Assignment 1 Ict

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Name : Aisyah Mardhiyah S

NIM : 22018085/K4 (2022)

Course : ICT for Language
Lecturer : Prof. Dra. Yetty Zainil, MA., Ph.D.,

The Use of ICT Tools in English Language Teaching and Learning:

A Literature Review (2018)
According to Daniels (2002) Information and communication technology (ICT) is considered to be
one of the basic building blocks of modern society. However, globalization has brought an immense
change in every aspect of human life and education is no exception. Nowadays the use of ICT in
teaching and learning process becomes very important. The teacher is expected to be both traditional
and modern in his/her teaching-learning process. Recently, internet has gained and still gaining an
immense popularity in second/foreign language teaching and more teachers and learners are
embarrassing it. So, there is no doubt that ICT has impacted the quantity and quality of teaching and
learning in traditional and distance education institutions.
The term “information and communication technologies” (ICT) refers to forms of technology that are
used to transmit, process, store, create, display, share or exchange information by electronic means.
This broad definition of ICT includes such technologies as radio, television, video, DVD, telephone
(both fixed line and mobile phones), satellite systems, and computer and network hardware and
software, as well as the equipment and services associated with these technologies, such as
videoconferencing, e-mail and blogs.
Today ICT is being used as a tool of improving the quality of life. ICT has proved effective in
delivering learning to all over the world and to those people who are unable to move from their places
and cannot move their limb and hardly utter words. ICT tools are many and some of them will be
presented in details in this paper. However, ICT tools, in this paper, are divided into two types which
are non-web based and web based learning tools.
ICT provides positive vibrations on students’ attitude towards learning a language. Students can have
an excellent chance to pick out the elements through which they can meet their learning strategies,
which were failed to satisfy by the conventional methods. The availability of sources like images,
animations, audio and video clips is very simulating because they support the learners in presenting
and practicing a language in a different way.
This literature review explored the use of ICT tools in teaching and learning of English. Since
conventional approaches and the methodologies are interlinked with the novel technologies to teach
English language, it seems impractical to keep them part. With the help of these ICT tools which are
available freely on the internet, can make the second language teaching a fruitful one. It becomes
beneficial for teaching a foreign language in the hands of creative and knowledgeable language
teachers. Now ELT has come into the period of evaluation where new inventions are entering into our
day to- day activities.
The Implementation of ICT in Teaching English as Foreign Language: A Case Study of
Premary School English Teachers in Kotamobagu, North Sulawesi
The level of EFL teachers’ knowledge in the ICT implementation is divided into four levels, which are
excellent, good, fair, and no capability. The Table 4.1 shows that there is 1 teacher (5.5%) from the
total 18 respondents who had excellent capability in using Word Processing. Meanwhile, there were 5
teachers (27.8%) who reported that they possessed good capability in operating Word Processing.
Next, there were 12 teachers (66.7%) who perceived that their capability in operating Word
Processing was just fair and there was no teacher who claimed that they had no capability in operating
Word Processing.
The findings of the study support the previous study that have been conducted by Kandasamy and
Shah in Malaysia around 2013 and Lubis who researched about the perceptions of pre-service
teachers in Indonesia back then in 2018 which stated that their respondents had positive attitudes
toward ICT implementation.
This present studies more focused to explore the fours skills in communication (listening, speaking,
reading, and writing) in the questionnaire in order to know whether or not EFL teachers in
Kotamobagu implemented ICTs effectively to improve their students’ English’ communicative
competence. Overall, this study supports the both previous studies which claim that the EFL teachers
state that ICT implementation is useful to improve students’ language learning.
Based on the findings, we find that ICT implementation’s knowledge level of EFL teachers in
Kotamobagu was categorized as fair in operating Microsoft Office such as word processing, spread
sheet, power point and using e-mails. Meanwhile, they had good level in internet browsing but in
contrast had no capability in doing teleconference. Regarding to teachers’ attitude towards ICT
