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Continuing Medical Education Article

Patient-initiated device removal in intensive care units: A national

prevalence study*
Lorraine C. Mion, PhD, RN, FAAN; Ann F. Minnick, PhD, RN, FAAN; Rosanne M. Leipzig, MD, PhD;
Catherine D. Catrambone, PhD, RN; Mary E. Johnson, PhD, RN

On completion of this article, the reader should be able to:
1. Define device removal rates.
2. Explain consequences of device removal.
3. Use this information in a clinical setting.
All authors have disclosed that they have no financial relationships with or interests in any commercial companies pertaining
to this educational activity.
Lippincott CME Institute, Inc., has identified and resolved all faculty conflicts of interest regarding this educational activity.
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Objective: Information is needed about patient-initiated device extubation rates (relative risk, 1.27; 95% confidence interval, 1.07–1.52).
removal to guide quality initiatives addressing regulations aimed at Men accounted for 57% of the episodes, 44% were restrained at the
minimizing physical restraint use. Research objectives were to de- time, and 30% had not received any sedation, narcotic, or psychotropic
termine the prevalence of device removal, describe patient contexts, drug in the previous 24 hrs. There was no association between rates of
examine unit-level adjusted risk factors, and describe consequences. device removal with restraint rates, proportion of men, or elderly. Self-
Design: Prospective prevalence. extubation rates were inversely associated with ventilator days (rs ⴝ
Setting: Total of 49 adult intensive care units (ICUs) from a ⴚ0.31, p ⴝ .03). Patient harm occurred in 250 (23%) episodes; ten
random sample of 39 hospitals in five states. incurred major harm. No deaths occurred. Reinsertion rates varied by
Methods: Data were collected daily for 49,482 patient-days by device: 23.5% of surgical drains to 88.9% of monitor leads. Additional
trained nurses and included unit census, ventilator days, restraint days, resources (e.g., radiography) were used in 58% of the episodes.
and days accounted for by men and by elderly. For each device removal
Conclusion: Device removal by ICU patients is common, resulting
episode, data were collected on demographic and clinical variables.
in harm in one fourth of patients and significant resource expendi-
Results: Patients removed 1,623 devices on 1,097 occasions:
ture. Further examination of patient-, unit-, and practitioner-level
overall rate, 22.1 episodes/1000 patient-days; range, 0 –102.4. Sur-
gical ICUs had lower rates (16.1 episodes) than general (23.6 epi- variables may help explain variation in rates and provide direction for
sodes) and medical (23.4 episodes) ICUs. ICUs with fewer resources further targeted interventions. (Crit Care Med 2007; 35:2714–2720)
had fewer all-type device removal relative to ICUs with greater resources KEY WORDS: therapy disruption; device removal; treatment in-
(relative risk, 0.76; 95% confidence interval, 0.66–0.87) but higher self- terference; self-extubation; physical restraint

P rotection of therapeutic de- discontinuation of technologically complex clinicians is balancing the need to prevent
vices from patient-initiated re- therapies (e.g., endotracheal tubes for me- patients from removing devices and meet-
moval is a major reason for the chanical ventilation, central venous cathe- ing the federal regulations of the Centers
use of physical restraints in in- ters) may result in serious harm, injury, or for Medicare and Medicaid and the national
tensive care units (ICUs) (1). Premature death (1, 2). A major challenge for ICU accrediting standards of the Joint Commis-

*See also p. 2859. School of Medicine, New York City, NY (RML); Assistant For information regarding this article, E-mail:
Director, Nursing Research and Geriatric Nursing, Metro- Professor, Adult Health Nursing (CDC), Associate Professor
Health Medical Center, Cleveland, OH (LCM); Senior Associ- (MEJ), College of Nursing, Rush University, Chicago, IL. Copyright © 2007 by the Society of Critical Care
ate Dean—Research, Julia Eleanor Chenault Professor of Supported by grant 1R01AG19715-01 from the National Medicine and Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Nursing, Vanderbilt University School of Nursing, Nashville, Institute on Aging, National Institutes of Health.
TN (AFM); Vice Chair for Education, Gerald and May Ellen The contents herein are solely the responsibility of the DOI: 10.1097/01.CCM.0000291651.12767.52
Ritter Professor of Geriatrics, Professor, Brookdale Depart- authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of
ment of Geriatrics and Adult Development, Mount Sinai the National Institute on Aging, National Institutes of Health.

