, depth below sea level, profit or loss and directions (on 2 grid). you sometimes need to use the negative sign (o indicate the direction of the number, For example, you can show a temperature of three degrees below zero as ~3*C. Numbers like these, which have direction, are called directed numbers So if’ point 25m above sea level is at +25m, then a point 25m below sea level is at -25m, Once a direction is chosen to be positive, the opposite direction is taken to be negative. So: if up is positive, down is negative if right is positive, left is negative if north is positive, south is negative if above Dis positive, below 0 is negative. Recognising the type of problem helos you to choose the correct mathematical techniques for solving it. Word problems involving LCM usually include repeating events, You may be asked how many items you need to ‘have enough’ or when something will happen again at the same time 2 ee 11 Review of number concepts Exercise 1.10 11 Express each of these situations using a directed number, 4 aprolit of S100 b 25km below sea level € adrop of 10 marks again of 2ke @ alossof 1.Skg ¥ $000m above sea level 9 « temperature of 10°C below zero ha fallof 24m 1 addabt of $2000 jam increase of ke a time to hours behind local time 1 aight of 400m Calculating with directed numbers In mathematics, directed numbers are also known as integers. You can represent the set ‘of integers on a number line like this: “09 43-6 O12345 678900 ablLliitisititiiitisiiiiy ‘The further to the right a number is on the number line, the greater its value. neon Directed numbers are important when describing temperatures. The Celsius Cen Sohn (or centigrade) ternperature scale places the temperature at which water freezes at zero. Positive temperatures indicate ‘above freezing’ and are warmer. Negative temperatures are ‘below freezing’ and are colder. You will use similar number lines when solving linear inequalities in ‘When you calculate with negative and positive integers you need to payattentionto | Chapter 14. the sighs and rememee these rules! Adding # negative number is the same us subtracting the number. 3+ 2 © Subtracting a negative number is the same as adding a positive number. 3 ~~$ = 8 * Multiplying or dividing the same signs gives a positive answer, ~3 ¥ ~5 = 15 and, ‘Yoursaleallater wil 20 a5 have a [+/-] key that 1S and allows you to enter negative numbers. Make sure you know which key this is © Multiplying or dividing different signs gives « negative answer. 3 ~ I$4=3 Exercise 1.11 1. Copy the numbers and ill in < > to make a true statement. a 20s » 409 © pOs 4 60 e -7Lls # 204g -20-1 sh ~12L]-20 i -aDo j 202k -e-s 1 -nfls m 00-3 es 30n © 20-9 p -3Co © 3 5 ) CAMBRIDGE 16CSE™ MATHEMATICS: CORE & EXTENDED COURSEBCOK 2 Arrange each set of numbers in ascending order. a 8,7, 10-1, -12 © 1 -8,-7,7,0,-12 3 Write down the missing integer in each of these calculations b -1.7+O=83 « e f bh i k I LANA ROlU eee 4 Study the temperature graph carefully “Temperature hange during two weeks of Faary 7 The difference : between the i highest and lowest o Hae i temperature is also 2 called the range of gs temperatures. L> 2 oN | Hae ny ay iy Day ofthe weok a What was the temperature on Sunday 14 January? b By how much did the temperature drop from Sunday 14 to Monday 15? © What was the lowest temperature recorded? d_ Whats the difference between the highest and lowest temperatures? On Monday 29 January the temperature changed by ~12 degrees. What was the temperature on that day? 5 Manu has bank balance of $45.50, He deposits $15.00 and then withdraws $32.00. What is his new balance? & Abank account is $420 overdrawn a Express this as a directed number. b How much money needs to be deposited for the account to have a balance of $500? ¢ $200 is deposited. What is the new balance? 