implementation, it is reported that they have positive attitude towards the use of ICT in teaching
English. It is also reported that the respondents use ICT in their classroom with various reasons but
mostly use it for teaching writing and listening. Lack of facility is reported as the main problem that
the teachers often face during the implementation of ICT.
The Access to and Use of ICT in Learning English: A Case of University Students
In general, many students have problems in learning English (Kudsiyah, 2009). There are some
factors causing learning problems to students. According to Syah (2005) cited in Kudsiyah (2009),
causal factors of students’ learning problems are divided into Internal and External factors. Internal
factors include cognitive, affective and psychomotor. Meanwhile the external factors include family,
society and school environment (e.g., school building condition, teacher and learning facility).
Therefore, learning facilities can give a contribution to the learning process, especially in school.
ICT refers to the computer-based-technologies and internet-based technologies which are used for
delivering and receiving the information (Annamalai, 2017). Ammanni & Aparanjani (2016) state
some hardware and software used for English language teaching and learning are e. g laptop, internet,
e-books, audio books, Webinar, Interactive White Board (IWB), Mobile apps, Audio-visual aids,
Over-head projectors/slides, tape recorder/gramophone, television, film projector, language
laboratory, Web 2.0 applications and mobile phones. Therefore, ICT can be hardware and software.
On the other hands, some recent research dealing with the use of ICT tools and applications in the
field of English Language Teaching have been done by some researchers. For example, Al Arif (2019)
found students' positive attitudes towards ICT use in learning English. Then, Alfarwan (2019) found
ICT devices especially on electronic devices which are accessed and used by students in learning
In addition, students also have the neutral perception and negative perception. The reason for effective
or ineffective ICT application used in teaching and learning depends on lecturer, environment and
students. Moreover, related to the effect of online class, the cause of ineffectiveness of ICT
application used in teaching and learning is also in students. Students’ characteristics affect the
teaching and learning. The characteristics are like students’ motivation, control and independence. For
example, P21 agrees that ICT application helps her to master grammar because she can learn more
grammar material in Google, meanwhile P22 disagrees because she just hangs on lecturer’s guidance
to make her understand about grammar.
From the data, researcher found the best five ICT applications which are frequently used by students
are Zoom, E-learning, YouTube, Google Classroom and WhatsApp. The most frequently used by
students is Zoom in English learning. Zoom was frequently used because students can experience face
to face interaction with other students and lecturer as virtual classroom. Every class of reading,
writing, listening and speaking can use zoom to do learning process. Meanwhile, the best five ICT
applications which are rarely used by students are Google Meet, Grammarly, Microsoft Word, Email
and Google Drive. The most rarely used by students is Google Drive in English learning. Students use
Google Drive to save their video and share the link to lecturer. It’s rarely used because most students
familiarly use YouTube to save and share the video practically. In reading class, students usually
accessed 10 types of ICT applications namely Microsoft PowerPoint, Google Classroom, Google
Meet, Zoom, WhatsApp, E-Learning, Pdf Reader/Nitro, Google Translation, Online Dictionary, and
Google Search. From those applications, Pdf reader/nitro is frequently accessed by students in reading
class. Students said that Pdf is accessible and practical to be used than using textbook in reading class.
Comment on situation about articles
In 2018, the use of ICT was still not widely used because the teachers in teaching methods
used textbooks and curricula from the government.
However, in 2019 the curriculum changed and started using ICT such as laptops used for
presentations in front of the class. The use of ICT such as smartphones is not widely used
because books are still used as a learning medium.
When the pandemic came, online lessons began to be implemented without meeting in class.
Teachers and students must use smartphones as a medium for teaching and learning. Students
are required to use devices such as laptops and cellphones for communication.
The use of ICT nowadays is very necessary to help facilitate learning for students and
teachers. There are many learning media nowadays such as students or students can access
learning materials on Google, YouTube and others.

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