4th Quarter - G8LAS (SET A) - Week 5-8

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Talaibon, Ibaan Batangas

MELC Based
for Grade 8
Fourth Quarter
SET A- Week 5-8

English (LAS) ……………………………………………………………………………..pp. 3-11
Araling Panlipunan (LAS) ………………………… ……………………………… pp. 12-20
Science (LAS) ……………………………………………………………………………pp. 20-23
TLE (WHLP) …… ………………………………………………………………..pp. 24-29



Master Teacher I Teacher III


Teacher III Teacher III


Teacher III Teacher III Teacher III


Master Teacher I Teacher III Teacher III


Teacher III Teacher I Teacher I


Teacher III Teacher III Teacher III


Teacher III Teacher III Teacher III


Teacher III Teacher III Teacher I


Teacher III Teacher III Teacher I

Head Teacher in Charge CRIS T. ZITA

` Head Teacher II

Fourth Quarter (Week 5)
Composing an Effective Paragraph

A paragraph is a group of sentences about one topic. It contains a topic sentence, supporting
details and sometimes a concluding sentence. The sentences follow one another from the beginning to the
end of the paragraph. A paragraph is usually part of a longer piece of writing, such as a letter or an essay.

The topic sentence is usually the first sentence Terry Fox was a Canadian who suffered
of the paragraph. It states the main idea of the from bone cancer and raised awareness
paragraph. A good topic sentence tells the for cancer research by trying to run
reader exactly what the rest of the paragraph across Canada. He attracted a lot of
will be about. attention by running the distance of a
marathon daily on one prosthetic leg. He
The supporting sentences are the middle
also challenged each Canadian citizen to
sentences of the paragraph. They provide
contribute one dollar for cancer research.
details such as explanations or examples that
Unfortunately, Fox was forced to end his
expand or support the topic sentence.
run near Thunder Bay because of health
Supporting sentences are sometimes connected
complications. The CTV network
by transition words or phrases.
organized a nation-wide run to continue
The concluding sentence is sometimes used Fox’s fundraising efforts. Clearly, Terry
in longer paragraphs to sum up the ideas Fox had an impact on both cancer
presented. It expresses the same idea as the research and the millions of
topic sentence but in different words. It can Canadians who participate in the
start with a transition such as clearly or in Terry Fox Run every year.

Imagine a paragraph as a hamburger. The top bun is the topic sentence. The bottom bun is the concluding
sentence. And, the ingredients between the two buns are the supporting details.

Directions: Write the letter of the appropriate answer to complete the sentences below.
1. _______is/are the sentence/s in the paragraph where it usually restates the main idea in different words
or summarizes the main points of the paragraph.
a. Paragraph b. Topic sentence c. Supporting details d. Concluding sentence
2. ______ is/are used to develop the main idea. In other words, it gives information about the main idea.
It can be facts, statistics, details, or examples.
a. Paragraph b. Topic sentence c. Supporting details d. Concluding sentence
3. ______ is a series of sentences that support a main idea, or point.
a. Paragraph b. Topic sentence c. Supporting details d. Concluding sentence
4. ______ states the main idea of the paragraph. It shows what the whole paragraph is all about.
a. Paragraph b. Topic sentence c. Supporting details d. Concluding sentence

Directions: These sentences are from a scrambled paragraph. Match each sentences with its purpose.
Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided before the number.

_____1. Nickel is another natural resource, used

in the making of stainless steel, as well as coins.
_____2. Hydroelectric power is a valuable source
a. Topic Sentence
of renewable energy.
b. Supporting Details 1
_____3. These are just a few of the resources
c. Supporting Details 2
Canada offers.
d. Supporting Details 3
_____4. Canada offers a variety of natural
e. Concluding Sentence
resources that are used for different purposes.
_____5. Timber is used for building materials and


Directions: Read the paragraph below. Identify the topic sentence and supporting details used in the

1. People in my family love our dog Punch. However, I have several reasons for wanting to get
rid of Punch. First of all, he knows I don ‘t like him. Sometimes he gives me an evil look and curls
his top lip back to show me his teeth. The message is clearly, ―” Someday I ‘m going to bite
you.” Another reason to get rid of Punch is he sheds everywhere. Every surface in our house is
covered with Punch hair. I spend more time brushing it off my clothes than I do mowing the
lawn. Last of all, Punch is an early riser, while (on weekends) I am not. He will start barking and
whining to go outside at 7 a.m., and it’s my job to take care of him. When I told my family that I
had a list of good reasons for getting rid of Punch, they said they would make up a list of reasons
to get rid of me.

Topic/Point: ________________________________________________________________
Supporting detail: 1. _________________________________________________________
Supporting detail: 2. _________________________________________________________
Supporting detail: 3. _________________________________________________________

2. Being a celebrity is often difficult. First of all, celebrities have to look almost perfect all the
time. There’s always a photographer ready to take an unflattering picture of a famous person
looking dumpy in old clothes. Celebrities also sacrifice their private lives. Their personal struggles,
divorces, or family tragedies all end up as front-page news. Last, and most frightening of all,
celebrities are in constant danger of the wrong kind of attention. Threatening letters and even
physical attacks from crazy fans are things a celebrity must contend with.

Topic/Point: ________________________________________________________________
Supporting detail: 1. _________________________________________________________
Supporting detail: 2. _________________________________________________________
Supporting detail: 3. _________________________________________________________


Fourth Quarter (Week 6)
Developing Paragraphs

In the previous lesson, you learned about the parts of a paragraph and how to construct one. In
this week’s module, you will know the different types of paragraphs as well as their features and examples.
This lesson will also help you understand the appropriate structure of paragraphs depending on their
purpose, and such knowledge will help you communicate properly in different situations.

1. EXPOSITORY TEXT is non-fiction (true) that seeks to explain or inform. It focuses on a specific topic.
The writer shares ideas, conveys information and provides proof and explanations. In expository writing,
linking words like first, second, then, and finally are usually used to help readers follow the ideas.
2. NARRATIVE TEXT tells a story or part of a story. It includes plot structure, conflict, characterization,
setting, theme, point of view, sequencing, and transitions. It is focused on the sequence of events to
recount an experience or occurrence and the detail surrounding it. It may be a story about the life of a
person, an account of a significant historical incident, or a report on how an invention or innovation came
to be. The basic purpose of narrative is to entertain, to gain and hold readers' interest.
3. PERSUASIVE TEXT intends to convince the reader that the writer’s opinion is correct. It expresses the
author’s position or stand on an issue and gives justifications for it. With persuasive text, the author tries to
convince the reader to adopt a particular opinion or perform a certain action.
4. EXPLANATORY TEXT (sometimes called an explanation) is a type of non-fiction text that explains a
process (for example, how something works or why something happens). Explanations are used to teach
people new information.
5. PERSONAL AND FACTUAL RECOUNTS’ purpose is to list and describe past experiences by retelling
events in the order in which they happened. Recounts are written to retell events with the purpose of
informing your audience. There are two types of recounts:
● Personal recount is when the writer is involved in the event. A personal recount has a beginning, a
middle and an end.
● Factual recount is when the writer is not involved in the event but the structure is the same as a
personal recount, because it has a beginning, middle and end. The difference between a personal recount
and a factual recount is that a personal recount is a personal moment that you have experienced and a
factual recount is when it's a moment that the writer has not experienced but has seen or thinks it is
interesting to write about.

Directions: Match the items on the right to the items on the left. Write your answer on the space provided
before the number.

1. Explanatory a. To entertain by telling a story

2. Narrative b. To show how or why something happens
3. Expository c. To change or influence the reader’s way of thinking
4. Persuasive d. To relate past experiences or events either real or imagined
5. Personal and Factual recount e. To provide facts in a way that is educational and purposeful

Directions: Sort out the text into Narrative, Expository, Explanatory, Persuasive, Personal and Factual Recount.
Books about volcano Advertisement Gandhi’s biography
Pepsi poster News article The process of creating a web page
Three Little Pigs Story Twilight (novel)
“How it Works” books Diary

Narrative Expository Explanatory Persuasive Personal & Factual



Directions Choose one (1) topic from the list below and write a paragraph about it. Follow the type of
paragraph development indicated in each topic. Be guided by the rubric to be given by your teacher.
• My life as a student in the new normal (narrative)
• How to keep your home free from coronavirus (explanatory)
• Why a person needs to be vaccinated (persuasive)
• CoVid-19 and its Impact (expository)
• An act of kindness: Community pantry (personal & factual recount)


Fourth Quarter (Week 7)
How to deliver a manuscript or memorized speech?

