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09/28/2022 - 09/28/2022
Mrs. Shaden

Wednesday 09/28/2022

Year 7
Recount and descriptive Writing (slowing down time to achieve the descriptive effect)
• Write a proper, well-structured introduction for a descriptive writing piece
• Use figurative language in writing to help create an image in the reader's head
• Use an amount of complex and compound sentences to slow down time.
• Students are to edit previous writing pieces by peer editing
• Teacher will write a paragraph on the board and will ask students to edit its punctuation
• A student's writing will be displayed on the smartboard to be edited and analyzed
• Teacher will point out common mistakes on the board
Main Activity
• Students are shown two 5 min videos related to how to slow down time in their writing and how to use figurative
language in their writing.
• Teacher will discuss with students what they have just watched and how they would apply this to their writing
• Phrases will be given on the board for students to copy. These phrases are related to the emotion 'fear' and how
would someone be portrayed as afraid in a writing piece
• Students are to use some of these phrases in their writing.
• Students are to write ONLY the introduction to their descriptive writing piece
• Teacher will go around and edit students while they are writing.
• Teacher will recap what the students have to do. The rest will NOT be given as homework and will be done in class
the next day.
Two Ted-Ed videos and pieces of paper.
Homework/ Reflection
• Students are to plan what will happen next in their story but are not allowed to write it at home.
8Wt2 Use a range of cohesive devices with audience and purpose in mind.
8Wp2 Demonstrate controlled use of a variety of simple and complex sentences to achieve purpose and contribute to
overall effect.
8Wp1 Draw on their knowledge of a variety of sentence lengths and a wide variety of sentence structures, including
complex sentences, and apply it to their own writing to make their ideas and intentions clear and create a range of
8Wp3 Confidently use a range of sentence features to clarify or emphasise meaning, e.g. complex nouns or
prepositional phrases.
8Wp4 Use accurate punctuation including commas, parenthetical commas, colons, semi-colons, dashes and brackets.
8Ws1 Spell most words correctly, including some complex polysyllabic words and unfamiliar words.
7Wt1 Shape the overall organisation, sequence and presentation of a text to convey ideas clearly and effectively.
7Wp1 Provide clarity and emphasis in writing, using a variety of sentence lengths, structures and subjects.
7Wp2 Provide appropriate detail and clarify relationships between setting, characters, themes, plot, etc. by using a
range of features, e.g. varying sentence length and structure.
7Wp6 Clarify relationships between ideas with an accurate and increased use of connectives.

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