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MR Imaging System

Description of Operations (V5.1H - )


Special Notes to Operators and Maintenance Managers

★ Before using this system, be sure to thoroughly read this manual and make
yourself familiar with this system.
★ After reading this manual, keep it in a location near the system for easy

Tokyo, Japan


Copyright © Hitachi Medical Corporation. 2007, 2008. All rights reserved.

This manual is intended to describe how to operate the Hitachi MR Imaging System, AIRIS-II.
For safe and correct use of the equipment, it describes operation procedures.

Symbols used in this manual:

This symbol indicates an indirect danger that could result in death, serious
injury, or serious property damage such as fire or total loss of equipment.

This symbol indicates possible danger that could result in light or moderate
injury, partial equipment damage, or computer data loss.

This symbol indicates any recommended procedure, condition, or action that

requires care when operating the equipment.

This symbol indicates supplementary information.

ƒ Copyright © Hitachi Medical Corporation. 2007, 2008. All rights reserved and
unauthorized use, reproduction, or disclosure is prohibited.
ƒ Portions copyright © 2003, Cedara Software Corp. All rights reserved and
unauthorized use, reproduction, or disclosure is prohibited.

Trademarks and registered trademarks:

Company names and product names used in this manual are the trademarks and registered
trademarks of each company.

Precautions that must be taken when exporting this equipment:

When exporting this equipment, be sure to check the Foreign Exchange and Foreign
Trade Control Law and the regulations related to export control of the United States of
America, and take the necessary procedures. If any question arises, contact Hitachi or an
authorized representative.

Revision history:
First edition : Feb. 2007
Second edition : Feb. 2008
Q1E-BM5832 i
To use this equipment safely and correctly, and to maintain its performance normally for a long
period, it is essential to have a full understanding of its functions and operation. Read this
instruction manual thoroughly before using this equipment.

This instruction manual describes the procedures for operating MRI System. See the “MR
Imaging System, AIRIS-II, Description of Functions” for information regarding the functions of
this system and the items displayed on each screen.

ii Q1E-BM5832

NOTE TO USERS .................................................................................................................................... ii

Contents .................................................................................................................................................. iii

1. Basic Operations............................................................. 1
1.1 Mouse Operations..............................................................................................................................1

1.2 Data Input...........................................................................................................................................2

1.2.1 Input Operation....................................................................................................................................2

1.2.2 Switching Input Fields.........................................................................................................................4

2. Preparing Scanning ........................................................ 5

2.1 Registering Patient Data ....................................................................................................................5

2.1.1 Registration Errors...............................................................................................................................7

2.2 Patient Data........................................................................................................................................8

2.3 Correcting Patient Data ....................................................................................................................12

2.3.1 Correcting Patient Data (from Patient Registration and Selection Screen).................................................12

2.3.2 Correcting Patient Data (from Patient Folder)...................................................................................14

2.4 Duplicating Patient Data...................................................................................................................16

2.5 Default Settings Related to Registering Patient Data ......................................................................18

3. Scanning ....................................................................... 21
3.1 When Using the Clinical Study Library.............................................................................................22

3.2 When Setting the Conditions Manually ............................................................................................27

3.2.1 Scan 1 (Scanning 1 of the Positioning Image)...................................................................................27

3.2.2 Scan 2 (Scanning 2 of the Positioning Image)...................................................................................30

3.2.3 Scan 3 (Main Scan 1).........................................................................................................................32

3.2.4 Scan 4 (Main Scan 2).........................................................................................................................34

3.3 Scanning with Multi Plane ................................................................................................................36

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3.3.1 Scan 1 (Scanning of the Positioning Image) ..................................................................................... 36

3.3.2 Scan 2 (Main Scan)........................................................................................................................... 38

3.4 Scanning using 3-surface positioning.............................................................................................. 40

3.4.1 3-surface positioning display ............................................................................................................ 40

3.4.2 3-point positioning............................................................................................................................ 41

3.5 Setting/Releasing Card Input Data.................................................................................................. 42

3.5.1 Setting the Card Input Data............................................................................................................... 43

3.5.2 Releasing the Card Input Data .......................................................................................................... 44

3.6 Setting the Scan Parameters .......................................................................................................... 45

3.7 Setting the Slice Line....................................................................................................................... 46

3.7.1 Setting Slice Lines with Different Angles......................................................................................... 47

3.7.2 Setting Slice Lines With Different Intervals ..................................................................................... 48

3.7.3 Setting Slice Lines for Multi Plane ................................................................................................... 49

3.7.4 Setting Pre-saturation........................................................................................................................ 50

3.7.5 Copying the Slice Position................................................................................................................ 52

4. Displaying Image Data...................................................55

4.1 Displaying Image Data .................................................................................................................... 55

4.2 Image Preview................................................................................................................................. 55

4.2.1 Displaying Database Image Data...................................................................................................... 55

4.2.2 Displaying MOD/DVD Image Data ................................................................................................. 60

4.2.3 Operating the Image Preview............................................................................................................ 62

4.2.4 Filming the Image of Image Preview................................................................................................ 64

4.3 Display Image Function of the Patient Folder ................................................................................. 66

4.3.1 Displaying image data after opening a Patient Folder ...................................................................... 66

4.3.2 Displaying the image data by selecting a series from the Patient Folder ................................................ 69

5. Card Overview ...............................................................71

5.1 Card Types ...................................................................................................................................... 71

5.2 Card Settings................................................................................................................................... 72

iv Q1E-BM5832
5.2.1 Selecting from the Card Library ........................................................................................................72

5.2.2 Changing the default card..................................................................................................................73

5.3 Loading Images to the Control Face................................................................................................74

5.3.1 Loading Images Processed by the Scan Card ....................................................................................74

5.3.2 Loading Images from the Database ...................................................................................................75

5.4 Writing to the Database....................................................................................................................80

6. Card Operations............................................................ 83
6.1 Data Card .........................................................................................................................................83

6.2 2D Card ............................................................................................................................................83

6.2.1 Adaptive Image..................................................................................................................................84

6.2.2 Edge Enhancement ............................................................................................................................85

6.2.3 Correction Shading ............................................................................................................................86

6.2.4 Background Noise Reduction ............................................................................................................87

6.2.5 Addition/Subtraction..........................................................................................................................91

6.2.6 T1/T2 Calculation..............................................................................................................................99

6.3 Analysis Card .................................................................................................................................103

6.3.1 Velocity Analysis .............................................................................................................................103

6.3.2 Dynamic Scan Analysis ...................................................................................................................104

6.4 3D Card ..........................................................................................................................................107

6.4.1 MIP..................................................................................................................................................108

6.4.2 MPR.................................................................................................................................................117

7. Window Adjustment .................................................... 127

7.1 Selecting the image for adjusting the window................................................................................127

7.2 Window Adjustment (using the mouse)..........................................................................................128

7.3 Window Adjustment (using the Viewport Tool) ...............................................................................129

8. Selecting the Display Image / Processing Image .................. 131

8.1 Image Selection..............................................................................................................................131

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8.2 Sort ................................................................................................................................................ 134

9. Filming .........................................................................135
9.1 Filming image data from the same Patient Folder......................................................................... 136

