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SPM 2017


Decreases / berkurang

Absolute zero / sifar mutlak

stationary / tidak bergerak

Bernoulli’s principle /
prinsip Bernoulli

1500 – 500 = 1000 Pa

F = PA = (1000)(0.25)
Prevent lift / stay on ground/ stabil /
elak terangkat ke atas
AND get

100 X 6 = 0.176
Elektron berhalaju tinggi/
High speed electron Sinar kosmik/ cosmic ray
berkurang/ decrease 238 = 206 + 4x
92 = 82 + 2x - y
Zarah beta tidak boleh menembusi 92 = 82 + 16 – y
aluminium/ beta particles cannot y=6
penetrate aluminium foil
Refraction / pembiasan

5.1 > 5.2

5.1 < 5.2

5.1 < 5.2

Inversely proportional/ berkadar songsang

Directly proportional
Berkadar terus
Size decreases, brightness decreases
Saiz berkurang, kecerahan berkurang
Same / sama

Number of water droplets in 6.2 is higher

Bilangan titisan air 6.2 lebih tinggi
6.2 > 6.1
Frequency 6.2 is bigger/ 6.2 > 6.1
Frekuensi 6.2 lebih besar /

Wavelength 6.2 is lower / 6.2 < 6.1

Panjang gelombang 6.2 lebih kecil

Inversely proportional
Berkadar songsang
Decreases / berkurang

Speed of water waves decreased.

Laju gelombang air berkurang.
Gravitational potential energy
Tenaga keupayaan graviti

E = mgh = 50 x 10 x 0.4 =
= 200 J
Larger pressure / Tekanan besar

Larger force / shorter collision time

Daya besar / masa perlanggaran pendek

High elasticity / kekenyalan tinggi

Larger elastic potential energy / Tenaga keupayaan kenyal tinggi

Greater impulse / greater energy √
Impuls tinggi / tenaga besar

Smaller impulsive force, longer time

Daya impuls kecil / masa panjang
Low resistance / thick / high melting point
Rintangan rendah / tebal / takat lebur
M1: 10 x 106 // 10
132 x 103 32
M2: 75.76

M1: P = I2R = (75.76)2 x 600

// (75.75 )2 x 600
M2: = 3.44 x 106 W
Soft iron / besi lembut

Easy to magnetised and demagnetised/

mudah dimagnet dan dinyahmagnetkan
Shape X / bentuk X

The secondary coil and primary coil can be

wound on top of each other / reduce
leakage of magnetic flux /
Gegelung sekunder dililit rapat dengan
gegelung primer // Gegelung sekunder dan
gegelung primer dililitkan di atas satu
sama lain / mengurangkan kebocoran fluks

Output voltage is 12 V / decrease output voltage

// voltan output 12 V /
menurunkan voltan output /

Energy / tenaga
√1 mass P < mass P // mP kurang // mP lebih
√2 rise in temperature P > Q (vice versa)
// kenaikan suhu P > Q (sebaliknya)
// temperature P more // suhu P lebih
// ϴP > ϴQ // ϴQ < ϴP
√3 heat same // haba sama
Big mass, small temperature //
inversely proportional
tambah jisim, kurang suhu //
berkadar songsang

Specific heat capacity

muatan haba tentu
√1 Ice melt // solid to liquid // fusion // ais lebur // pepejal ke cecair

√2 heat absorbed // haba diserap // heat flow to ice // ais serap haba
// haba dipindah/dibebas dari air // haba dipindah ke ais

√3 kinetic energy decreases // tenaga kinetik kurang

√4 temperature / ϴ decrease // suhu kurang

Material for cup: polystyrene, heat Reduce heat conduction // reduce heat
insulator flow // reduce heat loss // trap heat //
Bahan cawan: polistrin, penebat high specific heat capacity
haba // kurang konduksi haba // haba
terperangkap// penebat haba //
muatan haba tentu tinggi
√3 High melting point √4 Reason:
Takat lebur tinggi difficult to melt
susah / payah lebur
√5 High specific heat capacity √6 Reason:
// muatan haba tentu tinggi Hot slow //lambat panas

√7 The colour of cup: √8 Reason:

