Administer Product Master 4g

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Teamcenter 12.0

Administering 4th
Generation Product
PLM00551 • 12.0

Overview of 4G Product Master . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1

Terms used in 4G Product Master . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1

Tasks to administer 4G Product Master . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1

Load Teamcenter BOM and design data into 4G Product Master . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1
Use 4G Easy to load Teamcenter BOM and design data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1
Understand how 4G Product Master and 4G Designer data is generated from Teamcenter
data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1
The different modes to generate 4G Product Master data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4
Generate 4G Product Master and 4G Designer data from a BOM View Revision product structure
(Mode 1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4
Generate part structure only from the design assembly (Mode 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-10
The 4G Easy utility for 4G Product Master . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-14

Set up a workflow process template to align BOM data and design data . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1
Tasks to set up a workflow process template . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1
Set up a workflow process template . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1
The workflow handler to automate the alignment of parts and design revisions . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3
The workflow handler to automate the alignment of part usages and design elements . . . . . . . . 5-6
The workflow handler to automate the alignment of part usages and design occurrences . . . . . 5-8
The workflow handler to automate the alignment of part occurrences and design occurrences . . 5-9
The workflow handler to create a part structure and align part occurrences and design occurrences
automatically . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-12

Add a unit of measure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-1

Activate part-design alignment while aligning a part usage or a part occurrence . . . . . . . 7-1

Enable the impact matrix view for authoring variant conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-1

Import the 4G Product Master Excel template . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-1

Enable the build condition feature in Active Workspace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-1

PLM00551 12.0 Administering 4th Generation Product Master 3

Chapter 1: Overview of 4G Product Master

In various industries today, products and product variability are becoming increasingly complex, and
managing product definitions individually for each product variant is difficult. Many companies have
one universally applicable BOM structure for many or all variants. This results in a single complex
BOM, which is difficult to maintain, resulting in rework, delays, and losses.
A usage-based BOM management model such as 4G Product Master works on the principle that
every product uses parts that are drawn from a much larger master part list. The use of a part in
different product configurations is specified through independent usage statements referred to as part
usages. Based on the part usages, the BOM for a specific product configuration is derived.

Consider that Leto and Metis are two of the several product models that your company
manufactures. These models, in turn, have several variants such as Leto Vx, Leto Sx,
and Metis Vx. The BOM for each of these variants is derived from the master parts list
and also based on the part usage.

PLM00551 12.0 Administering 4th Generation Product Master 1-1

Chapter 1: 1: Overview
of 4GofProduct
4G Product Master

1-2 Administering 4th Generation Product Master PLM00551 12.0

Chapter 2: Terms used in 4G Product Master

PLM00551 12.0 Administering 4th Generation Product Master 2-1

Chapter 2: 2: Terms
in 4GinProduct
4G Product Master

Collaborative A container for all product data

Partition A container for organizing sets of product data into a hierarchy to find data easily
Part Each component that makes up a product
Part usage The use of a part in a specific product configuration
Part breakdown The hierarchical representation of a part showing its child parts
Part occurrence The occurrence of a part in a part breakdown
Part breakdown The relationship between the parent part and each occurrence of the child
element part in a part breakdown
Design The 3D geometry representing a part
Design The hierarchical representation of a design showing its child designs
Design The occurrence of a design (containing the position information of a part) in
occurrence a design breakdown
Design element The design representation of a part defining its position in the product

2-2 Administering 4th Generation Product Master PLM00551 12.0

Chapter 3: Tasks to administer 4G Product Master

PLM00551 12.0 Administering 4th Generation Product Master 3-1

Chapter 4: Load Teamcenter BOM and design data
into 4G Product Master

Use 4G Easy to load Teamcenter BOM and design data

Often, a single product structure that is represented in Teamcenter contains both design data and
BOM data. However, if your company manages these data in a single BOM View Revision (BVR)
product structure, the data can be moved to 4G Designer and 4G Product Master environments using
4G Easy. You can thus achieve the separation of design data and BOM data.
Using 4G Easy in the command-line mode, you can generate the following data:
• Product architecture data that contains collaborative designs and partitions.

• BOM data that contains the 4G Product Master elements such as parts, part breakdown
elements, and part usages.

• Design data that contains BVR product assemblies and 4G Designer design elements.

After generating these data, 4G Easy command-line utility aligns the BOM data and design data.
This task of generating the 4G Product Master and 4G Designer data, and aligning the two is
an one-time activity.
Once the BOM data is generated, you can update the data only in the 4G Product Master environment.

The 4G Easy utility is provided to you as an executable along with the source code. It
supports the initial population of the 4G Product Master data from the BVR data to test and
demonstrate the 4G Product Master capabilities. It does not support the migration of legacy
data into the 4G Product Master environment. It also does not support the synchronization
of the 4G Product Master data whenever the source design data is changed.

Understand how 4G Product Master and 4G Designer data is

generated from Teamcenter data
The following graphic shows the design of the product model, Leto, created as an assembly structure
of BOM view revisions (BVRs).