9.1.1 Filming with a user-defined layout ................................................................................................. 138

9.1.2 Filming the image in order of the Review Face.............................................................................. 139

9.1.3 Changing the frame and sheet layout.............................................................................................. 140

9.2 Filming image data from multiple Patient Folders ......................................................................... 142

9.2.1 Creating a Teaching Folder ............................................................................................................. 142

9.2.2 Filming image data in the Teaching Folder..................................................................................... 145

10. Saving Data ...............................................................147

10.1 Initialize........................................................................................................................................ 148

10.2 Uninitialize ................................................................................................................................... 150

10.3 Archive......................................................................................................................................... 151

10.4 Restore ........................................................................................................................................ 153

11. Creating a Library ......................................................155

11.1 Registering to the Card Library.................................................................................................... 156

11.2 Registering to the Clinical Study Library...................................................................................... 159

11.3 Changing the library display order............................................................................................... 163

11.3.1 Moving items to the top of the library........................................................................................... 164

11.3.2 Moving items to the desired position ............................................................................................ 165

11.4 Protecting the library.................................................................................................................... 167

11.4.1 Protecting the Card Library........................................................................................................... 167

11.4.2 Unprotecting the Card Library ...................................................................................................... 168

INDEX.................................................................................................................................................. 169

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1. Basic Operations
This system uses a mouse and keyboard as input devices. The mouse is used for most of the
operations. The keyboard is used for entering text or directly inputting numbers.
This chapter explains how to use the mouse and the basic operations of each screen.

Do not press the STOP key on the keyboard.

1.1 Mouse Operations

Basic mouse operation is movement of the cursor and the selection of the target.
When the mouse is moved, the cursor ( ) on the screen moves in the same direction.
Mouse selection functions can be made with the left button, center button, and right button.
Each button has a different use, as shown in the table below. In addition, the functions for each
button differ depending on how you press the button. Throughout this manual, if a button name is
not indicated for a particular mouse operation, always assume that the left button should be used.
In case of a wheel mouse, the center button is indicated the wheel button. And no action occurs
when rolling the wheel of mouse.
The mouse button functions used for this system are indicated in the following table.
Operation Left Button Center Button Right Button
Click y Select target y Confirm Free shape ROI y Maximize/Minimize of
creation image viewports
y Confirm curve for Curved y Select Done button
MPR (This operation cannot
y Display Numeric Input be performed on some
Control Panel screens.)
y Start Image Preview
Double-click y Pop-up Viewport Tool N/A N/A
y Patient Data
Registration Screen
Drag y Move or resize target y Change window y Delete Free shape ROI
on the screen width/level line for MIP (while
y Rotate MIP image creating ROI)
y Create Free shape ROI y Delete curve for Curved
for MIP MPR (while drawing
y Draw curve for Curved curve)

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Click Move the cursor onto the target, and press the button once.

Double-click Move the cursor onto the target, and press the button twice.

Drag Move the cursor onto the target, and then press and hold the button while
moving the mouse to reposition the target.

By pressing and holding multiple buttons at the same time and dragging with the mouse, you
can perform the following operations:
z Left and Middle buttons
Moves an image. Move the mouse in the direction to which you want to move an image.
z Right and Middle buttons
Magnifies or minifies an image. Drag the mouse away from you to magnify the image, or
toward you to minify it.

1.2 Data Input

1.2.1 Input Operation·························································································
Depending on the field, the method of data input varies in the system. The following are the
data input methods of the system.
z Entering to an input field
This section explains how to input text and numbers to an input field.
Normally the keyboard is used for entering text and numbers. For parameters that require
numeric input, the Numeric Input Control Panel can be used.
The procedures for each method are explained below.

Procedures for keyboard input

1 Double-click or drag the desired input field.

The input field is highlighted.

2 Use the keyboard and enter the text.

3 Press the Enter key.
The input is set.

When using the numeric keypad on the right side of the keyboard to enter values,
make sure that the NUM LOCK lamp above the numeric keypad is lit. If the lamp is
not lit, press the Num Lock key by the numeric keypad to turn the NUM LOCK lamp

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Procedures for input using the Numeric Input Control Panel

1 Click the numeric input field with the center button.

The following Numeric Input Control Panel is displayed.

⑦ ③

⑩ ⑧ ⑨

2 Set the number using items ① to ⑦.

① Increases the number in increments of 100.
② Increases the number in increments of 1.
③ Decreases the number in increments of 1.
④ Decreases the number in increments of 100.
⑤ Increases the number by the digit position between ① and ② (in this case 10).
⑥ Decreases the number by the digit position between ③ and ④ (in this case 10).
⑦ Increases or decreases the number when dragged up and down.
⑧ The minimum value that can be set for this parameter.
⑨ The maximum value that can be set for this parameter.

3. Click the Done button (⑩).

The increase/decrease value of the number varies for each parameter.

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z Selecting buttons
The following explains how to select a button from a group of buttons.

1 Click the desired button.

Or select the button with the cursor key, then press the spacebar.
The clicked button becomes selected (pressed in).

z Selecting pull-down menus

The following explains how to select an item from a pull-down menu.

1 Click the desired button.

Or select the button with the cursor key, then press the spacebar.
The pull-down menu of the clicked item is displayed.
2 Select the desired item with the mouse, then click it.
Or select the button with the cursor key, then press the spacebar.
The input is set.

1.2.2 Switching Input Fields···············································································

The following methods are used to switch input fields.
z Double-click the desired field.
The double-clicked field is enabled for input.
z Press the Enter key after inputting via the keyboard.
The next field is enabled for input.
z Press the TAB key.
The next field is enabled for input.
z Press the Shift key and TAB key together.
The previous field is enabled for input.

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2. Preparing Scanning
2.1 Registering Patient Data
This section explains the procedures for registering patient data.
The registration operation can be simplified by setting the default information relating to patient
data. For more information about setting the default, see “2.5 Default Settings Related to
Registering Patient Data”.

① (a)


1 Click the Patient Selector button (①).

This displays the Patient Registration and Selection screen.

Do not select the System Tools button (a) or Scanner Status button (b) until the MR
READY LED on the keyboard is turned on.

y When the database capacity is low, a WARNING Message is displayed. Delete

unnecessary data.
y Double-clicking of the Patient Selector button (①) displays, the Patient
Registration screen.

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2 Click the Register New Patient button (②).

The Patient Registration screen is displayed.

⑥ ⑤ ⑦
The operation of the Patient Registration screen varies according to the situation.

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Emergency (when skipping the input of patient data and commencing the study)
After clicking Emergency Registration (③), click the Proceed button (④).

Normal (when commencing the study after inputting patient data)

After inputting the patient data, click the Proceed button (④).
To cancel the input, click the Cancel button (⑤).

Appointment (when inputting all patient data prior to the study)

After inputting the patient data, click the one of the following buttons.
Register Another button (⑥) After registration, data of the next patient can be inputted.

Save button (⑦) After registration, the Patient Registration screen is closed.
To cancel the appointment, click the Cancel button (⑤).

About patient data input

y For more information about patient data, see “2.2 Patient Data”.
y If any of the five fields for Name:Last, Name:First, ID#, Birth Date/Age, or
Weight is blank, the Registration Problem screen is displayed when clicking
either Register Another button, Proceed button, or Save button. For more
information about this screen, see “2.1.1 Registration Errors”.

