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Group process or dynamics activities must consider the types of groups and choose activities that will
address their needs and fits to their level , example
1. command groups, it consist of supervisors and his/her subordinates as a facilitator you will prepare
activity that you think it is right for them..
2. task group it is a group of selected individual to accomplish such task regardless of their status in life
3. functional group these are group of individuals, in a company or an enterprise
2. The group counselor as:
A. Group counselor as a person must not be carried out with the emotion of the clients . He/she must
cold hearted and neutral as well.
B. Group counselor as a facilitator must be well prepared to be an effective one, must know his/her
audience to provide/prepare activities suits to them.
C. Group counselor as professional , he/she must be professional by separating his/her personal life to
his /her work. Also, should not accept bribe from clients.

3. Effective leaders have the ability to communicate well, motivate their team, handle and delegate
responsibilities, listen to feedback and have the flexibility to solve problems in an ever changing
4. Types of group work are collaborative learn, cooperative learning, problem- based learning and team-
based learning.
5. PARS model
 Reflecting activity
1. What did you do in the activity?
 Reflecting relationship
2. How did you accomplish the activity as a group?
 Reflecting Self
3. What role did you play in the activity?
 Understanding activity
1. What are the objectives of the activity?
 Understanding relationship
2. What are your strength and weakness as a group in the activity?
 Understanding self
3. What role you wish to play on next activity?
 Apply-activity
1. When in your everyday lives can you think of a time when you would need to rely on others to
help you?
 Applying-relationship
2. What did our group do well in dealing with each other that could benefit the individual members
of our group back in school?
 Applying-self
3. What have you learned about yourself from this activity that you perhaps did not know before?

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