Speech Delivery
Delivery is the most important ingredient of public speaking as a well-written speech can be
useless if you do not know how to say it. It is the way by which you send your message to your audience.
It is the art of presentation using two aspects: the vocal (your voice and your oral expression) and the
visual (your platform behavior).
When you deliver a speech, you actually deliver two speeches: one verbally with your mouth, and the
other, nonverbally with the other parts of your body. Appropriate use of the voice and body can therefore
help the speaker reinforce the effectiveness of the delivery
1. ARTICULATION focuses on making individual sounds. In articulation, you change the sounds
coming from your vocal folds by moving the teeth, tongue, and lips in recognizable patterns.
2. PRONUNCIATION focuses on stress, rhythm, and intonation of the syllables in the word. In
pronunciation, you change the sounds of words by using stress. rhythm, and tone change on
different syllables of the word.
3. MODULATION means a change in volume, timing or pitch. It makes your speech interesting to
listen to and it is what makes the words and phrases stand out.

1. Volume is the perceived loudness of the speaker. Loudness is what the audience actually perceives and
it correlates with the physical strength (amplitude). Speakers control the production of sound either using
their own voice or a microphone so that amplified sound is loud enough to be heard.
2. Rate is the speed of speaking in words per minute from slow to fast, with normal rate averaging about
125 words per minute. You can vary the rate depending of the emotions you are feeling or the type of
message you are communicating.
3. Pitch is the auditory attribute of sound ordered on a scale from low to high. You can think about the
notes on a musical score with pitch getting higher as you move up the scale. Changing the pitch while
speaking can convey shades of meaning such as emphasis or surprise, or distinguish a statement from a
4. Pause may refer to a rest or temporary stop. It is an interval of silence and may vary in length. The
speaker may use pauses to enhance the message delivery or fill the pauses needlessly and distract the
audience from the message.
5. Power means generating intensity in your voice, making it commanding. In order to make your voice
powerful, you should not speak from your mouth but from inside the abdomen. Vary not just the loudness
(volume) but also the power or intensity that you use in your voice.
6. Emphasis means placing some stress or focus on the keywords or syllables in order to provide contrast
to your words and to bring out their desired meaning.
7. Inflection means the ups and downs of words. It links meaning and feeling with your words.


• Speaking with limited preparation • When you are a candidate for a post in a
Extemporaneous • Guided by notes or outline student government and you deliver your
• Delivered conversationally campaign speech before a voting public
• Speaking without advanced • In an event where you are asked to say a
preparation few words
• Unrehearsed speech • First day at work or in class, or during an
• Spoken conversationally interview
• Speaking with advanced • News casting with a Tele-Prompter or an
preparation autocue device
• Planned and rehearsed speech • Presenting the legal proceedings and verdict
• Reading aloud a written message in court
• Speaking with advanced • When you perform in a stage play
preparation • When you deliver a declamation, oratorical,
Memorized • Planned and rehearsed speech or literary piece
• Reciting a written message word- • When an actor or actress in a scene
for-word from memory performs a script from memory

Directions: Complete the concept map of the components of voice modulation.

1. __________________ 2. ___________________

7. __________________ 3. __________________

COMPONENT 4. _________________
6. __________________

5. __________________


Directions: Apply what you have learned from the lesson. Record yourself while delivering this welcome
speech (no need to memorize). Submit your video to your teacher’s messenger account.
Note: You may have your copy while delivering this welcome speech.


Good day everyone!

The Arts Club, in cooperation with the Quezon Painters’ Society, welcomes you
to the first ever exhibit with the theme “Green Art Movement”. This activity
aims to showcase the best student art works from the different schools that
talk about environmental preservation.

We appreciate all our dear visitors for today, especially those who travelled all
the way from the provinces just to witness the masterpieces we have created
to show our love for nature. We are truly honored that you have spent your
time with us despite your busy schedules.

Art is truly the language of our soul and we are very proud to present to you
our best works. We hope that you will also have the same passion for the art
and for the environment just like us.

I would like to congratulate the officers of the Arts Club and Quezon Painters’
Society and their adviser that spearheaded this activity.

Once again, good day and welcome to the Green Art Movement! Thank you
very much.

Fourth Quarter (Week 8)
Delivering a self-composed speech

In the previous module, practical advice

and tips were presented to help you hone
your skills in speech delivery. This week,
you’re going to apply them as you deliver
your self-composed speech.
Who are you in this picture? Are you the
nervous speaker or the confident one? You
might be anxious in speaking in front of an
audience yet you are still obliged to do
your best out of respect for them.
Fortunately, there are some guidelines that
can help you to be good in delivering a

What Is Good Delivery?

The more passionate you are about your subject, the more motivated you are to deliver it successfully.
Good delivery is a process of presenting a clear, coherent message in an interesting way.

Split your speech into three areas to arrange it and make it easier for your audience to understand your
point: introduction, main body, and conclusion.
• In the Introduction, your aim is to tell your audience who you are and what you’re talking about.
Then, you want to grab their attention. You may start with a story or a question to get the
audience’s attention from the get-go.
• The main body of your speech is where you make your arguments. Divide this main body into 2-3
points, and separate each point into different paragraphs. Because you’re into separate paragraphs,
it’s important to make it clear what each section is about. To do that, ensure that you have your
topic sentence for each paragraph.
• At the end, comes the conclusion. A good conclusion takes everything you said and sums it up. It
finalizes the speech and clarifies to the audience what the most important points of the speech


1. Posture – When you stand up straight, you communicate to your audience, without saying a
word, that you hold a position of power and take your position seriously. On the other hand, if you
are slouching, hunched over, or leaning on something, you could be perceived as ill prepared,
anxious, lacking in credibility, or not serious about
your responsibilities as a speaker. Remember, you only get one shot at making a first impression,
and your body’s orientation is one of the first pieces of information audiences use to make that
2. Facial Expressions – Appropriate facial expressions can help you connect with your audience
and reinforce the content of your speech. Do not forget to be natural and authentic.

3. Gestures - Don’t put your hands in your pockets for this prevent you from gesturing freely.
People who use their hands for gesturing appear more open and honest to the audience. Therefore,
gestures should be an integral part of your speech. Remember, gestures should be natural and
purposeful. Vary your gestures. Repetitive use of gestures distracts the
audience. Avoid mannerisms such as twisting or pulling your hair, scratching your face or your
head, or playing with an object. Remember that gestures should emphasize important ideas and
strengthen your verbal message. Consider which gestures to use before your speech and practice
using them during your rehearsals.
4. Dress – Dress properly and appropriately if you want your audience to take you seriously.
Wearing the proper attire will make you look more confident and professional. Make sure not to
overdress, as this may distract your audience.
5. Self-Presentation - When you present your speech, you are also presenting yourself. Self-
presentation, sometimes also referred to as poise or stage presence, is determined by how you
look, how you stand, how you walk to the podium, and how you use your voice and gestures. Your
personal appearance should reflect the careful preparation of your speech.
6. Variety - One of the biggest mistakes novice public speakers make is using the same gesture
over and over again during a speech. While you don’t want your gestures to look fake, you should
be careful in including a variety of nonverbal components while speaking. You should make sure
that your face, body, and words are all working in conjunction with each other to support your

1. Speak about something YOU are interested in.
Make the speech about something you are genuinely interested in. By playing to your strengths,
you’ll make it so much easier for yourself.
2. Follow the basic speech structure.
By following the structure of a typical speech (introduction, body and conclusion), you are making it
easier for the observer/listener to process the information of your speech, which increases the
likelihood that your message is well received.
3. Write an outline and focus on key points.
Write down the key points of what you would like to say. Keep it as simple as possible. Bullet points
work well. This is going to make your speech come off as less scripted.
4. Simplify.
By simplifying and focusing on a few main points (3 is the magic number) you will make it easier for
the audience to fully grasp what you are saying.
5. Enunciate words clearly.
It can be helpful to remind yourself to speak slowly and to enunciate words clearly because many
people have the tendency to speak a bit too when nervous.
6. Take deliberate pauses.
Your audience need some time to catch up with what you are saying. This is particularly important
when giving a humorous speech because pauses build tension and suspense which in turn is what
makes something funny.
7. Rehearse a lot.
It goes without saying that you need to rehearse at least a couple of times. At the very minimum,
you should know your introduction

Directions: Write AGREE if the statement is true and DISAGREE if the statement is false.
1. In thinking about a topic, make the speech about something you are genuinely interested in.
2. Speech structure has two sections namely: introduction and conclusion.
3. In writing down the key points in your speech, the more complicated the ideas are, the better.
4. Outlining gives you an extra repetition and enforces a strong foundation of the key points in your
5. By simplifying and focusing on a few main points, you will make it easier for the audience to fully grasp
what you are saying.
6. Speak as fast as you can because that will make you look more intelligent.
7. It pays to have an expressive body language and to purposefully move around the stage, as opposed to
standing still in one place.
8. Never tell a funny story in engaging your audience.
9. It is important to know your audience and to get into an ideal state of mind before delivering a speech.
10. Speak with as many people as possible and introduce yourself.

