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Computer Network || Fill in the Blanks || Class 12

1. Through _____ you can establish contact with anyone in the world.

2. The main function of _____ is to divide the message or data into packets of a definite
size on the source computer.

3. _____ refers to wireless fidelity which enables us to connect to the ISP without any cable.

4. _____ is a software that enables us to access the internet and explore websites.

5. Web page constitutes the _____.

6. A ______ is someone with a strong interest in how things work, who likes to create and
modify things for their own enjoyment.

7. A computer _____ is a small software program that spreads from one computer to
another and interferes with the normal functioning of computer.

8. Electronic junk mail or junk newsgroup postings are known as _____.

9. Digital signature meets the need for _____ and integrity.

10. The first network that planted the seed of internet was ______.

11. The protocol used for internet is _____.

12. A device used to connect dissimilar networks is called _____.

13. _____ is responsible for handling the address of the destination computer so that each
packet is delivered to its proper destination.

14. Tricking people through authentic-looking emails or websites is called _____.

15. A program designed to replicate and eat up a computer's storage is called _____.

16. A digital document issued to a site by a certification authority of the internet is called a

17. To connect computers located in a specific building or campus is known as _____.

18. Wi-Fi, infrared and Bluetooth are examples of _____.

19. Interspace is a _____.

20. A server that provides its services to other workstations on a network is a _____.
21. The technique of switching in which data is divided into smaller fragments is called

22. _____ is a dedicated link between the sender and the receiver.

23. _____ is the measuring unit of speed at which the data transfer takes place.

24. All the computers are connected with each other in an unorganized manner in _____

25. In _____, all computers share equivalent responsibility for processing data.

26. A computer network that spans a relatively large geographical area is called _____.

27. WAN stands for _____.

28. Wired networks use an access method called _____.

29. Wireless networks use an access method called _____.

30. _____ is a protocol which allows users to download E Mail messages from mail server
to a local computer.

31. _____ is a protocol that allows to send/upload email message from local computer to an
email server.

32. A network of networks is known as _____.

33. In a network, a machine is identified by unique address called _____.

34. The physical address assigned by NIC manufacturer is called _____ address.

35. A MAC address consumes _____ bytes or _____ bits.

36. _____ is an example of Public cloud.

37. _____ is a network of physical objects embedded with electronics, software, sensors
and network connectivity

38. TCP/IP stands for _____.

39. The _____ is the protocol used to make hypertext document readable on the WWW.

40. All computers connected to the Internet and wanting to use it for sending/receiving data
must follow a common set of rules for communication called _____.

41. CSMA/CA stands for _____.

42. _____ Protocol tells each system how to form mail messages and transfer them
between computers.

43. For access control, _____ is used for collision handling in wireless networks while
_____ is used for collision handling in wired networks.

44. _____ is the technique of changing the characteristics of the signal being transmitted so
that it carries data on it.

45. _____ is the process of extracting data from the received modulated signal.

46. Sum of data bits calculated from digital data so as to ensure data integrity is called

47. _____ is the process of efficiently selecting a path/route in a network along which the
data packets will travel to their destination.

