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Word Skills Unit 91 In-class practice

1. After my presentation, there will be time for questions.

2. Online shopping is both cheap and convenient.
3. My grandfather died last year – I wish I would bring him back to life.
4. Let’s get together one evening and talk about old times.
5. Where are we supposed/meant to hang our washing up to dry?
6. I reminded him of the appointment, but he didn’t make any response.
7. It has been confirmed that the meeting will take place next week.
8. Since he is eight years old, his education must be no longer postponed.

Word Skills Unit 93 In-class practice

1. I couldn’t follow the talk because he kept jumping about from one topic to another.
2. Nothing’s fixed in this world and everything is relative.
3. The thing is, a number of them have admitted that despite their success, they aren’t happy.
4. You can find out whether they are prepared to share the cost of the flowers with you.
5. I believed her – for surely she would not lie to me.
6. He failed to reach the required standard, and did not qualify for the race.
7. A man should be judged by his deed, not his words.

Word Skills Unit 97 In-class practice

1. Those who have decided to remain neutral in the struggle now find themselves required to take
2. In the end, I just got fed up with his constant complaining.
3. His school friends and his teachers visited him and he got loads of presents and cards.
4. Consuming this amount of food could turn these fit players into fatties.
5. The academic year commences at the beginning of September.

Word Skills Unit 100 In-class practice

1. There are following facilities on the beach: a shower, a restroom/toilet and a changing room.
2. You can take the subway/underground to work, so your wife can use the car.
3. It’s safer to walk on the sidewalk/pavement than in the road.
4. Weeks of aerial bombardment had destroyed many factories and highways/main
5. We should put rubbish into garbage cans/trash cans/dustbins instead of throwing it about.

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