2.1.1 Registration Errors ···················································································

If any of the five fields for Name:Last, Name:First, ID#, Birth Date/Age, or Weight is blank, the
Registration Problem screen is displayed when clicking the Proceed button.

① ② ③

To cancel the input

Click the Cancel button (①).

To correct the input

Click the Try Again button (②).

To proceed with blank input

Click the Proceed button (③). In this case, the appropriate data is automatically inserted.

Q1E-BM5832 7
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2.2 Patient Data

Name: Last
Enter the patient's last name. Only alphanumeric characters and some symbols are
permitted. However, the “\” (backslash), “^” (caret), “`” (backquote), and “~”
(tilde) cannot be used. Up to 16 characters may be entered.

Name: First
Enter the patient's first name. Only alphanumeric characters and some symbols are
permitted. However, the “\” (backslash), “^” (caret), “`” (backquote), and “~”
(tilde) cannot be used. Up to 16 characters may be entered.

Enter the Patient ID. Only alphanumeric characters and some symbols are permitted.
However, the “\” (backslash), “^” (caret), “`” (backquote), and “~” (tilde) cannot
be used. Up to 16 characters may be entered.
The patient ID can also be set automatically according to the previously registered patient
ID. See “2.5 Default Settings Related to Registering Patient Data” for more information
on the automatic setting of patient IDs.

Click the appropriate sex. Select from (male), (female), (phantom or
unknown case).
Another option is to select the button with the cursor key and hit the spacebar.

Birth Date/Age
Enter the birth date or age.
Birth Date
Select Birth Date from the pull-down menu, then enter the date of birth to the input field.
There are three formats for the Birth Date field: yyyy/mm/dd, mm/dd/yyyy, or
dd/mm/yyyy. y indicates year, m indicates month, and d indicates day.
Enter the values according to the default format. Use a slash (/) to separate the year,
month, and day.
For example, for October 3rd of 1978 in yyyy/mm/dd format, enter “1978/10/03.”
Select Age from the pull-down menu, then enter the age to the input field.
If the patient is less than 1 year old, select m (month) or d (day) from the pull-down
menu (right side of the numerical input field), then enter the value.
To change the default selection of the input method (birth date / age), see “2.5
Default Settings Related to Registering Patient Data”.

Enter the patient's weight. Only numbers are permitted.

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Patient Comment
Enter comments regarding the patient. Only alphanumeric characters and some symbols
are permitted. However, the “\” (backslash), “^” (caret), “`” (backquote), and “~”
(tilde) cannot be used. Up to 64 characters may be entered.

Enter the accession number. Only alphanumeric characters and some symbols are
permitted. However, the “\” (backslash), “^” (caret), “`” (backquote), and “~”
(tilde) cannot be used. Up to 16 characters may be entered. This field is displayed only if
Accession Number Availability on the System tab on System Preferences screen is turned

Planned Study: Date

Enter the study date. See Birth Date / Age regarding the format of the date.

Planned Study: Time

Enter the planned time for the study. There are 2 types of entry format: HH:MM for a 24
hour clock, and HH:MM AM and HH:MM PM for a 12 hour clock. It is also possible to
display seconds with an HH:MM:SS format. HH indicates hours, MM indicates minutes,
SS indicates seconds, and AM/PM indicate daytime/evening.
Be sure to enter a colon (:) between the hours and minutes, and the minutes and seconds.

Study Comment
Enter comments regarding the study. Select New Series from the New Series pull-down
menu, and then enter comments to the input field. These comments will be copied into the
following series. Only alphanumeric characters and some symbols are permitted.
However, the “\” (backslash), “^” (caret), “`” (backquote), and “~” (tilde) cannot
be used. Up to 64 characters may be entered.

New Series
Select the series number from the New Series pull-down menu, and then comments to
selected series is displayed on the Study Comment input field.

Anatomical Region
Select the patient's anatomical region from the pull-down menu. The items that can be
selected are shown below.

C-SPINE Cervical Spine

T-SPINE Thoracic Spine

L-SPINE Lumbar Spine


PIT Pituitary

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IAC Internal Auditory Canal






TMJ Temporomandibular Joint

SHOULDER Shoulder Joint

ELBOW Elbow Joint

WRIST Wrist Joint


HIP Hip Joint

KNEE Knee Joint

ANKLE Ankle Joint




Select the laterality of the anatomical region from the pull-down menu.


Laterality selection is possible for the following anatomical regions: TMJ, SHOULDER,

Click the appropriate direction and orientation of the patient.
First select the direction, then the orientation.

Entering the gantry head-first

Entering the gantry feet-first

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Supine position
Prone position
Right lateral position
Left lateral position

Performing Physician
Select the name of the performing physician from the pull-down menu. A name can also
be entered from the keyboard. For more information about setting the names to be
displayed in the pull-down menu, see “2.5 Default Settings Related to Registering Patient

Select the name of the radiological technologist from the pull-down menu. A name can
also be entered from the keyboard. For more information about setting the names to be
displayed in the pull-down menu, see “2.5 Default Settings Related to Registering Patient

Reading Physician
Select the name of the reading physician from the pull-down menu. A name can also be
entered from the keyboard. For more information about setting the names to be displayed
in the pull-down menu, see “2.5 Default Settings Related to Registering Patient Data”.

Primary Care Physician

Select the name of the primary care physician from the pull-down menu. A name can also
be entered from the keyboard. For more information about setting the names to be
displayed in the pull-down menu, see “2.5 Default Settings Related to Registering Patient

Select the name of the department requesting the study from the pull-down menu. A name
can also be entered from the keyboard. For more information about setting the names to
be displayed in the pull-down menu, see “2.5 Default Settings Related to Registering
Patient Data”.

Referring Physician
Select the name of the referring physician from the pull-down menu. A name can also be
entered from the keyboard. For more information about setting the names to be displayed
in the pull-down menu, see “2.5 Default Settings Related to Registering Patient Data”.

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2.3 Correcting Patient Data

This section explains how to correct existing patient data.
Existing patient data can be corrected from the Patient Registration and Selection screen or from
the Patient Folder.

Do not use Correct Patient while scanning and image processing.

And do not start scanning and image processing when using Correct Patient.

2.3.1 Correcting Patient Data (from Patient Registration and Selection Screen)·····
This section explains how to correct registered patient data from the Patient Registration
and Selection screen.

1 Click the Patient Folder to correct from the Patient Selector, then click
Correct Patient (①).
This displays the Correct Existing Patient Information screen.

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2 After correcting the patient data, click the Save button (②).
This saves the corrected patient data.
Note that data registered with Study:Date, Study:Time, and Orientation cannot be
corrected after one or more image are acquired.
To cancel correction to patient data, click the Cancel button (③).

In case of correcting the patient data corrected by Save button and Anatomical
Region, Laterality, Performing Physician, Technologist and Department for existing
image series, use the Apply to All Series button instead of the Save button.