Prepared by:


Teacher III Master Teacher I


Teacher III Teacher I


Head Teacher I



Principal IV

Fourth Quarter (Week 5-6)
Mga Dahilan ng Ikalawang Digmaang Pandaigdig

ARALIN 3 - Ang Mga Bansang Nagkakaisa (United Nations)

Hindi pa natapos ang Ikalawang Digmaang Pandaigdig, napag-isip ni Pangulong Roosevelt ng Estados
Unidos na muling magtatag ng isang samahang pandaigdig na papalit sa Liga ng mga Bansa o may
nawawala ba? Apat na buwan bago sumalakay ang mga Hapones sa Pearl Harbor, sina Pangulong
Roosevelt at Punong Ministro Winston Churchill ng Inglatera ay bumalangkas nang deklarasyon ang
Atlantic Charter, na siyang saligan ng 26 na bansa sa nilagdaang deklarasyon ng mga Bansang Nagkkaisa
(United Nations). Sa isang komperensiya sa Moscow noong Oktubre 1943, ang estados Unidos, Gran
Britanya at Soviet Union ay nagkakasdo ng pagpapairal at pagpapanatili ng kapayapaan sa sandaling
matalo ang Axis. Sinundan ito ng Deklarasyon ng Apat na Bansa, kasama ang Tsina, para sa pagtatag ng
isang pangkalahatang samahang pandaigdig upang mapanatili ang kapayapaan at kaligtasan sa mundo.
Limampung bansa ang nagpulong sa California, Estados Unidos, upang balangkasin ang Karta ng mga
Bansang Nagkakaisa o UN. Noong ika-24 ng Oktubre, 1945 ay itinatag ang mga Bansang Nagkakaisa.
Muling nagpulong ang mga kinatawan ng mga bansa sa London noong 1946 at naghalal na unang
Sekretaryo-Heneral si Trygve Lie ng Sweden. Ang Mga Bansang Nagkakaisa ay may anim na pangunahing
sangay. Ang Pangkalahatang Asemblea (Assembly) ang sangay na tagapagbatas ng samahang binubuo ng
mga kinatawan ng lahat ng lahat ng mga kasaping bansa, dito isinasagawa ang mga pangkalahatang
pagpupulong. Ang Sanguniang Pangkatiwasayan (Security Council) ang sangay tagapagpaganap. Binubuo
ito ng 11 na kagawad at ang lima ay permanenteng miyembro, samantalang ang anim ay inihalal sa taning
na panunungkulan ng dalawang taon
panlipunan, pang-edukasyon, siyentipiko at pangkalusugan ng daigdig, Ang sanggunian ng mga katiwala
ay nangangasiwa sa mga teritoryong ipinagkatiwala na kinabibilangan ng mga sumusunod: (1) mga
teritoryong pinigil sa ilalim ng batas ng Samahan ng mga Bansa; (2) mga teritoryong kinuha mula sa
kapangyarihang Aksis (Axis Power) inilagay sa Sistema ng katiwala ng U.N. Maraming Hudyo ang
ipinapatay ng mga Nazi na kilala sa tawag na Genocide sa pamamagitan ng Gas Chamber at sa mga kampo
ng konsentrasyon kung saan sapilitang pinagtratrabaho ang mga bihag para sa suplay ng armas
pandaigdig. Sa Pilipinas ay nakilala ang Death March bilang pagpapahirap ng mga Hapon sa mga Pilipino at
Amerikanong sundalo sa Bataan. Matapos ang digmaan ay nagkaroon ng makasaysayang paglilitis sa
Nuremberg sa Alemanya upang mabigyang hustisya ang halos 11 milyong nasawi dulot ng digmaan. Noong
Enero ng 1946, dalawampu’t anim na bansa ang lumagda sa isang kasunduan na magtaguyod sa Atlantic
Charter. Ito ay naglalaan na makapagtatag ng malawakan at permanenteng pamamaraan para sa
pandaigdigang katiwasayan. Sa isang pagpupulong sa Moscow noong Oktubre 1943, nagkasundo ang
Estados Unidos, Gran Britanya, at Rusya na kailangang magtatag ng isang pandaigdigang lupon para
mapanatili ang katiwasayan at kapayapaan ng daigdig. Nagtipon-tipon ang mga kinatawan ng mga
pangunahing bansa sa Dumbarton Oaks sa Washington, D.C. para sa isang mahusay na organisasyon. Sa
Yalta Conference sa Crimea noog Pebrero 1945, ang tinaguriang “Big Three” na Ang Kalihim (Secretariat)
ay ang pangkat ng mga tauhang pampangasiwaan ng U.N na nagpapatupad sa mga gawaing pang-araw-
araw. Ang Pandaigdig na Hukuman ng Katarungan (International Court of Justice) ang siyang sangay na
nagpapasya sa mga kasong may kinalaman sa alitan ng mga bansa. Ang Sangguniang Pangkabuhayan at
Panlipunan (ECOSOC) ay binubuo ng 54 na kasaping bansa. Ito ang sangay na namamahala sa mga bagay
na pangkabuhayan, panlipunan, pang-edukasyon, siyentipiko at pangkalusugan ng daigdig, Ang
sanggunian ng mga katiwala ay nangangasiwa sa mga teritoryong ipinagkatiwala na kinabibilangan ng mga
sumusunod: (1) mga teritoryong pinigil sa ilalim ng batas ng Samahan ng mga Bansa; (2) mga teritoryong
kinuha mula sa kapangyarihang Aksis (Axis Power) inilagay sa Sistema ng katiwala ng U.N. Maraming
Hudyo ang ipinapatay ng mga Nazi na kilala sa tawag na Genocide sa pamamagitan ng Gas Chamber at sa
mga kampo ng konsentrasyon kung saan sapilitang pinagtratrabaho ang mga bihag para sa suplay ng
armas pandaigdig. Sa Pilipinas ay nakilala ang Death March bilang pagpapahirap ng mga Hapon sa mga
Pilipino at Amerikanong sundalo sa Bataan. Matapos ang digmaan ay nagkaroon ng makasaysayang
paglilitis sa Nuremberg sa Alemanya upang mabigyang hustisya ang halos 11 milyong nasawi dulot ng
digmaan. Noong Enero ng 1946, dalawampu’t anim na bansa ang lumagda sa isang kasunduan na

magtaguyod sa Atlantic Charter. Ito ay naglalaan na makapagtatag ng malawakan at permanenteng
pamamaraan para sa pandaigdigang katiwasayan. Sa isang pagpupulong sa Moscow noong Oktubre 1943,
nagkasundo ang Estados Unidos, Gran Britanya, at Rusya na kailangang magtatag ng isang pandaigdigang
lupon para mapanatili ang katiwasayan at kapayapaan ng daigdig. Nagtipon-tipon ang mga kinatawan ng
mga pangunahing bansa sa Dumbarton Oaks sa Washington, D.C. para sa isang mahusay na organisasyon.
Sa Yalta Conference sa Crimea noog Pebrero 1945, ang tinaguriang “Big Three” na sina Pangulong
Roosevelt, Punong Ministro Churchill, at Premier Stalin ay sumang-ayon sa planong ginawa sa Dumbarton
Oaks na bubuo ng isang Saligang Batas para sa United Nations.
Inilahad ng United Nations ang sumusunod na mga hangarin o layunin:
1. Mapanatili ang pandaigdigang kapayapaan at
2. Mapaunlad ang relasyong pagkakaisa ng mga bansa
batay sa pantay na karapatan at sariling determinasyon
ng mga tao at gumawa ng mga angkop na hakbang
upang palakasin ang kapayapaan;
3. Matamo ang pagkakaisa sa paglutas ng mga suliraning
internasyonal gaya ng pangkabuhayan, sosyal, kultural,
at sa pagtataguyod ng paggalang sa karapatan ng tao at;
4. Maging sentro ng pagkakaisa para matugunan ang
mga gawain ng mga bansa sa pagkamit ng mga layunin.

