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Pakistan’s First Monthly E-Magazine for Civil Services Aspirants



Shahbaz Sharif
April 2022 23rd Prime Minister
of Pakistan

Current Affairs
The Role of the MCQs
International Criminal Court April 2022

What is alopecia areata? What is Doxxed? What is Shrinkation?

April 2022
CSS Times Pakistan Affairs 03

Shahbaz Sharif
23rd Prime Minister of Pakistan
Shehbaz secured 174 votes as Shehbaz was born in Lahore into a
opposed to PTI's candidate Shah wealthy industrial family and was
Mahmood Qureshi, who received no educated locally. After that, he entered
votes after his party decided to the family business and now jointly
boycott the polling process. owns a Pakistani steel company.
Shehbaz Sharifis little known outside He entered politics in Punjab,
his home country but has a reputation becoming its chief minister for the first
domestically as an effective time in 1997 before he was caught up
administrator more than as a politician. in national political upheaval and
Analysts say Shehbaz, unlike Nawaz, imprisoned following a military coup.
enjoys amicable relations with He was then sent into exile in Saudi
Pakistan's military, which traditionally Arabia in 2000.
controls foreign and defence policy in Shehbaz returned from exile in 2007 to
the nuclear-armed nation of 220 resume his political career, again in
million people. Punjab.
As chief minister of Punjab, Pakistan's He entered the national political scene
most populous province, Shehbaz when he became the chief of the
planned and executed a number of Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-
ambitious infrastructure mega- N) party after Nawaz was found guilty
projects, including Pakistan's first in 2017 on charges of concealing
modern mass transport system in his assets related to the Panama Papers
hometown, Lahore. revelations.

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April 2022
CSS Times International Organization 05


The Role of the

International Criminal Court
The ICC was created to bring justice to account those guilty of some of the
the world's worst war criminals, but world's worst crimes. Champions of
debate over the court still rages. the court say it deters would-be war
criminals, bolsters the rule of law, and
Summary offers justice to victims of atrocities.
But, since its inception, the court has
· The ICC seeks to investigate and faced considerable setbacks. It has
prosecute those responsible for grave been unable to gain the support of
offenses such as genocide and war crimes.
major powers, including the United
· Dozens of countries are not ICC
States, China, and Russia, who say it
members, including China, India, Russia,
undermines national sovereignty. Two
and the United States.
countries have withdrawn from the
· The court has angered
court, and many African governments
nonmembers by launching probes into
complain that the court has singled
possible war crimes in Afghanistan, the
out Africa. U.S. opposition to the ICC
Palestinian territories, and Ukraine.
hardened under President Donald
Introduction Trump, and although the Joe Biden
The International Criminal Court (ICC), administration has taken a more
established in 2002, seeks to hold to conciliatory approach, tensions remain.

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CSS Times International Organization 06
What are the court's origins?
In the aftermath of World War II, the
Allied powers launched the first
international war crimes tribunal,
known as the Nuremberg Trials, to
prosecute top Nazi officials. It wasn't
until the 1990s, however, that many
governments coalesced around the
idea of a permanent court to hold
perpetrators to account for the world's
most serious crimes. The United
Nations had previously set up ad hoc
international criminal tribunals to deal
with war crimes in the former Which countries are members of the
Yugoslavia and Rwanda, but many court?
international law experts considered There are 123 countries party to the
them inefficient and inadequate Rome Statute. Some forty countries
deterrents. never signed the treaty, including
China, Ethiopia, India, Indonesia, Iraq,
North Korea, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey.
Several dozen others signed the
statute, but their legislatures never
ratified it. These include Egypt, Iran,
Israel, Russia, Sudan, Syria, and the
Two countries have withdrawn from
the ICC. Burundi left in 2017, following
the court's decision to investigate the
government's crackdown on
opposition protests. Philippine
President Rodrigo Duterte pulled out
Trinidad and Tobago requested that a in 2019, after the court launched an
UN commission look into the creation inquiry into his government's war on
of a permanent court in 1989. In the drugs, saying domestic courts are
following years, such efforts gained sufficient to enforce the rule of law.
support, especially in Europe and Gambia and South Africa notified the
Africa. As CFR's Michelle Gavin points
United Nations in 2016 that they
out, African countries make up the
intended to exit the treaty, but they
largest bloc of ICC members. The
later reversed course in the face of
European Union is also a staunch
political upheaval and legal challenges.
supporter of the court; it adopted a
How does the court work?
binding policy in support of the ICC in
The ICC is based in The Hague, a city
in the Netherlands that hosts many
The ICC's founding treaty was adopted
international institutions, and has field
by the UN General Assembly at a
offices in several countries. The court
conference in Rome in July 1998. After
carries out its investigative work
being ratified by more than sixty
through the office of the prosecutor,
countries, the Rome Statute entered
into force on July 1, 2002.
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CSS Times International Organization 08

led since 2021 by British lawyer Karim including murder, rape, imprisonment,
A.A. Khan, who previously served as slavery, and torture; and
assistant secretary-general of the · crimes of aggression, or the use or
United Nations. threat of armed force by a state
The court has eighteen judges, each against the territorial integrity,
from a different member country and sovereignty, or political independence
elected by the member states. It of another state, or violations of the
requires its members to seek a UN Charter.
gender-balanced bench, and the The court can open an investigation
judiciary must include representatives into possible crimes in one of three
of each of the United Nations' five ways: a member country can refer a
regions. Judges and prosecutors are situation within its own territory to the
elected to nonrenewable nine-year court; the UN Security Council can
terms. The president and two vice refer a situation; or the prosecutor can
presidents of the court are elected launch an investigation into a member
from among the judges; they, along state proprio motu, or “on one's own
with the registry, handle the initiative.” The court can investigate
administration of the court. individuals from nonmember states if
The court has jurisdiction over four the alleged offenses took place in a
categories of crimes under
member state's territory, if the
international law:
nonmember state accepts the court's
· genocide, or the intent to destroy in
jurisdiction, or with the Security
whole or in part a national, ethnic,
Council's authorization.
racial, or religious group;
To open an investigation, the
· war crimes, or grave breaches of the
prosecutor must conclude after a
laws of war, which include the Geneva
Conventions' prohibitions on torture, preliminary examination that the
the use of child soldiers, and attacks alleged crimes are of “sufficient
on civilian targets, such as hospitals or gravity.” Once an investigation is
schools; opened, the prosecutor's office
· crimes against humanity, or violations typically sends investigators and other
committed as part of large-scale staff to collect evidence.