2714 Crit Care Med 2007 Vol. 35, No. 12

sion of Healthcare Organizations restrict- initiated removal of all devices and self- census of ⬎99. Hospitals were selected at ran-
ing the use of physical restraints (3, 4). extubation episodes in ICUs, 2) describe dom from six metropolitan areas that repre-
Although maintenance of therapeutic patient contexts related to device removal sented the Western, Southern, Midwestern,
devices is a primary reason for use of episodes, 3) examine patient-adjusted risk and Northeastern regions of the United States.
The random selection was stratified to include
physical restraints in ICUs, little is known factors at the unit level, and 4) describe the
at least one large teaching hospital. Metropol-
regarding the rate of patient-initiated de- consequences of patient-initiated device re- itan areas were used because of the concen-
vice removal or subsequent harm. Since moval to the patient and staff. tration of the population in these areas; the
the 1970s, a number of investigators have hospital volume level was chosen because al-
focused on patients’ self-extubation from most 90% of the U.S. population receives care
mechanical ventilation. In the past decade, METHODS in hospitals of this size. The sampling process
studies from the United States (5–7), Eu- Sample and Settings. The sample con- is described elsewhere (17).
rope (8 –12), and Asia (13, 14) have re- sisted of 49 adult ICUs from 39 nonfederal, Variables. Therapeutic devices were de-
ported incidence rates of self-extubation nonpsychiatric hospitals with an average daily fined as those used to monitor or treat dys-
ranging from 0.3% to 14.3% and preva- function, disease, or injury (Table 1). A ther-
lence rates of 2.0 to 25.6/1000 ventilator-
days. All but one study (9) was limited to a Table 1. Variables assessed for description and outcomes associated with patient-initiated device
single hospital. One third or more of the removal episodes
self-extubation events occurred despite use
of wrist restraints (5, 9, 12). Therapeutic devices Patient risk-adjusted variables
Peripherally inserted intravenous or central Physical restraint days
Patient removal of devices other than
catheters Ventilator days
endotracheal tubes (e.g., intraaortic bal-
Central venous or pulmonary artery Proportion of days by men
loon pumps) may have similar levels of flotation catheters Proportion of days by elderly
life-threatening harm. On the other Indwelling bladder catheters ICU type: general, medical, surgical
hand, devices such as peripheral intrave- Oxygen mask/nasal cannula ICU cluster category (0 or 1)a
nous catheters may be more likely to CPAP/BiPAP
cause minor to no harm in patients but Endotracheal tube/tracheostomy tube
can consume significant staff time or Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tube
costly resources (6). Three studies re- Surgical drains
ported on patient-initiated removal of ad- Dressings
Arterial catheters
ditional therapeutic devices in ICU set-
External ventricular drains/ICP bolts
tings (6, 10, 15). As with self-extubation
Monitor leads
studies, rates varied greatly, from ⬍50 to Traction devices
125 episodes/1000 patient-days. These Nasogastric/feeding tubes
studies of patient-initiated removal of Patient variablesb Patient consequencesc
multiple devices were limited to one or Demographics: age, sex Increased agitation or confusion
two hospitals (6, 10, 15) or short obser- Cognition: alert, anxious/agitated, oriented Delay in therapy (e.g., missed medication)
Medications Previous 24 hrs Vocal cord damage/paralysis
vational periods (6). Information remains Sedative-hypnotic Respiratory distress/failure
sparse on the extent, circumstances, or Benzodiazepine Hypotension (SBP ⬍ 90)
outcomes of patient-initiated therapy dis- Neuromuscular blocking agents Hemorrhage/exsanguinations
ruption events in ICUs. Thus, the ability Neuroleptic Bleeding, non-life-threatening
Narcotic Aspiration
to develop appropriate prescriptive guide-
Physically restrained at time Pneumothorax
lines addressing physical restraint use is Sedation/analgesia protocol in use at time Urinary retention
hampered (16). Additional resources/procedure as Soft-tissue injury
Given the regulatory and accrediting is- consequence of device removalc Laceration
sues related to physical restraints, larger Radiographs Death
studies are needed in the United States to 1) New or more sedation Staff consequences
Sutures Unprotected exposure to blood
determine the extent and consequences of
Surgical or other procedure Exposed to violence (hitting, kicking, etc.)
the problem and 2) identify characteristics
Cast/splinting Physically harmed
of patients and of units that are associated Increased monitoring/surveillance
with removal of all types of devices. This New or more physical restraint
information would be useful to healthcare Laboratory work
professionals, administrators, and organi- New dressings, compression, skin barrier
zations as they address Centers for Medi- Blood transfusion
care and Medicaid regulations and Joint Transfer to another unit
Commission of Healthcare Organizations Specialty consultation
standards to minimize physical restraint
CPAP/BiPAP, continuous positive airway pressure/bilevel positive airway pressure; ICP, intracranial
use in their ICUs. Accordingly, we con-
pressure; ICU, intensive care unit, SBP, systolic blood pressure.
ducted a multisite prospective prevalence a
ICUs were measured on ⬎100 variables examining environmental, administrative, and organiza-
study to 1) describe the rate of patient- tional factors. Using cluster analysis, ICUs clustered into one of two groups. Cluster 1 had greater
personnel resources, technology, supplies, and environmental layout conductive to heightened sur-
veillance; bdata collected only on those patients who removed one or more devices; cadverse conse-
quences as direct result of the patient-initiated device removal or disruption.

