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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region X- Northern Mindanao
Division of Cagayan de oro city

Child Protection
SY 2022-2023


Seminar for Students on  The purpose of this report is to provide an overview November 22, 2023  Program Implemented
different forms of Abuse of the seminar conducted on addressing students at  Narrative report
In terms of Child Protection risk of abuse. The seminar aimed to raise awareness, with
-Violence Against Women educate participants, and provide strategies to documentation
and Children identify, prevent, and respond to abuse cases
-Child Trafficking involving students. The event was held on
-Cyber Crime November 22, 2023 at Roof Deck of East Gusa
-Drug Addiction National High School, Cagayan de Oro City and
targeted Grades 10, 11 and 12 students, including
teachers, school administrators, counselors, parents,
and relevant stakeholders.
 The main objective of the seminar was to equip
participants with knowledge, skills, and resources to
identify signs of abuse, implement preventive
measures, and take appropriate action when
students are at risk.
 The seminar aimed to foster a supportive
environment that encourages the students in open
communication and collaboration in dealing with
these sensitive issues.
Training on Peer Education  Identify potential peer educators: Look for March 11 and 18, 2023  Program Implemented
Seminar individuals who are knowledgeable about sexual Saturdays  Narrative report
health, have good communication skills, and with
demonstrate a willingness to help others. They documentation
should also be comfortable discussing sensitive
topics and have a non-judgmental attitude.

 Recruit and train peer educators: Develop a

recruitment process to attract interested individuals.
Offer training programs or workshops that cover
various aspects of sex education, including anatomy,
contraceptives, sexually transmitted infections
(STIs), consent, healthy relationships, and
communication skills. Training should also address
cultural sensitivity, inclusivity, and confidentiality.

 Provide accurate and up-to-date information:

Ensure that peer educators have access to reliable
and evidence-based resources on sexual health. This
can include reputable websites, books, and
educational materials. Encourage them to stay
informed about current research and developments
in the field.

 Foster a supportive environment: Create a safe and

supportive environment where peer educators can
openly discuss their experiences, ask questions, and
seek guidance. Encourage open dialogue and
provide opportunities for ongoing learning and
professional development.

 Develop teaching materials: Collaborate with peer

educators to create engaging and age-appropriate
teaching materials such as presentations, handouts,
interactive activities, and multimedia resources.
Tailor the content to the specific needs and interests
of the target audience.

 Plan outreach activities: Organize workshops,

presentations, or discussion groups where peer
educators can deliver sex education to their peers.
Consider partnering with schools, youth
organizations, or community centers to reach a
larger audience. Offer opportunities for anonymous
questions and follow-up support.

 Evaluate and improve: Regularly assess the impact

of the peer education program by gathering
feedback from both the peer educators and the
participants. Use this feedback to refine your
approach, address any challenges, and continuously
improve the program.
Updates and  It is common for organizations and government From August 2022 to  Narrative report Implemented
Announcements through agencies to use social media platforms like Facebook July 2023 with
Social Media specifically to disseminate information about drug education documentation
Facebook programs. Facebook provides a popular and
accessible platform to reach a wide audience and
raise awareness about drug-related issues.
 Through Facebook, the National Drug Education
Program can share educational content, news
updates, resources, and other relevant information
to inform the public about the dangers of drug abuse
and promote prevention and treatment measures.
They can create official pages or groups dedicated to
drug education, where they can post articles, videos,
infographics, and engage with the community
through comments and discussions.
 Facebook also offers features like live streaming,
events, and targeted advertising, which can be
utilized to conduct awareness campaigns, webinars,
workshops, and other interactive activities to further
educate the public about drugs and their
 By leveraging the reach and engagement potential of
Facebook, the National Drug Education Program
can effectively disseminate information, engage with
the public, address concerns, and foster a supportive
community focused on drug education and


Child Protection Coordinator Secondary School Principal I East-I Public Schools District Supervisor

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