Mga Tagumpay ng United Nations

Ilan sa mga nagawa ng organisasyon ay ang sumusunod:
Mapayapang kasunduan ng mga pandaigdigang krisis. Ang krisis sa Iran ay mapayapang naayos ng
organisasyon simula noong 1946. Hinikayat ng ahensiya ang Unyong Sobyet na alisin nito ang kanyang
tropa sa Iran at itigil ang mapaminsalang gawain. Nahinto ang pagtulong ng Albania, Bulgaria, at
Yugoslavia sa mga gerilyang komunista na sumalakay sa Gresya. Nahinto ang krisis sa Gresya. Natigil ang
digmaan sa Netherlands at Indonesia noong 1949 at kinilala ang kalayaan ng Indonesia. Ang krisis sa
Suez noong 1956 ay nalutas nang magpadala ng puwersa ang United Nations upang pahintuin ang
digmaan ng Britanya at Ehipto, Pransiya at Israel. Sa tulong ng iba’t ibang ahensiya, inaalagaan ng United
Nations ang libo-libong takas sa digmaan. Maraming taong tumakas sa digmaan ang napadpad sa iba’t
ibang bansa kung saan nabuhay sila sa karalitaan. Sa pamamagitan ng United Nations, nabigyan ng
panibagong buhay ang mga taong ito. Ang isang karangalan na natamo ng ahensiya ay ang Proklamasyon
ng Pandaigdigang Pahayag ng Karapatang Pantao (Universal Declaration of Human Rights) noong
Disyembre 10, 1948. Ang dokumentong ito ay naglalaman ng mga karapatan ng isang nilalang. Ang
pagtuligsa ng ahensiya sa apartheid na ipinairal sa Timog Aprika ang patunay sa hangarin na matamo ang
pantay-pantay na karapatan. Ang pamamahagi ng kaalamang teknikal at kultural ay isa pang dakilang
hakbang ng organisasyon. Ang pagpapadala ng mga eksperto upang magturo sa mga bansa sa larangan
ng agham, agrikultura, at iba pa ay maluwalhating isinagawa ng organisasyon. Ang kalagayang panlipunan,
pangkabuhayan, pangkalusugan, at pangkultura ay binigyang-pansin ng ahensiya. Nadagdagan ang
produksiyon at ang kalagayan ng mga manggagawa ay napabuti at naiwasan ang paglaganap ng mga
nakamamatay na sakit tulad ng kolera at malaria. Patuloy ang pagbibigay-tulong ng ahensiya hanggang sa
kasalukuyang panahon.
Mga Kabiguan ng UNITED NATIONS
Patuloy ang pagsisikap ng ahensiya na mahanap ang katahimikan sa mundo, ngunit tumanggap naman ito
ng maraming kabiguan sa maraming bagay. Ang suliranin sa disarmamento ay lumaki. Ang pagbuo ng
bomba at mga sandatang nukleyar at kemikal ay isang pangamba sa katiwasayan ng daigdig. Tumitindi
ang suliranin sa terorismo na nakababahala sa daigdig. Ang mga kasalukuyang kaganapan tulad ng
panghaharang at pang-aagaw sa mga sasakyang panlupa, panghimpapawid, at pandagat; ang pagdukot sa
mga pinuno bilang hostage; at iba pang gawain ay mga suliraning hindi pa nabibigyan ng lunas. Bigo ang
United Nations na hadlagan ang pagkakaroon ng digmaan. May mga digmaan na patuloy na sumiklab sa
iba’t ibang rehiyon ng daigdig lalo na sa Gitnang Silangan at Asya.

Ang Kahulugan ng Ideolohiya
Ito ay isang sistema o kalipunan ng mga ideya o kaisipan na naglalayong magpaliwanag tungkol sa daigdig
at sa mga pagbabago nito. Ang nagpakilala nito ay si Destutt de Tracy.
Iba’t ibang kategorya ng Ideolohiya:
1. Ideolohiyang Pangkabuhayan – Nakasentro ito sa mga patakarang pang-ekonomiya ng bansa
at paraan ng paghahati ng mga kayamanan para mga mamamayan.
2. Ideolohiyang Pampolitika – Nakasentro naman ito sa paraan ng pamumuno at sa paraan ng pakiki-
lahok ng mga mamamayan sa pamamahala.
3. Ideolohiyang Panlipunan – Tumutukoy ito sa pag- kakapantay-pantay ng mga mamamayan sa tingin
ng batas at sa iba pang pangunahing aspeto ng pamumuhay ng mga mamamayan.

Antoine Desttutt deTracy

Ang Iba’t Ibang Ideolohiya

1. Kapitalismo – Isang sistemang pangkabuhayan kung saan ang produksiyon, distribusyon, at kalakalan
ay kontrolado ng mga pribadong mangangalakal. Ayon sa ideolohiyang ito, sa pamamagitan ng
kompetisyon ng mga negosyante ay higit na mapapahusay ang kalidad ng bawat produkto at serbisyo sa
2. Demokrasya – Ang kapangyarihan ng pamahalaan ay nasa kamay ng mga tao. karaniwang pumipili
ang mga tao, sa pamamagitan ng halalan o eleksiyon, ng mga kinatawan na siyang hahawak sa
kapangyarihan o pamahalaan sa ngalan nila.
3. Awtoritaryanismo – Isang uri ng pamahalaan kung saan ang namuno ay may lubos na
kapangyarihan. Mayroon namang tinatawag na konstitusyonal na awtoritaryanismo kung saan ang
kapangyarihan ng namuno ay itinakda ng Saligang Batas. Ito ang tawag ng dating Pangulong Ferdinand
Marcos sa kaniyang pamamahala sa ilalim ng Batas Militar noong 1972 hanggang Pebrero, 1986.
Pagkatapos nito ay naupo si Corazon C. Aquino at nanumbalik ang demokrasya sa bansa.
Makikita sa ibaba ang larawan nina Dating Pangulong Corazon C. Aquino at Ferdinand Marcos.

4. Totalitaryanismo - Karaniwang pinamunuan ng isang diktador o grupo ng taong makapangyarihan.

Limitado ang karapatan ng mga mamamayan sa malayang pagkilos, pagsasalita at pagtutol sa
pamahalaan. Nasa kamay ng pamahalaan ang pag-aari ng mga lupain, kayamanan ng bansa at mga
industriya. Halimbawa nito ang pamamahala ni Adolf Hitler sa Germany at ni Mussolini sa Italy bago at
habang nagaganap ang Ikalawang Digmaang Pandaigdig. Isang uri ng pamahalaang totalitaryan ang
sistemang diktatoryal kung saan kontrolado ng pamahalaan ang ekonomiya, mass media, simbahan, at pati
kaisipan ng mga mamamayan.

5. Komunismo – Layunin ng ideolohiyang ito na tuluyang buwagin ang di-pagkapantay-pantay ng mga

mamamayan batay sa uri (class) na kanilang kinabibilangan. Sa ilalim ng komunismo, ang mga kagamitan
sa produksiyon ay kolektibong pagmamay-ari at pinangangasiwaan ng lahat ng mamamayan. Para kay Karl
Marx na siyang may-akda ng librong Das Kapital, ang komunismo ang pinakamataas na yugto na maaring
abutin ng ebolusyon ng lipunan. Lahat ay pantay-pantay ang katayuan sa buhay at sama-samang
nakikinabang sa produksiyon.
6. Sosyalismo – Isang doktrina na nakabatay sa patakarang pang-ekonomiya na kung saan ang
pamamalakad ng pamahalaan ay nasa kamay ng isang pangkat. Ang pangkat na ito ang nagtatakda sa
pagmamay-ari at sa pangasiwa ng lupa, kapital, at mekanismo ng produksiyon. Hangad ng sosyalismo ang
pagkakamit ng perpektong lipunan sa pamamagitan ng pantay na distribusyon ng produksiyon ng bansa.
Halimbawa ng mga ganitong pamahalaan ang namayani sa China, Cuba, North Korea, Vietnam at ang
dating Union Soviet. Subalit ang China at Vietnam ay yumakap muli sa prinsipyo ng kapitalismo.
Ngayon suriin natin kung paano lumaganap ang Komunismo sa Russia, Fascismo sa Italy at Nazismo sa
Germany. Basahin ang texsto sa ibaba.

Mga Puwersang Pangkabuhayan sa Politika ng Bansa

Ang Pagsilang ng Komunismo sa Russia
Nag-ugat ang ideolohiyang komunismo sa Rusya noong panahon ng mga Czar. Ayon sa nasusulat sa
kasaysayan, ang Rusya sa ilalim ng Czar, ay naging makapangyarihan subalit ang mga namuno ay naging
despotic. Nagkaroon ng himagsikan kaya bumagsak ang Dinastiyang Romanov noong Marso, 1947 sa
dahilan ng mga kaguluhang pulitikal, pangkabuhayan at sosyal. Sa tulong nina Trotsky at Stalin, binalak ni
Lenin na magkaroon ng pamahalaang komunismo sa Rusya base sa mga prinsipyo ni Karl Marx.
Pagkatapos ng himagsikan ng Bolshevik ay itinatag ni Lenin ang pamahalaang komunismo at dito na
naitatag ang Union Soviet Socialist Republic o USSR.

