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Діагностична робота

з англійської мови за І семестр 5 класу

І. Початковий рівень (3 бали)
1. Listen to Paul and Rose and answer the questions:

1. Where is Paul inviting Rose?

a. to the cinema
b. to his birthday party
c. to his friends’ party

2. What date is the party on?

а. 18-th November
b. 19-th November
c. 9-th November

3. What day of the week is the party on?

a. Wednesday
b. Friday
c. Saturday

4. The party is from…until ….

а. 5.30 - 8.30
b. 5.00 – 9.30
c. 5.30 – 9.30

5. Where does Paul live?

а. 18 Stand Avenue
b. 18 Brook Road
c. 19 Brook Road

6. What is Paul's phone number?

a. 1639234
b. 1629234
c. 1619234
ІІ. Середній рівень (3 бали)
2. Read the text and do the task:
True or false (T/F)
1. Manolis is from Greece.
2. His mum isn’t Greek.
3. He’s got three sisters.
4. They don’t live in a big house.
5. His sisters can’t play music
6. Manolis likes playing computer games with his friends.
ІІІ. Достатній рівень (3 бали)
3. Complete the sentences. (1б.)
1. You’ve got guitar practice ____ Mondays.
2. My birthday is _____ 2nd February.
3 I go to the park _____ six o’clock until eight o’clock.
4. See you_____ the swimming pool on Saturday!

4. Choose the correct options. (1 б.)

1.We are good at getting / get / gets up early in the morning.
2. He doesn’t like plays / playing / play football.
3. Butter isn’t very good for / at / with you.
4. We eat vegetables. They are good for them / us / him.

5. Open the brakes using correct form. (1 б.)

1. He ____ (not to go) to school on Saturdays.
2. We ____ (to paint) pictures at school every day?
3. We _____( to clean) the house now.
4. Our dad is at home too. He _____ (not read) his book.
IV. Високий рівень (3 бали)
6. Write and tell about your family and your school life. (Обсяг 6-8 речень).

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