7 Adiver 27m below the surface of the water rises 16m. At what depth is the diver now? > naanhhanoi 11 Review of number concepts acer: ‘Ona cold day in New York, the temperature at 6a.m. was -5°C. By noon, the temperature had risen by 8°C. By 7p.m. the temperature had dropped by 11°C from its value at noon, What was the temperature at 7p.m.? Local time in Abu Dhabi is four hours ahead of local time in London Local time in Rio de Janeiro is three hours behind local time in London. Hit is 4pm. in London, what time is it in Abu Dhabi? Hit is 3a.m. in London, what time is it in Rio de Janiero? Hit is 3pm. in Rio de Janeiro, what time is it in Abu Dhabi? itis 8a.m. in Abu Dhabi, what time is it in Rio de Janeira? ‘A fuel tank at a workshop should be refilled when the gauge shows 0; however, there is a 100 litre reserve in the tank, so the level can drop below 0 if the tank is not filled on time. 2 On3 March, the gauge indicated 412 litres above the 0 mark. (On 31 March the level had dropped to ~66 litres. Calculate the mean rate of fuel use per day. On 1 April, the tank wes topped up. The workshop owner estimates that this arount of fuel woud be enough for 30 days, after which the 5 level should be 0, How much fuel was added to the tank? S —_— = 1.5 Powers, roots and laws of indices 5 5 You know tat 2222 16 5 ‘You can write this in index notation as: = 2216 4—indox % rite se ia : 4 isthe index ‘The indes is also called a power or an exponent Square numbers and square roots A number is squared when itis multiplied by itself For example, the square of 5 is 5 $= 25, The symbol for squared is®, So you can write 5% 5 as S Maa CONNECTIONS “The square root of a number is the number that was multiplied by itself to get the square number. The symbol for square root is In Section 1.1 you You know that 25 = 5? s0 35 = 5. learned that the product obtained when an integer is multiplied by itself is a square number. ) CAMBRIDGE 16CSE™ MATHEMATICS: CORE & EXTENDED COURSEBCOK You also know that 5 % ~5 = 25. However, the mathematical convention is that the square root sign only refers to the positive square root. This is why if you enter 125 in ‘your calculator you will always get the positive answer, 5, If you want to indicate both the positive and negative square roots of 25 you need to write 25. Cube numbers and cube roots A.number is cubed when itis multiplied by itself and then multiplied by itself again. For example, the enbe of 2 is 2 x 2x 2 = 8, The symbol for cubed is?, So 2 x 2.x Dean also be written as 28, “The cube rot of «numbers the number that ats multiplied by igs to got the ebe smamber. The symbol foreube otis. You know that 8 = 2:0 (8 = 2 Finding powers and roots ‘You should know the squares of numbers from L to 15 (and their roots) and the eubes ‘of numbers from 1 to 5s well as they cube of 10, For other numbers, you can use your calculator to squate or cube numbers quickly using the [5¢ J and [3°] keys or the [2] key. Use the [J] or [J keys to find the roots Not all calculators have exactly the same buttons. (32 J[ «J and A Jall mean the same thing on different calculators. Make sure you know how to find powers and roots on your calculator. Use your calculator to find a 19 be Answers 19? = 361 Enter ISI IL) Enter GEIS Ente SIIZIEI Ente SIO If you don't have a calculator, you can use the product of prime factors method to find square and cube roots of numbers. This method is shown in Worked example 9. To solve equations like x2 = 25, you need to find both the positive and negative Square roots, so iF x= 25, then 1/25 = 5 and -5. 11 Review of number concepts WORKED EXAMPLE Without using 2 caleulator fine: a 324 b 512 Answers a 324=2x2x3x3K 3x3 z2 3 3 2x3x3=18 \324 =18 S12-2x2x2K2x2x2K2x2"2 z z Zz 2x2x2=8 512-8 Exercise 1.12 EY + wit down the vate of a3 br © 1 foe oP hoe 2 Caleulate: a2 bo eo fo 9 100 hast a rxe=35 » d xxxxx=729 e g rxe% N= 8000 j k 4 Usea calculator to find the following roots. a b a e f 9 400 k 1 m 7 p q 2 or iD Group the factors into pairs, and write down the square root of each pair. Muttiply the roots together to get the square root of 324. Group the factors into threes, and write the cube root of each group. Multiply together to get the cube root of 512 a © 100° ia iow d 68 e 6 iw i 200 Find a value of to make each of these statements true. © xxx=121 fo oxxx ) CAMBRIDGE 16CSE™ MATHEMATICS: CORE & EXTENDED COURSEBCOK 5 Use the given product of prime factors to find the square root of each number. Show your working, a 324 2x2K3KIKIKS 2923 K3KSxS 184 =2%2%2%2K7%7 2025 =3x3%3K9XSKS 19600 250000 X2KIKIKSKSKTXT 2x 2x MINSK SXSRSKSXS sean 6 Use the given product of prime factors to find the cube root of each number. Show your working. a 27=3%K3%3 b 3x 3K 3KRK3KS © 3x13 13 A 1000 2% 2x2 5x5%5 fe 1S625=5x5K5xSx5xS £32768 =2%2%2% 2x2 2K2KINIKINIKINIKIKD 7 Caloulat zi saat a War