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CSS Times International Organization 10
Any arrest warrant or summons must be
approved by the judiciary, based on
information provided by the
prosecutor. A group of pretrial judges
ultimately decides whether a case
should be brought to trial. Defendants
may seek outside counsel to represent
them, paid for, if necessary, by the
court. Convictions and sentences which roughly correspond to the size
require the vote of at least two out of of each member's economy. In 2020,
the three judges on a trial bench; the largest contributions came from
convicted defendants may appeal to Japan, Germany, France, and the
the ICC's appellate bench, which is United Kingdom. Some countries,
made up of five judges. notably Brazil and Venezuela, have run
up millions of dollars in overdue
The UN General Assembly can approve
additional funding for cases referred to
the court by the Security Council.
Some governments and transnational
organizations also offer voluntary
Some analysts have criticized the ICC
as too expensive. Others counter that
the ''courts cost effectiveness cannot
The ICC is intended to complement be based solely on the number of
rather than replace national courts. It cases it tries or convictions it secures.
can only act when national courts have
been found unable or unwilling to try a
case. Additionally, it only exercises
jurisdiction over crimes that occurred
after its statute took effect in 2002.
The ICC differs from the International
Court of Justice—the top UN court,
which settles disputes between states
and is also located in The Hague—in
that it prosecutes individuals. Its broad
geographic reach and continuous
operation distinguish it from
temporary international tribunals, such
as that in Rwanda.
How is it funded? What cases has the ICC opened?
In 2021, the ICC's annual budget stood The ICC has indicted more than forty
at roughly $170 million The vast individuals, all from African countries.
majority of that funding comes from Seventeen people have been detained
member states. Contributions are at The Hague, ten have been convicted
determined by the same method the of crimes, and four have been
United Nations uses to assess dues, acquitted.

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CSS Times International Organization 11
Cases have been referred by the
governments of Uganda, the Central
African Republic, the Democratic
Republic of Congo, and Mali relating
to the civil wars and other conflicts
that have raged in those countries. In
2021, the court opened an
investigation into alleged crimes
against humanity in Venezuela based
on a referral from half a dozen
member countries, mostly in South Omar al-Bashir. The first sitting
America. president to be indicted by the ICC,
The UN Security Council made its first Bashir is sought on allegations of
referral in 2005, for alleged crimes in genocide, crimes against humanity,
the Darfur region of Sudan. This was and war crimes in Sudan's Darfur
followed in 2011 by a referral for Libya. region. He is accused of planning mass
In addition, the prosecutor's office killings and deportations of members
opened investigations proprio motu in of several ethnic groups. Bashir
Kenya in 2010, the Ivory Coast in 2011, avoided arrest by traveling abroad
Georgia in 2016, Burundi in 2017, only with assurances from friendly
Bangladesh and Myanmar in 2019, foreign leaders that they would not
turn him over. In April 2019, the
Afghanistan in 2020, and the
Sudanese military ousted Bashir
Palestinian territories and the
following months of anti-government
Philippines in 2021.
protests and placed him under arrest.
Most recently, in 2022, the court
An ICC delegation visited the country
launched an investigation into Russia's
in February 2021 to discuss
invasion of Ukraine after receiving a
cooperation with the transitional
referral from more than forty member government, but it remains unclear
states. Though Ukraine is not an ICC whether Sudanese authorities will
member, it accepted the court's extradite Bashir.
jurisdiction for alleged crimes on its Uhuru Kenyatta. In 2010, the ICC
territory going back to 2013. opened an investigation into violence
Here are a few of the court's high- that killed more than one thousand
profile defendants: people following Kenya's 2007
Muammar al-Qaddafi. The Security presidential election. It eventually
Council referred the situation in Libya named Kenyatta and five other major
to the ICC in 2011, based on political figures as suspects of crimes
allegations that the Libyan leader and against humanity. The investigation
other individuals were responsible for continued as Kenyatta won the
the killing of unarmed civilians during presidency in 2013, with fellow ICC
Arab Spring protests. In June of that suspect William Ruto as his running
year the court issued arrest warrants mate. The court dropped the charges
for Qaddafi, as well as for his son and against Kenyatta the following year
his brother-in-law, but he went into and those against Ruto in 2016, with
hiding and was killed before he could the prosecutor's office claiming that
be apprehended. Qaddafi's son, Saif the Kenyan government was
al-Islam, remains a fugitive. uncooperative and that witness
tampering had undermined the case.
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April 2022
CSS Times Constitution of Pakistan 13

April 10:
Constitution Day
of Pakistan

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Constitutional Crisis 2022
A political and constitutional crisis
emerged in Pakistan when, on 3 April
2022, National Assembly Deputy
Speaker dismissed a no-confidence
motion against prime minister during a
session in which it was expected to be
taken up for a vote. Moments later, the
president dissolved the National
Assembly on the advice of prime
minister This created a constitutional

Constitution Day is observed on April 10

each year in order to celebrate the
passing of the first constitution of the
country in 1973 on the same date.
The National Assembly of Pakistan passed
the Constitution on 10th April, 1973,
the President of the Assembly
authenticated it on 12th April, 1973
and the Assembly published the Four days later, the Supreme Court of
Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan ruled that the dismissal of the
Pakistan. no-confidence motion, the
prorogation of the National Assembly,
advice of prime minister to president
to dissolve the National Assembly and
subsequent dissolution of the National
Assembly were unconstitutional, and
overturned these actions. The Supreme
Court further held that the National
Assembly had not been prorogued
and had to be reconvened by the
Speaker immediately and no later than
10:30 AM on 9 April.

The 1973 constitution contains 280

articles and 7 schedules, and
establishes a centralized federal

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On 9 April, the National Assembly was upon passing of the resolution.
reconvened, however the Speaker Mr Imran has been removed from the
refused to put the motion to a vote prime minister's office after the no-
until the Speaker and the Deputy confidence motion against him
Speaker both resigned shortly before succeeds in parliament by a vote of
midnight. 174-0. This is the first time the no-
Shortly after midnight on 10 April, the confidence motion against a prime
National Assembly voted and passed minister of Pakistan has been
the No Confidence motion removing successful.
prime minister from office immediately

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April 2022
CSS Times General Science & Ability 17

Every year, Earth Hour is observed on the

last Saturday of March at 8:30 pm. And
while previously it brought the public out
onto the roads to mark the hour, this year the
famous environmental initiative went digital
as many countries are in lockdown.
The topic for Earth Hour 2022 will be
“Shape Our Future.” This is a pivotal year for
everyone and our world. It is up to us to
#ShapeOurFuture by raising awareness about
the serious issues impacting our world today.
What is Earth Hour? Background:
Dating back to 2007, Earth Hour is an annual It was famously started as a lights-off event in
event organized by the World Wildlife Sydney, Australia in 2007. Since then it has
Fund that promotes conservation and grown to engage more than 7000 cities and
sustainable energy. During this time, civilians towns worldwide. Today, Earth Hour engages
are encouraged to switch off their lights for a massive mainstream community on a broad
one hour to help reduce the effect of global range of environmental issues. The one-hour
warming and raise awareness for climate event continues to remain the key driver of
change and wildlife conservation. the now larger movement.