PLM00551 12.0 Administering 4th Generation Product Master 4-1

Chapter 4: 4: LoadLoad Teamcenter
Teamcenter BOMBOM and design
and design data data intoProduct
into 4G 4G Product Master

On using 4G Easy in the command-line mode, a partitioned collaborative design is generated:

4-2 Administering 4th Generation Product Master PLM00551 12.0

Load Teamcenter BOM and design data into 4G Product Master

• The topmost node (Leto) is created as a collaborative design.

PLM00551 12.0 Administering 4th Generation Product Master 4-3

Chapter 4: 4: LoadLoad Teamcenter
Teamcenter BOMBOM and design
and design data data intoProduct
into 4G 4G Product Master

• The intermediate nodes (Chassis, Front suspension, Body shell, and Engine) are created as

• Within each partition, the child nodes are created as parts along with their usages. In this
example, within the Chassis partition, the Steering rack is created as a part along with its usage.
Since the Steering rack part is a child node, a reuse design element is created for it. The part
Steering rack is aligned with its corresponding design. The part usage of the Steering rack
part is aligned with the reuse design element.

• Within each child node, a part breakdown element is created for the nodes below it. In this
example, a part breakdown element and a subordinate design element is created for Suspension
spring coil.

The different modes to generate 4G Product Master data

There are two modes to generate 4G Product Master data from the legacy Teamcenter BOM and
design data. These modes, which are set in the 4g_easy utility, are:
• both_4gd_4gbom
In this mode, product-specific 4G Product Master data and 4G Designer data along with
collaborative designs, partitions, and alignments are generated from a BOM View Revision
(BVR) product structure.

• part_structure_only
In this mode, part breakdown elements along with the alignment are generated from an existing
BVR design structure.

If you do not specify a mode in the 4g_easy utility, only 4G Designer data along with collaborative
designs and partitions are generated by default.

Generate 4G Product Master and 4G Designer data from a BOM View

Revision product structure (Mode 1)
To generate product-specific 4G Product Master and 4G Designer data from a BOM View Revision
(BVR) product assembly, you execute the 4g_easy utility in the -both_4gd_4gbom mode. The data
to be transitioned is read from each level of the original product assembly. If this assembly is not
precise, it is first made precise and then processed. The utility uses this data to:
• Create a collaborative design for the topmost node in the product assembly.

• Create partitions based on the input parameters. The partitions are created up to a specified level.

• Create design data:

o Reuse design elements are created based on the input parameter. Typically, reuse design
elements are created for nodes that are the immediate children of partitions.

o Subordinate design elements are created below the reuse design elements.

4-4 Administering 4th Generation Product Master PLM00551 12.0

Load Teamcenter BOM and design data into 4G Product Master

• Create BOM data:

o Parts
Parts are created for all nodes that are below a partition. The attributes of a part are
populated from those of an item revision.
For a part, the attributes are set as follows:

■ Part ID
If a naming rule is set for a part, this rule is used to create the part ID. If not, the part
ID is mapped to the item revision ID. If a part with the generated part ID is found in the
Teamcenter database, a new part is not created and the existing part is reused.

■ Part name
If the use_original_names attribute is specified in the utility, the part
name is mapped to the item revision name else the part name is set as

■ Alternate part
The global alternates of a child node are imported into the corresponding 4G Product
Master part as alternate parts. If an alternate is marked as the preferred one for a child
node, the corresponding alternate part is marked as the preferred one for the 4G Product
Master part. If an alternate part is already imported, it will not be imported again.

o Part usages
Part usages are created for each reuse design element. Typically, part usages are created for
parts that are created immediately below the partitions. The item revisions set as substitute
item revisions are carried forward as substitute part usages. If an item revision has multiple
occurrences with different substitute item revisions, the substitute item revisions from all the
occurrences are carried forward to the corresponding part usage.
For a part usage, the attributes are set as follows:

■ Part usage ID
If a naming rule is set for a part usage ID, the utility uses the rule to create the part usage
ID. Else, the part usage ID is set as PU_PartUsageNumber_SessionUID.

■ Part usage name

If the use_original_names attribute is specified in the utility, the part usage
name is mapped to the item revision name. Else, the name is set as

■ Unit of measure
If the Unit of Measure attribute is specified for the line item in the BVR product
structure, the value is carried forward to its part usage. Else, the value specified in
the BOM0_default_UOM_for_import preference is set in the part usage. If the unit
of measure is not specified in either case, the part usage is created without a unit
of measure value.

PLM00551 12.0 Administering 4th Generation Product Master 4-5

Chapter 4: 4: LoadLoad Teamcenter
Teamcenter BOMBOM and design
and design data data intoProduct
into 4G 4G Product Master

■ Quantity
The quantity is carried forward from the BVR product structure. If the quantity is not
specified in the BVR product structure, the quantity is set as 1.
If a part usage needs to occur multiple times in a partition, only one part usage is created
and the quantity attribute of the part usage is updated. If a part usage needs to occur
in different partitions, a new part usage is created and the quantity attribute is updated
for each occurrence.

o Part breakdown elements

A part breakdown element is created for each child part below a part usage. For a part
breakdown element, the attributes are set as follows:

■ Parent and child part IDs

If a naming rule is set for a part, this rule is used to create the part ID. If not, the part
ID is mapped to the item revision ID. If a part with the generated part ID is found in the
Teamcenter database, a new part is not created and the existing part is reused.

