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Bawat Bata Bumabasa Bumibilang at Sumusulat

Monthly Writing Activities

Objective Copy, write and analyze an editorial Month: November Grade: 7
Objective Copy, write and analyze an editorial
Content Editorial Writing
An editorial is an article that presents the newspaper’s opinion about the current issue.
Introduction It reflects specific bias which aims to influence the readers’ opinions toward particular
thoughts and to persuade them to take an action on an issue.

Editorial is considered as the heart and soul of the newspaper. Aside from delivering
facts to the readers, it is thought-provoking and awakens the mind of the reader as it usually
leaves questions after reading it. Basically, an editorial can be considered as opinionated
news article or a persuasive essay.
All editorials need to have a clear stand on an issue. Thus, it needs factual details to support
Development their stance. Editorial is written with the following parts:
1. Introduction – It gives an overview of the issue along with several details that supports
the issue.
2. Argument – It presents the newspaper’s opinion regarding the issue and reasons why the
reader should agree with the opinion. Along with it are the evidences that support the
argument with facts and researches.
3. Counterargument – This opposes the newspaper’s opinion. It builds the credibility of
the newspaper by discussing fair review of all the arguments viewed on the issue.
4. Refutation – After presenting the argument, refutation are the statements that presents
why the counterargument is not relevant.
5. Conclusion – This is a solid and concise statement that summarizes the writer’s opinion.
It also remind the readers to take a stand regarding the issue.

Here is an example of an editorial.

Get vaccinated

The Philippine Star 

August 28, 2021 | 12:00am

The lines remain long at vaccination centers particularly in Metro Manila. On the other
hand, vaccine hesitancy remains significant in many parts of the country, fueled partly by
vaccine skepticism spread by certain physicians who have been slammed by their
colleagues, and partly by residual fears generated by the hysteria over the Dengvaxia
From the start, scientists and infectious disease experts have stressed that no vaccine can
guarantee 100 protection. But the COVID vaccines approved for emergency use can protect
against hospitalization, severe infection and death.
Even with breakthrough infections attributed to more virulent coronavirus variants
particularly Delta, health frontliners point out that the vaccines work. The spokesman for the
state-run Philippine General Hospital, a COVID referral facility, cites their experience even
as the PGH has been forced to suspend accepting walk-in patients for now except life-
threatening cases. This was after the number of COVID patients exceeded the 230-bed
capacity of PGH by over 100.
Dr. Jonas del Rosario pointed out that while 90 percent of medical frontliners in PGH are
inoculated, 100 breakthrough COVID infections have been recorded for all types of
vaccines, but most have only mild symptoms.
Among the 108 adult COVID patients in PGH as of Aug. 3, he noted that 86.2 percent were
unvaccinated, 11 percent had received their first dose while only 2.8 percent were fully
vaccinated. The fully jabbed had only mild to moderate infections, while many of the
unvaccinated were severe and critical cases.
Del Rosario is urging the public to get vaccinated to protect themselves, their household
members and officemates, as well as reduce the workload of medical workers.
In recent weeks as a surge believed driven by the Delta variant has forced a return to
lockdowns, several hospitals have run out of COVID facilities particularly for critical cases
even after adding more beds. Hospitals have expressed concern about increasing
resignations of healthcare workers who are exhausted, worried about infection, and unhappy
about poor pay and delayed payment of allowances.
With COVID cases yesterday still at a high 17,447 and 113 more deaths, vaccination is the
best way not only to save lives but also to help an increasingly overwhelmed healthcare

Moreover, an editorial has several types:

1. Interpretation Editorial – It explains the way the newspaper covered a sensitive or
controversial subject. There is no personal opinions stated in this editorial as it just gives
important information and details toward a certain topic.
2. Criticism Editorial – The purpose of this editorial is for the reader to immediately see
the problem, not the solution. It presents both the positive and negative sides of the issue and
constructively criticize actions, decisions and situations while finding solution at the end.
3. Editorial of Appreciation - It commends and gives praises to a certain organization or
people who have done something commendable.
4. Editorial of Persuasion – It presents a firm stand regarding a certain issue and attempts
the readers to view their side in the same way. This editorial aims for the reader to see the
solution immediately, not the problem.
5. Entertainment Editorial - The topics included in this editorial is usually light, humorous
and gives entertainment.
Engagement: Directions: Copy the editorial in your writing notebook.