Crit Care Med 2007 Vol. 35, No. 12 2715

apy disruption episode was defined as any standardized procedural manuals, and interra- Analyses. Data were analyzed using Latent
patient-initiated removal of one or more de- ter reliability of ⬎95% was established before Gold 4.0 for cluster analysis and SAS for Win-
vices. The act could be purposeful (i.e., patient data collection. One to two subsequent inter- dows version 9.1 (Cary, NC) for all other anal-
actively sought to rid himself/herself of the rater reliability checks were conducted at each yses. Missing data for the unit-level risk-
device) or accidental, witnessed or nonwit- site, and only data from periods in which in- adjusted variables, which accounted for
nessed. Device removals due to staff care or terrater reliability remained at ⱖ95% were ⬍0.1%, were addressed using median values.
manipulations were not included. Rate of utilized in the analysis. Descriptive statistics were conducted on all
therapy disruption was measured as the Nurse-initiated notification of patient re- variables. Spearman’s correlation coefficients
(number of therapy disruption episodes/total moval of therapeutic devices was ascertained were used between therapy disruption rates
patient-days) ⫻ 1000. through specially designed, 5- by 8-inch, bright and unit-level risk-adjusted variables of pro-
For patients who removed a therapeutic de- yellow notification cards that included the pa- portion of restraint days, ventilator days, men,
vice, information was collected on demographic tient’s name, date, time, and a check-off list of and elderly.
characteristics, cognition, sedating medications, therapeutic devices and staff consequences. Staff Cluster analysis was conducted using en-
presence of physical restraint, and episode time. nurses were instructed to complete a card for vironmental, capital, and labor input variables
Patient consequences were any documented ad- any patient with a therapy disruption episode and produced a two-cluster solution for ICU
verse events that occurred as a direct result of and to drop it in a designated locked box. During units. In 80% of the ICUs, the cluster assign-
the device removal or displacement, such as the regular data collection rounds, the ICU ment was exactly 0 or 1 (statistical identifica-
bleeding (Table 1). Severity of harm as a direct nurse data collectors checked the locked box for tion of a unit in/not in a cluster). In the
result of the episode was characterized as none, notification cards, briefly interviewed the pa- remaining cases, the estimation of assignment
mild, moderate, severe, or death. Resource con- tient’s nurse, and conducted a chart audit of varied ⬍0.04 from either 0 or 1, indicating
sequences were any additional resources, such nursing and medical notes for the previous 24 clear cluster assignment. Fifty-one percent of
as procedures or treatments, that were utilized hrs. Because of feasibility issues, ICUs with ⬎20 the ICUs were assigned to cluster 1 (i.e., ICUs
as a direct consequence of the device removal or beds conducted daily chart audits on 25–50% of with more resources, geographical layout con-
displacement. Staff consequences included un- the charts to ascertain additional terminations. ducive to surveillance) and the remainder to
protected exposure to body fluids or blood, ex- A pilot study examining proportion of events cluster 0. Between-group comparisons were
posure to violence (e.g., hitting, kicking), and captured by each of the three methods (notifica- made using Wilcoxon’s rank-sum test and
sustaining physical harm. tion card, chart documentation, nurse inter- Kruskal-Wallis test.
Unit-level risk adjusted variables included view) revealed the notification card captured Poisson regression was conducted with the
the proportion of days accounted for by men, 97% of events. Presence of patient-initiated de- therapy disruption episode rate as the out-
by older adults (age ⱖ65), and by physically vice removal or displacement by any one of the come variable, and with cluster type, ICU type
restrained patients. Age and sex have been three methods was considered a positive identi- (surgical, nonsurgical), proportion of restraint
identified as potential risk factors for agitation fication. A patient could have removed more days, ventilator days, men, and elderly as the