48. The table maintained by routers for routing purposes, is called _____ table.

49. The Internet is most often used for the exchange of _____ and _____.

50. Web pages on a site are linked together through a system of _____.

51. The address of location of the document on the world wide web is called its _____.

52. The _____ is a computer based worldwide communication network.

53. The _____ is a component of the Internet that allows exchange of multimedia based
and hyperlinked content.

54. Full form of WWW is _____ _____ _____.

55. A digital document hosted on a website is a _____ _____.

56. The landing page of a website is _____.

57. A webpage whose content is generated every time it is loaded is called a _____

58. A webpage whose content is fixed and appears the same every time it is loaded, is
called a _____ webpage.

59. A _____ _____ is a specialised computer which serves the requests made by web

60. Full form of URL is _____ _____ _____.

61. Full form of cc in the content of email is _____ _____.

62. Full form of bcc in the context of email is _____ _____ _____.

63. Full form of IP is _____ _____.

64. Full form of VoIP is _____ _____ _____ _____.

65. Website store the browsing activity through _____.

66. A network with a dedicated server is called a _____ network.

67. A computer, part of a computer network is called a _____.

68. A network having a span within a building is called a _____.

69. A network having a span of city, is called a _____.

70. The _____ is a central connection point where all network cables are concentrated.

71. The _____ is a network device that can connect the network segments based on the
same protocol.

72. The _____ is a network device that navigates the data packets over large networks
through the most efficient route.

73. The _____ is a network device that connects dissimilar networks.

74. The _____ is a networking device that regenerates or recreates a weak signal into its
original strength and form.

75. The _____ topology has a central line and all nodes are connected to it.

76. The _____ topology has a central controller.

77. The tree topology is said to be a combination of _____ and _____ topologies.

78. In _____ topology, there exists multiple paths between any two nodes of the network.

79. The _____ is a small network created by linking many personal devices.


1. internet
2. TCP
3. Wi-Fi
4. Browser
5. World Wide Web
6. hacker
7. virus
8. spam
9. authentication
11.  TCP/IP
12. gateway
13. IP
14. hacking
15. worm
16. digital certificate
17. LAN
18. communication mediums
19. network
20. Dedicated server
21. Packet switching
22. Circuit switching
23. bits/second
24. Mesh
25. peer-to-peer network
26. WAN
27. Wide Area Network
30. IMAP
31. SMTP
32. Internet
33. IP address
34. MAC
35. 6, 48
36. Google Drive, One Drive (Microsoft’s) etc.  
37. The Internet of Things/IOT
38. Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
39. HTTP
40. Protocol
41. Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance
42. SMTP
44. Modulation
45. Demodulation
46. Checksum
47. Routing
48. routing
49. messages, information
50. hyperlinks
51. URL
52. Internet
53. WWW
54. World Wide Web
55. web page
56. home page
57. dynamic
58. static
59. web server
60. Uniform Resource Locator
61. carbon copy
62. Blind carbon copy
63. Internet Protocol
64. Voice over Internet Protocol
65. cookies
66. client/server
67. node/host
68. LAN
69. MAN
70. hub
71. bridge
72. router
73. gateway
74. reapter
75. bus
76. star
77. star, bus
78. mesh
79. PAN
Computer Network || True or False || Class 12

1. A set of rules that governs internet is called protocol.

2. A repeater handles different protocols.

3. A hub is known as an intelligent device on the network.

4. A location on a net server is called a website.

5. A document that uses HTTP is called a web page.

6. A switch is a device used to segment networks into sub-networks or subnets.

7. Email is sending and receiving messages through video conferencing.

8. The degeneration of a signal over a distance on a network is called attenuation.

9. Coaxial cable possesses higher tensile strength than optical fibre.

10. When two entities are communicating and do not want a third party to listen, this
situation is defined as secure communication.