A perfect storm

The Philippine Star 

October 1, 2021 | 12:00am

MANILA, Philippines — Only 53 economies – the world’s biggest economies – were

included in the survey. The Philippines should be proud that it was included in the list drawn
A. WEEK 1 up by Bloomberg – except for the fact that the country was ranked as the worst place to be
COPYING among the 53 economies amid the COVID pandemic.
FROM MODEL In the monthly COVID Resilience Ranking for September, Bloomberg noted that the
Philippines was the last among the Southeast Asian countries to see a slowdown in the
Delta-driven COVID surge. Indonesia had ranked last in July and Malaysia in August.
Vietnam is currently also in the bottom five of the 53 economies.
A Bloomberg report said the Philippines is facing a “perfect storm” of grappling with the
COVID surge amid an inadequate testing regime and lost livelihoods. Vaccine coverage
remains low and stringent lockdowns remain in place, Bloomberg noted. The country had
seen a steady decline in its resilience ranking throughout 2021 before it hit the bottom.
The resilience ranking is based on 12 metrics related to virus containment and economic
reopening. The Bloomberg report echoed what many Filipinos have pointed out: the
weakness of contact tracing and COVID testing capacities, inadequate healthcare
infrastructure and a fragmented response, with several local government units even going
against national protocols. On border controls, Bloomberg also noted that while most
foreigners are barred from entering the country, overseas workers are allowed to return.
On the positive side, Bloomberg took note of the shift to granular lockdowns, which has
allowed more economic activities to resume or operate at larger capacities. As the other
Southeast Asian countries have shown, the rankings can change, and even perfect storms
eventually blow away. This is the challenge for the Philippines and its pandemic response

Directions: In your writing notebook, write an editorial about your opinion regarding the
effects of social media to the students. Compose a paragraph using your answers in the
guide questions below. Don’t forget to put a title to your editorial.

Guide Questions Your answer in complete sentence

What is the issue all about?
B. WEEK 2 What is your position about the issue?
GUIDED What are the details that support your
WRITING stand?
What is the opposing statement to your
argument? What are the details that
support the opposing opinion?
What are the facts that support why the
counterargument is not relevant?
How will you capture and appeal to your
Directions: Compose an editorial about any of the given topic. Be guided with the rubric
 Internet: A Friend or a Foe?
 Pros and Cons of Virtual Learning
 Is Finishing School Significant in being Successful in Life?

Criteria Exceeds Meets Needs Needs

Expectation Expectations Revision Instruction
10 points 8 points 6 points 4 points
C. WEEK 3 Introduction The editorial is The editorial is The editorial is The editorial
INDEPENDEN written with an written with a written with a is written
T engaging lead lead that presents lead that with a lead
WRITING that presents the the issue clearly. attempts to that vaguely
issue clearly. present the presents the
issue clearly. issue.
Opinion The writer states The writer states The writer The writer is
a clear opinion a clear opinion in states the very
throughout the some parts of the opinion confusing in
article. article weakly in the stating the
article. opinion in the
Evidences The writer The writer The writer There is no
provides provides provides less evidences
abundant and sufficient and and factual provided to
factual evidences factual evidences evidences to support the
to support the to support the support the opinion.
opinion. opinion. opinion.
Structure Paragraphs are Paragraphs are Paragraphs are Paragraphs
very organized organized where less organized are not
where all parts most parts of an where majority organized
of an editorial is editorial is of the parts of and are
present. The present. The an editorial is confusing.
editorial ends editorial ends not present. There is no
with a call to with a call to The editorial call to action
action in a action in an ends with a noted at the
persuasive obvious manner. less effective end of the
manner. call to action. article.
Grammar The writer The writer The writer The writer
and Spelling applies correct commits few commits commits
grammar and errors in several errors many errors
spelling. grammar and in grammar in grammar
spelling. and spelling. and spelling.

Directions: Review the editorial article that you copied in Week 1 Copying from a Model.
Assimilation: Analyze and describe the content for each main part below.

Topic that was stated:

Facts stated to support the topic:

Writer’s stand in dealing with the topic:

Assessment Directions: Cut out or print out a copy of an editorial in a physical or online newspaper and
paste it in your writing notebook. Analyze your selected editorial by answering the
WEEK 4 following questions:

1. What is the writer’s purpose in writing the editorial?

2. What is the writer’s viewpoint?
3. How did the writer support his/her opinion?
4. As a reader, were you able to be persuaded by the writer? Justify your answer.
5. If you are the writer, what will be your stand regarding the issue?

Writer/School Cleanthel Pennelope I. Baria, Lucena City National High School


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