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4324 Old Sta. Mesa, Manila
Tel. No. 8713-2856



S.Y. 2020-2021

Teacher: ___Mrs. Rebecca H. Dumlao Time Frame: August 24 – September 4

Grade : ______8 Regular Science________ Module 1-2: 1st Quarter – A.Y. 2020-2021

Transfer Goal: At the end of the unit the learners will be able to independently use their learning to propose
ways on how to remove or lessen pollutants in the community and help alleviate pollution problems in the

Content Standard: Performance Standards:

At the end of the lesson, the learner demonstrates The learners should be able to design multimedia,
understanding of the properties of matter and its various demonstrations or models, a representation of the
forms. following;
A. Atomic Structure
Enduring Understanding: B. Gas Behavior
Learners will understand that… C. Mass relationships
1. Each sample of matter has its characteristics D. Reactions

2. Recognizing the common substances allows us Formation Standard:

to better understand their appropriate uses based As a good Critical Thinker, who’ll act with a
on their properties. sense of awareness on the proper use of substances
that will make use of the core value of justice; a
3. Consumer products contain different Steward of God’s Creation imbibing the core
components that influence their properties and value of service and humility in promoting the
use. proper use and conservation of resources; and a
Competent Achiever that will support the role of
4. Separation techniques aim to collect pure science in producing useful products
substances from various mixtures. Components
of mixtures are separated so we can see the
substances for other purposes.

5. The discovery of the atomic structure leads to

understanding the properties and capabilities of
matter and prompts technological advancements
that enhance the quality of life.

6. Chemical combinations of elements give rise to

the variety of compounds that impact life.

Essential Questions:
Learners will keep considering …
1. How can you say that one substance is different
from another?
2. Why is there a need to know the formulas of
common chemical substances?

3. How do you choose which consumer products to


4. Why is there a need to separate components of

substances and knowing which simple
separation techniques suits it?

5. How does the discovery of atomic structure

impact life?

6. How are the combinations of elements


Module No. Lessons Covered Learning Competencies: Number of Days
1 Matter and its properties A.1 Use properties of matter to identify 2 Day
substances and to separate them.
A.2Generalize the different properties of
A.3 Experimenting on various simple
separation techniques such as distillation,

2 Pure Substance and A.4 Recognize the formulas of common 2 Day

Mixtures in consumer chemical substances
products. A.5 Compare consumer products on the
basis of their components for use, safety,
quality and cost.
A.6 Evaluate as to whether or not a
substance can be beneficial or harmful.

3. Atomic View of Matter A.7 Recognize common isotopes and their 3 days
A.8 Analyze how compounds are represented
using chemical formulas, structural formulas
and models.
A.9Create a portfolio on how to name
compounds given their formulas and write
formula from the percent composition of the


Water Filtration Project: Make Your Own Water Filters

Name_______________ Inclusive Dates: ____________

Grade & Section: ________________ Teacher:__________________

A. Learning Competency B. Learning Targets: After completing this module:

At the end of the unit the learners will be able to 1. I can design methods to filter water using ordinary
independently use their learning to propose ways on materials, while also considering their designs' material
how to remove or lessen pollutants in the and cost efficiencies.
community and help alleviate pollution problems in
the community. 2. I can explain the importance of water and its role in
our everyday lives and come to understand what must
occur each day so that everyone can have clean water.

C. Learning Materials/ Resources

© 2013 by Regents of the University of Colorado; original © 2004 Worcester Polytechnic Institute
D. Learning Concepts/Developments

Praise be Jesus, Mary, and Joseph in you
SHJCSian. Hello, You are now on the last part
of our module. You are now to apply the skills
that you have mastered to develop appreciation
of Chemistry.

Engaging Scenario

One of our most valuable and often overlooked resources is water. We can survive for a few weeks without
food, but only a few days without water. Having clean water to drink is a luxury. The water that eventually
comes out of our faucets sometimes does not start off being safe to drink. In most cases, it has gone through a
water treatment plant designed by engineers prior to reaching our faucets.