Vlademir Lenin Joseph Stalin Leo Trotsky

Mga prinsipyong pinaniniwalaan ng Komunismo ang mga sumusunod:

1. Pagtatag ng mga diktadturya ng mga manggagawa: manggagawa ang supremo;
2. Pamahalaan ang nangasiwa ng produksiyon at distribusyon;
3. Pagwawaksi sa kapitalismo;
4. Paghihiwalay ng estado at ng simbahan; at
5. Pagpalaganap ng komunismo sa buong daigdig.
Pagsilang ng Fascism sa Italy
Sa Italy namayani ang ideolohiyang tinatawag na fascism. Mga kondisyong nagbibigay daan sa fascism sa
Italy ang mga sumusonod:
 Nasyonalismo
 Paghihirap sa kabuhayan
 Kahinaan ng pamahalaan

Benito Mussolini
Ayon sa paniniwala ni Mussolini, bigo ang
demokrasya, kapitalismo at sosyalismo. Sa halip,
itinatag niya ang diktaduryang Totalitarian. Corporate
State. Pinagsama-sama niya ang kapitalismo,
sosyalismo at sistemang guild ng Panahong Midyibal.

Mga prinsipyo ng Fascism:

1. Gumagawa lamang ang tao sa kapakanan ng
2. Ang demokrasya ay mahina.
3. Lahat ng bibitawang opinyon, pasalita man o pasulat, ay kailangang naayon sa gobyerno o pamahalaan.
4. Kontrolado ang sistema ng edukasyon upang ang mamamayan ay magsilbi sa estado at makatulong sa
paghahanda sa digmaan.
5. Sinesensor lahat ng pahayagan at publikasyon.
6. Lahat ng uri ng libangan ay sinusuri.
7. Hindi kinilala ang kalayaang sibil.
8. Binibigyang bonus ang malalaking pamilya
9. Hindi binigyan ng karapatang sosyal, politikal, at pangkabuhayan ang mga babae.
Ang Nazi ng Germany
Bilang isang ideolohiya, ang Nazism ay nangyari sa Germany
simula noong 1930. Isa sa pinakamalupit na diktaduryang
totalitaryan sa makabagong panahon. Nakakahawig ito ng
fascism sa Italy at ng komunismo ng Russia.
Si Adolf Hitler ang pinakamakapangyarihang pinunong Nazi.
Isinilang siya sa Austria at isang panatikong nasyonalista.
Pagkatapos ng Unang Digmaang Pandaigdig, binuo niya ang
Nationalist Socialist Party na tinawag na Nazi. Ang pagnanais na
makabawi sa kahihiyan ng pagkatalo sa World War 1 at ang
paniniwala na ang Aleman ang dapat mamuno sa daigdig ay ilan
lamang sa pangunahing layunin ng diktaduryang Nazism.
Mga prinsipyo ng Nazismo na nakapaloob sa akdang “Mein
Kampf, Ang Aking Labanan”, ni Hitler ay ang mga sumusunod:
1. Ang kapanyarihang racial – Pinaniniwalaan ng mga Aleman o German na sila ang nangungunang lahi sa
2. Anti-Semitism – Ito ang naging dahilan ng holocaust o pagpatay sa mga Hudyo.
3. Ang pagbuwag sa Treaty of Versailles – Sinisi ng mga Nazista ang kasunduan na kanilang
pinaniniwalaan na sanhi ng mga suliranin sa Germany.
4. Pan-Germanism – Ayon kay Hitler, ang isang pinalawak ng Germany ay kailangang maitatag, kasama
ang teritoryong nawala sa kanila noong Unang Digmaang Pandaigdig.
5. Ang pagwakas sa Demokrasya – Ayaw ng mga Aleman sa demokrasya at pamahalaang Parliyamentaryo.
Nanawagansilang was akin ang Republika at itatag ang Third Reich na siyang estadong totalitaryan ng

Fourth Quarter (Week 7-8)


Ang United States at Soviet Union ay dating magkakampi at kasama sa mga bansang nagtatag ng
“Nagkakaisang mga Bansa” Ngunit dumating nga ang pagkakataong sila ay nagkakaroon ng Cold War o
Hindi tuwirang labanan. Ang Cold War ay hidwaan sa gitna ng United States of Amerika at Union Soviet of
Socialist Republics sa aspektong pangdiplomatiko, pang-ekonomiko, pangmilitar, ideolohiya at siyensiya
.Katulad ng sa magkaibigan, ang kanilang hidwaan ay dulot ng kawalan ng tiwala,hindi pagpatupad sa
pangako at hindi pakikinig sa bawat isa at dahil dito ay may mabuti at masamang epekto ang Cold War.
• Pag-unlad ng Scentific Research at Invention
• Nagtulungan ang mga bansa sa kanilang ekonomiya sa pinsala ng digmaam


• Paggasta ng Malaking Halaga
• Takot at pangamba ng bawat bansa
• Banta ng Nuclear weapons
• Umigting ang di pagkakaunawaang pampolitika, pangmilitar, at kalakalan ng mga bansa
• Palakasan sa magkabilang bansa
• Propaganda warfare

NEOKOLOYANISMO - ay bagong paraan ng pananakop ng malakas na bansa sa mahinang bansa sa

pamamagitan ng pagkakaroon ng impluwensiya sa aspetong pangkabuhayan, pampulitikal at pangkultura
• Over Dependence o labis na pagdepende sa iba- na ang ibig sabihin na umasa ng labis ang mga tao sa
mga mayayamang bansa
• Loss of Pride o kawalan ng karangalan-sanhi ng impluwensya ng mga dayuhan, nabuo sa isipan ng mga
tao na lahat ng galing sa kanluran ay mabuti at magaling
• Continuous Enslavement o patuloy na pang–aalipin- ang mga bansa ay malaya sa prinsipyo, ngunit sa
tunay na kahulugan ay nakatali pa rin sa malakolonyal na interes ng kanluran.
Kasanayang Pampagkatuto - Melc 8
* Natataya ang pagsisikap ng mga bansa na makamit ang kapayapaang pandaigdig at kaunlaran.
Gawain sa Pagkatuto Blg. 1
Gawain A. Ipares mo! Pagtapat-tapatin ang Hanay A sa Hanay B.


1. Economic and Social Council A. Sangay na tagapagbatas ng samahan

2. International Court of Justice B. Pangkat ng mga tauhang pampangisawaan ng U.N na

nagpapatupad sa mga gawaing pang-araw-araw

3. General Assembly C. Sangay na tagpagpaganap

4. Secretariat D. Sangay na nagpapasya sa mga kasong may kinalaman

sa alitan ng mga bansa

5. Secuarity Council E. Sangay na namamahala sa mga bagay na

pangkabuhayan, panlipunan, edukasyonal, siyentipiko, at
pangkalusugan ng daigdig

6. Trusteesship Council F. Sangay na nangangasiwa sa mga teritoryong


Gawain sa Pagkatuto Blg. 2
Panuto: Basahing mabuti ang bawat pangungusap, Piliin ang titik ng tamang sagot at isulat sa inyong
sagutang papel/kwaderno.
_____1. Ito ang nangangasiwa sa mga bagay na may kinalaman sa ekonomiya, lipunan, edukasyon,
siyensya, at pangkalusugan ng daigdig?
A. Economic and Social Council B. International Court of Justice
C. Secretariat D. Trustees Council
_____2 Ano ang tawag sa isang samahang pandaigdig na pumalit sa Liga ng mga Bansa?
A. League of Nations B. UNESCO C. UNICEF D. United Nations
_____3. Isa itong malawakang pagpatay na ginawa noong Ikalawang Digmaang Pandaigdig lalo na laban
sa mga Hudyo?
A. Insectecide B. Genocide C. Pestecide D. Death March
_____4. Isang uri ng pagpaparusang ipinataw ng mga Hapon sa Pilipinas laban sa mga sumukong
sundalong Pilipino at Amerikano sa Bataan?
A. Insectecide B. Genocide C. Pestecide D. Death March
____5. Lugar sa mga kampo na ginagawa ang mabilisan at maramihang pagpatay ng mga Hudyo noong
Ikalawang Digmaang Pandaigdig.
A. Gas Chamber B. Hiroshima C. Nagasaki D. Moscow
_____6. Isang dokumento na naglalaman ng mga karapatan ng isang nilalang.
A. Treaty of Paris B. Versailles
C. Universal Declaration of Human Rights D. Suffrage
_____7. Kailan itinatag ang United Nations?
A. Oktubre 14, 1945 B. Oktubre 24, 1945
C. Oktubre 14, 1946 D. Oktubre 24, 1946
____8. Ang tinutukoy na “Big Three” sa Yalta Conference?
A. US, Britain at Russia B. Korea, Japan at China
C. China, Japan at Manchuria D. US, Germany at Spain
_____9. Ilang bansa ang nagpulong sa California at Estados Unidos upang balangkasin ang karta ng
Bansang Nagkakaisa o U.N.?
A. 51 B. 48 C. 49 D. 50
_____10. Ang kumperensiyang dinaluhan ng “Big Three” na lumikha ng tensyon ng Allied Power sa Axis
A. Yalta Conference B. Covenant of the League C. General Assembly D . SONA