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2.3.2 Correcting Patient Data (from Patient Folder) ··········································

This section explains how to correct patient data with a Patient Folder opened on the tray. Note
that patient data such as name and sex cannot be corrected in this way after one or more images
are acquired and the patient data included in image series cannot be also corrected. For more
information about these corrections, see "2.3.1 Correcting Patient Data (from Patient Registration
and Selection Screen)".

1 Click the Correct button (①).

This displays the Correct Existing Patient Information screen.

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2 After changing the patient data, click the Save button (②).
This saves the corrected patient data.
To cancel correction to patient data, click the Cancel button (③).

When correcting the patient data from the Patient Folder, the Apply to All Series
button can not be used.

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2.4 Duplicating Patient Data

To duplicate patient data that has already been registered and register a new patient folder:

1 Click the Patient Selector button (①).

The Patient Registration and Selection screen is displayed.

2 Select the folder you want to duplicate.

The selected folder is highlighted.

3 Click the Duplicate Folder button (②).

The Patient Registration: COPY screen is displayed.

The information for the folder selected in Step 2 is displayed on the Patient
Registration: COPY screen. Therefore, the Duplicate Folder button can also be used
to confirm the patient data registered in the Patient Selector.

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④ ③

4 Change the settings as required, and click the Save button (③).
The settings are registered as a new folder.
To cancel the input, click the Cancel button (④).

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2.5 Default Settings Related to Registering Patient Data

This section explains the procedures for setting the defaults related to registering patient data.
The fields set here display as default values when registering patient data.
Default values can be set for the following fields.
y Performing Physician y Weight Units
y Technologist y Birth Date/Age
y Reading Physician y Accession Number Availability
y Primary Care Physician y Patient ID Auto Increment
y Department
y Referring Physician

The following is the procedure for setting defaults related to patient data.

1 Click the System Tools button (①).

This displays a pull-down menu for selecting functions of the System Tools.

2 Click Preferences (②).

This displays the System Preferences screen.

Wait for the MR READY LED on the keyboard to turn on before clicking the System
Tools button (①).

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3 Click the People/Names tab (③).

The People/Names screen has the following layout.
Performing Physicians Technologists
Settings Region Settings Region

Reading Physicians Primary Care Physician

Settings Region Settings Region

Departments Referring Physicians

Settings Region Settings Region

4 Click the Add button (④).

This displays input field for adding a name(⑤).
The Add button of ④ is used for adding radiologists. Technologists, Departments and
Physicians can be added in the same manner using the Add buttons in each area.

5 Enter a name to the input field.

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6 Click the System tab (⑥).

7 Select the Weight Units (⑦).
Select Kilograms to use kilograms as the units of weight. Select Pounds to use pounds as
the units of weight.

8 Select a Preferred Registration Age Input (⑧).

To use the date of birth as the default, click Birth Date.
To use the age as the default, click Age.

9 Select the Accession Number Availability (⑨).

Select ON to use the Accession Number as study information.

10 Select the Patient ID Auto Increment (⑩).

Select On to automatically set the newly registered patient ID as the value of the
previously registered patient ID plus 1.

11 Click the Done button (⑪).

This saves the settings.

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3. Scanning
This chapter explains how to perform scanning, configure input data to the card, and configure the
slice line.

General notes regarding the acquisition functions

ƒ When the Scan Card is registered, the state of the start reservation is canceled.
ƒ When starting the acquisition in Bandwidth: Auto mode, an invalid scan conditions
error (Paracal error) may occur. In this case, set the Bandwidth to Manual and
increase the setting value.
ƒ When starting the acquisition with high spatial resolution conditions (i.e. with low
FOV and high Freq# or Phase#), an invalid scan conditions error (Paracal error) may
occur. In this case, reduce the spatial resolution settings, because the conditions are
not supported due to performance issues of the hardware.
ƒ When setting a high oblique angle for the scan section, an acquisition startup error
(Paracal error) may occur. Set a lower Freq# setting, because the conditions are not
supported due to hardware performance in this case, too. Also, expand the TE setting
and set a lower Bandwidth value.

Notes regarding the MRA acquisition functions (TOF & PC)

Set the thickness value of the area of the slice direction to a setting below the FOV for the
images used by MIP. If thickness value is equal to or greater than the FOV, the top and
bottom of the projection of the SAG/COR direction will be chopped and displayed during
the MIP processing.

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3.1 When Using the Clinical Study Library

This section explains the procedures for scanning and processing using the Clinical Study Library.
Using the clinical study library removes the steps for setting the conditions for a sequence of
scanning and processing.
The explanation of the procedures starts with the Clinical Study Library screen displayed. The
Clinical Study Library screen can be displayed with any of the following operations.
z After registering the patient data in the Patient Registration screen, click the Proceed
z After clicking the desired Patient Folder from the Patient Selector, click the Done button.
The procedure is as follows.

1 From the clinical study list (①), click the desired clinical study.
2 Click the Done button (②).
This sets a series of cards of the selected clinical study.
To display the details of the clinical study, click desired clinical study, then click the Show
Details (③) button.

22 Q1E-BM5832
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3 Click the Scan 1 Card tab (④).

This displays the Scan 1 Card.

4 After confirming and changing the scan conditions, click the Start
button (⑤).
This commences the performing of Scan 1 (positioning image).

Q1E-BM5832 23
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

For more information about changing the scan conditions, see “3.6 Setting the Scan
Parameters”. For more information about setting the slice line, see “3.7 Setting the Slice

Once the performing of Scan 1 (positioning image) is finished, the reconstruction images
are displayed to the Review Face of the Scan 1 Card.

24 Q1E-BM5832
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

Clicking the Scan 2 Card tab (⑥) displays the slice, which is located in the center of the images
taken in Scan 1, to the Control Face of the Scan 2 Card along with the slice lines.

5 To change the positioning image, drag the scrollbar (⑦).

6 Set the positioning of the main scan.
If the images for positioning are taken twice, these images becomes the images for the
second positioning.

7 After finishing the configuration of the slice line and conditions, click
the Start button (⑧).
This starts the scanning.
For more information about setting the slice line, see “3.7 Setting the Slice Line”.

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Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

When the scanning is completed, the reconstruction images are displayed to the Review
Face of the Scan 2 Card.
After this, the reconstruction images of the Scan 2 Card are loaded to the 2D 3 Card, and
the 2D processing registered to the 2D 3 Card is performed in this clinical study settings.
After that, performing Scan 4 loads the reconstruction images of the Scan 4 Card to the 3D
5 Card, and performs the 3D processing registered to the 3D 5 Card.
For more information about the settings of card input data, see “3.5 Setting/Releasing Card
Input Data”.
When the 2D Card, 3D Card, etc. are set to READY (⑨), the automatically specified
processing is performed against the imaging series of the Scan Card set as the card input
Click the Close button (⑩) to close the Patient Folder.

26 Q1E-BM5832
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3.2 When Setting the Conditions Manually

This section explains the procedures for scanning when manually setting the conditions.
The following sequence of scanning is used as an example in this explanation.

(1) Capturing positioning images in Scan 1.

(2) Perform Scan 2 based on the images of Scan 1.

(3) Using the images of Scan 1 and Scan 2 as the positioning images, perform Scan 3.