or physical restraint in previous studies (1, 12, than one device per episode. Only two types of independent variables. Subgroup analyses
18, 19). To adjust for self-extubation risk, we devices, monitor leads and oxygen mask/nasal were conducted on ventilator self-extubation,
collected the number of ventilator days for each cannula, were counted as one episode per shift, as described above, for comparison with pre-
ICU. Physical restraint was defined as any device even if the patient removed these devices mul- vious studies.
attached to the patient to limit voluntary move- tiple times. This was done to minimize reporting To determine whether length of time of
ment and included wrist, chest, and waist re- burden. data collection influenced unit rates, we exam-
straints, mitts, elbow splints, and sheets. Bedside Unit-level data collected included the daily ined the monthly rates of those with 90 days of
rails were excluded. Units were classified into ICU census, number of men, number of pa- data collection (n ⫽ 31). Only three units
two categories based on cluster analysis of ⬎100 tients aged ⱖ65 yrs, number of patients me- demonstrated a pattern, each having a sus-
variables examining environmental factors (e.g., chanically ventilated, and number of patients tained decrease in therapy disruption rates
distances walked from bedside to supplies, com- in physical restraints. Chart audits were con- from month 1 to month 3. All three units had
puter support) and organizational factors (e.g., ducted on patients who removed or disrupted used their monthly rates as feedback for qual-
presence of intensivists, staffing ratios, use of devices to determine the patient characteris- ity improvement purposes. To determine
sedation and analgesic protocols). In brief, ICUs tics at the time of the episode, patient conse- whether the ICUs that collected data for ⬍90
in cluster 1 had greater opportunity for patient quences, and subsequent healthcare resources days (n ⫽ 18) had rates different from those
surveillance in terms of unit design, placement utilized. Completed data instruments were that conducted the full 3 months of data col-
of supplies, number of available interdisciplinary mailed to a central data collection office for lection, the first month’s rates were compared
personnel, arrangements for family visitation, data entry. between the two groups. There were no sig-
and technology for monitoring as compared Administratively mediated variables of staff- nificant differences. Given these findings, we
with ICUs in cluster 0. There were no differences ing levels, medical and nursing care models, used the entire data set in calculating the
in nurse staffing ratios between clusters; all ICUs environmental design and layout, resources and overall therapy disruption rate.
maintained a 1:1.5 to 1:2 nurse-to-patient ratio. supplies, and ICU practices of sedation and an-
Data Collection Procedures. Data collec- algesia were collected by one of the study co-
tion occurred from mid-2003 to early 2005. A investigators in conjunction with a designated RESULTS
total of 31 ICUs collected data for 90 days, and nurse administrator at each hospital site. A stan-
the remainder collected for ⬍90 days, for a dardized instrument and procedural manual ICU Profile
total of 49,482 observed patient-days. Length from previous studies by one of the co-investi-
of participation varied because of institutional gators were used (20). Interrater reliability The 49 ICUs ranged in size from eight
burden, accreditation preparation, and the checks demonstrated 98% agreement between to 42 beds, 26 (53%) were general adult
conduct of other research on the study units. this co-investigator and the other co-investiga-
ICUs that provided care to a mixed pop-
A standardized data collection instrument that tors.
was devised, tested, and implemented in an The study procedures were reviewed and ulation (medical, neurologic, surgical,
earlier study (15) was used by trained ICU approved by the institutional review boards at cardiac, and pulmonary), 12 (24%) were
nurses, who collected data daily at preset es- each participating site and at each of the in- medical ICUs, and 11 (22%) were surgical
tablished times (e.g., 1000 –1200). At each site, vestigators’ institutions; the need for written ICUs. The study hospitals ranged in size
a co-investigator conducted training using informed consent was waived. (⬍150 to ⬎1,000 beds), and 69% were