b ad (33) e 94/6 f h 36464 Brackets act as grouping symbols. Work out any calculations inside brackets before doing the calculations outside the brackets. Root signs work in the same way as a bracket, f you have (25 +9, you must add 25 and 9 before finding the root. 8 Find the length of the edge of a cube with a volume of: 2 100m! b 19683cm! | 68921mm)—d_—«64000em? 9 If the symbol # meuns ‘add the square of the first number to the cube of the second number’, calculate: a 2*3 bb 382 ¢ Itt d ded e 2k fo 4e2 gg 189 hh 9e1 1 SH j 2s 11 Review of number concepts You have covered many of the concepts in this chapter earlier in your study of mathematics. Which concepts did you remember really well? Why do you think you remembered these so well? Did you find any new ways of doing things or better ways of explaining things as you worked through this chapter? Share your ideas with a partner. Other indices and roots You have scen that square numbers are all raised to the power of to (S squared = 5 «5 = 5) and that cube numbers are all raised to the power of three $x 5x5 =5}), You can raise number to any power. For examph . You read this as S to the power of 4°. The same principle applies tw finding roots of numbers. st=25 E S 2125 = st= 625 You can use your cate ‘The (FJ key calculates any power So, to find 7%, you enter 7 [7] S and get a result of 16807. The (YJ key caleulates any root So, to find Y8T, you enter 4 [Y7] 81 and get a result of 3. lator to perform operations using any roots or squares naanhhanoi ur calculator t be second Make sure that you know which Key is used for each funetion on y and that you know how to use it. On some calculators these keys Funetions MATHEMATICAL CONNECTIONS You will work with higher powers and roots again when you deal with indices in algobra in Chapter 2, standard form in Chapter 5 and rates of growth and decay in Chapters 17 and 18. Index notation and products of prime factors Index notation is very useful when you have to express a number as produet of its prime factors because it allows you to write the factors in « short form, ) CAMBRIDGE 16CSE™ MATHEMATICS: CORE & EXTENDED COURSEBCOK Wien Express these numbers as products of their prime factors in index form. a 200 b 19683 Answers These diagrams are a reminder of the factor tree and division methods for finding the prime factors. A © w b L\ {\ ® % o =2x2%2x5x5 23x34 3x 3x 3K 33x33 200 ~ 2 « 52 19683 - 3° Exercise 1.13 1 Evaluate. a x2 b 3x? © 41356 a x T776 e (msx2 # sa)" 2. Which is greater and by how much? a xatortx3 bb YGSx 38 or 744 3. Expres the following as produets of prime factors, in index notation, a 64 b us < 400 d 1600 e 16384 f 20736 g 59049390625 4 Write several square numbers as products of prime factors, using index notation, ‘What can you say about the index needed for each prime? Remember that anything raised to the power of zero is equal to 1 11 Review of number concepts The laws of indices ‘The laws of indices are a set of mathematical rules that allow you to multiply and dlivide ‘numbers written in index notation without having to write them in expanded form. Make sure that you remember these three important rules. ‘To multiply different powers of the same number, add the indices For example, 3° 3°= 3S = Sand? «d= 42724, “To divide differont powers of the same number, subtract the indices ‘ O-RaWtaxandteg-7a44 For example, 3°=32= 3-2 = Hand $= 7 = 4 ‘To find the power of a power you multiply the indices For example, BP = 3*?= 3and (42)"*= 4273 = 4-9 In general terms: ae ene Zero and negative indices Do you remember how to work with zero and negative indices? Read through this information to refresh your memory In this table, eac value is § of the one to its left. For example, > se] se [so [5 | | si [se] se [se 625} 125| 25] 5 | 1 WY ne 3 | 25 | 725 | es “The pattern in the table shows that 5" = 1, This is true for any number to the power of 0. We can say d! = | (where a # 0, because 0? is undefined.) ‘You can also see from the table that a number with a negative index is equal to its, 1 reciprocal with a positive index. For example: $7 ‘This is true forall negative indices L ‘We can say a" = 21 (where a # 0) Exercise 1.14 EY 1 deste whcther ach statment treo fas 1 fae, work ot the ‘correc! answer a exeee ob Eas © #ee=4 dips e w= f MxP=T g h 10 10°= 10" i ey 1-9-1 ) CAMBRIDGE 