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FIRST QUARTER A.Y. 2023-2024

Summative Assessment #1. Lesson 1: Gender and Human Sexuality

You are the guidance counselor in your school. To minimize sexuality-related bullying among students and help students
better appreciate themselves and their relationship with others, you are now tasked to create an infographic elaborating
sexuality as an important component of one’s personality. Be guided by the rubric below.
Infographics Making Rubrics
(10) (7-9) (4-6) (1-3)
Message The topic and Topic and main ideas Topic is given but main Topic and/or main
Clarity messages of the are clear. ideas are unclear or ideas are absent or
infographic are clear lacking. very unclear.
and easily understood;
Intended to inform or
convince the viewer.
Graphic The graphics used Most graphics All graphics relate to Graphics do not relate
Relevance represent information represent the the topic but do not to the topic.
appropriately. information represent
appropriately. appropriately.
Visual Appeal Imaginative, original Creativity is acceptable Little creativity is used No originality and
and use of graphics and use of graphics with poor selection of graphics do not tie in
make the message adequate to present graphics. with the message.
come alive. message.
Total 30/30

Summative Assessment #2. Lesson 2: Teenage Concerns. Situational Analysis. Let students assess their understanding on
the issues and concerns among teenagers by analyzing the following situations below:
1. Your friends are not aware of the danger of premarital sex and teenage pregnancy. You learned many things
about these in your Health classes. How can you help them avoid the risky sexual behavior and their
2. Your friends are pressuring you to do unhealthy sexual behaviors, what would you say or do?
3. What would you do to avoid intimacy at this stage in your life?
4. You observed that one of your friends is often anxious and has difficulty answering questions about himself. You
often hear him questioning his own character and at times telling you that it seems that his purpose in life
appears hazy. What adolescent concern is your friend experiencing? How can you help your friend address his

An important idea is clearly stated. Supporting details are relevant and convincing. How the evidence
(4-5) supports the main idea is clear. Reasonable and explained in detail.

The main idea is stated. Supporting ideas are mostly relevant. How the evidence supports the main
(2-3) idea is mostly clear and reasonable. Some explanation is given.

The main idea is not stated or is not correct. Supporting details are not relevant or are missing. How
(0-1) the evidence supports the main idea is not clear, not reasonable, and /or not explained.

Total Score 20/20

SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT NO. 3. POSTER ADVERTISEMENT. A study shows that the leading cause of early pregnancy
are curiosity or experimentation, peer pressure, lack of information on reproductive health and liberal views on sex. As a
health worker, you are now tasked to create a poster promoting healthy and responsible ways in dealing with teenage
sexuality-related issues. Be guided by the following rubric:
CRITERIA Advanced Developing Beginning
Information (10) All information (data, One or two counts of wrong Three or more counts of
statistics, and graphics) information are spotted in wrong information are
cited are correct. the report. spotted in the report.
(10) (5-9) (1-4)
Cohesion and organization The information in the Some information in the The material is poorly
(5) material are well-written. material are not organized written. The ideas are not
The ideas are organized and and sequenced properly. organized and sequenced
sequenced properly. (3-4) properly.
(5) (1-2)
Readability (5) The materials utilize The material utilizes The font styles and sizes
readable font styles and readable font styles and and color scheme seem to
sizes. The color scheme is sizes. The color scheme distract the reader.
blending in the material. seems to distract the reader. (1-2)
(5) (3-4)

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