2716 Crit Care Med 2007 Vol. 35, No. 12

nonprofit, 18% were for-profit, and 13% Table 2. Patient therapy disruption episode for all devices and self-extubation ratesa by intensive care
were governmentally controlled (state, unit (ICU) type and cluster
county, city).
Mean ⫾ SD Range Median

Rates of Device Removal Therapy disruption episodes:

Episodes all devices
By type of ICU
General ICUs (n ⫽ 26) 24.6 ⫾ 22.6 0–102.1 18.7
There were 1,097 episodes of patients Medical ICUs (n ⫽ 12) 24.0 ⫾ 22.1 0–71.0 14.0
removing one or more therapeutic de- Surgical ICUs (n ⫽ 11) 14.9 ⫾ 13.7 0–43.3 13.3
vices, yielding an overall prevalence of Kruskal-Wallis Test: chi-square 2.61, df ⫽ 2, p ⫽ .27
22.1 therapy disruption episodes/1000 pa- By clusteringb of ICUs
tient-days (range, 0 –102.4) (Table 2). Cluster 0 (n ⫽ 23) 14.9 ⫾ 12.7 0–43.3 11.9
Cluster 1 (n ⫽ 24) 28.2 ⫾ 24.8 3.9–102.1 18.8
Surgical ICUs had an overall rate of 16.1, (2 ICUs with missing data) Wilcoxon’s rank-sum statistic 449.00, Z ⫽ ⫺2.18, p ⫽ .029
medical ICUs of 23.4, and general ICUs of Ventilator self-extubation
23.6. There were no significant differ- episodes
ences in rates of therapy disruption by By type of ICU
type of ICU. ICUs in the cluster with General ICUs (n ⫽ 26) 11.0 ⫾ 7.7 0–26.0 10.3
Medical ICUs (n ⫽ 12) 18.2 ⫾ 18.1 0.98–60.0 11.6
fewer resources had significantly lower Surgical ICUs (n ⫽ 11) 6.6 ⫾ 9.5 0–30.1 2.3
rates of therapy disruption (overall rate of Kruskal-Wallis Test: chi-square 5.78, df ⫽ 2, p ⫽ .056
16.6) as compared with ICUs in the clus- By clusteringb of ICUs
ter with more resources (overall rate of Cluster 0 (n ⫽ 23) 10.8 ⫾ 13.0 0–60.0 8.1
Cluster 1 (n ⫽ 24) 12.0 ⫾ 11.3 0–48.3 9.8
25.7) (p ⫽ .029). (2 ICUs with missing data) Wilcoxon’s rank-sum test statistic 524.0, Z ⫽ ⫺0.59, p ⫽ .56