16CSE™ MATHEMATICS: CORE & EXTENDED COURSEBCOK 2 Simplify. Leave your answers in index notation, a x1! bb MKSS ee 2xMKII Ad 1K IO 108 Ae as poet 10 f ope a 3 By Pat i oy iF koa ay 3. Substitute a=2, 6 = 3.and c= 5 to find the value of each expression. atte! b&b (aby? © ley do atrte 4 Evaluate, ast bos em da er Poet et ad oo fo oz oa Evaluate ~“e bose Ime dat carn # Gg weer hb cael 7 Rewrite each expression in the form of 3* (in other words, as a power of 3). bs © 19 a3 a3 sd a fo ale h ~8r eg 3 2 . Fractional indices Do you remember what a fractional index such as 5! means? Fractional indices You can use the laws of indicss to show the meaning of fractional indices and roots are 5 used in many ~ different financial You also know that V3 x /3= calculations involving investments, . insurance policies easi=s and economic And (3x15 x} pecker 80, 51215 In general terms, for unit fractions: 11 Review of number concepts ‘You can use the rule for finding the power of a power to show the meaning of fractional indices where the numerator is not 1 (non-unit fractions). lay This shows that a number such as 5 can be written with a unit fraction index as (5: abiegt You lady know that you an write uit action (eh 2) asa oot Multiplication is is simpler to input the value in root form into your calculator than to enter commutative, so In general terms for non-unit fractions: (a'I” is the same as Work out the value of, b 2515 so you square the cube root of 27. 2 fa2xh, Change the decimal to a fraction. 373% J so you need to cube the square root of 25 Exercise 1.15 1 Rewrite cach expression using a root symbol. a 2st bos © 40 de ex fa g 1 host 2. Write cach expression using index notation a 5 b « VE dvr e (oF ¢ ber a Way h 213)" 3 Use a calculator to evaluate, a 2st b 2 e 8 dist e 216 £ 0.1251 9 46 host iat 3 ke 216! 12500 ) CAMBRIDGE 16CSE™ MATHEMATICS: CORE & EXTENDED COURSEBCOK APPLY YOUR SKILLS The number of calories a mammal uses when they are at rest can be worked out using the formula C = 70 « mi, where mis the mass of the animal in kilograms. Express the formule using a root sign. A.cathas a mass of 5.5 kilograms, Work out how many calories it consumes while itis at rest. How many calories would @ 5000kg elephant consume at rest? 1.6 Order of operations At this level of mathematics you are expected to carry out calculations involving more than one operation (+, ~, and =). When you do this you have to follow a sequence of rules so that there is no confusion about what operations you should do firs. The rules for the order of operations are complete operations in grouping symbols first deal with powers and roots next + do division and muhiplication next, working from lft to eight * do addition and subtraction last, working from left to right. “Many people use the letters BODMAS to remember the order of operations The letters stand for Brackets Orders Divide Multiply Add Subtract BODMAS indicates that indices (powers of are considered after brackets but before wae all other operations, ff You will apply the Grouping symbols args stil The most common grouping symbols in mathematics arc brackets. Here are some rules ta fractions, examples of the diferent kinds of brackets used in mathematics decimals are algebraic expressions +9)xU0=2, aryl rene [4 + 9) ~ 43) ~ 12) ‘through the course. (2-42--4G-+8))-2*8} 2 > 11 Review of number concepts When you have more thn one set of brackets in calculation, you work out the innermost set first. Other symbols used to group operations are: 5-12 # fraction bars, eg. # root signs, such as square roots and cube roots, e@. 9+ 16 Relies ese Simplify a 7xG44) b (10-4)x@+9) © 45~[20x(4-3) Answers a 7x7-49 b 6x 13-78 € 45 - [20x 1]- 45-20-25 WORKED EXAMPLE 13 Calculate. 4428 ETT OTE oe b \3534+\100-35 Answers a (4+ 28) 017-9) b 3644+ /100-36 =32+8 = V9 + v64 =4 =3+8 =u Now that you know what to do with grouping symbols, you can apply the rules for ‘order of operations to perform calculations with numbers. Exercise 1.16 SEDiE Calndna:tioy te sigdicyosr wing a 4nK3 b (0-4ya4 © 50-2045) d 6xa+9) ee Gnx4 F (100-40) x3 g 16+ 5-5) h 19-(1242) i 4002-4 j 104+ 16 k 1s @3+9 1 isxas=15) V2 corms a 448) x (16-7) b (12-4) x 6+3) € FH -G+H) d G3+IN=(0-5) @ xQ+Ex fF OxI+E7-20) g (5-85) +1644) 2+ 13) 5° i 66-6) x 443)

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