■ Part breakdown element name

The part breakdown element name is set as ChildPartName,ParentPartName.

■ Unit of Measure
If the Unit of Measure attribute is specified for the child BOM line item, the value
is carried forward to its part breakdown element. Else, the value specified in the
BOM0_default_UOM_for_import preference is set in the part breakdown element. If
the unit of measure is not specified in the either case, the part breakdown element is
created without a unit of measure value.

■ Quantity
The quantity is carried forward from the BVR product structure. If the quantity is not
specified in the BVR product structure, the quantity is set as 1.
If a quantity is specified for a design in the BVR product structure and this design occurs
only once in the structure, the specified quantity is carried forward to the part breakdown
element. However, if the design occurs multiple times in the structure, the quantity set
for each occurrence is summed up, and the totaled value is set in the part breakdown
element. For example, if a BVR product structure has 2 occurrences of a design and
each design occurrence has the quantity set as 2, the quantity specified in the part
breakdown element is 4.
If the unit of measure that is being carried forward to the part breakdown element is
present in the Bom0_UOMs_for_multiple_occs preference and the value of the quantity
in the BVR product structure is a noninteger, the value of the quantity is set as 1.

• Align parts with design revisions and set a design revision as its primary design. However, if a
part is already aligned to a design revision but the primary design is not set, mark the design
revision as its primary design.

• Align part usages with reuse design elements.

4-6 Administering 4th Generation Product Master PLM00551 12.0

Load Teamcenter BOM and design data into 4G Product Master

• Align part occurrences with design occurrences. If a unit of measure for a part breakdown
element is specified in the Bom0_UOMs_for_multiple_occs preference, the number of part
occurrences to be aligned is same as the quantity set for the part breakdown element. However,
if the number of design occurrences is less than that of part occurrences, the number of part
occurrences to be aligned is same as that of the design occurrences.
If the unit of measure for a part breakdown element is not specified in the preference, only one
part occurrence is aligned to the first available design occurrence.

On executing the utility, the new collaborative design is placed in the Newstuff folder of the specified

You want to generate 4G Product Master and 4G Designer data for a given car assembly.

PLM00551 12.0 Administering 4th Generation Product Master 4-7

Chapter 4: 4: LoadLoad Teamcenter
Teamcenter BOMBOM and design
and design data data intoProduct
into 4G 4G Product Master

You execute the following command:

4g_easy -u=infodba -p=infodba -g=dba -i=Demo_Car
-cd_name=Small_Car_CD01 -use_original_names
-levels_till_partitions_required=1 -both_4gd_4gbom

4-8 Administering 4th Generation Product Master PLM00551 12.0

Load Teamcenter BOM and design data into 4G Product Master

On executing the command, you get the following 4G output data:

PLM00551 12.0 Administering 4th Generation Product Master 4-9

Chapter 4: 4: LoadLoad Teamcenter
Teamcenter BOMBOM and design
and design data data intoProduct
into 4G 4G Product Master

Generate part structure only from the design assembly (Mode 2)

To generate part breakdowns along with the alignment from an existing BOM View Revision (BVR)
design assembly, you execute the 4g_easy utility in the part_structure_only mode. The BVR design
assembly is not a product assembly that contains the position data. It is a single assembly that
represents the design structure for a reusable design.
In this mode, the 4g_easy utility:
• Creates parts for all nodes. The attributes of a part are populated from those of an item revision.

4-10 Administering 4th Generation Product Master PLM00551 12.0

Load Teamcenter BOM and design data into 4G Product Master

For a part, the attributes are set as follows:

o Part ID
If a naming rule is set for a part, this rule is used to create the part ID. If not, the part ID is
mapped to the item revision ID. If a part with the generated part ID is found in the Teamcenter
database, a new part is not created and the existing part is reused.

o Part name
If the use_original_names attribute is specified in the utility, the part
name is mapped to the item revision name else the part name is set as

o Alternate part
The global alternates of a child node are imported into the corresponding 4G Product Master
part as alternate parts. If an alternate is marked as the preferred one for a child node, the
corresponding alternate part is marked as the preferred one for the 4G Product Master part.
If an alternate part is already imported, it is not imported again.

