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Name ___________________________________ Date _____________________________
Section ____________________________ Score __________________
ANALOGY. Direction: Choose the word that best completes each analogy.
1. up is to down as over is to ____________________________ under along above
2. big is to small as full is to ____________________________ filled empty blank
3. platoon is to soldier as team is to _______________________ teacher student player
4. rock is to heavy as feather is to _________________________ light fast rich
5. tree is to climb as ocean is to ___________________________ big swim fish
6. smile is to happy as frown is to __________________________ sad injury pain
7. stripes is to zebra as bear is to _________________________ fur hair spots
8. spaghetti is to pasta as ketchup is to ________________ sauce condiment pulp
9. wind is to windmill as sun is to __________________________ solar panel engine hammer
10.nice is to kind as pretty is to ___________________________ ugly beautiful small
11. large : big : : shout : ______________________ cry scream anxious
12. bear : den : : bat : ______________________ hive nest cave
13. musician : instrument : : singer ______________________ flute voice choir
14. hot : cold : : sweet : ______________________ tasteless sour salty
15. goose : flock : : bees : ______________________ swarm school group
16. wheel : car : : branch : ______________________ leaf flower tree
17. dim : faint : : chilly : ______________________ hot snow cold
18. up : down : : over : ______________________ beneath under beside
19. hand : glove : : foot : ______________________ toe sock shoe
20.ruler : measure : : scissors : ______________________ sew cut knit : hunger : : baby: ______________________ adult mature boy
22. centavo : one peso : : bead : ______________________ ring necklace earring
WH-QUESTIONS. Directions: Fill in the blank of each question with the correct ‘wh-’ question word (when, where, why, who, whose,
what and which). Then from the 13 sentences (A-M) below, choose the most appropriate answer to each question and write the letter in
the space provided.
Question Answer
1. The wall is damaged. _________ did it? ______
2. These two dictionaries are very useful. _________ one should I buy? ______
3. _________ did you do during the summer holiday? ______
4. _________ is that class so noisy? ______
5. _________ did the class start? I didn’t realize I was late. ______
6. Excuse me, _________ is the staff room? I want to speak to Miss Chu. ______
7. _________ test paper is it? There’s no name on it. ______
8. _________ locker is yours? There’re three beside the window. ______
9. _________ is Miss Montero so happy today? ______
10. _________ is your favorite teacher? ______
11. _______________ do you want to go when you leave school? ______
12. _________ do you want to go for the school picnic? ______
13. _________ will the graduation ceremony held? ______

A. I want to become a musician.

B. They are celebrating their form teacher’s birthday.
C. Miss Montero. I think she’s very patient and understanding.
D. It will be held on 7th July.
E. The one with the Hello Kitty stickers is mine.
F. It usually starts at 10:00 a.m. but it started at 9:30a.m. today.
G. The smaller one is better because you can bring it to school every day.
H. Let’s go to Ngong Ping Village this time.
I. It must be Frank’s. We’ve got ours already.
J. I don’t know. t might have been one of the students from 5C.
K. It’s on the 4th floor, at the end of the corridor.
L. I joined a study tour to Australia.
M. Her class did very well in the examinations.

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