Kasanayang Pampagkatuto- Melc 9

* Nasusuri ang mga ideolohiyang politikal at ekonomiko sa hamon ng estabilisadong institusyon ng lipunan.
Gawain sa Pagkatuto Blg. 1
Panuto: Upang masubok ang iyong kaalaman sa modyul na ito, subuking sagutin ang pagsusulit sa ibaba
sa pamamagitan ng pagpili ng tamang sagot sa bawat bilang. Titik lamang ang isulat sa inyong kuwaderno.
1. Ang kapangyarihang ng pamahalaang demokrasya ay nasa kamay ng ____________?
a. Iilang mga tao b. mga tao c. Presidente d. Diktador
2. Ayon sa ideolohiyang ito, sa pamamagitan ng kompetisyon ng mga negosyante, higit na mapahuhusay
ang kalidad ng bawat produkto at serbisyo sa pamilihan.
a. Sosyalismo b. Kapitalismo c. Pasismo d. Marxismo
3. Isang aklat na isinulat ni Karl Marx na naglalarawan sa kanyang mga teorya sa ekonomiya.
a. Pigafetta’s Chronicle b. Wealth of Nations c. Das Kapital d. The Economist
4. Kilalang diktador sa ilalim ng pamahalaang totalitarian sa Germany.
a. Benito Mussolini b. Kim Jong-un c. Che Guevarra d. Adolf Hitler

5. Sa ilalim ng pamahalaang demokrasya, bago maupo sa puwesto ang mga kandidato ay magkaroon
muna ng________________?
a. mayayamang tagasuporta b. mga armas
c. Eleksiyon o Halalan d. maraming pera
6. Sa ibaba ay may mga bansang yumayakap sa ideolohiyang sosyalismo maliban sa____________?
a. North Korea b. Cuba c. Vietnam d. Pilipinas
7. Nakasentro sa paraan ng pamumuno at paraan ng pakikilahok ng mga mamamayan sa pamamahala.
a. Ideolohiyang Panlipunan c. Ideolohiyang Pampolitika
b. Ideolohiyang Pangkabuhayan d. Wala sa nabanggit
8. Ang nagpakilala ng salitang ideolohiya bilang pinaikling pangalan ng agham
ng mga kaisipan o ideya.
a. Nostradamus b. Adam Smith c. Karl Marx d. Desttutt de Tracy
9. Anong uring pamahalaan ang sistemang diktatoryal?
a. Totalitaryan b. Demokrasya c. Republika d. Konstitusyunal
10. Layunin ng ideolohiyang ito na tuluyang buwagin ang di-pagkapantay-pantay ng mga mamamayan
batay sa uri (class) na kanilang kinabibilangan.
a. Pasismo c. Demokrasya b. Komunismo d. Kapitalismo

Gawain sa Pagkatuto Blg. 2--Pagguhit

Sundin ang mga sumusunod: KRAYTERYA NG PAGMAMARKA
1. Sa isang short bond paper, iguhit ang simbolo ng
demokrasya sa bandang itaas at simbolo naman ng PAMANTAYAN PUNTOS
pagkadiktador o walang kalayaan sa bandang ibaba ng Pagkamalikhain 10
bondpaper. Kaangkupan sa Tema 5
2. Huwag kalimutan isulat ang pangalan at lagyan ng kulay Presentasyon 5
Orihinalidad 5
para mas malinaw.
Kalinisan 5
3. Gawing batayan ang kasunod na rubric para sa KABUUAN 30
pagmamarka ng guhit.

Kasanayang Pampagkatuto-- Melc 10

* Natataya ang epekto ng mga ideololohiya ng Cold War at ng Neo-kolonyalismo sa iba’t ibang bahagi ng

Gawain sa Pagkatuto Blg. 1

Panuto: Suriin at tukuyin ang mga larawan nasa ibaba kung ito ba ay napabilang sa Ideolohiya, Cold
War, Neokolonyalismo. Isulat ang sagot sa kwaderno.

Gawain sa Pagkatuto Blg. 2
Panuto: Isulat ang M kung ito ay mabuting epekto ng Cold
War at DM kung di-mabuting epekto ng Cold
__________1. Nagkakaroon ng ibat ibang imbensyon
__________2. Walang tunay na kapayapaan
__________3. May banta ng digmaan
__________4. Pagtuon pansin sa ekonomiya
__________5. Banta ng nuclear weapons
__________6. Pag-unlad ng Scientific Resaerch at

Inihanda nina:


Teacher III Teacher III Teacher III


Fourth Quarter (Week 5)

A. Background Information for Learners

Biodiversity boosts ecosystem productivity where each species, no matter how small, all have an
important role to play. For example, A larger number of plant species means a greater variety of crops.
Greater species diversity ensures natural sustainability for all life forms.
The following are the advantages of high biodiversity in maintaining the stability of the ecosystem:
1. The high biodiversity of the plant species will aid in the growth and abundance of the animal species
which will feed on the plant species thus maintain stability between plant and animal species.
2. The high biodiversity will promote great variations in the gene pool which will support the adaptation
and evolution of new traits associated in species.
3. The high biodiversity means great source of medicine, food, herbs and meat for the benefit of the
human society.
You have seen that organisms in an ecosystem are interdependent upon each other for survival and
harmonious existence. This interdependence among them demonstrates the importance of biodiversity to
an ecosystem. You must know, however that as more species are discovered every year, others previously
known and identified have decreased in number or have disappeared. A good way to remember the causes
of species decline is through the acronym HIPPO

LEARNING TASK 1: Arrange the jumbled letters to form words that will complete the acronym HIPPO.


Analyse the picture. Classify whether it describes LOW BIODIVERSITY or HIGH BIODIVERSITY.
Write your answer on your answer sheet.

1. 2.

4. 5.


Fourth Quarter (Week 6)

Background Information for Learners

An ecosystem is the basic unit of the field of the scientific study of nature. An ecosystem is a
physically defined environment, made up of two inseparable components:
 The biotope (abiotic): a particular physical environment with specific physical characteristics such
as the climate, temperature, humidity, concentration of nutrients or pH.

 The biocenosis (biotic): a set of living organisms such as animals, plants or micro-organisms,
that are in constant interaction and are, therefore, in a situation of interdependence.

List down biotic(living) and abiotic (non-living) components that can be found in your surroundings. Use the
table below.

Roles in Ecosystems: All ecosystems have living things that play the same basic roles. Some organisms
must be producers. Others must be consumers. Decomposers are also important. Producers are living
things that use energy to make food. Producers make food for themselves and other living things.
Consumers can’t make their own food. Consumers must eat producers or other consumers. Listed below
are the three main types of consumers: herbivores, carnivores, and omnivores.

Consumers get their food in different ways. Grazers feed on living organisms without killing them. A rabbit
nibbles on leaves, and a mosquito sucks a drop of blood. Predators, like lions, capture and kill animals for
food. The animals they eat are called prey. Even some plants are consumers. Pitcher plants trap insects in
their sticky fluid in their “pitchers.” The insects are their prey. Scavengers eat animals that are already

LEARNING TASK 4: Answer the following questions briefly. (PRFORMANCE TASK)

1. What are producers? __________________________________________________
2. What are consumers? What are the three types of consumers and what do they eat?
3. What role do decomposers play in an ecosystem? ___________________________
4. What would happen if there were no decomposers? __________________________

Fourth Quarter (Week 7)

What is the most abundant gas in the atmosphere? Do you know that the atmosphere is mostly
composed of nitrogen?
In fact, 78% of the atmosphere is made up of nitrogen gas, 21% of our atmosphere is composed
of oxygen, while the remaining 1% is shared by other gases like oxygen, carbon dioxide, argon and helium.
Nitrogen is very important in chemical composition of organisms in the formation of some
biomolecules like DNA, RNA, amino acids and proteins. And since it is in the form of gas it is not readily use
by organisms, how can this very important component gets in to the system of the organisms. Let us find
out by studying the Nitrogen Cycle.