• Creates a part breakdown element for each child part. The part breakdown element attributes are
set as follows:
o Parent and child part IDs
The parent part ID is same as the item revision ID, and the child part ID is same as the
child item revision ID.

o Part breakdown element name

The part breakdown element name is set as ChildPartName,ParentPartName.

o Unit of Measure
If the Unit of Measure attribute is specified for the child part, the value is carried forward to its
part breakdown element. Else, the value specified in the BOM0_default_UOM_for_import
preference is set in the part breakdown element. If the unit of measure is not specified in the
either case, the part breakdown element is created without a unit of measure value.

o Quantity
The quantity is carried forward from the BVR product structure. If the quantity is not specified
in the BVR product structure, the quantity is set as 1.
If a quantity is specified for a design in the BVR product structure and this design occurs
only once in the structure, the specified quantity is carried forward to the part breakdown
element. However, if the design occurs multiple times in the structure, the quantity set for
each occurrence is summed up, and the totaled value is set in the part breakdown element.
For example, if a BVR product structure has 2 occurrences of a design and each design
occurrence has quantity set as 2, the quantity specified in the part breakdown element is 4.
If the unit of measure that is being carried forward to the part breakdown element is present in
the Bom0_UOMs_for_multiple_occs preference, and the value of the quantity in the BVR
product structure is a noninteger, the value of the quantity is set as 1.

PLM00551 12.0 Administering 4th Generation Product Master 4-11

Chapter 4: 4: LoadLoad Teamcenter
Teamcenter BOMBOM and design
and design data data intoProduct
into 4G 4G Product Master

• Aligns parts with design revisions and set a design revision as its primary design. However, if a
part is already aligned to a design revision but the primary design is not set, mark the design
revision as its primary design.

• Aligns part occurrences with design occurrences. If a unit of measure for a part breakdown
element is specified in the Bom0_UOMs_for_multiple_occs preference, the number of part
occurrences to be aligned is same as the quantity set for the part breakdown element. However,
if the number of design occurrences is less than that of part occurrences, the number of part
occurrences to be aligned is same as that of the design occurrences.
If the unit of measure for a part breakdown element is not specified in the preference, only one
part occurrence is aligned to the first available design occurrence.

In this mode, the 4g_easy utility neither generates collaborative designs, partitions, part usages,
and design elements nor aligns part usages with design elements. Further, to generate only the part
structure, you must use the -use_original_names argument only. Do not specify any other optional
arguments while executing the utility in this mode.

You want to create a part breakdown along with alignment from an existing design

You execute the following command:

4g_easy -u=infodba -p=infodba -g=dba -i="Brake Assembly"
-use_original_names -part_structure_only

4-12 Administering 4th Generation Product Master PLM00551 12.0

Load Teamcenter BOM and design data into 4G Product Master

On executing the command, the part breakdown structure along with alignment is created
as shown below:

PLM00551 12.0 Administering 4th Generation Product Master 4-13

Chapter 4: 4: LoadLoad Teamcenter
Teamcenter BOMBOM and design
and design data data intoProduct
into 4G 4G Product Master

The 4G Easy utility for 4G Product Master

The 4g_easy utility is used by the administrators for loading the legacy BOM and design data into
the 4G Product Master environment.


-u (Mandatory) Specifies the user ID. This is generally infodba or another user
with administrative privileges.

If Security Services single sign-on (SSO) is enabled for your
server, the user and password arguments are authenticated
externally through SSO rather than being authenticated against
the Teamcenter database. If you do not supply these arguments,
the utility attempts to join an existing SSO session. If no session is
found, you are prompted to enter a user ID and password.

-p (Mandatory) Specifies the password. This argument is mutually exclusive

with the -pf argument.
-g (Mandatory) Specifies the group associated with the user. If used without a
value, the user's default group is assumed.
-i (Mandatory) Specifies the item ID of the product or assembly to be realized.
-rev (Optional) Specifies the item revision of the product or assembly to be realized.
-rule (Optional) Specifies the name of the revision rule required to configure the
source assembly. If the name of the rule contains spaces, you must enclose
it within quotation marks, for example, "rev-rule-name". The revision rule
"Latest Working" is the default.
-root_partition (Optional) If specified, a partition is created for the top node of the assembly.
You can either specify yes or no, or true or false.
-cd_name (Optional) Specifies the collaborative design name. If you do not specify a
name, the collaborative design's name is set as itemID_revision_CD.
-add_functional_ (Optional) If specified, functional partitions are also created. Their contents
partitions are the same as those of the physical partitions.
-immediate (Optional) If specified, partitions are created only for the first-level child nodes.
_children_only Reuse design elements are also created under the partitions, with the same

4-14 Administering 4th Generation Product Master PLM00551 12.0

Load Teamcenter BOM and design data into 4G Product Master

-levels_till_ (Optional) If specified, partition hierarchies are created up to the specified

partitions_required level. The design hierarchy is created within the partition hierarchy.
-both_4gd_4gbom (Mode) If specified, 4G Designer and 4G Product Master data are created. It is
recommended that you create both data at the same time.
-part_structure_ (Mode) If specified, part breakdowns along with the alignment from an existing
only BOM View Revision (BVR) design assembly are created. The BVR design
assembly is not a product assembly that contains the position data. It is a
single assembly that represents the design structure for a reusable design.
-use_original_ (Optional) If specified, original names of the item revisions are used for the
names generated partitions, design elements, part usages, and parts. The revision
number is also appended to the generated name.
-effectivity_ (Optional) If specified, the new design elements and features are assigned unit
qualification effectivity from the specified unit or units.
For the n and m input parameters for this argument, you must specify the
design elements and features, respectively. The unit effectivity is applied
to these input parameters. By default, the values for the n and m input
parameters is 0.
-h (Optional) Displays help for this utility.