11. A LAN is connected to large geographical area.

12. A client is the computer that asks for the action in a network.

13. A computer is identified by 64 bit IP address.

14. Every object on the Internet has a unique URL.

15. A stand-alone computer may also be referred to as host.

16. Big networks can be of peer-to-peer types.

17. MAC address is a 48 bit address.

18. A switch can work is place of a hub.

19. A gateway is like a modem.

20. The cloud is a generic term used for Internet.

21. CSMA/CD can be used by wireless networks.

22. TCP is a connection oriented protocol.

23. UDP is a connection oriented protocol.

24. UDP is a connectionless protocol.

25. NSLOOKUP is a network type.

26. PING checks if a computer is connected to a network or not.

27. WHOIS is a protocol.

28. IMAP, SMTP, POP3 are all email protocols.

29. HTTP is a secure protocol.

30. HTTPS is a secure protocol.

31. SSL provides a safe passage for data over Internet.

32. The Internet and www are the same thing.

33. The Internet is a component of www.

34. WWW is a part of the Internet.

35. The exchange of multimedia based hypertext is carried out on www.

36. A website consists of many home pages.

37. Dynamic webpages are written in plain HTML.

38. The dynamic code of dynamic webpages is written in the form of scripts.

39. The dynamic websites are faster than static websites.

40. Websites can't store basic information or user's browser activity.

41. Cookies are stored on the web-server

42. Cookies are stored on the user's computer.

43. You cannot place audio calls on the Internet.

44. LAN is the biggest network geographically.

45. LAN is the smallest network geographically.

46. PAN is the smallest network geographically.

47. The Internet is an example of WAN.

48. The bus topology is the simplest topology.

49. The star topology ensures that the network will work even when a node fails.

50. An amplifier and a repeater do the same thing.

51. A hub broadcasts the received signal to all its connected devices.

52. A switch is an intelligent hub.

53. Repeater and router precisely do the same thing.

54. A hub can be replaced with a switch.

55. A router can be replaced with a bridge.

1. True
2. False
3. False
4. True
5. True
6. True
7. False
8. True
9. False
10. True
11. False
12. True
13. False
14. True
15. False
16. False
17. True
18. True
19. False
20. True
21. False
22. True
23. False
24. True
25. False
26. True
27. False
28. True
29. False
30. True
31. True
32. False
33. False
34. True
35. True
36. False
37. False
38. True
39. False
40. False
41. False
42. True
43. False
44. False
45. False
46. True
47. True
48.  True
49. True
50. False
51. True
52. True
53. False
54. True
55. False
1. A computer network:
(a) Is a collection of hardware components and computers
(b) Is interconnected by communication channels
(c) Allows sharing of resources and information
(d) All of the above
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2. What is a firewall in computer network?
(a) The physical boundary of network
(b) An operating system of computer network
(c) A system designed to prevent unauthorized access
(d) A web browsing software
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3. What is the use of Bridge in the network?
(a) To connect LANs
(b) To separate LANs
(c) To control network speed
(d) All of the above
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4. Each IP packet must contain:
(a) Only Source address
(b) Only Destination address
(c) Source and Destination address
(d) Source or Destination address
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5. Which of these is not a communication channel?
(a) Satellite
(b) Microwave
(c) Radio wave
(d) Wi-Fi
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6. MAN Stands for _____.
(a) Metropolitan Area Network
(b) Main Area Network
(c) Metropolitan Access Network
(d) Metro Access Network
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7. Which of these is not an example of unguided media?
(a) Optical Fibre Cable
(b) Radio wave
(c) Bluetooth
(d) Satellite
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8. In which topology are all the nodes connected through a single Coaxial cable?
(a) Star
(b) Tree
(c) Bus
(d) Ring
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9. Which of the following is the smallest network?
(a) WAN
(b) MAN
(c) LAN
(d) Wi-Fi
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10. Which protocol is used for the transfer of hypertext content over the web?
(a) HTML
(b) HTTP
(c) TCP/IP
(d) FTP
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11. Two devices are in network if
(a) a process in one device is able to exchange information with a process in another device
(b) a process is running on both devices
(c) the processes running of different devices are of same type
(d) none of the mentioned
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12. What is a standalone computer?
(a) A computer that is not connected to a network
(b) A computer that is being used as a server
(c) A computer that does not have any peripherals attached to it
(d) A computer that is used by only one person
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13. Central Computer which is powerful than other computers in the network is called as
(a) Client
(b) Server
(c) Hub
(d) Switch
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14. Network in which every computer is capable of playing the role of a client, or a server or
both at same time is called
(a) peer-to-peer network
(b) local area network
(c) dedicated server network
(d) wide area network
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15. In peer-to-peer network, each computer in a network is referred as
(a) server
(b) client
(c) peer
(d) sender
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16. Which transmission media is capable of having a much higher bandwidth (data
(a) Coaxial
(b) Twisted pair cable
(c) Untwisted cable
(d) Fiber optic
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17. Which type of transmission media is the least expensive to manufacture?