(4) Perform Scan 4 using the same position of the slice line as Scan 3.
3.2.1 Scan 1 (Scanning 1 of the Positioning Image) ·········································
This explanation starts with the Clinical Study Library screen displayed. The Clinical Study
Library screen can be displayed with any of the following operations.
z After registering the patient data in the Patient Registration screen, click the Proceed
z After clicking the desired Patient Folder from the Patient Selector, click the Done button.
The procedure is as follows.

1 Click the Cancel button (①).

Q1E-BM5832 27
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

2 Click the Scan Card button (②).

This displays the Scan Card Library screen.

3 Select the desired Scan Card, the click the Done button (③).
This sets the Scan 1 Card.
After selecting the desired Scan Card from the Scan Card Library, clicking the Set As
Default button registers the selected Scan Card as the default.

Double-clicking the Scan Card button (②) loads the Scan Card that is registered as the

28 Q1E-BM5832
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

4 Click the Scan 1 Card tab (④).

This displays the Scan 1 Card.

5 After confirming and changing the scan conditions, click the Start button (⑤).
This commences the scanning. When the scanning is completed, the reconstruction image
is displayed to the Review Face of the Scan 1 Card.
For more information about changing the scan conditions, see “3.6 Setting the Scan
Parameters”. For more information about setting the slice line, see “3.7 Setting the Slice Line”.

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3.2.2 Scan 2 (Scanning 2 of the Positioning Image)··········································

This section explains the procedures for Scan 2 based on the image of Scan 1.
This explanation starts when the Scan 1 is finished. For more information about performing Scan
1, see “3.2.1 Scan 1 (Scanning 1 of the Positioning Image)”.

1 Click the Scan Card button (①) and set the Scan 2 Card.
For the procedures on setting a Scan Card, see steps 2 - 3 of section “3.2.1 Scan 1 (Scanning
1 of the Positioning Image)”.

2 Click the Scan 2 Card tab (②).

This opens the Scan 2 Card. At this point, the input data of the Scan 2 Card is that of the
Scan 1 Card. Also, the slice that is located in the center of the Scan 1 images are displayed
in the Control Face.

3 Drag the scrollbar (③) to change the image.

4 Check the scan conditions and make necessary changes.
For more information about changing the scan conditions, see “3.6 Setting the Scan

5 Click the Start button (④).

This commences the scanning.

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Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

When the scanning is completed, the reconstruction images are displayed to the Review
Face of the Scan 2 Card.

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3.2.3 Scan 3 (Main Scan 1) ···············································································

This section explains how to use the images of Scan 1 and Scan 2 as the positioning image to
perform Scan 3.
This explanation starts when Scan 1 and Scan 2 is finished. For more information about
performing Scan 1 and Scan 2, see 3.2.1 Scan 1 (Scanning 1 of the Positioning Image)” and “3.2.2
Scan 2 (Scanning 2 of the Positioning Image)”.

1 Click the Scan Card button (①) and set the Scan 3 Card.
For the procedures on setting a Scan Card, see steps 2 - 3 of section “See 3.2.1 Scan 1
(Scanning 1 of the Positioning Image)”.

2 Click the Scan 3 Card tab (②).

This opens the Scan 3 Card. At this point, the input data of the Scan 3 Card is that of the
Scan 2 Card. Also, the slice that is located in the center of the Scan 2 image is displayed in
the Control Face.

3 Click the Input Data Settings button (③), then set the Scan 1 Card as
input data .
The slice that is located in the center of the Scan 1 images are displayed in the Control Face.
For more information about setting the card input data, see “3.5.1 Setting the Card Input

4 After checking/changing the scan conditions and setting the slice line,
click the Start button (④).
This commences the scanning.
For more information about setting the slice line, see “3.7 Setting the Slice Line”.

32 Q1E-BM5832
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When the scanning is completed, the reconstruction images are displayed to the Review
Face of the Scan 3 Card.

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3.2.4 Scan 4 (Main Scan 2) ···············································································

This section explains how to perform Scan 4 using the same position of the slice line as Scan 3,
which uses the images of Scan 1 and Scan 2 as the positioning images.
This explanation starts when Scan 3 is finished. For more information about Scan 3 scanning, see
“3.2.1 Scan 1 (Scanning 1 of the Positioning Image)”, “3.2.2 Scan 2 (Scanning 2 of the
Positioning Image) and “3.2.3 Scan 3 (Main Scan 1)”.

1 Click the Scan Card button (①) and set the Scan 4 Card.
For the procedures on setting a Scan Card, see steps 2 - 3 of section “3.2.1 Scan 1 (Scanning
1 of the Positioning Image)”.

2 Click the Scan 4 Card tab (②).

This opens the Scan 4 Card. At this point, the input data of the Scan 4 Card is that of the
Scan 3 Card. Also, the slice that is located in the center of the Scan 3 images are displayed
in the Control Face.

3 Click the Input Data Release button (③) to release the Scan 3 Card
from input data.
For releasing the input data, see “3.5.2 Releasing the Card Input Data”.

4 Click the Input Data Settings button (④), and then set the Scan 1 Card
and Scan 2 Card as the input data.
The slice that is located in the center of the Scan 1 and Scan 2 images are displayed in the
Control Face.
For more information about setting the input data, see “3.5.1 Setting the Card Input Data”.

34 Q1E-BM5832
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

5 Click the Copy Slice Position button (⑤) to copy the slice line of the
Scan 3 Card.
The same slice as the one displayed in the Control window of the Scan 3 Card is displayed.
For more information about copying the slice position, see “3.7.5 Copying the Slice

6 After confirming and changing the scan conditions, click the Start
button (⑥).
This commences the scanning.

When the scanning is completed, the reconstruction image is displayed to the Review Face
of the Scan 4 Card.

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3.3 Scanning with Multi Plane

This section explains the procedures for scanning with multi plane.
The following scanning is used as an example in this explanation.

(1) Capturing a positioning image in Scan 1.

(2) Using the Scan 1 positioning image and performing Scan 2.

3.3.1 Scan 1 (Scanning of the Positioning Image)·············································
This explanation starts with the Scan 1 Card set. For more information about setting Scan Card,
see “3.2.3 Scan 3 (Main Scan 1)”.
The procedure is as follows.

1 Click ① and select the scan section from the pull-down menu
Select scanning of multi plane (TS, SC, TC, or TSC). SC is selected for this example.

2 After confirming and changing the scan conditions, click the Start
button (②).
This commences the scanning.
For more information about changing scan conditions, see “3.6 Setting the Scan
Parameters”. For more information about setting the slice line, see “3.7.3 Setting Slice
Lines for Multi Plane”.

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When the scanning is completed, the reconstruction images are displayed to the Review
Face of the Scan 1 Card.

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3.3.2 Scan 2 (Main Scan) ··················································································

This section explains the procedures for Scan 2 using the image of Scan 1 as the positioning
This explanation begins when the Scan 1 with multi plane finishes. For more information about
performing Scan 1, see “3.3.1 Scan 1 (Scanning of the Positioning Image)”.
The procedure is as follows.

1 Click the Scan Card button (①) and set the Scan 2 Card.
2 Click the Scan 2 Card tab (②).
This opens the Scan 2 Card. At this point, the input data of the Scan 2 Card is that of the
Scan 1 Card. Also, the slice that is located in the center of the Scan 1 images are displayed
in the Control Face.