As specified in .


As specified in Log files produced by Teamcenter.

Results are written to the 4g_easy_output_day_month_date_time_year.txt file in a directory set as
the temporary directory. It lists the shape and reuse elements that are created along with the total
number of objects created. Ir also contains the time of the last run and total memory used.


Do not modify or remove the existing arguments of saved queries for 4G Product Master parts and
part breakdown elements. However, you can add new arguments to these saved queries.

PLM00551 12.0 Administering 4th Generation Product Master 4-15

Chapter 5: Set up a workflow process template to
align BOM data and design data

Tasks to set up a workflow process template

Set up a workflow process template

As an administrator, you set up workflow process templates using workflow handlers to automate the
BOM data and design data alignment process. You use the following workflow handlers:

Handler name Description

BOM0-part-cad-alignment-handler Automates the alignment of parts and design
item revisions.
Bom0-part-usage-alignment-handler Automates the alignment of part usages and
design elements.
Bom0-partstructure-alignment-handler Generates a part structure from a BOM View
Revision (BVR) structure and then aligns the part
occurrences of the generated structure with the
corresponding design occurrences.
Bom0bommanagement-designstructure- Automates the alignment of part occurrences
pbe-alignment-handler and design occurrences.
BOM0BOManagement-partusage- Automates the alignment of part usages and
designocc-alignment-handler design occurrences of a BOM View Revision
part structure.

PLM00551 12.0 Administering 4th Generation Product Master 5-1

Chapter 5: 5: Set up
a up a workflow
workflow process
process template
template to align
to align BOMBOM
data data and design
and design data data

To automate the BOM data and design data alignment:

1. Create a workflow process template
a. In Workflow Designer, click File→New Root Template.

b. In the New Root Template dialog box, enter a name in New Root Template Name.

c. Select Empty Template in Based On Root Template and Process in Template Type.

d. Click OK to create a workflow process template.

2. Add a task to the workflow process template

a. On the toolbar, click Edit Mode and then click Task .

b. In the process flow pane, double-click where you want to place the new task.
A new task appears with a default name of New Task #. In the Name box, type a name for
the task.

3. Explicitly link the task to its predecessor and successor tasks

a. Click the task node you want to specify as the predecessor task.

Do not click the title bar of the task node as this action drags the task node to a
different location.

b. Drag your cursor to the task node you want to specify as the successor task.
A link arrow follows the cursor as you drag. When your cursor moves over a task node, the
node is highlighted.

c. Release the mouse button.

A link arrow connects the predecessor and successor nodes.

4. Configure the task

a. Right-click the task and click Task Properties.

b. Click the Task Handler pane.

c. In Task Action, select Complete.

5-2 Administering 4th Generation Product Master PLM00551 12.0

Set up a workflow process template to align BOM data and design data

d. In Action Handler, select:

• Bom0-part-cad-alignment-handler to create a workflow handler to automate the part
and design revision alignment.

• Bom0-part-usage-alignment-handler to create a workflow handler to automate the

part usage and design element alignment.

• Bom0-partstructure-alignment-handler to create a workflow handler to generate a part

structure from a BVR structure and then align the part occurrences of the generated
structure with corresponding design occurrences.

• Bom0bommanagement-designstructure-pbe-alignment-handler to create a workflow

handler to automate the part occurrence and design occurrence alignment.

• BOM0BOManagement-partusage-designocc-alignment-handler to create a workflow

handler to automate the part usage and design occurrence alignment.

e. Click Create.

The workflow handler to automate the alignment of parts and design

As an administrator, you create a workflow using Bom0-part-cad-alignment-handler to automate
the alignment of parts and design item revisions. Based on the input, the workflow handler aligns
either a design with a part or a part with a design by matching the design's or the part's property
and revision rule with the ones specified in the BOM0_PART_CAD_AUTO_ALIGNMENT and
The valid value of the BOM0_PART_CAD_AUTO_ALIGNMENT preference is in the following format:

The Bom0-part-cad-alignment-handler workflow handler matches the partProperty value of the

part with the itemRevisionProperty value of the design item revision by using the patterns specified
in partPattern and itemRevisionPattern. If the values match, the handler aligns the part and the
design item revision.
The pattern set in partPattern and itemRevisionPattern can contain the following characters:

Character Description
? A substitute for a single character to be skipped during the matching process.
X A substitute for a single character to be considered for the matching process.
The number of X should be the same in the partPattern and itemRevisionPattern

PLM00551 12.0 Administering 4th Generation Product Master 5-3

Chapter 5: 5: Set up
a up a workflow
workflow process
process template
template to align
to align BOMBOM
data data and design
and design data data

Character Description
* Any number of characters can be considered for the matching process.
Use this character only at the end of the partPattern and itemRevisionPattern patterns.
It does not have any significance if used in the middle of a matching pattern. For
example, the patterns "??*??" and "??*XX" are not valid, whereas the patterns "??*"
and "??XX?*" are valid.
"StringToMatch" A fix string to be considered for the matching process.
The number of the fix string should be the same in the partPattern and
itemRevisionPattern patterns.