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CSS Times General Science & Ability 19
Background: climate so that they could put pressure on
It was famously started as a lights-off event in the respective governments to frame
Sydney, Australia in 2007. Since then it has environment-friendly policies and laws.
grown to engage more than 7000 cities and
towns worldwide. Today, Earth Hour engages
a massive mainstream community on a broad
range of environmental issues. The one-hour
event continues to remain the key driver of
the now larger movement.
What's the difference between Earth Hour
and Earth Day?
Whereas Earth Hour stands as a climate
change initiative where people reduce their
electricity usage, Earth Day (April 22)
celebrates our natural environment by
inspiring people to plant trees, recycle
regularly and keep the planet tidy. · With Earth Hour, the WWF aims to
Why do we need earth hour? engage people across the globe to
· Global warming and climate change adopt more sustainable lifestyle.
have dominated the scientific Turning off lights for an hour is just an
discourse in the past more than one annual reminder that if the world does
not mend its ways, it will be heading to
Publishers a dark age, literally.
· This event was born in 2007, when 2.2
million people in Sydney, Australia
turned off their lights in a call to action
on climate change. Today is the
biggest celebration for nature. As an
important fact to remember, in 2021
the record was set to add 192
countries and territories around the
decade. With ever rising population of the globe.
world, the climate change has put the
humankind at a great risk along with
other species.
· Global warming, rising levels of
pollution due to ever increasing
industrialisation, declining forest cover
and rising sea levels are some of the
dangers that drastically affect the
workings of life on the earth.
· Though the largest polluters are big
industries, the WWF tries to make the
masses more and more aware about
the impending dangers of adverse

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April 2022
CSS Times General Science & Ability 20

What is Extra Neutral

Alcohol (ENA)?

· It is a byproduct of the sugar industry. Analysts believe Pakistani ethanol exporters

· Formed from molasses that are a would continue to dominate Asian markets
residue of sugarcane processing. for years to come.
· It is the primary raw material for According to official figures, ethanol export
making alcoholic beverages. up to December 31, 2018 stood at 653,443
Features: tonnes against 572,056 tonnes a year earlier.
It is colourless food-grade alcohol that does This is the highest ever export of ethanol ever
not have any impurities. since Pakistan entered the world market in
It has a neutral smell and taste and typically 2002-03.
contains over 95 per cent alcohol by volume.
Presently around 18 distilleries – either
operating independently or attached with
sugar mills — are engaged in producing
three grades of ethanol including anhydrous,
extra neutral alcohol (ENA) and industrial
alcohol (B grade). Besides, a blend of ENA
and B grade is also being produced.

Other applications of ENA:

· An essential ingredient in the
manufacture of cosmetics and
personal care products such as
perfumes, toiletries, hair spray, etc.
· Utilized in the production of some
lacquers, paints and ink for the printing
industry, as well as in pharmaceutical
products such as antiseptics, drugs,
syrups, medicated sprays.

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CSS Times General Science & Ability 22
Out of 10 tonnes of molasses, two tonnes of
ethanol is processed which fetches very high
price in the world market.
Exports of undenatured ethanol from Pakistan
rose by 18pc in the fourth quarter of 2020 to
96,000t compared with the year-earlier

The bulk of the increase came in December

when a prompter sugarcane harvest for the
September 2020-August 2021 crop year
drove swifter feedstock molasses and ethanol
production, leading exports to double on the
year to 30,000t, according to customs data.
These grades are produced at different Exports to Spain, the Philippines and
refining stages. Anhydrous, which is 99.97 per Indonesia rose significantly to 15,000t,
cent pure, is mostly produced in the country 14,000t and 9,000t respectively in the last
and its demand is also much higher because quarter of 2020, up from 7,000t, 3,000t and
it could also be blended in motor gasoline. 200t during the same period a year earlier.
The other two grades – ENA which is 96.5pc But outflows to top buyer the Netherlands
pure and industrial alcohol 92pc pure – are dipped slightly to 21,000t from 23,500t.
used for making of perfumes and spirit, Market participants reported trades for
respectively. 22,000t in late December for loading in the
Brazil is the biggest producer of ethanol in first quarter 2021, with hydrous extra neutral
the world followed by India and Thailand. alcohol (ENA) volumes fetching $835-930/t
Whereas ethanol is being widely used as fob Karachi in bulk and anhydrous ethanol
motor gasoline in Brazil, the Indian dealing at around $990/t fob.
government has also made it compulsory Long-standing consumers of Pakistan's
upon the MNCs importing petroleum ethanol include South Korea and Japan, as
products to blend ethanol up to 5-10 per well as EU member states especially Italy and
cent in the motor gasoline (petrol). This has the Netherlands. Buyers in the Middle East
reduced their import bill of petroleum have made substantial purchases of ENA in
products. recent months in the fight against Covid-19.
There was a time when the sugar industry Northeast Asian buyers anticipated the strain
used to throw away molasses in pits made on B-grade industrial ethanol, which they
outside their units but with introduction of usually source from Brazil and Pakistan. Many
technology and setting up of distilleries in the buyers in Japan have already filled storage to
Pakistan today is earning millions of dollars maximum capacity with Brazilian product to
on export of ethanol. cover the entire year's requirements.

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April 2022
CSS Times International Affairs 23

professionals based in the UAE. The council

UAE's Golden Visa
members represent companies from various
Veteran Pakistani actor Jawed Sheikh on
Friday became the latest star from the and diverse sectors.
country to receive a 10-year Golden Visa from In 2019, the United Arab Emirates (UAE)
the UAE government. implemented a new system for long-term
residence visas, thereby enabling
foreigners to live, work and study in the
UAE without the need of a national
sponsor and with 100 per cent ownership
of their business.
So, what does the Golden Visa offer?
The Golden Visa system essentially offers
long-term residency (5 and 10 years) to
people belonging to the following groups:
Around 73 Pakistani businessmen In Dubai
have received the UAE's 10-year Golden Visa. · investors, entrepreneurs, individuals
The Pakistan Business Council works under with outstanding talents the likes of
the umbrella of the Dubai Chamber with the researchers, medical professionals and
objectives of promoting trade, commerce and those within the scientific and
investment between the UAE and Pakistan. It
consists of a large group of Pakistani knowledge fields, and remarkable
businessmen, businesswomen, investors and students.

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CSS Times International Affairs 25
individuals may be granted a 10-year visa
Publishers following accreditations granted by their
respective departments and fields. The visa
also extends to their spouses and children.

Eligibility for a 5-year visa:

· The investor must invest in a property
of a gross value of not less than AED 5
· The amount invested in real estate
must not be on loan basis.
· The property must be retained for at
least three years.
Outstanding students:
· Outstanding students with a minimum
Eligibility requirements (Have a brief grade of 95% in public and private
overview; need not mug up): secondary schools.
For investors: · University students within and outside
· A deposit of at least AED (United Arab the country having a distinction GPA
Emirates Dirham) 10 million worth of of at least 3.75 upon graduation.
public investment, either in the form of Reasons Behind the Move:
an investment fund or a company. The UAE's economy has been hit hard by the
· 60% of the total investment must not Covid-19 pandemic and low oil prices,
be in the form of real estate. prompting many expatriates to leave.
· The invested amount must not be · The move intends to bring them back
loaned, or in case of assets, investors now and keep the “talented people
must assume full ownership. and great minds” in the Gulf
· The investor must be able to retain the country and help in nation-building.
investment for a minimum of three · It will attract talented professionals
years. from various fields of expertise and
· May be extended to include business further encourage innovation,
partners, providing that each partner creativity and applied research, adding
contributes AED 10 million. to the appeal of a career in the UAE
· Can also include the holder's spouse for the world's brightest minds.
and children, as well as one executive Pakistani celebrity, Fakhr-e-Alam, was
director and one advisor. become the first Pakistani celebrity to receive
a 10-year-Golden Visa of United Arab
For individuals with specialized talents:
Emirates (UAE). He has been living in UAE for
The category includes doctors, researchers,
the past 17 years and is also a cultural
scientists, investors and artists. These ambassador to the country.
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CSS Times International Affairs 26


Bucharest, the capital of Romania.