3 Click the Input Data Settings button (③), then set the Scan 1 Card as
input data.
The slice that is located in the center of the Scan 1 images are displayed in the Control Face.

4 After confirming and changing the scan conditions, click the Start
button (④).
This commences the scanning.

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When the scanning is completed, the reconstruction images are displayed to the Review
Face of the Scan 2 Card.

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3.4 Scanning using 3-surface positioning

This section explains scanning after performing positioning from three images.

When performing positioning from three images, set the card for the positioning images three
times as input data. The procedure flow is the same as for “3.2 When Setting the Conditions
3.4.1 3-surface positioning display ····································································
The following is an example of the display of a window set from positioning images used as three
sets of input data.

① The viewports for three positioning images are displayed.

② The setting regions for the slice lines move from below the viewport to the right side of the
viewport at the top right.

③ The tools used for the setting of 3-point positioning are displayed.

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3.4.2 3-point positioning ····················································································

3-point positioning is used to scan the cross section that passes through the 3 points specified on the
view port (specified points). This is suitable for scanning regions that may wind through the body.

③ ⑤

It is necessary for 3 Points tool (①) to be displayed when adding, moving, or deleting specified
points. If it is not displayed, click the 3 Points button (②).

(1) Adding specified points

1 Click the Add button (③).
The Add button becomes pressed in.

2 Click the location on the viewport that you want to specify.

The added specified point is displayed on the image. In addition, the viewpoint numbers
and slice numbers that are added specified points are displayed on the Point list (④).

(2) Moving specified points

1 Select the specified points that you want to move from the Point
list (④).
The slices with the selected specified point are displayed.

2 Select the specified point on the viewport, and then move it by

(3) Deleting specified points
1 Select the specified points that you want to delete from the Point list
The slices with the selected specified point are displayed.

2 Click the Delete button (⑤).

The selected specified point is deleted.
After clicking the Delete button, the specified point can also be deleted by selecting it from
either the point list or the viewport.

(4) Delete all specified points

1 Click the Delete All button (⑥).
This is used to delete all specified points.

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3.5 Setting/Releasing Card Input Data

This section explains the instructions for setting and releasing the card input data.
Card Input Data refers to the card that is to provide the input data for the card.
Card Input Data is displayed on the tab of that card and in the Images from area.
In the following example, the input data of the Scan 2 Card is that of the Scan 1 Card. In this case,
the image of the Scan 1 Card becomes the input data of the Scan 2 Card.

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3.5.1 Setting the Card Input Data ······································································

The following indicates the procedures for setting the Card Input Data.
Set the Card Input Data from the card that will use the input data. (Not from the card providing the
This explanation starts with the card, where the Card Input Data is to be set, is opened.

1 Click the Input Data Settings button (①).

2 Click the tab of the card to be set (②) as the input data.
This sets the input data.
The images of the set card are displayed to the Control Face.

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3.5.2 Releasing the Card Input Data ·································································

The following indicates the procedures for releasing the Card Input Data.
Release the Card Input Data from the card that uses the input data. (Not from the card providing
the data.)
This explanation begins with the card, where the Card Input Data is to be release from, is opened.

1 From the Images from area, click the name of the card (①) that has
the settings to release.
2 Click the Input Data Release button (②).
This releases the settings of the Card Input Data.

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3.6 Setting the Scan Parameters

Scan parameters are categorized in the following 9 groups.
Basic Group Consists of the basic scan parameters.
Technique Group Consists of parameters related to artifact reduction, S/N improvement, etc.
Particular Group Consists of parameters unique to each sequence.
Matrix group Consists of information related to the matrix.
Gating Group Consists of parameters related to gated scan.
Dynamic Group Consists of parameters related to dynamic scan.
Filter Group Consists of parameters related to image filters.
Fatsup Group Consists of parameters related to fat suppression control.
Others Group Consists of other parameters.

① ②

Clicking the Group tab (①) displays the scan conditions of the clicked group.
Clicking ② displays all the parameters.
Click the Image Quality button (③) to display the image quality modification standards for
changes in the scan parameters.
Clicking the Limit Graphs button (④) displays the setting limits of each parameter.
The input method of each parameter varies depending on the content of the setting.
For methods of input, see “1.2 Data Input”.

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3.7 Setting the Slice Line

This section explains how to set the slice line.

② ④

③ ① ③

② ④

⑥ ⑧ ⑨

To move the position of the slice line

Drag the center line (①).
Or enter the numeric values of the X and Y coordinates (⑤).

To increase/decrease the number of the multi slice count

Drag ②.
Or enter the numeric value of the multi slice count to the Multi Slice (⑥) field.

To add an angle to the slice line

Drag ③.
Or enter the numeric value of the slice line angle to the Ang (⑦) field.

To increase/decrease the interval

Drag ④.
Or enter the numeric value of the interval to the Interval (⑧) field.

To change the thickness of the slice

Enter the numeric value of the thickness to the Thickness (⑨) field.

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3.7.1 Setting Slice Lines with Different Angles ··················································

This section explains how to set different angles to different slice lines.

① ②

1 Set Multi Slice (①) field to “1” and the Angle # (②) field to “1.”
2 Drag the slice line to set its position and angle.
3 Set the Angle # (②) field to “2.”
The following slice line is displayed. Also increase the Multi Slice (①) field to “2.”

4 Drag or enter the value to set the position.

5 Increment the setting of the Angle # (②) field by 1, and repeat steps 3
- 4 to set the slice lines.
To change the settings such as the number of multi-slices of each angle, click to select the
slice line of the desired angle and make the necessary changes. The slice lines of the
selected angle are displayed in yellow. Other slice lines are displayed in white.

The Multi Slice (①) field displays the total slice count.
# (③) displays the multi slice count of the selected angle.

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3.7.2 Setting Slice Lines With Different Intervals···············································

This section explains how to set different intervals to different slice lines.

1 Click the Others Group tab (①).

2 Click the G.Intvl (②) field.
A pull-down menu is displayed.

3 From the pull-down menu, click Off.

Selecting On sets the intervals of all slice lines as targets for increase/decrease.

4 Drag the outer slice line (③) to increase/decrease the interval.

From the multiple slice settings, the interval of the slice line targeted for the interval
increase/decrease is displayed in the Interval field (④).

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3.7.3 Setting Slice Lines for Multi Plane····························································

For scanning in multi plane, the position, angle, and count of the slice line is set in the same
manner as a standard slice line.
However, the following are different.
z Setting the Sync parameter of the Others group to ON applies changes to a slice line to
every slice line. However, angle adjustments do not affect parallel slice lines in the
referenced image.
z Setting the Sync parameter of the Others group to OFF sets only the selected slice line as
the target of setting changes, so no other slice line is changed.
z When setting multiple slice lines with different slice counts, the slice count that can be set
for the Multi Slice parameter must be equal to or greater than the minimum slice count set
for each slice line.

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3.7.4 Setting Pre-saturation ··············································································

This section explains the procedures for setting the pre-saturation.
When the pre-saturation is set, the signal of the set area is lost. Therefore, artifacts due to blood
flow or body motion is eliminated.