The following flowchart shows how the handler aligns parts with design items revisions:

5-4 Administering 4th Generation Product Master PLM00551 12.0

Set up a workflow process template to align BOM data and design data

PLM00551 12.0 Administering 4th Generation Product Master 5-5

Chapter 5: 5: Set up
a up a workflow
workflow process
process template
template to align
to align BOMBOM
data data and design
and design data data

The workflow handler to automate the alignment of part usages and

design elements
As an administrator, you create a workflow using Bom0-part-usage-alignment-handler to automate
the alignment of part usages and design elements. Based on the input, the workflow handler checks
the value of the BOM0_Part_CAD_based_pu_auto_alignment preference as follows:
• If the value of this preference is false, the handler aligns either a part usage with a design
element or a design element with a part usage by matching the design element's or the part
usage's property specified in the BOM0_PU_DE_AUTO_ALIGNMENT preference.

• If the value of this preference is true, the handler performs the part usage and design element
alignment based on the existing design element-part usage alignment. It aligns all the design
elements with the corresponding part usage.
The protection scope of the BOM0_Part_CAD_based_pu_auto_alignment preference is user.
Therefore, the value set by a user is valid only for the current user session.


The Bom0-part-usage-alignment-handler workflow handler matches the partUsageProperty value

of the part usage with the designElementProperty value of the design element by using the patterns
specified in partUsagePattern and designElementPattern. If the values match, the handler aligns
the part usage and the design element.
The pattern set in partUsagePattern and designElementPattern can contain the following

Character Description
? A substitute for a single character to be skipped during the matching process.
X A substitute for a single character to be considered for the matching process.
The number of X should be the same in the partUsagePattern and
designElementPattern patterns.
* Any number of characters can be considered for the matching process.
Use this character only at the end of the partUsagePattern and designElementPattern
patterns. It does not have any significance if used in the middle of a matching pattern.
For example, the patterns "??*??" and "??*XX" are not valid, whereas the patterns "??*"
and "??XX?*" are valid.
"StringToMatch" A fix string to be considered for the matching process.
The number of the fix string should be the same in the partUsagePattern and
idesignElementPattern patterns.

The following flowchart shows how the handler aligns part usages with design elements:

5-6 Administering 4th Generation Product Master PLM00551 12.0

Set up a workflow process template to align BOM data and design data

PLM00551 12.0 Administering 4th Generation Product Master 5-7

Chapter 5: 5: Set up
a up a workflow
workflow process
process template
template to align
to align BOMBOM
data data and design
and design data data

The workflow handler to automate the alignment of part usages and

design occurrences
As an administrator, you create a workflow using
BOM0BOManagement-partusage-designocc-alignment-handler to automate the alignment
of part usages and design occurences of a BOM View Revision product structure. You also set
the value of the BOM0_PU_DESOCC_AUTO_ALIGNMENT preference that defines the attribute
matching criteria for aligning part usages and design occurrences.
The format of the BOM0_PU_DESOCC_AUTO_ALIGNMENT preference is:

The BOM0BOManagement-partusage-designocc-alignment-handler workflow handler matches

the partUsageProperty value of a part usage of type PartUsageType (or its subclass) with the
BOMLineType value of a BOM line of type BOMLineType (or its subclass) by using the criteria
specified in partUsagePropertyCriteria and BOMLinePropertyCriteria. If the values match, the
handler aligns the part usage and the design occurrence.
The criteria set in partUsagePropertyCriteria and BOMLinePropertyCriteria can contain the
following characters:

Character Description
? A substitute for a single character to be skipped during the matching process.
X A substitute for a single character to be considered for the matching process.
The number of X should be the same in the partUsagePropertyCriteria and
BOMLinePropertyCriteria criteria.
* Any number of characters can be considered for the matching process.
Use this character only at the end of the partUsagePropertyCriteria and
BOMLinePropertyCriteria criteria. It does not have any significance if used in the middle
of a matching criteria. For example, the characters "??*??" and "??*XX" are not valid,
whereas the characters "??*" and "??XX?*" are valid.

BOM0_PU_DESOCC_AUTO_ALIGNMENT = Bom0AbstractPartUsage|object_name|*|

Here, the value of the BOM0_PU_DESOCC_AUTO_ALIGNMENT preference indicates

that a part usage of type Bom0AbstractPartUsage or its subclass must be aligned with
design occurrences only if the object_name property of the part usage exactly matches
with the bl_item_object_name property of the BOM line of type BOMLineType or its
After you create a worflow by using the
BOM0BOManagement-partusage-designocc-alignment-handler handler and set the
value of the BOM0_PU_DESOCC_AUTO_ALIGNMENT preference, a BOM user or
designer can choose one or more part usages and an item revision or its subclass, and
send them to the alignement workflow. The item revision sent to the alignment workflow

5-8 Administering 4th Generation Product Master PLM00551 12.0

Set up a workflow process template to align BOM data and design data

is that topmost line item of the design structure. The design structure is expanded
based on the revision rule specified in the BOM0DeafultRevisionRule preference. The
BOM0BOManagement-partusage-designocc-alignment-handler workflow handler
checks for matching design occurrences for each part usage and aligns the part usage and
design occurrence, if matches are found.

