Possible Outcomes

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Possible Outcomes for “Pandemic Graduates”:

We can all say that the pandemic had a really big impact on everyone’s lives, be it at jobs or at
home, even going to buy groceries have changed, but the question on everyone’s mind is “what are the
possible outcomes for students that graduated during the pandemic?”. There are numerous possibilities
regarding “Pandemic Graduates”, but one thing is certain, finding jobs and working will be a struggle,
even more so now, with multiple things changing as well as systems being changed and new ones being
introduced, students will face bigger struggle, with having less time to discuss and learn, especially not
having enough experiences compared to before the pandemic started. It changed the way we learn, and
the way we communicate, now is a new beginning for the so called “Pandemic Graduates” to venture out
into new horizon, carrying the lessons learned, as well as all possible experience gathered. One possible
outcome is that, the students will be more stressed after graduating, trying to find jobs, and actually
working, due to the fact that learning during the pandemic is much more restricted, with limited
interaction and limited experiences, as well as limited resources. It is also possible for students to thrive,
having to actually interact and do everything regarding their field rather than just being confined to
listening or reading about them. Students can create their own possibilities, through hard work and
perseverance, after graduating during the pandemic, students will have experienced struggle, having
project stacked on top of each other, and chasing deadlines, all of those will help with coping up in new
environments. Pressure from working with little to no prior experience will push the students or break the
students, it is going to be the student’s ability to adapt to the new environment that will help shape their
future. New graduates will have to undergo basic training in order to gather enough experience to work in
their respected fields, that may be through academic or through internships. This school year, some
students were only able to undergo online OJT due to the ongoing pandemic and as such, lack the
necessary experience, thus making the part of looking for a job much more difficult in comparison to
former graduates that passed before the start of the pandemic, as well as doing the actual job becoming
more challenging for the new graduates or “Pandemic Graduates”. A lot can be said about the many
possible outcomes for the “Pandemic Graduates”, some possibilities might have a negative effect, or
some might have positive effect, but it is going to be the students that will ultimately decide their future,
after being presented with limited resources as well as limited discussion time, they have also been
presented with pressure, and that pressure will help overcome any form of hindrances or struggle in the
near possible future. Currently the world is still facing the ongoing pandemic, with things changing and
systems being renewed, but we as students, we the so called “Pandemic Graduates” will turn this calamity
into an opportunity, to show the world that even with limited resources, even when presented with the
pressure of stacked projects and upcoming deadlines, we will still survive and prevail.

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