Bucharest Nine · The group was created on the initiative
· The B9 countries have been critical of
President Vladimir Putin's aggression of Klaus Iohannis, who has been
against Ukraine since 2014, when the President of Romania since 2014, and
war in the Donbas started and Russia Andrzej Duda, who became President
annexed the Crimean peninsula. of Poland in August 2015.

What is Bucharest Nine?

The “Bucharest Nine” is a group of nine
NATO countries in Eastern Europe that Members:
became part of the US-led military alliance Romania, Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria,
after the end of the Cold War. the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and the
· The B9 was founded on November 4, three Baltic republics of Estonia, Latvia,
2015, and takes its name from and Lithuania.

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· All members of the B9 are part of the · It works in total compliance with the
European Union (EU) and North principles of solidarity and indivisibility of the
Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO). security of the NATO Member States.
· All nine countries were once Opposition to Russian expansion
closely associated with the now · The B9 countries have been critical of
dissolved Soviet Union, but later chose President Vladimir Putin's aggression
the path of democracy. against Ukraine since 2014, when the
Functions of B9: war in the Donbas started and Russia
· The B9 offers a platform for deepening annexed the Crimean peninsula.
the dialogue and consultation among · After the Russian invasion of Ukraine
the participant allied states, in order to on February 24, the B9 met in Warsaw.
articulate their specific contribution to Ukraine's President has also appealed to the
the ongoing processes across the B9 for defense aid, sanctions, pressure on the
North-Atlantic Alliance. aggressor Russia and create one anti-war

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CSS Times International Affairs 31

What is

President Emmanuel Macron of France Cooperation, and Mutual Assistance (or

invoked a Cold War-era term on YYA Treaty) that Finland signed with
Monday, telling reporters on his flight the USSR in April 1948.
to Moscow that “Finlandization” of The term refers to Finland's strict
Ukraine was “one of the models on the neutrality during the Cold War,
table” for defusing tensions with enshrined in a 1948 treaty with
Russia. Moscow when tensions between the
What is Finlandization? Soviet Union and the West were at a
· Finlandization refers to the policy of high. The treaty ensured Finland that
strict neutrality between Moscow unlike other countries in Eastern
(Russia) and the West that Finland Europe, it would not face a Soviet
followed during the decades of the invasion, but in return, it agreed to
Cold War. stay out of NATO and allowed the
giant next door to exercise significant
influence over its domestic and foreign
Ukraine, formerly a part of the Soviet
Union, has increasingly tilted toward
the West, economically and politically,
while resisting Russian influence. In
2008, NATO said it planned eventually
for Ukraine to join the alliance, a
popular idea within the country,
though it has never actually applied for
· The principle of neutrality was rooted membership and NATO officials say it
in the Agreement of Friendship, would not happen any time soon.
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Article 1 of the treaty reads: “In the
eventuality of Finland, or the Soviet
Union through Finnish territory,
becoming the object of an armed
attack by Germany or any state
allied with the latter (meaning,
essentially, the United States),
Finland will, true to its obligations
as an independent state, fight to
repel the attack.


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CSS Times International Affairs 34
while resisting Russian influence.
· In 2008, NATO said it planned eventually
for Ukraine to join the alliance, a popular
idea within the country, though it has
never actually applied for membership
and NATO officials say it would not
happen any time soon.
· “Finlandization” would allow Moscow a
heavy hand in Ukrainian affairs. It goes
· Finland will in such cases use all its against what Ukraine has been striving for,
available forces for defending its territorial that is joining NATO and the E.U.
integrity by land, sea, and air, and will do The Kremlin is acutely aware that Finland,
so within the frontiers of Finland in
once a neutral buffer state between the
accordance with obligations defined in the
Soviets and NATO, has become far less
present agreement and, if necessary, with
neutral, tilting strongly toward the West
the assistance of or jointly with, the Soviet
since the Soviet Union collapsed.
· In such cases, the Soviet Union will give “While it remains outside NATO to this day,”
Finland the help that it requires, subject to said James Nixey, the director of European
mutual agreement between the Union-Russia relations at Chatham House,
contracting parties. “Finland is completely compatible with
Ukraine and Finlandization: NATO, and with Western security
Ukraine, formerly a part of the Soviet Union, architecture, and is very much 'on side' as
has increasingly tilted toward the West, far as a unified concept of European
economically and politically, security is concerned.”

Publishers Facts for CSS Aspirants

What is the Principle of 'Reasonable Accommodation'?
How does the principle work?
The general principle is that reasonable
accommodation should be provided, unless
some undue hardship is caused by such
In 2016, the ILO came out with a practical
guide on promoting diversity and inclusion
through workplace adjustments.
· It is a principle that promotes equality, Four categories of workers were chosen
enables the grant of positive rights and for the guide:
prevents discrimination based on disability, 1. Workers with disabilities.
health condition or personal belief. 2. Workers living with HIV and AIDS.
· It captures the positive obligation of 3. Pregnant workers and those with
the State and private parties to provide family responsibilities.
additional support to persons with
disabilitiesto facilitate their full and effective 4. Workers who hold a particular religion
participation in society. or belief.

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CSS Times International Day 35

· Observed on 22 March every year. Water, a human right:

· Observed since · In 2010, the UN recognized “the right
· Coordinated by UN-Water – the UN's to safe and clean drinking water and
inter-agency collaboration mechanism sanitation as a human right that is
for all freshwater related issues – in essential for the full enjoyment of life
collaboration with governments and and all human rights.”
· The human right to water entitles
· The World Water Development
Report is also released by the UN everyone, without discrimination, to
every year around World Water Day. sufficient, safe, acceptable, physically
· Theme of World Water Day 2022: accessible and affordable water for
“Groundwater, making the invisible personal and domestic use; which
visible” is the theme for this year's includes water for drinking, personal
World Water Day. sanitation, washing of clothes, food
preparation, and personal and
household hygiene.
JUST three years... That's the time left
before taps in the country probably
run dry as Pakistan faces “absolute
water scarcity”, warn experts. With
80pc of the population already facing
“severe water scarcity” for at least one
month a year, by 2040, the UN
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April 2022
CSS Times International Day 37
drier areas.
4. The process through which rainwater is
filtered through bedrock and
accumulated underground can take
centuries and varies greatly by region.
5. As climate change delivers longer
droughts and bigger superstorms, the
extremes of rainfall become more
pronounced, impacting groundwater
reserves for generations to come.

predicts, critical shortages will affect

each and every person in the country.
The warning is not new. Neither is the
Publishers Facts for CSS Aspirants
fact that the water level in Tarbela dam
has reached dead level well before
Abel Prize 2022:
summer. And yet, there is no sense of
urgency or even a half-hearted

attempt at salvaging matters. Our own

National Water Policy states that the
“water crisis is descending like a
thunderbolt”. It highlights the fast
depletion of our groundwater, which is
responsible for meeting 70pc of our
national and 50pc agricultural needs,
according to the World Bank. The
extent of reliance on groundwater for
It has been awarded to Professor Dennis
water-intensive farming can be
Parnell Sullivan.
assessed by the fact that over 95pc of
the total water available is consumed · He was awarded the prize “For his
by this sector alone, with 5pc left over groundbreaking contributions to topology
for domestic use. in its broadest sense, and in particular its
Why conserve groundwater? algebraic, geometric and dynamical
1. Groundwater reserves are already aspects.”
under pressure as the global The Abel Prize is awarded annually to
population explodes and crop outstanding mathematicians.
production rises in lockstep. · It was established by the
2. Extreme weather events such as Norwegian Government in 2002, and is
drought and record rainfall — have managed by The Norwegian Academy of
both made worse by our heating Science and Letters.
planet — could have another long-
lasting impact on how quickly reserves · The first Abel Prize, awarded in
replenish. 2003, went to French mathematician Jean-
3. Only half of all groundwater supplies Pierre Serre.
are likely to fully replenish or re- · The prize has gone to only one
balance within the next 100 years — woman mathematician, Karen Keskulla
potentially leading to shortages in Uhlenbeck of University of Texas, U.S.A.