The workflow handler to automate the alignment of part occurrences

and design occurrences
As an administrator, you create a workflow using
BOM0BOMMANAGEMENT_designstructure_pbe_alignment_handler workflow handler to
automate the alignment of part occurrences and design occurrences. Based on the input, the handler
checks the value of the BOM0_Part_CAD_based_pbe_auto_alignment preference as follows:
• If the value of this preference is false, the handler aligns a part occurrence
and a design occurrence by matching their properties specified in the
BOM0_designstructure_partbreakdown_auto_alignment preference.

• If the value of this preference is true, the handler performs the part occurrence and design
occurrence alignment based on the existing design element-part usage alignment.
The protection scope of the BOM0_Part_CAD_based_pbe_auto_alignment preference is user.
Therefore, the value set by a user is valid only for the current user session.

The handler aligns a part occurrence and a design occurrence by matching their properties specified
in the BOM0_designstructure_partbreakdown_auto_alignment preference.

The BOM0BOMMANAGEMENT_designstructure_pbe_alignment_handler workflow handler

matches the pbeLineProperty value of the part occurrence with the BOMLineProperty value
of the design occurrence by using the patterns specified in pbeLinePropertyValuePattern and
BOMLinePropertyValuePattern. If the values match, the handler aligns the part occurrence and
the design occurrence.
The pattern set in pbeLinePropertyValuePattern and BOMLinePropertyValuePattern can contain
the following characters:

Character Description
? A substitute for a single character to be skipped during the matching process.
X A substitute for a single character to be considered for the matching process.
The number of X should be the same in the pbeLinePropertyValuePattern and
BOMLinePropertyValuePattern patterns.

PLM00551 12.0 Administering 4th Generation Product Master 5-9

Chapter 5: 5: Set up
a up a workflow
workflow process
process template
template to align
to align BOMBOM
data data and design
and design data data

Character Description
* Any number of characters can be considered for the matching process.
Use this character only at the end of the pbeLinePropertyValuePattern and
BOMLinePropertyValuePattern patterns. It does not have any significance if used in the
middle of a matching pattern. For example, the patterns "??*??" and "??*XX" are not
valid, whereas the patterns "??*" and "??XX?*" are valid.
"StringToMatch" A fix string to be considered for the matching process.
The number of the fix string should be the same in the pbeLinePropertyValuePattern
and BOMLinePropertyValuePattern patterns.

The following flowchart shows how the handler aligns part usages with design elements:

5-10 Administering 4th Generation Product Master PLM00551 12.0

Set up a workflow process template to align BOM data and design data

PLM00551 12.0 Administering 4th Generation Product Master 5-11

Chapter 5: 5: Set up
a up a workflow
workflow process
process template
template to align
to align BOMBOM
data data and design
and design data data

The workflow handler to create a part structure and align part

occurrences and design occurrences automatically
As an administrator, you create a workflow using the Bom0-partstructure-alignment-handler
workflow handler to automate the alignment of part occurrences and design occurrences.

Do not modify or remove the existing arguments of saved queries for 4G Product Master
parts and part breakdown elements. However, you can add new arguments to these
saved queries.

The handler creates a part structure from an existing BOM View Revision (BVR) structure and aligns
the part occurrences in the generated structure with the corresponding design occurrences.
While creating the part structure:
• Design occurrences (in the design structure) that do not have corresponding part occurrences are
skipped. However, if a design occurrence is the topmost node of the design structure, it cannot
be skipped. Part IDs are not created for design occurrences that are skipped.
You can specify the nodes that must be skipped during the creation of a part structure. You do
so by defining a condition in Business Modeler IDE. You can create multiple conditions for the
different subclasses of the design revision. After creating the conditions, specify the condition
names in the BOM0_slip_node_condition_for_import preference.

5-12 Administering 4th Generation Product Master PLM00551 12.0

Set up a workflow process template to align BOM data and design data

• Parts are created for all nodes. The attributes of a part are populated from those of an item
revision. For a part, the attributes are set as follows:
o Part ID
If the value of the BOM0_Partid_attr_name_for_import preference is blank, the naming
rule set for the part is used for generating its ID.
If the value of the BOM0_Partid_attr_name_for_import preference is set to
ItemRevision.item_id, the attributes of the specific item revision are used for generating
the part ID.

o Part name
The item revision name is used as the part name.

