Uts (Karl)

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Name: Karl Lennard A.

Cortez Score: ____________

BEED – 1 Understanding The Self


1. How would you characterize yourself?

√ I am the kind of person who helps other and not asking for help. That is my good flaws and
my bad flaws is if the other person is rude, betray or stab my back, I will give them what they
deserve no matter what or who they are.
2. What makes you stand out from the rest? What makes yourself special?
√ My opinion is that I am good at electronic Gadgets or Devices. Like fixing or repairing,
programming or anything else that related to our Gadgets or Devices. And giving some advice
that help them to stand on their feet again.
3. How has yourself transformed itself?
√ By taking what I learned, experienced or read from the past. Since then this is now who I am.

4. How is yourself connected to your body?

√ By not letting other people affect me No matter what they say to me. Loving myself the way
that other people did not. Cause this is me not them to judge me no matter what.
5. How is yourself related to other self?
√ By helping my friends to tell them the right thing to become what they are now.

6. What will happen to yourself after you die?

√ My physical body will decay, and my soul? I will let him decide what I will do next.

Where you able to answer the questions above with ease? Why? Which Questions did
you find easiest to answer? Which one are Difficult? Why?
√ I may or may not answer them with ease. Ever since I am answering the questions, I feel
uncomfortable with the way I am. I found to answer number 2 & 5 with ease, 3 & 4 are quite
difficult to me. Since I am at Elementary School, I have a trauma that my other classmates
always bullying me and that is somewhat affect me by not talking loud or unnecessary.
Application and Assessment

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