(a) Coaxial
(b) Twisted pair cable
(c) CAT cable
(d) Fiber optic
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18. Which of these components is internal to a computer and is required to connect the
computer to a network ?
(a) Wireless Access Point
(b) Network Interface card
(c) Switch
(d) Hub
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19. A device that forwards data packet from one network to another is called a
(a) Bridge
(b) Router
(c) Hub
(d) Gateway
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20. Which of the following is the fastest media of data transfer?
(a) Co-axial Cable
(b) Untwisted Wire
(c) Telephone Lines
(d) Fiber Optic
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21. Hub is a
(a) Broadcast device
(b) Uni-cast device
(c) Multi-cast device
(d) None of the above
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22. Switch is a
(a) Broadcast device
(b) Uni-cast device
(c) Multi-cast device
(d) None of the above
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23. The device that can operate in place of a hub is a :
(a) Switch
(b) Bridge
(c) Router
(d) Gateway
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24. A repeater takes a weak and corrupted signal and _____ it.
(a) Amplifies
(b) Regenerates
(c) Resembles
(d) Reroutes
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25. Which of the following is not a type of cloud?
(a) Private
(b) Public
(c) Protected
(d) Hybrid
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26. Which of the following is correct statement for IoT?
(a) It is a collection of networks
(b) It is a collection of protocols
(c) It is network of physical objects or "things" embedded with chips, sensors etc.
(d) None of these
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27. Protocols are
(a) Agreements on how communication components and devices are to communicate
(b) Logical communication channels for transferring data
(c) Physical communication channels used for transferring data
(d) None of above
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28. In computer, converting a digital signal in to an analog signal is called
(a) modulation
(b) demodulation
(c) conversion
(d) transformation
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29. In computer, process of superimposing a low frequency signal over a high frequency
signal is called
(a) modulation
(b) demodulation
(c) frequency modulation
(d) amplitude modulation
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30. In computer, process of superimposing the amplitude of message signal over amplitude
of carrier signal is called
(a) modulation
(b) demodulation
(c) frequency modulation
(d) amplitude modulation
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31. Find EVEN parity bit for 10010001
(a) 0
(b) 1
(c) 2
(d) none of these
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32. Find ODD parity bit for 10010110
(a) 0
(b) 1
(c) 2
(d) none of these
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33. Traditionally, Internet checksum is
(a) 8-bit
(b) 16-bit
(c) 24-bit
(d) 32-bit
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34. If value of checksum is 0, then message is
(a) accepted
(b) rejected
(c) sent back
(d) resend
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35. Checksums use _____ arithmetic.
(a) two's complement arithmetic
(b) one's complement arithmetic
(c) either (@) or (b)
(d) none of the above
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36. The checksum of 0000 and 0000 is _____.
(a) 1111
(b) 0000
(c) 1110
(d) 0111
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37. Protocol/Standard that is used to transfer data among computers on the Internet
(a) FTP
(b) Archie
(c) TCP
(d) Gopher
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38. A firewall is
(a) An established network performance reference point.
(b) Software or hardware used to secure/guard a private network from a public network.
(c) A virus that infects macros.
(d) A predefined encryption key used to encrypt and decrypt data transmissions.
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39. Which multiple access technique is used by IEEE standard for wireless LAN?
(d) none of the mentioned
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40. Which data communication method is used to transmit the data over a serial
communication link?
(a) Simplex
(b) Half-duplex
(c) Full duplex
(d) All of above
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41. Which of the following is not the possible ways of data exchange?
(a) Simplex
(b) Multiplex
(c) Half-duplex
(d) Full-duplex
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42. Routing tables of a router keeps track of
(a) MAC Address Assignments
(b) Port Assignments to network devices
(c) Distribute IP address to network devices
(d) Routes to use for forwarding data to its destination
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43. What is the address size of IPv4?
(a) 32 bit
(b) 64 bit
(c) 128 bit
(d) 256 bit
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44. What is the address size of IPv6?
(a) 32 bit
(b) 64 bit
(c) 128 bit
(d) 256 bit
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45. For wired networks, which protocol is used for handling collisions?
(a) CSMA
(d) All of these
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46. For wireless networks, which protocol is used for handling collisions?
(a) CSMA
(d) All of these
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47. What factors should be considered when selecting the appropriate cable for connecting
a PC to a network? (Choose two)
(a) type of system bus
(b) motherboard model
(c) distance of cable run
(d) speed of transmission
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(e) computer manufacturer
48. What are two advantages of using UTP cable in a networking environment? (Choose
(a) is stiffer than STP
(b) is less expensive than fiber
(c) is easier to install than coaxial