White // putih // berkilat // Reflector // pemantul
shiny // silver // perak
√10 Reason:
√9 Material of lid: Prevent heat loss // reduce heat flow
Plastic lid // poor heat // avoid leaking of heat // trapped heat
conductor lid / air-tight lid // cegah haba hilang // kurang alir haba
penutup plastic // penutup //udara panas terperangkap
seramik / kaca / kayu / kadbod /
polisterine // penutup kedap
√11 method
Cover / wrapped with cloth / tisu √12 Reason:
// tutup / lilit / selubung dengan kain Prevent heat loss // trapped heat //
/ tisu / felt / gabus / sebarang cegah hilang haba //
pembalut // cawan berlapis // haba terperangkap
dinding berlapis
// cawan dalam cawan
// dinding beruang vakum
Voltage // voltan
Current arus
Bacaan 10.1 rendah // reading 10.1 low
Number of metal rods 10.1 low
Bilangan rod logam 10.1 sedikit
1/R = ½ + ½ + ½ // R = 0.67
1/R = ½ + ½ // R = 1
Rintangan berkesan 10.2 lebih kecil
Rintangan berkesan berkadar songsang
dengan bilangan rod logam
Strong electric field
Medan magnet lebih besar
√1 material of heating element: √2 Reason:
Nichrome //Tungsten //Wolfram High resistance //high melting point
//more heat //low specific heat
capacity // rintangan tinggi //takat
lebur tinggi //cepat panas // muatan
haba tentu rendah
Reason: Not heat easily //high
√3 Type of material of the handle specific heat capacity //difficult to heat
High specific heat capacity // plastic //difficult to hot //heat insulator
//penebat haba //poor heat //poor heat conductor //tidak mudah
conductor //heat insulator panas //muatan haba tentu Tinggi
//susah panas //lambat panas
//penebat haba
√5 Thermostat // thermostat √6 Reason:
Control temperature // prevent
overheat //kawal suhu // elak lampau
√7 The connection √8 Reason:
Earthed wire // wire to earth // Excessive current to earth //avoid
earthing //wayar bumi //wayar ke electric shock //avoid short circuit
bumi //pembumian //earthed // arus berlebihan ke bumi //elak litar
//dibumikan pintas //elak renjatan elektrik //elak
kejutan elektrik
√10 reason:
√9 The safety method
//putuskan litar bila arus berlebihan
Fuse // circuit breaker // pemutus litar
//cut down/off the current once the
current overload
avoid excessive current //avoid from
overload //protect from damage
//melindungi dari arus berlebihan
/beban lampau //melindungi dari
rosak //arus berlebihan tidak mengalir
//tiada arus berlebihan //arus
mengalir 4.17 A //I = 1000/240
//prevent big/huge/enormous
√11 Heating element: √12 Reason:
Thin //nipis //small diameter High resistance // more heat
//small cross sectional area // rintangan tinggi //lebih haba

√13 Heating element: √14 Reason:

Coil // long //gegelung //panjang High resistance // more heat
Pressure = Force
//force per area//Daya per luas
√1 Distance increase //large distance
//jarak tambah //jarak lebih/besar
√2 density large
√3 Pressure directly proportional to density //high pressure
//P = ρgh
b)(i) √1 15/2.84 x 10-4 (b)(ii) √1 5.28 x 104 x 1.13 x 10-3
√2 5.28 x 104 Pa // 52816.9 Pa //5.28169 x 1.13 x 10-3
√2 59.68 N
√1 the cross sectional area of master √2 To produce high pressure //high
piston: Small // kecil pressure//Tekanan tinggi //daya kecil
√3 the cross sectional area of slave √4 Large output force //Daya output
piston: Big // besar besar

√5 material for fluid transmission √6 strong //not rust //tidak karat // tidak
pipe: steel / keluli bocor //tidak patah //withstand high
pressure //tahan tekanan tinggi
√7 High boiling point √8 does not vaporise //tidak meruap
//takat didih tinggi //tidak kering //not dry //prevent
√9 Q boiling
√10 small cross sectional area of master piston, big cross sectional area of slave
piston, steel, high boiling point.
Npn transistor
Transistor npn
√ 2 detect light //mengesan cahaya
√1 LDR //PPC //light sensor
//pengesan cahaya //R rendah
√ 4 V lebih besar //transistor
√ position detector: TU

TU //bawah //base circuit //litar tapak activated // IB (flows) // (larger)

√5 The connection of the terminal of the collector current, IC //transistor
cells:Positif to V //positif ke V diaktifkan // arus tapak, IB //Arus
/collector/pengumpul /C / Base/Tapak/B pengumpul, IC // VB high // VTU high //
√ 6 current flows from collector to
/S /T / Rajah.
√7 position of the bulb: emitter // forward biased
VW //atas transistor //at the collector // arus boleh mengalir dari
√9 J pengumpul ke pengeluar
√10 √1√3√5√7 @ √2√4√6√8 //pincang hadapan
√8 lights up //IC //switch on //hidup
//ON //pasang //menyala
√1 Base current / IB //arus tapak
S1 S2 μA mA
√2 large collector current //arus
pengumpul besar //IC big // IC
OFF ON √ x √2
√1 1
√2 1 x 10-3 // 1 x 10-3 √1
10 x 10-6 10-5 √2
√3 100

√ 1 IE = I C + I B
IE = (1 x 10-3) + (10 x 10-6) // 10 + 1 // 1 + 10

√2 1.01 mA // 1010 μA // 1.01 x 10-3

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