You have been hired by SHJCS Water Supply Company. With the ongoing drought and pandemic, not enough
water is available for all the things we need to supply – people, animals and plants. They provide sample of the
dirty water they have remaining, and label them the tubes "A," "B" and "C."
A is nearly ready for human use, B is nearly ready for animal use, and C is nearly ready to feed the plants.

Safety Condition: You must not taste anything in the lab, especially the water sample.

Performance Activity

Students are asked to design methods to filter water using ordinary materials, while also considering their
designs' material and cost efficiencies. They learn about the importance of water and its role in our everyday
lives. They come to understand what must occur each day so that they can have clean water.

Materials List (suggestions only)

1 liter of water prepared in advance for sample with soil and sand in it until it is thin but relatively opaque or
water used in washing the clothes, dishes that will be used in filtering.

3 containers prepared with the water standards "A," "B" and "C" (C is filtered through some grass, B is filtered
through a coffee filter, and A is filtered through 2 coffee filters with a paper towel in the middle)
cotton balls
gauze squares
tissue/ paper towels
coffee filters
gravel (aquarium gravel works great)

1. With the water sample that you have, be able to filter it using any materials available.
2. You need to use 3 materials to be used as the best filtering device or it can be a combination of
3. Document the way on how you do the filtering, and arrive at the best materials to use .
4. Compare your filtered water to the standard solution of water.
5. Answer the reflection part.

1) What is the goal of the design challenge?

2) What are the limits (constraints) that you need to consider when designing your water filter?
3). If you were given more time to complete your creative representation of the filtration system, would it have
been better or just the same? Why? Explain your answer?


4).From a scale of 1-5, with 5 as the highest and 1 the lowest, how would you rate your yourself in doing the
task? Why?


PETA Rubric
4324 Old Sta. Mesa, Manila

PETA-Filtration System-General Chemistry 1-Midterm

School Year 2019-2020

Criteria Does not meet (1) Meets (2) Exceeds (3)

No specifications or has less Contains some All specifications and/or

than three stages for specifications and/or required stages are
filtration set up provided. required stages are met provided and has additional
stage for filtering the
Does not include all Includes some necessary
Includes all necessary
DESIGN necessary components. components.
Not accurate, original or Accurate, however not
Accurate, original, and
organized. original or organized.
Has poor aesthetic appeal. Has some aesthetic appeal.
Has aesthetic appeal.

Durability Does not work without Needs small modifications Built to last; no adjustments
extensive adjustments after when moved. needed.

Test Run All three trials are Successful test run with Successful test run without
unsuccessful. modifications. modifications.

Written iinformation is All written information is All written information is

inaccurate. Major errors in partly accurate. Noticeable accurate. No errors in
illustration or explanation. errors in illustration or illustration or explanation.
Written information is explanation. Written Written information is
incomplete.(2) information is mostly complete.(6)

Project wasn’t finished. Project was almost done Project completed and
Students never on task but students occasionally turned in on time. Students
when given time to on task when given time to always on task when given
complete project in class. complete project.(4) time to complete the
(2) project.

Total: ______/30

Parent/Guardian’s Guide:
Dear Parent/Guardian:
We acknowledge your great role to influence the learning of our student, henceforth may we request that you
continually help them in their learning through:
 Encourage an independent and self-paced learning.
 Please monitor the study habits of your son/daughter, remind them if necessary.
 Monitor their progress in the learning this module.
 Monitor their visits on different online sites.
 This lesson may contain learning that may need your personal experiences, please provide our
students with the necessary guidance.
 Should you have concerns or queries, please communicate with the us.
May this module not only promote learning experience for our students but also a family bonding to you.
Thank You.
Now that you are finished with this module please describe your learning experience for this week by
shading the circle that corresponds to your chosen emoji.
I have some
I have
I needI havefully
understood in the
help understood
in that
most ofand
understan theI
am to be
ding the totothe
presented in
next module.
the module.

Congratulations SHJCSians for completing the module 2, I’m sure

that you have already mastered the required competencies. Now you
can proceed to the next module. And remember…
Jesus meek and humble of heart, make our hearts like unto Thine.

Teachers E-mail address: Please Submit on or Before: _______________

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