(d) provides longer distances than coaxial provides
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(e) is less susceptible to outside noise sources than fiber is
49. Which cable connectors are used to connect a cable from a router's console port to a
(a) RJ-11
(b) RJ-12
(c) RJ-45
(d) none
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50. What are two advantages of using fiber-optic cabling instead of UTP ? (Choose two.)
(a) lower cost
(b) easier to install
(c) allows longer distances
(d) less effected by external signals
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(e) easier to terminate the cable ends
51. Which network topology requires a central controller or hub ?
(a) Star
(b) Bus
(c) Mesh
(d) Tree
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52. Which topology requires a multipoint connection on a single cable?
(a) Star
(b) Bus
(c) Mesh
(d) Tree
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53. Which of the following topologies contains a backbone cable running through the whole
length of the network?
(a) Star
(b) Bus
(c) Mesh
(d) Tree
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54. Which of the following devices can be used at the centre of a star topology?
(a) Router
(b) Repeater
(c) Modem
(d) Hub
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55. If a computer connected to a star topology fails, the entire network will _____.
(a) also fail
(b) work unaffectedly
(c) only server will work
(d) none of these
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56. A combination of bus and star topologies is called a _____ topology.
(a) Combination
(b) Hybrid
(c) Mesh
(d) Tree
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57. Internet is an example of _____ topology.
(a) Star
(b) Bus
(c) Mesh
(d) Bus
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58. Data is converted in a form so as to travel over telephone lines using this device.
(a) Modem
(b) Hub
(c) Switch
(d) Router
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59. Network device that regenerates and retransmits the whole signal is _____.
(a) Modem
(b) Hub
(c) Repeater
(d) Bridge
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60. Network device which connects networks of similar types (same protocols).
(a) Hub
(b) Router
(c) Bridge
(d) Gateway
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61. Network device which connects dissimilar networks (different protocols).
(a) Hub
(b) Router
(c) Bridge
(d) Gateway
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62. Networks devices that sends the data over optimizing paths through connected hops is
(a) Hub
(b) Router
(c) Bridge
(d) Gateway
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63. A web-site is a collection of
(a) HTML documents
(b) Graphic files
(c) audio and video files
(d) all the above
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64. The first page that you normally view at a web site is its :
(a) Home page
(b) Master page
(c) First page
(d) Banner page
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65. When you visit a website, it will open the page set as _____ of the website.
(a) Web Site
(b) Home page
(c) Email
(d) ISP?
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66. The first page on a website that allows you to navigate to other pages via menu system
or links, is known as
(a) front page
(b) primary page
(c) home page
(d) first page
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(e) main page
67. IP stands for
(a) Internet Protocol
(b) Intranet Protocol
(c) Internet Provider
(d) Internet Package
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68. URL stands for
(a) Universal Resource Locator
(b) Uniform Resource Location
(c) Uniform Resource Locator
(d) None of the above
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69. Which of these is not a part of URL?
(a) IP address
(b) Port Number
(c) Domain Name
(d) None of these
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70. Which portion of the URL below records the directory or folder of the desired resource ?
(a) http
(b) firstfloor
(c) shoes.htm
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71. In URL,, which component identifies the protocol or
type of
the server ?
(a) http
(c) /pr/main.htm
(d) none
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72. In URL,, which component identifies the web-site ?
(a) http
(c) /pr/main.htm
(d) none.
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73. In URL,, which component identifies the path of a
web page?
(a) http
(c) /pr/main.htm
(d) none.
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74. URLs are of two types:
(a) Absolute & Relative
(b) Static & Dynamic
(c) Absolute & Dynamic
(d) None of the above
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75. An email can be sent via,
(a) PC
(b) Tablet
(c) Smart phone
(d) All of the above
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76. In an email address, the characters following '@' character represent
(a) User name
(b) E-mail Recipient
(c) Domain name
(d) None of these
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77. _____ field of email-compose box allows to send same message to multiple recipients
without getting them know about other recipients.
(a) cc
(b) To
(c) bcc
(d) Message.
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78. Chatting on Internet is
(a) Talking face to face
(b) Talking on phone
(c) Online textual talk
(d) None of these
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79. A _____ room or online forum allows users to communicate through typed messages
which are displayed almost instantly.
(a) Mail
(b) Buddy
(c) Chat
(d) Message
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80. Online textual talk is called _____.
(a) Video Conferencing
(b) Telephony
(c) Text Phone
(d) Chat
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81. Electronic mail cannot be used for
(a) Sending documents
(b) Sending bulk data (say over 2GB)
(c) Sending attachments
(d) Sending message
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