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CSS Times International Day 38
Highlights of the report: · Experiences from several nations
· Finland topped the list for the fifth confirm that the countries with higher
time in a row, according to the 10th GDP and higher per capita income are
edition of the World Happiness Report. not necessarily the happiest countries
· Finland was followed by Denmark, and there exists a link between the
Iceland, Switzerland, and the state of happiness and rule of law.
Netherlands. The WHRs, over the years, confirmed
· Among other western countries, while that people tend to have:
the United States managed to bag · Poor mental health.
the 16th position, Britain was · A low score of subjective well-being.
ranked 17th and France 20th. · Poor perception about the governance
· Afghanistan was named the most and law and order, despite high
unhappy country in the world, income levels.
ranking last on the index of 146
· Nepal (84), Bangladesh (94) and Sri
Lanka (127).
Publishers Facts for CSS Aspirants

· Over the years, happiness has become
a key metric to track for not just
countries but corporates as well.
· The goal behind the report is to
identify key determinants of well-
· This information is expected to help
countries to craft policies aimed at Ecuador, a South American country has
achieving happier societies. become the first country in the world to
Interconnections between law, give legal rights to wild animals.
governance and happiness: Why do Wild animals possess distinct legal
these connections matter? rights, including to exist, to develop
· Happiness has come to be accepted as their innate instincts and to be free
a goal of public policy. And this from disproportionate cruelty, fear and
discourse has given a fillip to a new distress, Ecuador's top court ruled in a
narrative where the interconnections landmark decision interpreting the
between law, governance and country's “rights of nature” constitutional
happiness are being searched. laws.

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April 2022
CSS Times Environmental Science 40
World Air Quality
Report 2021

The 2021 World Air Quality Report was · The data reveals that not a single
released, the report presented an country in the world managed to meet
overview of the state of global air the WHO's air quality standard in
quality in 2021. 2021.
· Released by IQAir, a Swiss group that · All over the world, 93 cities reported
measures air quality levels based on PM 2.5 levels at 10 times the
the concentration of Particulate Matter recommended level.
(PM) 2.5. · Among the cities, Dhaka was the
Key findings: second most polluted city in the world
· Bangladesh was the most polluted with a PM 2.5 level of 78.1 just below
country in the world in 2021. New Delhi which had a PM 2.5 level of
Bangladesh recorded an average 85.1 in 2021.
PM2.5 level of 76.9 micrograms per · Air pollution is a major problem
confronting Pakistan, with cities like
cubic metre in 2021 against the World
Lahore and Karachi ranking among the
Health Organisation (WHO)
most polluted worldwide.
recommended maximum permissible
· According to data released by IQAir, a
level of 5 micrograms per cubic metre. global environmental think
· Earlier, in 2018, 2019 and 2020 also tank,Lahore is the most polluted place
Bangladesh was found to be the most in the world, with the city's air quality
polluted country in the world. index (AQI) standing at 372 on
Monday morning, way ahead of the
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CSS Times Environmental Science 41
world's second most polluted city, Zagreb What are the main causes of pollution
in Croatia, which has an AQI of 174. in Pakistan?
There are numerous causes of pollution
across the major cities of Pakistan, with
some ofthem being more of a year-
round constant, such as the pollution
put out byvehicles and factories, and
others being seasonal such as the

Performance of Pakistan
In terms of its pollution levels, Pakistan
has shown numbers that have come in
very poorlyin the past, with many of its
megacities creating vast amounts of
smoke, hazeand deadly smog that
permeates the air, causing a multitude stubble burningtaking place in the winter
of issues for itsinhabitants. months, compounded by the cold air
In 2019, Pakistan came in with a PM2.5 being trapped onground level unable
reading of 65.81 μg/m³, not only to disperse. Cities such as Lahore, once
putting it intothe 'unhealthy' ratings known as the cityof gardens, suffers
category, which requires a reading of terribly from pollution caused by
anywhere between55.5 to 150.4 μg/m³ vehicles, and in the year2020 with the
to be classed as such, but also into the covid-19 induced lockdowns, it
2ndplace position out of most polluted became apparent how much of
countries in the world. PM2.5 refers aneffect this vehicular pollution has on
toparticulate matter that is 2.5 the overall air quality. With
micrometers or less in diameter, masslockdowns in effect after March,
roughly 3% thesize of an average pollution levels began to gradually
human hair. clear, butas soon as they were lifted,

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April 2022
CSS Times Environmental Science 43

the smog quickly crept back to permeate motorbikes, trucks and buses on the road.
the atmosphereand affect the citizens. Many of them wouldalso be utilizing
This is just an example of how badly heavily outdated and unsafe engines,
vehicles can alter the level of pollution, running on lower qualityfuel, which
with a greatincrease in air quality when compounded together the end
during lockdown quickly returning to result is pollution spewingmonsters
its awfulpre-lockdown levels, being that are unfortunately seen on many
indicative of how badly Pakistan is roads across Asia.
affected by itsnumerous cars,

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CSS Times Environmental Science 44
So, vehicles, in particular poor-quality provide energy.The burning of fossil
ones running on fossil fuels are a large fuel leads to large amount of highly
contributorto pollution. Other sources dangerouspollutants, which will be
would include the infamous brick kilns discussed in short. The emissions from
seencountrywide, a phenomenon also thesefactories are often unregulated as
seen in Bangladesh, with many large- well, leading to companies and
scaleoperations as well as small family manufacturingplants running their
run businesses churning out bricks in operations with no regards to the
the millions. environment, which canhave
Other operations that emit large catastrophic effects to not only air
volumes of pollution would be the pollution, but also to thesurrounding
countries steelmills, which once again wildlife and water areas, with large
rely on fossil fuels such as coal to amounts of industrialeffluence making
their way into bodies of water and