Activity: Study the illustration then answer the questions that follows.

Identify the term being described. Choose your answer from the box below.
1. It is the most abundant gas in the atmosphere.
2. It is a process that converts nitrogen to ammonia and nitrate.
3. It converts nitrogen to ammonium.
4. It is process that converts ammonia in soil back to nitrate.
5. It breakdown ammonium to individual hydrogen and nitrogen gases.

Nitrogen Nitrogen-fixation Nitrogen- fixing

Bacteria Denitrification Denitrifying bacteria

Prepared by:


Master Teacher I Teacher III Teacher III

Fourth Quarter (Week 5-8)
Salting, Curing and Smoking

Fish - is a vital source of food for people which is important source of high-quality protein Preparing Eggs
for Salting Eggs are rated and graded into three classifications determined by the United States
Department of Agriculture (USDA). When grading eggs, both the interior and exterior quality is measured.
Eggs are graded and labelled as AA, A, and B.

Grading Eggs
 Exterior Grading
Begin the egg grading process by checking the quality of the shell. The ideal eggshell is clean,
smooth and oval in shape with the one end slightly bigger than other. Eggs with cracked or broken
shells should be discarded.
 Interior Grading
Grading the interior of the eggs is performed by a method called candling. It will allow you to
examine the air cell, the egg white (called albumen) and the yolk. Candling also lets you check for
spots and cracks. Listed below are the different components to observe when candling an egg.
 Air Cell Depth - the air cell is the empty space between the shell and the white usually found at
the bigger end of the egg. As the egg ages, the air cell depth grows and the quality of the egg
 White or Albumen – the white of the egg is called the albumen. The quality is based on its clarity
and thickness. Look for a clear color without discoloration or floating foreign matter. Thick albumen
allows limited movement of the yolk and indicates a higher quality egg.
 Yolk– the quality of the yolk is determined by the distinctness of its outline and other features like
size, shape and absence of any blemishes or blood spots. It should be surrounded by a dense laer
of albumen.
 Spots– candling can help reveal foreign matter like blood spots or meat spots. Eggs with interior
spots should not be sold.
 USDA Grade Standard Chart: This table is a quick reference for determining the grade of an egg
by candling.
 Sizing Eggs
If you plan on selling your eggs, you need to sort and size them. Large and extra-large eggs are the
best sellers. You might be surprised to learn that eggs are not sized individually, but rather sized by
the combined weight of one dozen eggs. A size breakdown by weight can be found in the chart on
the right.

Quality Grades for Beef
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) breaks down the quality grades of beef into Prime, Choice,
Select, Standard, Commercial, Utility, Cutter and Canner to achieve he most eating satisfaction
Quality grades of Pork depends on its color, texture and marbling which can be determined by visual
evaluation or scientific tests such as ultimate pH. Fresh pork is more tender and juicier when it is reddish-
pink, firm and non-exudative. Pork carcasses are not ribbed, and grades of pork are determined by back
fat thickness and carcass muscling.


Quality refers to the inherent properties of a product that determine its relative degree of
excellence or value. Experience and research have identified certain properties like good proportion of meat
to bone, adequate skin covering, absence of feathers, and freedom from discolorations.
For carcasses and parts, the factors include conformation, fleshing, fat covering, DE feathering, exposed
flesh, discolorations, disjointed or broken bones, missing parts from whole carcasses, and freezing defects,
if applicable. For poultry products, such as boneless-skinless breasts, factors include presence of bones,
endon’s, cartilage, discolorations, and blood clots, as well as other productspecific factors.
Grading involves evaluating poultry in terms of the standards to determine the grade. A quality
young chicken, turkey, duck, and goose. A given lot of poultry may contain a small percentage of a quality
lower than the grade specified because some defects are permitted. This is an unavoidable necessity due
to today’s production-type processing methods.
The following factors must be considered when determining the quality of an individual ready-to-
cook carcass or part

The structure or shape of the bird may affect the distribution and amount of meat, while certain
defects detract from its appearance. Some of the defects that should be noted are breasts that are dented,
crooked, knobby, or V-shaped; backs that are crooked or hunched; legs and wings that are deformed; and
bodies that are definitely wedge-shaped.

The drumsticks, thighs, and breast carry the bulk of the meat. There is, however, a definite
correlation between the covering of the flesh over the back and the amount of flesh on the rest of the
carcass. Females almost invariably carry more flesh over the back and will generally have a more rounded
appearance to the breast, thighs, and legs. The common defects in fleshing are breasts that are V-shape or
concave, rather than full and rounded; breasts that are full near the wishbone, but taper sharply to the
rear; legs and drumsticks that are thin; and backs that have insufficient flesh to cover the vertebrae and
hip bones.

Fat Covering
Fat in poultry is judged entirely by accumulation under the skin. This is true even for chicken parts.
Accumulations occur first around the feather follicles in the heavy feather tracts. Poorly fattened birds may
have some accumulation of fat in the skin along the heavy feather tracts on the breast. Then,
accumulations will be noted at the juncture of the wishbone and keel and where the thigh skin joins the
breast skin. At the same time, accumulations will be noted around the feather follicles between the heavy
feather tracts and over the back and hips. Well-finished older birds will have sufficient fat in these areas
and over the drumsticks and thighs so that the flesh is difficult to see. Fowl which have stopped laying
have a tendency to take on excessive fat in the abdominal area. Younger birds will generally have less fat
under the skin between the heavy feather tracts on the breast and over the drumsticks and thighs than
mature birds.


Before a quality designation can be assigned, ready to cook poultry must be free of protruding
feathers that are visible to a grader during examination of the carcass at normal operating speeds.
However, a carcass may be considered as being free from protruding feathers if it has a generally clean
appearance (especially on the breast and legs) and if not more than an occasional protruding feather is in
evidence during a more careful examination of the carcass. Hair on chickens, turkeys, guineas, and
pigeons; and down on ducks and geese must also be considered. Exposed Flesh, Cuts, Tears, and Broken
Bones Exposed flesh can result from cuts, tears, missing skin, or broken or disjointed bones. Exposed
Flesh, Cuts, Tears, and Broken Bones Exposed flesh can result from cuts, tears, missing skin, or broken or
disjointed bones.
Cutting Poultry Parts
The USDA standards of quality apply to poultry parts cut in the manner described below. While
most descriptions were developed when parts were cut from a carcass by hand, most processors today
disjoint whole carcasses by machine. Machine-cut parts may be graded provided they are not misshapen
and have nearly the same appearance as they had prior to cutting from the carcass. Under certain
conditions, parts cut in other ways may also be officially identified when properly labeled. Only skin or fat
normally associated with a part maybe included unless stated on the label.
 Poultry halves are prepared by making a full-length back and breast split of the carcass to produce
approximately equal right and left sides. Portions of the backbone must remain on both halves. The
cut may be no more than one-fourth inch from the outer edge of the sternum (breastbone).
 Front poultry halves include the full breast with corresponding back portion, and may or may not
include wings, wing meat or portions of wing.
 Rear poultry halves include both legs and adjoining portion of the back.
 Quarters consist of the entire eviscerated poultry carcass which has been cut into four equal parts,
excluding the neck.
 Breast quarters consist of half a breast with the wing and a portion of the back attached.
 Leg quarters consist of a thigh and drumstick, with a portion of the back attached. It may also
include attached abdominal fat and a maximum of two ribs. A leg with a complete or entire rear back
portion attached may also be grade identified if certain criteria are met.
 Breasts are separated from the back at the shoulder joint and by a cut running backward and
downward from that point along the junction of the vertebral and sternal ribs. The ribs may be
removed from the breasts, and the breasts may be cut along the breastbone to make two
approximately equal halves; or the wishbone portion may be removed before cutting the remainder
along the breastbone to make three parts.
 Breasts with ribs are separated from the back at the junction of the vertebral ribs and back. Breasts
with ribs maybe cut along the breastbone to make two approximately equal halves; or the wishbone
portion may be removed before cutting the remainder along the breastbone to make three parts.
 Split breasts with back portion or breast halves with back portion are prepared by making
a full-length cut of front poultry halves without wings. If labeled “split breast/s,” centering of the cut
is not required to produce two approximately equal halves.
 Legs consist of the attached thigh and drumstick, whether jointed or disjointed. Back skin is not
included. The patella (Kneebone) may be included on either the drumstick or thigh.
 Thighs are disjointed at the hip joint and may include the pelvic meat, but not the pelvic bones. Back
skin is not included. Thighs may also include abdominal meat (flank meat), but not rib bones.
 Thighs with back portion consist of a poultry thigh with back portion attached.
 Drumsticks are separated from the thigh and hock by cuts through the knee joint (femorotibial and
patellar joint) and the hock joint (tarsal joint), respectively.
 Wings include the entire wing with all muscle and skin tissue intact, except that the wing tip may be
 Wing drumettes consist of the humerus (first portion) of a wing with adhering skin and meat
 Boneless-skinless poultry, except as noted, is free of tendons, cartilage, bone pieces, blood clots,
discolorations, and muscle mutilation.
 Boneless-skinless breasts or breasts with rib meat are prepared from breasts cut as described for
“breasts” and for “breasts with ribs.”
 Tenders are any strip of breast meat.
 Tenderloins are the inner pectoral muscle which lies alongside the sternum (breastbone). Tendons
may be present.
 Boneless-skinless thighs are prepared from thighs cut as described for “thighs.”
 Boneless-skinless drums are prepared from drums cut as described for “drumsticks.”