Rates of Self-Extubation from

Prevalence rates calculated as (no. of episodes/total patient days) ⫻ 1000; bclustering done on
⬎100 variables (environmental, administrative, organizational). ICUs in cluster 1 had greater numbers
Ventilators of interdisciplinary personnel, more supplies and computer technological support, and greater sur-
veillance of patients based on unit design.
There were 181 patient-initiated self-
extubation episodes (endotracheal tudes or
tracheostomy tubes) during 18,308 ventila-
tor days, yielding an overall rate of 9.9 self-
Table 3. Frequency of removed devices with reinsertion rates (n ⫽ 1,097 episodes)a
extubations/1000 ventilator-days (Table 2).
Five units reported no self-extubation epi- Device Frequency (%)a Reinsertion Rate, %b
sodes. Rates ranged from 0 to 60.0 self-
extubations/1000 ventilator days. Self- Nasogastric tubes 317 (28.9) 65.3
extubation rates varied by type of ICU with Oxygen masks/nasal cannulac 258 (23.5) 85.7
highest rates found among medical ICUs Peripheral intravenous catheters 228 (20.8) 80.3
Monitor leadsc 217 (19.8) 88.9
(overall rate of 11.8), followed by general Endotracheal tubes 181 (16.5) 48.9
ICUs (overall rate of 10.4) and lowest rates Central venous catheters/pulmonary 78 (7.1) 43.6
among surgical ICUs (overall rate of 6.8) artery flotation catheters
(p ⫽ .056). No significant differences Indwelling bladder catheters 67 (6.1) 76.1
occurred by cluster assignment. Dressings 56 (5.1) 69.6
Arterial catheters 45 (4.1) 28.9
CPAP/BiPAP 33 (3.0) 72.7
Types and Frequency of Surgical drains 17 (1.5) 23.5
Percutaneous endoscopic 10 (0.9) 40
Devices gastrostomy tubes
External ventricular drains 6 (0.5) 33
There were 1,623 devices disrupted dur-
ing the 1,097 episodes. Table 3 displays the CPAP/BiPAP, continuous positive airway pressure/bilevel positive airway pressure.
frequency of disrupted devices in descend- a
More than one device could be removed during an episode; percentages do not add to 100;
ing order with their corresponding reinser- b
reinsertion rate ⫽ (number of reinsertions of a device/frequency of the device) ⫻ 100; cdevice removal
tion rates. The most frequently disrupted counted once per shift, even if patient removed numerous times during a shift.
devices were nasogastric tubes, oxygen
masks/nasal cannula, and peripheral intra-
venous catheters (each occurring in ⱖ20% (mean, 63.2 yrs). Men accounted for 625 anxiety at the time of the episode,
of the episodes). Reinsertion rates varied (57%) of the episodes. At the time of the whereas 27% were noted to be lethar-
from 23.5% for surgical drains to 88.9% for device removal, 494 patients (45%) gic. Within 24 hrs before the episode,
monitor leads. were in physical restraints, and 505 786 (70%) had received at least one of
(46%) of the episodes occurred during the following types of medication: nar-
Patient Characteristics the day shift. Nineteen (1.7%) of the cotic (n ⫽ 480), benzodiazepine (n ⫽
therapy disruptions occurred during a 380), other sedating agent (n ⫽ 208),
Patients with one or more device re- patient fall. More than half (58%) the neuroleptic (n ⫽ 152), or neuromuscu-
movals ranged in age from 11 to 98 yrs patients had documented agitation or lar blocking agent (n ⫽ 18).