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CSS Times Environmental Science 46
damaging ecosystems,killing off vast Black carbon is a major component of
swathes of vegetation and thus soot, and can often be found coating
wreaking havoc on theenvironment. areas that seehigh volumes of traffic,
Lastly, the open burning of fires on streets with motorways, underpasses and
can add an additional level of roadsides in busy citycenters having
toxicpollution, with a number of thick layers of black dust on them, full
materials such as wood, garbage, of black carbon that ishighly
synthetic andman-made materials dangerous for a number of reasons.
such as plastic all being burnt and With its extremely small size, it
releasing a myriad oftheir own canmake its way deep into lung tissues
poisonous fumes. In closing, the main where it can cause scarring or a
sources, starting with the reductionin full lung function, as well
mostprominent, are vehicular pollution as having carcinogenic properties,
and factory emissions, followed by leading toincreased instances of
openburning sources, and other cancer of the lungs, throat and
miscellaneous additions to PM2.5 and stomach.
PM10 levelssuch as poorly maintained Before moving on to other pollutants, it is
construction sites, which can give off worth acknowledging the terrible
large amountsof finely ground rock, effect thatblack carbon can have on
gravel and silica, adding to the levels the environment. It has the ability to
of fineparticulate matter in the air. absorb solarradiation and give it off
directly as heat, causing cities to see
largeincreases in temperature that can
have knock on effects to both the
climate aswell as human health and
Other materials found in the air in
Pakistan would include nitrogen
dioxide (N02)and sulfur dioxide (SO2),
both of which are also released
fromvehicles, with nitrogen dioxide
being particularly prominent in areas
What types of pollutants are found in of hightraffic. Other chemicals include
the air in Pakistan? volatile organic compounds (VOC's)
With the majority of its smoke, haze and such asbenzene, labelled as 'volatile'
pollution coming from vehicles, due to their nature of becoming gases
naturally alarge amount of the gases, at verylow temperatures, thus having
compounds and fine particulate matter the added danger of being easier to
would arisefrom the burning of fuels respire once in the air.
taking place inside car engines. Fine Fumes from burnt plastics would include
particulatematter such as black carbon chemicals such as dioxins, furans,
is released in high quantities, its polycyclicaromatic hydrocarbons,
creation takingplace as a result of the polychlorinated biphenyls, as well as
incomplete combustion of fossil fuels dangerous metalssuch as lead,
or organicmatter. As such it can also mercury and cadmium. Others would
be found coming from the burning of include carbon monoxide
wood or coal,but most prominently (CO),stemming from the burning of
from vehicle fumes. wood as well as combustion units such
as boilers,which is well known for
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April 2022
CSS Times Environmental Science 47
being a very dangerous household 104.6 μg/m³ in 2019), and with the city of
contaminant, which ifnot ventilated Lahore making some of themost
thoroughly enough can lead to deaths prominent improvements, going from
occurring very quickly, dueto its 133.2 μg/m³ in 2017, to 114.9 μg/m³
odorless and colorless nature. in2018, and finally going down to 89.5
These are to name but a few of the μg/m³ in 2019.
main chemicals found in the air of Whilst this is still very much a dangerous
highly polluted areas,with a vast array reading, it made an improvement of
of ill health effects that come with 43.7 μg/m³over the course of two
them, a display of theterrible years, a number that even on its own
consequences that unchecked industry would be anelevated level of pollution
and pollution can have on for a city. So as mentioned, all cities
theenvironment and human health. apart fromKarachi made an
Is the air quality in Pakistan getting improvement, but Pakistan still has a
better? long way ahead of it ifit is to move
Observing the data taken over the last itself out of its dire pollution situation.
few years, it appears that the levels of
air pollutionin Pakistan have improved
overall, with some exceptions such as Publishers Facts for CSS Aspirants
Karachiactually showing worse
numbers in more recent times than in
years past. To givean example of the
numbers, Karachi came in with a
PM2.5 reading of 38.5 μg/m³in 2017,
putting it into the unhealthy for
sensitive groups bracket. In 2018
itcame in with a reading of 33.7 μg/m³,
a marked improvement from the year
prior.However, in 2019 the reading
came in at 40.2 μg/m³, showing that
the levels ofpollution had indeed
gotten worse since 2017.
Looking at Pakistan as a whole, in
2018 the country came in with a PM2.5
reading of 74.27μg/m³. in 2019 its
yearly average was 65.81 μg/m³, a
considerable improvementhowever
still not enough to take its world
ranking down, coming in at 2ndmost
polluted country in the world and still
in the unhealthy group bracket. · It is a brain disorder that leads to
Whilst the air quality levels are still problems with speaking, reading and
indeed a massive danger to its writing.
population, thenumbers are showing · A stroke, tumor, head injury or
their slight improvements, with cities other damage to the language centers of
such as Faisalabadshowing a large the brain can cause aphasia. A brain
improvement from the years prior to infection or Alzheimer's disease can
2019 (130.4 μg/m³ in 2018going to trigger it.

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April 2022
CSS Times Environmental Science 49
What are some health issues from lung tissue, astouched on briefly
breathing polluted air in Pakistan? before. From here it can cause scarring
Health issues that arise from breathing to the lungs and areduced ability to
polluted air are numerous, with a take in oxygen, which in younger
correlation of elevatedpollution levels children could stunt growthand even
matching an increased rate of illness cause cognitive defects, opening up
and disease, as well asmortality rate. the possibility for further healthissues
Health issues would include ones such down the line.
as all manner of respiratoryailments, Another worrying aspect of PM2.5 is
with chronic obstructive pulmonary its ability to enter into the
disease (COPD) very likely todevelop, bloodstream via thealveoli in the
which contains within it a number of lungs, the small air sacs that are
respiratory ailments such responsible for allowingoxygen to
aspneumonia, bronchitis, emphysema enter the blood. PM2.5 can enter into
and aggravated asthma attacks. In these sacs, either accumulatingand
regards to asthma, not only is the air in causing damage or reduced lung
Pakistan verging on being lethal for capacity, or passing into the
sufferersof it, but it may outright cause circulatorysystem via the blood
it to occur in people with no prior barrier, where they can cause a
signs ofasthma, with young children number of equallydestructive issues
being the most vulnerable, as well as such as ischemic heart disease, which
the sick andimmunocompromised also arises when the heartdoes not receive
being at risk. enough blood to keep the tissues
Other issues would include the ability function at full capacity.
of PM2.5 to penetrate deep into the

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April 2022
CSS Times Environmental Science 50

Great Barrier Reef

widespread coral bleaching the natural world
One of the world's leading coral scientists has ever endured.
claims a sixth mass bleaching event is
unfolding across the Great Barrier Reef, with About Great Barrier Reef:
official monitoring flights now under way all The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, which
along the Queensland coastline. spreads across a length of over 2,300 km and
The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority is roughly the size of Italy, is home to about
(GBRMPA) has confirmed monitoring flights 3,000 coral reefs, 600 continental islands,
are being conducted “along the length and 1,625 type of fish, 133 varieties of shark and
breadth” of the 2,300km world heritage reef. rays and 600 types of soft and hard corals.
Scientists have warned that the Great Barrier It is a world heritage site.
Reef will face a critical period of heat stress What are Coral reefs?
over the coming weeks, following the most Coral reefs are important hotspots of
biodiversity in the ocean. Corals are animals
in the same class (Cnidaria) as jellyfish and
anemones. They consist of individual polyps
that get together and build reefs.
Coral reefs support a wide range of species
and maintain the quality of the coastal
Corals control the level of carbon dioxide in
the water by converting it into a limestone
shell. If this process does not take place, the
amount of carbon dioxide in the ocean water
would increase significantly and affect
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CSS Times Environmental Science 52


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CSS Times Environmental Science 53
· When a coral bleaches, it does not die
but comes pretty close to it. Some of the
corals may survive the experience and recover
once the sea surface temperature returns to
normal levels.

ecological niches.
· Coral reefs are threatened by climate
· When the sea surface temperature
increases beyond a tolerable limit, they
undergo a process of bleaching.