Decrease the effect

⑦ Region

⑤ ③ ⑤

⑦ Signal-losing effect

1 Click the Technique Group tab (①).

2 Set the pre-saturation value to the S.Presat (②) field.

To move the position

Drag the center line (③).
Or enter the numeric values of the X and Y coordinates (④).

To add an angle
Drag ⑤.
Or enter the numeric value of the slice line angle to the Ang (⑥) field.

To increase/decrease the area

Drag ⑦.
Or enter numeric value of the area’s thickness to the Thickness (⑧) field.

50 Q1E-BM5832
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Notes regarding the pre-saturation setting

If the pre-saturation is set to one of the cards when copying a slice position between
two Scan Cards, the direction of the copy must be from the card with the more
pre-saturations to the one with less.
When copying in the opposite direction, the line which displays the pre-saturation
area of the copy destination will not be in parallel with the slice line; it will be
set/displayed to the default position. In such a case, set the pre-saturation count of
the destination to 0, and then reset it. The pre-saturation area can be set to be in
parallel with the slice.

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3.7.5 Copying the Slice Position ·······································································

If the position of the patient is the same, scanning can be performed using the same slice line as
the previous scanning.
The following case is used for the explanation.

After performing the scanning of the positioning image in Scan 1 and Scan 2, perform the
main scan in Scan 3. Afterwards, perform Scan 4 with the same slice position as in Scan 3.

This explanation begins where Scan 3 is finished.

⑦ ⑤

1 Click the Scan 4 Card tab (①).

This opens the Scan 4 Card.

2 Click the Input Data Release button (②) to release the Scan 3 Card
from input data.
For more information about disabling card input data, see “3.5.2 Releasing the Card Input

3 Click the Input Data Settings button (③), then set the input data of the
Scan 1 Card and Scan 2 Card as the input data.
The slice that is located in the center of the Scan 1 and Scan 2 images are displayed in the
Control Face. For more information about setting card input data, see “3.5.1 Setting the
Card Input Data”.

52 Q1E-BM5832
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4 Click the Set Slice Position Copy button (④), then click the Scan 3
Card tab.
5 Click the Copy Parameter Settings button (⑤).
The Position Parameter Copy dialog (⑥) is displayed.

6 Select the parameter to be copied from the copy items (⑦).

7 Click the OK button (⑧).
The Position Parameter Copy dialog is closed.

8 Click the Copy Slice Position button (⑨).

The selected parameter is given the same settings as the Scan 3 card.
Copying is also performed when scanning begins with the card that is the source of the
input data (Scan 3).

9 After confirming and changing the scan conditions, click the Start
button (⑩).
This commences the scanning. When the scanning is completed, the reconstruction images
are displayed to the Review Face of the Scan 4 Card.

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4. Displaying Image Data

4.1 Displaying Image Data
There are two methods for displaying images: using the Image Preview and using the image
display function of the Patient Folder.

Image Preview
This function quickly displays the image data stored in the database or an MOD/DVD.
Filming can also be performed on the image displayed in the Image Preview.

Display Image Function of the Patient Folder

This function displays the image data in the Patient Folder. This has the same
functionality as the Data Card; however, the image is displayed without creating a new
card. All images can be viewed from the Teaching Folder.

4.2 Image Preview

This section explains the Image Preview.
The Image Preview can display images stored in the database or MOD/DVD, adjust images, and
perform filming.
4.2.1 Displaying Database Image Data ·····························································
This section explains the procedures for displaying image data that is stored in the database.
The display operation is performed from one of the following screens.

(1) The Patient Registration and Selection

(2) The Image List displayed when clicking the Database button on the Control Face of the

(3) The Patient Folder List at the upper side of the Folder Archive and Restore.

Q1E-BM5832 55
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(1) The Patient Registration and Selection operation

1 Click the Patient Selector button (①).

This displays the Patient Registration and Selection (②).

2 Click the desired Patient Folder.

Or click the icon ( ) in the left margin of the Patient Folder to display the image
series within that folder, and then click the desired series.
The selected Patient Folder/Series is highlighted.

3 Click the Preview button (③).

This opens the Image Preview (④) and displays the image. The Image Preview status
display mark ( ) will appear to the left of Patient Folders and Series that are
currently displayed, and a frame will appear around the Series.

y The Image Preview screen can also be displayed by moving the cursor over the
desired Patient Folder or Series and pressing the center mouse button.
y For more information about operating the Image Preview screen, see “4.2.3
Operating the Image Preview”.

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(2) The Image List operation

Image List Screen-1 Image List Screen-2

(When This Folder button is selected) (When All Folders button is selected)

1 Click the Database button on the Control Face of the card.

This displays the Image List.

2 Click the desired Patient Folder.

The selected Patient Folder/Series is highlighted.
Or for Image List-2, click the icon ( ) in the left margin of the Patient Folder to
display the image series within that folder, and then click the desired series.

3 Click the Preview button (①).

This opens the Image Preview (②) and displays the image. The Image Preview status
display mark ( ) will appear to the left of Patient Folders and Series that are
currently displayed, and a frame will appear around the Series.

y The Image Preview screen can also be displayed by moving the cursor over the
desired Patient Folder or Series and pressing the center mouse button.
y For more information about operating the Image Preview screen, see “4.2.3
Operating the Image Preview”.

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(3) The Folder Archive and Restore operation

④ ② ①

1 Click the Patient Selector button (①).

This displays the Patient Registration and Selection screen.

2 Click Archive tab (②).

This displays the Folder Archive and Restore screen.

3 Click the desired Patient Folder from the Patient Folder list (at the
upper side of the screen) of the database.
Or click the icon ( ) in the left margin of the Patient Folder to display the image
series within that folder, and then click the desired series.
The selected Patient Folder/Series is highlighted.

4 Click the upper Preview button (③).

This opens the Image Preview (④) and displays the image. The Image Preview status
display mark ( ) will appear to the left of Patient Folders and Series that are
currently displayed, and a frame will appear around the Series.

58 Q1E-BM5832
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

y The Image Preview can also be displayed by moving the cursor over the desired
Patient Folder or Series and pressing the center mouse button.
y For more information about operating the Image Preview, see “4.2.3 Operating
the Image Preview”.
y Use the bottom Preview button to display the image data stored in the
MOD/DVD to the Image Preview.

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4.2.2 Displaying MOD/DVD Image Data····························································

This section explains the procedures for displaying image data that is stored in the MOD/DVD.
② ①

1 Insert the MOD to the MOD drive.

Alternatively, insert the DVD into the DVD drive.
2 Click the Patient Selector button (①).
This displays the Patient Registration and Selection screen.

3 Click Archive tab (②).

This displays the Folder Archive and Restore screen.

4 Click the desired Patient Folder from the MOD/DVD Patient Folder
list (at the bottom of the screen).
Or click the icon ( ) in the left margin of the Patient Folder to display
the image series within that folder, and then click the desired series.
The selected Patient Folder/Series is highlighted.

5 Click the Preview button (③) at the bottom.

This opens the Image Preview screen (④) and displays the image. The Image Preview
status display mark ( ) will appear to the left of Patient Folders and Series that are
currently displayed, and a frame will appear around the Series.