• A part breakdown element is created for each child part in the part breakdown. For a part
breakdown element, the attributes are set as follows:

PLM00551 12.0 Administering 4th Generation Product Master 5-13

Chapter 5: 5: Set up
a up a workflow
workflow process
process template
template to align
to align BOMBOM
data data and design
and design data data

o Parent and child part IDs

If a naming rule is set for a part, this rule is used to create the part ID. If not, the part ID is
mapped to the item revision ID. If a part with the generated part ID is found in the Teamcenter
database, a new part is not created and the existing part is reused.

o Part breakdown element name

The part breakdown element name is set as ChildPartName,ParentPartName.

o Unit of Measure
If the Unit of Measure attribute is specified for the child part, the value is carried
forward to the corresponding part breakdown element. Else, the value specified in the
BOM0_default_UOM_for_import preference is set in the part breakdown element.

o Quantity
The quantity is carried forward from the BVR product structure. If the quantity is not specified
in the BVR product structure, the quantity is set as 1.
If a quantity is specified for a design in the BVR product structure and this design occurs only
once in the structure, the specified quantity is carried forward to the part breakdown element.
However, if the design occurs multiple times structure, the quantity set for each occurrence is
summed up, and the totaled value is set in the part breakdown element. For example, if a
BVR product structure has 2 occurrences of a design and each design occurrence has the
quantity set as 2, the quantity specified in the part breakdown element is 4.
If the unit of measure that is being carried forward to the part breakdown element is present
in the Bom0_UOMs_for_multiple_occs preference and the value of the quantity in the BVR
product structure is a noninteger, the value of the quantity is set as 1.

• A part is aligned with a design item revision and the design item revision is set as its primary
representation. If the part is already aligned to a design item revision but the primary design is
not set, design revision is marked as the primary design.

• A part occurrence is aligned with a design occurrence if the part occurrence is not aligned. The
alignment is performed in the context of the parent part.
If a unit of measure for a part breakdown element is specified in the
Bom0_UOMs_for_multiple_occs preference, the number of part occurrences to
be aligned is same as the quantity set for the part breakdown element. However, if the number of
design occurrences is less than that of part occurrences, the number of part occurrences to be
aligned is same as that of the design occurrences.
If the unit of measure for a part breakdown element is not specified in the preference, only one
part occurrence is aligned to the first available design occurrence.

5-14 Administering 4th Generation Product Master PLM00551 12.0

Chapter 6: Add a unit of measure

A unit of measure is a measurement category (for example, inches, kg, and each). As a administrator,
you create a unit of measure (UOM) when the BOM engineers need a new measurement to create a
BOM element, for example, a part usage.
To add a UOM:
1. In Business Modeler IDE, click BMIDE→New Model Element, type Unit of Measure in the
Wizard box, and click Next.

2. In the Unit of Measure dialog box, perform the following steps:

a. In the Name box, type the name you want to assign to the new unit of measure.

b. In the Symbol box, enter the unit (for example, in for inches or kg for kilogram).

c. In the Description box, type a description of the new unit of measure.

d. Click Finish.
The new UOM is listed in the Unit of Measure folder.

3. To save the changes to the data model, click BMIDE→Save Data Model .

4. To deploy your changes to the server, click BMIDE→Deploy Template .

To verify if the newly added unit of measure is deployed, in My Teamcenter, click
File→New→Item. In the New Item dialog box, click the arrow in the Unit of measure box.
Your new UOM appears in the list.

PLM00551 12.0 Administering 4th Generation Product Master 6-1

Chapter 7: Activate part-design alignment while aligning
a part usage or a part occurrence

While the designer is manually aligning a part usage and a design element, the part (for which the
part usage is created) can be automatically aligned with its corresponding design. Similarly, the
part can be automatically aligned while the designer is manually aligning its occurrence in a part
breakdown with the corresponding design occurrence.
To automate this part-design alignment, you must set the values of the
BOM0_align_part_cad_on_pu_de_align and BOM0_align_part_cad_on_pbe_align
preferences to true.

PLM00551 12.0 Administering 4th Generation Product Master 7-1

Chapter 8: Enable the impact matrix view for
authoring variant conditions

The BOM Engineer can author variant conditions for a part usage using the Impact Matrix view. For
this, you must set the value of the EnableImpactMatrixFor4G preference to true.

PLM00551 12.0 Administering 4th Generation Product Master 8-1

Chapter 9: Import the 4G Product Master Excel template

You import the 4G Product Master Excel template so that the BOM Engineer can use this template to
make changes to the 4G Product Master data in Microsoft Office Excel.
To import an Excel template:
1. In My Teamcenter, click Tools→Import→Templates→Excel Template.

2. In the Import Excel Template dialog box, click Browse to locate the
4GPM_BOM_ContentExplorer_template Excel template that you want to

3. Type a description in Template Description, and click OK.

PLM00551 12.0 Administering 4th Generation Product Master 9-1

Chapter 10: Enable the build condition feature
in Active Workspace

The variant condition of a part usage is derived from build conditions. A build condition is all the valid
build combinations of parts based on configuration rules. In Active Workspace, the build condition
feature is not enabled by default. As an administrator, you can enable this feature so that the BOM
engineer can author variant conditions for a part usage in Active Workspace.
To enable the build condition feature in Active Workspace, you set the AW_BuildConditions_Enabled
and EnableImpactMatrixFor4G preferences to true.

PLM00551 12.0 Administering 4th Generation Product Master 10-1

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