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Republic of the Philippines


College of Technology
Sorsogon City Campus
Magsaysay St., Sorsogon City
E-mail Add.: ____________


Mathematics in the Modern World

Two-to-three-pages SYNTHESIS PAPER focusing on one of the following aspects of mathematics:

a. Mathematics provides tools for calculations.
b. Mathematics provides new questions to think about.
c. Mathematics helps organize patterns and regularities in the world.
d. Mathematics helps to predict the behavior of nature and phenomena in the world.
e. Mathematics helps control nature and occurrences in the world.

 A synthesis paper is like a long essay you may need to write that uses multiple sources. Like other
essays, a professor may assign certain topics to you, or you may find them on your own. To synthesize
sources, it means to explore what each is saying and how they contribute to your own writings.
Scientific principles or mathematical statements from researchers or experts should be part of the essay
and you may learn how to take different parts of articles and incorporate them into your own. One of the
types of synthesis paper is Explanatory. Explanatory synthesis paper is informational essays that help
you research and learn the details in a specific area. Rather than comparison, you might summarize and
paraphrase different sources to reveal more information on a topic.

Parts of the Synthesis Paper

 Topic Statement: The topic statement is the main purpose of your essay. This can be a claim you make
after reading several texts and information about why your claim is valid.
 Introduction: Introductions are where you can ensure the reader has an interest in your topic to
continue reading. These can include synthesis statements to show the reader what they can expect.
 Body paragraphs: Body paragraphs can include quotes, summaries, paraphrasing and analysis of other
texts. Consider showing how these other reading supports the claim you're making.
 Conclusion: Your conclusion can include a review of the key points in your essay along with reiterating
because your synthesis paper is valid. Consider restating your paper in a new way here to provide a
different angle on your topic.
 Sources: To avoid plagiarizing, include the list of your sources used to write your essay. This can
include the author’s name, text title and date of publication among other information depending on the

Format: 1” margin, short bond paper, calibri light 11 font, 1.5 space
Basis for Grading to Use:
0 point—The student cannot elicit the ideas and concepts from the readings and video indicating that s/he has
not read the prescribed readings or watched the video.
1 point (5)—The student can elicit the ideas and concepts from the readings and video but shows erroneous
understanding of these.
2 points (5)—The student can elicit the ideas and concepts from the readings and video and shows correct
under-standing of these.
3 points (5)—The student not only elicits the correct ideas from the readings and video but also shows evidence
of internalizing these.
4 points (5)—The student elicits the correct ideas from the readings and video, shows evidence of internalizing
these and consistently contributes additional thoughts to the core idea.

Prepared by:


LPT - Prof./ Instructor 1

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