Marine species and millions of people

depend on coral reefs
Reefs around the world are experiencing
similar climate-related damage. A worldwide
assessment found that between 2009 and
2019, 14 percent of the world's corals died.
A quarter of marine species depend on coral
reefs at some point in their lives, as do
millions of people who depend on reefs for
food, jobs and shoreline protection from
What is bleaching? storm surges.
· Basically bleaching is when the corals Scientists are racing to find ways to give
expel a certain algae known as corals a fighting chance, like searching for
zooxanthellae, which lives in the reefs that could act as refuges because they
tissues of the coral in a symbiotic experience naturally cooler water. Others are
relationship. About 90% of the energy breeding heat-resistant corals that could be
of the coral is provided by the used to restore reefs.
zooxanthellae which are endowed with Still, if countries don't reduce fossil fuel
chlorophyll and other pigments. They emissions over the next decade, studies show
are responsible for the yellow or the outlook for coral reefs is grim. Even if the
reddish brown colours of the host world can limit warming to 1.5 degrees
coral. In addition the zooxanthellae Celsius, 70 to 90 percent of coral reefs are
can live as endosymbionts with jellyfish likely to die off.

Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | Apr 2022 | For Free Download:
April 2022
CSS Times International Law 55

Treaty of the High Seas

The fourth meeting of the About BBNJ Treaty:
Intergovernmental Conference (IGC- The official name for the negotiating
4) was held in New York to conclude a body for the treaty is the
draft of the instrument on the 'Intergovernmental Conference (IGC)
conservation and sustainable use of on the Conservation and Sustainable
marine Biological diversity in areas Use of Marine Biodiversity of Areas
Beyond National Jurisdiction Beyond National Jurisdiction (BBNJ).'
(BBNJ). This body was established following a
After two years of postponements due resolution adopted by the UN General
to the COVID-19 pandemic, UN Assembly in December 2017. BBNJ
IGC-4 is the Fourth Session of the IGC
Member States gathered in New York
on an international legally binding
to continue negotiations on an
international legally binding
instrument under the UN Convention
on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) on
the conservation and sustainable use
of marine biological diversity of areas
beyond national jurisdiction (BBNJ).
The IGC-4 is convened under the
United Nations Convention on the
Law of the Sea (UNCLOS)

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CSS Times International Law 56
instrument under the UN Convention these areas account for “almost half of
on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). the Earth's surface”.
· These areas are hardly regulated and
also least understood or explored for
its biodiversity – only 1% of these
areas are under protection.
The negotiated agreement has five
1. Environmental impact assessments for
activities taken up on high seas.
2. Conservation of marine genetic
· The “BBNJ Treaty”, also known as the 3. Capacity building.
“Treaty of the High Seas”, is an 4. Technology transfer.
international agreement on the 5. Cross-cutting issues such as
conservation and sustainable use of institutional structure and financial
marine biological diversity of areas support.
beyond national jurisdiction, currently
under negotiation at the United
Publishers Facts for CSS Aspirants

This new instrument is being

developed within the framework of
the UNCLOS, the main international
agreement governing human activities
at sea.
· It will achieve a more holistic · The Olive ridley turtles are the
management of high seas activities, smallest and most abundant of all sea
turtles found in the world.
which should better balance the
· They inhabit warm waters of the
conservation and sustainable use of
Pacific, Atlantic and Indian oceans.
marine resources. · These turtles, along with their
· BBNJ encompasses the high seas, cousin the Kemps ridley turtle, are best
beyond the exclusive economic zones known for their unique mass nesting
or national waters of countries. called Arribada, where thousands of
Significance: females come together on the same
· According to the International Union beach to lay eggs.
for Conservation of Nature (IUCN),

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April 2022

National & International


1 When is World Health Day Observed?
a) April 5th
Facts for CSS Aspirants

b) April 6th
c) April 7th
What are Kamikaze drones?
d) April 9th
Answer: (c)

These are unmanned aircraft that are part

of the tranche of weapons that are being
sent by the US to Ukraine to assist their
fight against Russia.
· Also called Switchblade drones,
these are small unmanned aircraft that are
World Health Day is observed every year on packed with explosives that can be flown
April 7 since 1950 to mark the founding of directly at a tank or a group of troops that
the World Health Organisation. The day aims are destroyed when it hits the target and
to draw attention to the importance of global explodes.
health. The day is used to raise awareness
about the ongoing health issues that concern 2 When was World Health Organisation
people across the world. The theme of World founded?
Health Day 2022 theme is 'Our Planet, Our a) 1948
Health.' b) 1945

Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | Apr 2022 | For Free Download:
April 2022
c) 1947 3 Which among the following is the new
d) 1949 highest currency bill that Zimbabwe is
Answer: (a) planning to introduce?
a) 100 Dollar
b) 1000 Dollar
c) 200 Dollar
d) 10000 Dollar
Answer: (a)

The World Health Organisation (WHO) was

established on April 7, 1948. The first meeting Zimbabwe is planning to introduce a new
of the World Health Assembly was held on 100-dollar note, its highest paper currency
July 24, 1948. WHO is a specialized agency of domination. The bill, however, is just enough
the United Nations responsible for to buy a loaf of bread. It will be worth $0.68
international public health. in US currency.

Publishers Facts for CSS Aspirants

International Day of Forests 21st March
fixed, on November 28, 2012, by a resolution
of the United Nations General Assembly
(UNGA). The aim behind observing the
International Day of Forests is to 'celebrate
and raise awareness of the importance of all
types of forests.'
Theme 2022:
· “Forests and sustainable production
and consumption”.
Did you know?
Observed on: 21st March every year since
2021. · Forests are home to about 80% of the
world's terrestrial biodiversity, with more that
The organizers are the United Nations Forum
60,000 tree species.
on Forests and the Food and Agriculture
Organization of the United Nations (FAO), in · Around 1.6 billion people depend
collaboration with Governments, the directly on forests for food, shelter, energy,
Collaborative Partnership on Forests and medicines and income.
other relevant organizations in the field. · The world is losing 10 million hectares
Background: of forest each year – about the size of Iceland.
The occasion was established, and the date

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April 2022
Publishers Facts for CSS Aspirants b) France
c) UK
What is ExoMars? d) Germany
Answer: (d)
Germany will get weaponised drones for the
first time after years of debate. The German
armed forces have until now only been
allowed to deploy unarmed drones for
reconnaissance purposes. However, Russia's
unprovoked invasion of Ukraine has shaken
up the European nation.

Facts for CSS Aspirants


The European Space Agency's ExoMars What is Boma Technique?