Crit Care Med 2007 Vol. 35, No. 12 2717

Association of Unit-Level Consequences of Patient- 1000 patient-days, a rate greater than our
Risk-Adjusted Factors Initiated Device Removal highest ranking ICU. This may be a func-
tion of design differences; they followed 36
All Device Removal Episodes. A signif- Harm or injury as a direct result of the patients in one ICU for 1 month. Others
icant inverse relationship was found be- device removal episode occurred in 250 have observed similar differences between
tween units’ therapy disruption rates and (23%) of the episodes. Of these, 174 surgical ICU and medical ICU populations
proportion of ventilator days (rs ⫽ ⫺0.31, (69.6%) were minor (e.g., bruising at the in self-extubation rates (8, 13, 18, 21–23).
p ⫽ .03); no significant univariate corre- intravenous insertion site), 66 (26.4%) The extent to which variation is a function
lations were found with proportion of re- were moderate (e.g., required therapy but of patient type or processes (e.g., greater
straint days, days accounted for by men, harm not life threatening), and ten predictability in admissions and transfers to
or elderly patients. Poisson regression (4.0%) were major (i.e., requiring major surgical ICUs as compared with medical
was conducted with therapy disruption medical therapy or surgical therapy). The ICUs) remains to be determined (24).
rate as the outcome variable and ICU type ten cases with major harm were re- Patient characteristics of agitation,
(surgical, 0; medical/general, 1), ICU viewed. All involved either an endotra- disorientation, or presence of physical re-
cluster (fewer resources, 0; more re- cheal tube extubation (n ⫽ 6) or a central straint at the time of the device removal
sources, 1), proportion of physical re- catheter discontinuation (n ⫽ 5). All re- have been associated with higher rates of
quired reinsertion of the devices; two pa- self-extubation (5, 6, 9, 12, 18, 19). In
straint days, ventilator days, and days ac-
tients required surgical procedures and 30% of the episodes in this study, patients
counted for by men and elderly patients
one required blood transfusions. had not received any sedation or analgesia
as the predictor variables. After control-
Staff consequences occurred in 110 of in the preceding 24 hrs. Several studies and
ling for the effects of multiple variables, the episodes (10%). The most common reviews have demonstrated the wide varia-
only cluster assignment remained signif- consequence was unprotected exposure tion in ICU practices of sedation and anal-
icant. Among ICUs with fewer resources to blood or bodily fluids (n ⫽ 74), fol- gesia (25–29). Agitation or lethargy can be
(cluster 0), therapy disruption rates de- lowed by exposure to violence (hit, a reflection of the patient’s illness but also
creased relative to ICUs with more re- kicked; n ⫽ 30), physical injury (n ⫽ 15), of inadequate or inappropriate dosing of
sources (cluster 1) (estimate of ⫺0.28, SE and other (n ⫽ 11). sedative and analgesic drugs (19, 30 –32).
0.07, chi-square ⫽ 15.31, p ⬍ .0001, rel- Additional treatments or procedures This large-scale, observational preva-
ative risk ⫽ 0.76 with 95% confidence (other than reinsertion) as a direct con- lence study prohibited the collection of data
interval: 0.66 – 0.87). To test the assump- sequence of the device removal occurred at the individual patient level; however, sev-
tion that ICU resources may have influ- in 58% of the episodes. They were: new or eral patient risk factors were adjusted at the
enced nurses’ reporting or documenta- additional physical restraint (n ⫽ 320), aggregate unit level. No correlation existed
tion of episodes, we ran the same Poisson new or additional sedation (n ⫽ 219), between unit-level physical restraint rates
model but excluded any episode that radiography (n ⫽ 140), increased moni- and rates of all types of device removal or of
solely involved removal of telemetry leads toring/surveillance (n ⫽ 84), surgical self-extubation, a finding similar to some
or removal of oxygen mask or nasal can- procedure (n ⫽ 38), new or additional studies (13, 15) but not others (7, 10, 33).
nula. In this latter model, cluster assign- dressings such as compression (n ⫽ 69), Preponderance of young or old patients or
ment was nonsignificant. consultation with specialty service (n ⫽ of men also does not have an association
Self-Extubation Rates. No significant 42), or other (n ⫽ 133). with overall device removal or self-extuba-
univariate associations were found be- tion.
tween ICU self-extubation rates and unit- DISCUSSION The methodologic approach we used
level adjusted variables of proportion of to measure unit-level resources (includ-
physical restraints, ventilator days, days Prevention of patient-initiated removal ing nurse staffing levels) yielded no de-
accounted for by men, or by elderly pa- of therapeutic devices is a major ICU pa- finitive data on whether these resources
tients. A Poisson regression model dem- tient safety initiative. The main findings of affected therapy disruption rates. In a
onstrated that after controlling for the this multisite, national prevalence study multivariate analysis, we found that ICUs
multiple variables, only cluster assign- were: 1) patient-initiated device removal with greater resources had lower self-
and self-extubation events are not uncom- extubation rates but higher overall ther-
ment and type of ICU remained signifi-
mon but vary considerably among ICUs and apy disruption when all minor and major
cant independent factors associated with
by types of ICUs; 2) the types of ICUs (e.g., devices were included. Even when remov-
rates of self-extubation. ICUs with fewer
surgical vs. medical) and the degree of ICU ing minor devices, such as telemetry
resources (cluster 0) had a self-extuba- resources are associated with therapy dis- leads, results did not match those of self-
tion rate that increased relative to ICUs ruption and self-extubation rates; 3) device extubation only. These mixed results mir-
with greater resources (cluster 1) (esti- disruption frequency is likely a result of ror what has been occurring in studies
mate of 0.24, SE 0.09, chi-square ⫽ 7.08, frequency of use, but reinsertion rates by examining the influence of nursing re-
p ⫽ .008, relative risk ⫽ 1.27 with 95% devices vary considerably; and 4) patient- sources and staffing on patient outcomes.
confidence interval: 1.07–1.52). Surgical initiated removal of devices results in some That is, nursing staff levels and resources
ICUs had self-extubation rates that de- degree of harm in approximately one out of sometimes explain outcomes and some-
creased relative to nonsurgical ICUs (es- four episodes, with most minor in nature. times do not (34). Indeed, the effect of
timate of ⫺0.60, SE 0.14, chi-square ⫽ Our rates are similar to a study involv- nurse staffing levels on self-extubation
17.18, p ⬍ .0001, relative risk ⫽ 0.55 ing six ICUs at two hospitals, (15) as well rates has been inconclusive (9, 12, 35,
with 95% confidence interval: 0.42– as the study by Carrion et al (10). Fraser et 36). Introducing new study designs and
0.73). al. (6) reported a rate of 125.6 episodes/ further development of effective perfor-

2718 Crit Care Med 2007 Vol. 35, No. 12

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