Salt as a Preservative
Salt has been used as a preservative for ages, and works to preserve food in two ways:
1. Salt dries food. Salt draws water out of food and dehydrates it. It is used to preserve beef jerky by
keeping it dry, and it prevents butter from spoiling by draw.
2. Salt kills microbes. High salt is toxic to most (not all) microbes because of the effect of osmolarity, or
water pressure. In very high salt solutions, many microbes will rupture due to the difference in pressure
between the outside and inside of the organism. High salt can also be toxic to internal processes of microbes,
affecting DNA and enzymes. Solutions high in sugar also have the same effects on microbes, which is why it
is used as a preservative of foods, such as jams and jellies.


 8 fresh duck eggs (or chicken eggs) 4 cups water 1-1/2 cups salt
1. Carefully place the eggs in a small mouth jar (or glass) container with a tight lid. Make sure not to
get tiny cracks on the shells. Set it aside.
2. In a saucepan, fill in with the water and bring to boil. Add the salt gradually and stir until the salt is
completely dissolves. Remove from heat and set aside to completely cool.
3. Pour the cooled salted water over the eggs in the bottle, make sure the eggs are completely
submerged in the water.
4. Cover it tightly with a bottle lid and store the container in a dark place for at least 3 weeks. (To test
the saltiness of the egg, take out one egg from the container after 13 days. Boil the egg over
medium-low heat for 30 minutes (salted eggs take more time to cook than regular eggs).
5. Let cool for a few minutes and peel the shell and taste.
6. If you like the saltiness of the egg, you may now take out the other eggs from the container and
boil them for 30 minutes. Let cool. Enjoy your Homemade Salted Eggs!
Notes: Let them cool and store in the refrigerator. But, if you want the eggs to be saltier to taste, you can
leave the salted eggs in the container for another 2 weeks.

Learning task 1: Make an Illustration on the step by step process on preparing Itlog na Maalat Recipe
using flowchart
 Pickle curing - In pickle curing, salt, sugar, nitrite, and often phosphate and ascorbic acid are
mixed in water to form a pickle solution. This solution can be introduced into the meat in one of the
following four ways:

 Stitch Pumping - A single needle with multiple openings or multiple needles with single openings
may be used to inject the pickle solution into the meat. Most commercially produced meat is cured
using the multiple needle method, which more evenly distributes the pickle solution. Curing is
hastened using this method, as the curing takes place from inside as well as outside the meat.
Following stitch pumping, pork bellies go directly into the smokehouse, while larger, thicker cuts
(hams, etc.) may be held several hours before smoking.

 Artery Pumping -This procedure is limited to the curing of hams, and in some cases, arm or
shoulder picnics. During processing, a pickle solution is injected into an artery and distributed
throughout the cut via the vascular sys-tem. In fast-moving commercial plants, this pumping
procedure requires only 24 hours.

 Tumbling/massaging - Many processors utilize machines that resemble a concrete mixer to

tumble or massage cuts as they are cured. Tumbling /massaging hastens cure absorption and aids
in extraction of the myofibrillar protein myosin, which acts as a "glue" to hold pieces of meat
together. Most boneless hams are processed this way. After several hours of tumbling, the hams go
directly to the smokehouse.

 Vat curing - Meat is submerged in a vat containing pickle solution until the solution completely
penetrates the meat. Used mostly by smaller-size processing plants, this method of curing takes
more time (nine days per inch of thickness of cuts), requires more space, and necessitates higher
inventories of meat than other pickle-curing methods.
 Dry curing - Water is not added to a dry cure. Rather, the dry curing ingredients, including nitrate,
are rubbed onto the surface of the meat and the curing ingredients migrate into the muscle by
osmosis. Excess liquids are removed as they accumulate. Meat cured by this process has an
extended shelf life, even in the absence of refrigeration. To some the final product of dry-curing is
considered very salty The color of meat cured in this manner is darker and the final product is
firmer and drier than pickle-cured products. Dry-cured products often command a premium price
because more time is required for processing (seven days per inch of thickness), the yield is lower
and the products are not as readily available as those made by the other methods described earlier.

Prep Time:
10-15 minutes of work
3+ days of curing
2-24 hours of cooking
Beef, Pork, Chicken etc. (whole muscles and not ground meat)
Salt (non-iodized), Sugar (white and/or brown)
Curing salt #1 (aka pink salt, Prague powder, sodium nitrite)
Spices/flavorings Equipment: Scale Smoker (optional)

1. Mix up a basic cure of salt (non-iodized), sugar (brown or white), and curing salt #1 (sodium
nitrite): 2 parts salt to 1-part sugar and 10% curing salt #1 compared to the weight of the salt.
Example: 100 g salt, 50 g sugar and 10 g curing salt #1. It is best to mix up a large amount of this
basic cure. It will keep for up to a year in an airtight container.
2. Weigh the meat you wish to cure. Place in a large bowl.
3. Weigh out 33g of basic cure for each kilogram (1000 g) of meat. Add additional spices of your
choice and/or more sugar to this cure. Example: meat weighs 800g or .8 of a kg. Multiply .8 x 33 =
26.4g of cure.
4. Add basic cure and any additional spices to bowl and fully coat the meat.
5. Place meat and spices and juices from bowl into a food safe container or bag.
6. Store covered in fridge at least 1 day for each half inch of thickness. You may cure for up to a week
longer if needed. It is recommended to turn the meat each day or 2 days to allow all sides to sit in
the brine that will develop.
7. Smoke the meat. The curing allows you to safely cold smoke long periods of time at temperatures.

Learning Task 2: Read carefully the sentences. Then identify the word being describe in each sentence.
________1. It is the amount of solute present in a given quantity of solvent.
________2. It is the total amount spent for goods or services including money and time and labor.
________4. It refers to the combined costs of raw material and labor incurred in producing goods.
________5. It is a material that allows molecules of one kind to pass through it but prevents the passage
of other kinds of molecules.
________6. It refers to the homogenous mixture of substances with variable composition.
________7. It is a solution which has a uniform composition and property.
________8. Is the normal range in the percentage of food cost
________9. It is a solution of salt and water wherein fish is soaked and cooked before finally smoking it.
_______10. It is the process of a solute dissolving in another solute.

Learning Task 3: Arrange the following procedures by writing letter A as First Step B as second step and
so on. Write your answers in a separate sheet of paper.
_______1. Cover it tightly with a bottle lid and store the container in a dark place for at least 3 weeks.
_______2. Carefully place the eggs in a small mouth jar (or glass) container with a tight lid.
_______3. Pour the cooled salted water over the eggs in the bottle
_______4.In a saucepan, fill in with the water and bring to boil
_______5. Let cool for a few minutes and peel the shell and taste.

Learning Task 4: Identify what is being asked in each statement. Choose the letter of the best answer.
Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet of paper.

Wings FLEUR DE SEL Rear poultry halves

Mutton- Chicken Breasts with ribs
Pork Salt
Prime Boneless-skinless poultry

__________1. It is a white crystalline substance which is used for seasoning or preserving food.
__________2. Also known as flower of salt and it’s the most expensive salt.
__________3. It is the highest quality of beef available
__________4. Are separated from the back at the junction of the vertebral ribs and back
__________5. Include the entire wing with all muscle and skin tissue intact, except that the wing tip may
be removed.
__________6. Include both legs and adjoining portion of the back.
__________7. except as noted, is free of tendons, cartilage, bone pieces, blood clots, discolorations, and
muscle mutilation.
__________8. It came from an adult sheep.
__________9. Most popular form of red meat that contains a large amount of myoglobin (protein
responsible for red color meat)
__________10. Referred as white meat that comes under poultry category

Prepared by:


Teacher III Teacher I Teacher I


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