2022 mission has been delayed after the
agency suspended all cooperation with
Russia's space program Roscosmos.
About ExoMars:
It was a joint endeavour between ESA and
the Russian space agency, Roscosmos.
· The primary goal of the ExoMars
programme is to address the question of
whether life has ever existed on Mars.
Other Mars Missions:
1. 'NASAs Perseverance Rover
· The Boma capturing technique,
2. ''UAEs Hope Mars Mission (UAEs first-
which is popular in Africa, involves luring
ever interplanetary mission).
of animals into an enclosure by chasing
3. 'Indias Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM) or
them through a funnel-like fencing.
· The funnel tapers into an animal
4. 'Tianwen-1: Chinas Mars Mission
selection-cum-loading chute, supported
4 Which country will get weaponised with grass mats and green net to make it
drones for the first time ever? opaque for animals, which are herded into
a) Finland a large vehicle for their transport to
another location.

5 Who among the following cricketers bid

farewell to International Cricket on April 4,
a) Aaron Finch
b) Faf Du Plessis
c) Ross Taylor
d) Quinton De Kock
Answer: (c)
Ross Taylor played his last Internation Match
for New Zealand in the third match of the 3-
match ODI series against the Netherlands at

Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | Apr 2022 | For Free Download:
April 2022
b) Jon Batiste
c) Jazmine Sullivan
d) Doja Cat
Answer: (a)
Olivia Rodrigo won Grammys 2022 Award for
Best New Artist and Best Pop Vocal Album for
'Sour', St. Vincent won the Best Alternative
Music award for "Daddy's Home". Questlove's
documentary "Summer of Soul" won the
award for Best Music Film.
Seddon Park on April 4, 2022. New Zealand 7 Who has been appointed as Chairman of
won the series 3-0, in a fitting farewell for the Pakistan National Shipping Corporation?
cricketing great. a) Rizwan Ahmed
6 Who won Grammys 2022 award for Best b) Abdul Hafeez
New Artist? c) Naghman Malik
a) Olivia Rodrigo d) Sohail Sial
Answer: (a)

Rizwan Ahmed took charge of the office of

Chairman Pakistan National Shipping
Corporation (PNSC) on 3rd January 2022. He

Publishers Facts for CSS Aspirants

What is Fly Ash?
· Depending upon the source and
composition of the coal being burned, the
components of fly ash vary considerably, but
all fly ash includes substantial amounts of
silicon dioxide (SiO2), aluminium oxide
(Al2O3) and calcium oxide (CaO), the main
mineral compounds in coal-bearing rock
· Minor constituents include: arsenic,
beryllium, boron, cadmium, chromium,
Popularly known as Flue ash or pulverised hexavalent chromium, cobalt, lead,
fuel ash, it is a coal combustion product. manganese, mercury, molybdenum, selenium,
Composition: strontium, thallium, and vanadium, along with
Composed of the particulates that are very small concentrations of dioxins and PAH
driven out of coal-fired boilers together compounds. It also has unburnt carbon.
with the flue gases.

Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | Apr 2022 | For Free Download:
April 2022
joined the Pakistan Administrative Service in currently second just behind table-toppers Sri
1988 and holds a two-year Master's degree in Lanka. Australia were placed ahead of
Public Administration from Harvard Pakistan and India who currently hold the
University, USA. third and fourth spot, respectively. England,
on the other hand, were fined 100 per cent of
Publishers Facts for CSS Aspirants their match fees and also penalised five ICC
World Test Championship points. England
maintained a slow over-rate in the first Ashes
Test and had to pay the price in the WTC
Points Table.
9. What is Pakistan's current rank in ICC
World Test Championship Points Table
a) 5th
b) 4th
c) 3rd
d) 2nd
Answer: (c)

· It is publishing and analysing

others' personal information on the
internet with a malicious intent that can
reveal the person's real identity making
them victims of harassments and cyber-

8. Which nation is currently ranked at the

top of ICC World Test Championship
Points Table 2021-2023?
a) Australia 10. What is Pakistan's Rank in WJP Rule of
b) Pakistan Law Index® 2021?
c) New Zealand a) 130
d) Sri Lanka b) 135
Answer: (a) c) 138
d) 139
Answer: (a)

The Australian men's cricket team made an

entry into the new cycle of the World Test
Championship (WTC) in fine style after their
emphatic nine-wicket victory against England
at the Gabba in Brisbane. Australia are

Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | Apr 2022 | For Free Download:
April 2022
Facts for CSS Aspirants
Afghanistan's nominal GDP is likely to
contract by 20 percent from USD 20 billion in
2020 to USD 16 billion within just one year,
What is alopecia areata? as per United Nations Development
Programme (UNDP) on December 1, 2021.
The decline may reach 30 percent in the
following years if urgent corrective measures
are not taken, according to a new socio-
economic report.
12. During a Solar Eclipse, what comes in
front of the Sun and blocks its light?
a) Earth
b) Moon
c) Venus
d) Mars
Answer: (b)

Alopecia areata is a condition that causes

sudden hair loss in patches. The
condition is developed after the
immune system attacks the hair
follicles, resulting in hair loss, which
cannot be observed easily.
· It mostly occurs in people who
have a family history of auto-immune
conditions, such as diabetes and thyroid.

11. Which nation's nominal GDP is likely to A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon comes
contract by 20 percent within a year, between the Sun and the Earth and partially
according to UNDP? or fully blocks the Sun's light in some areas
a) Iran and casts a shadow on the Earth. A total solar
b) Pakistan eclipse occurs when the Sun, Moon, and Earth
c) Afghanistan are in a direct line.
d) North Korea 13. Which country won the FIH Men's
Answer: (c) Hockey World Cup 2021?
a) Argentina

Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | Apr 2022 | For Free Download:
April 2022
b) Germany
c) France
Publishers Facts for CSS Aspirants
d) Spain
Answer: (a) Shrinkation
Argentina defeated six-time winners Germany
4-2 in the FIH Men's junior hockey world cup
2021 final at the Kalinga Stadium in Odisha
on December 5, 2021. Argentina has become
the only third team after Germany (six wins)
and India (2001, 2016) to win multiple Junior
Hockey WC titles.
14. Which nation has announced boycott
of 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing?
a) US
b) Germany Shrinkflation is the practice of reducing
c) Japan the size of a product while maintaining its
d) Iran sticker price.
Answer: (a) · It is a form of hidden inflation.
US President Joe Biden's administration has · Raising the price per given amount
decided not to send an official US delegation is a strategy employed by companies,
to the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing in a mainly in the food and beverage
symbolic protest against China's ongoing industries, to stealthily boost profit
genocide and crimes against humanity in margins or maintain them in the face of
Xinjiang. The US athletes will still participate rising input costs.
in the Winter Olympics, but US government · Shrinkflation is also referred to as
officials will not be attending the event. package downsizing in business and
academic research.

17. Which country's health authority has

authorised AstraZeneca's Evusheld for pre-
exposure prevention of COVID-19?
a) UK
b) Russia
c) Australia
d) US
Answer: (d)
The United States health authorities on
16. Which nation has announced a 4.5-day December 8, 2021, authorized the use of
work week? synthetic antibodies that have been
a) Saudi Arabia developed by AstraZeneca for preventing
b) Oman Coronavirus infections in individuals who
c) UAE react badly to the COVID-19 vaccines.
d) Bahrain
Answer: (c)
The United Arab Emirates announced all
government entities will adopt a new work-
week schedule consisting of four-and-a-half
days with Friday afternoon, Saturday and
Sunday forming the new weekend.

Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | Apr 2022 | For Free Download:

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