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Recent Blogs BEST


 Company Formation and

Incorporation in India

 Growing Relevance of IT and

Automation in Business

 Faceless Appeal

 Form 15CA and 15CB

 Various Compliance Related

Announcements Made By
Finance Minsiter In Press

 Amendment in Section 80G in Wr it t e n B y Gkkedia D t . Marc h 31st , 2020

Union Budget, 2020

Me aning of Charte re d Accountant
 T ypes of Business Unit that Chart ered Ac c ount ant m eans a solut ion orient ed person and a person
Foreign National/Companies who is awake in t hose t hat sleep, and it ref ers t o prof essional ac c ount ant
can open in India
who is qualif ied t o t ake on a num ber of spec if ic ac t ivit ies wit hin t he
spec t rum of ac c ount anc y . Whereas t he posit ion of degree of Chart ered
 How Can a Foreign Company
Set-Up its Business in India? Ac c ount ant s of India is equivalent t o c ert if ied public ac c ount ant , or CPA
in Unit ed St at es.
 Certificate of Lower Rate/ Nil  
Deduction of T DS or T CS from
Income T ax Department What Charte re d Accountants Do?
T here are usually f our areas in whic h Chart ered Ac c ount ant s c an work-
  How to Add Challan in T DS

 Financial Accounting.
Financial Reporting.

 Applied Finance Management Accounting.

Chart ered Ac c ount ant s also work in organiz at ions; est ablish his own f irm ,

indust ries and c om m erc e, as well as not -f or-prof it -organiz at ion and
public sec t ors. Working st rat egic ally, t he aim of c hart ered ac c ount ant is
 t o m axim iz e prof it abilit y on behalf of your c lient or em ployer.

Re sponsibilitie s
As a c hart ered ac c ount ant , you’ll need t o:

Manage financial systems and budgets.

Undertake financial audits (an independent check of an organization’s
financial position).
Provide financial advice.
Communicate with client (individuals or businesses) and provide financial
information and advice.
Review the company’s system and analyse risk.
Advice client on tax planning (within current legislation to enable them
to minimize their tax liability) and tax issues associated with activities
such as business acquisitions and merger.
Maintain accounting records and prepare accounts and management
information for small businesses (accountancy).
Counsel clients on area of business improvement, or dealing with
Detect and prevent fraud (forensic accounting).
Communicate with internal and external auditors (where applicable)
and deal with any financial irregularities as they arise.
Produce financial management reports, including financial planning and
Advice on tax and treasury issues.
Negotiate terms with suppliers.

Working Hours
Working hours vary depending on t he role and t he organiz at ion but usually
8 t o 9 hours in a day. However during peak m ont hs i.e., Marc h, July, August ,
Sept em ber and Dec em ber, working ext ra hours are quit e c om m on in order
t o m eet deadlines, part ic ularly in larger f irm s. As a t rainee, you’ll usually
be given t im e of f in lien of any overt im e worked.

A Chart ered ac c ount ant always has –

Motivation and initiative.

Leadership qualities and effective teamwork skills.
Communication and interpersonal skills.
General business interest and awareness.
Organizational and time management skills.
Integrity and trustworthiness.
Confidentiality (CA has various confidential information which requires
not to be disclosed until and unless the client permitted and law
IT proficiency.

Re asons Charte re d Accountants are in de mand in India.

After the implementation of the goods and service tax (GST) in India, the
demand of Chartered Accountants well-versed in the new tax regime
has been on a rise.
More and more cross-border transactions happening nowadays and
thus there is an increased demand of Chartered Accountants in the area
of International Taxation.
Increasingly stringent regulatory norms for the companies have raised
the demand for competent auditors to examine records and report

Wealth management is a professional service which combine financial

and investment advice, accounting and tax services which create the
more demand of Chartered Accountants in India.

Chartered Accountants being required to handle client-specific mergers

 and acquisitions cases.

The number of income taxpayers in India has more than doubled over

 the last few years, and this is expected to increase the demand of
Chartered Accountants.
Chartered Accountants also help in making plans regarding business

How you can be ne f it f rom G KKe dia & Co.?

O ur Chart ered Ac c ount anc y f irm has 9 f ull t im e working CA Part ners, 6 CA
Assist ant s working under t he guidanc e of t he best Chart ered Ac c ount ant
of India i.e. CA Gopal Kum ar Kedia, a f orm er Ac c ount ant Mem ber of t he
Inc om e T ax Appellat e T ribunal. We are loc at ed in Delhi and Punjab

If you are looking f or any guidanc e regarding your business and f inanc ial
needs, you m ay enquire now.

Wr it t e n B y


 +91-11-4 62 59900, 1800 1100 99 (India To ll  mail@gk k e diaandco .co m

fre e )

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 Fore ign Ex change Manage me nt
Economic Z one

 Busine ss Proce ss
 Inv e st me nt in India by Fore ign
Out source ( BPO)
Nat ionals & NRIs

 Mat t e rs re lat e d t o
 Mat t e rs re lat e d wit h Be nami
Enf orce me nt D ire ct orat e
Prope rt y T ransact ions
unde r PMLA & FEMA
 Mat t e rs re lat e d t o Black Mone y
and Imposit ion of T ax Act 20 15

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