60 Q1E-BM5832
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

y The Image Preview can also be displayed by moving the cursor over the desired
Patient Folder or Series and pressing the center mouse button.
y At the Folder Archive and Restore, the Image Preview can be displayed from
both the database and MOD/DVD simultaneously. For more information about
the operation, see “4.2.3 Operating the Image Preview”.

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4.2.3 Operating the Image Preview ···································································

This section explains the operations of the Image Preview.
① ⑨

Viewport Tool

Setting the location/size of the Image Preview

To change the location of the Image Preview, drag the title bar (①).
To change the size of the Image Preview, move the cursor over the image area (②), then
press the right mouse button. Each time the right button is pressed, the maximize display
and minimize display toggles.
To restore the Image Preview to its standard location/size, click the Reset button (③).

Changing the display image (by Patient Folder or Series)

This is performed by one of the following methods.
ƒ Enter the numeric value to the Series Number Input field (④), then press the Enter
ƒ Click the Change Display Image button (by Patient Folder/Series) (⑤).
ƒ Press the ↑ or ↓ key on the keyboard.

Changing the display image (by slice)

This is performed by one of the following methods.
ƒ Enter the numeric value to the Slice Number Input field (⑥), then press the Enter
ƒ Click the Change Display Image button (by slice) (⑦).

Changing the display image (by echo)

Enter the numeric value to the Echo Number Input field (⑧), then press the Enter key.

Adjusting the window width/level

Drag the mouse while holding down the center mouse button on the image.

62 Q1E-BM5832
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

Displaying the Viewport Tool (⑨)

Double-click the image with the left mouse button.
Various operations can be performed from the Viewport Tool. However, some of the
Viewport Tool functions are not available from the Image Preview screen.

Exiting the Image Preview

Click the Close button (⑩) or the Image Preview status display mark ( ).

When the Patient Folder is open, the Change Display Image button (by Patient
Folder/Series) (⑤ and ⑥) and the ↑↓ keys of the keyboard are used for changing
the display image by series, but when the folder is closed, they are used for changing
the display image by Patient Folders.
: Open
: Close

Q1E-BM5832 63
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

4.2.4 Filming the Image of Image Preview ························································

This section explains the procedures for filming the image displayed in the Image Preview.

⑨ ③

1 Display the desired image data to the Image Preview screen (①).
For more information about displaying the image data to the Image Preview screen, see
“4.2.1 Displaying Database Image Data” and “4.2.2 Displaying MOD/DVD Image Data”.

2 Click the System Tool button (②).

3 Click the Snapshot button (③).
This displays the Snapshot Dialog (④).

4 Click the desired frame from the Snapshot.

A red frame is displayed around the frame.

5 Click the image displayed in the Image Preview.

A red frame is displayed around the image.

6 Click the Frame button (⑤).

The image is laid out in the frame.

7 Click the Print button (⑥).

This outputs the image to the imager.

8 Click the Done button (⑦) in the Snapshot.

This exits the Snapshot.

9 Click the close button (⑧) of the Image Preview or the Image Preview
status display mark (⑨).
This exits the Image Preview.

64 Q1E-BM5832
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

y Functions other than the Frame button are also available from the Snapshot.
y Using the Film Tool launched from the Review of the card, the image displayed
in the Image Preview cannot be filmed.

Q1E-BM5832 65
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

4.3 Display Image Function of the Patient Folder

This section explains the Display Image function of the Patient Folder.
4.3.1 Displaying image data after opening a Patient Folder ······························
This section explains the procedures for displaying image data using the Display Image function
after opening a Patient Folder.

1 Click the Patient Selector button (①).

This displays the Patient Registration and Selection screen.

2 Select the desired Patient Folder.

The selected Patient Folder is highlighted.

3 Click the Done button (②).

This opens the Patient Folder.
Instead of clicking the Done button, the right mouse button can also be clicked to open
the Patient Folder.

66 Q1E-BM5832
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

4 Click the Database button (③).

This displays the Image List screen.

④ ⑤

5 Select the series, then click the Load Single button (④) or the Load
Multi button (⑤).
Instead of clicking the Load Multi button, the right mouse button can also be clicked to
display the image data.

Q1E-BM5832 67
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

The example here uses the case when clicking the Load Multi button.
The image data is displayed to the Control Face of the Patient Folder.

68 Q1E-BM5832
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

4.3.2 Displaying the image data by selecting a series from the Patient Folder ·····
This section explains the procedures for selecting a series from a Patient Folder and displaying
image data.

1 Click the Patient Selector button (①).

This displays the Patient Registration and Selection screen.

2 Click the icon ( ) in the left margin of the Patient Folder to display the
image series within that folder, and then click the desired series.
The selected Patient Folder/Series is highlighted.

3 Click the Done button (②).

This opens the Patient Folder of the selected series.
Instead of clicking the Done button, the right mouse button can also be clicked to open
the Patient Folder.

Q1E-BM5832 69
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

ƒ The image data of the selected series is displayed to the Control Face of the Patient

y If the selected series is overlapping multiple Patient Folders, each Patient Folder
is opened, and the image data is displayed.
y If the number of series selected is greater than the layout of the image display
region for the study folder, the image data will not be displayed. In addition, if
all series inside a study folder are selected, the image data will not be displayed.

70 Q1E-BM5832
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

5. Card Overview
This chapter provides an overview of the cards and explains the operations common to all cards

5.1 Card Types

The following card types makeup the clinical study.

Scan Card
The card used for scanning. For more information about the Scan Card, see “Chapter 3

2D Card
The card used for performing adaptive image, edge enhancement, correction shading,
background noise reduction, addition/subtraction, and T1/T2 calculation on the image
taken from scanning.

3D Card
The card that performs MIP and MPR based on the image taken from scanning.

Data Card
The card for reading and displaying image data generated in the Scan Card, 2D Card, and
3D Card folders.

Analysis Card
The card that performs dynamic scan analysis or velocity analysis on the image data of
the scanning.

Each card consists of a Control Face and Review Face.

Control Face
The screen that loads the image from the database, etc. and sets the various parameters.
Clicking the Start button commences the processing.

Review Face
The screen that displays the image that was processed by the parameters set in the Control
Face and saved to the database.

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5.2 Card Settings

The following are the two methods for setting the cards.
z Selecting from the Card Library
z Changing the default card

Each of these methods is explained in this section.

5.2.1 Selecting from the Card Library ································································
Using the 2D Card as an example, this section explains the method of selecting the desired
processing parameters from a list of pre-registered card libraries.

1 Single-click the 2D Card button (①).

2 Select the desired item from the 2D Card Library (②).
3 Click the Done button (③).

72 Q1E-BM5832
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5.2.2 Changing the default card ········································································

Using the 2D Card as an example, this section explains the method of changing the default card

② ①

1 Double-click the 2D Card button (①).

The default 2D Card is opened.

2 Click the desired 2D processing tab (②).

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5.3 Loading Images to the Control Face

When performing 2D or 3D processing, the image to be processed must be loaded and displayed
to the Control Face.
This section explains how to display the following images to the Control Face.
z Images processed by the Scan Card
z Images loaded from the database

5.3.1 Loading Images Processed by the Scan Card ·········································

Using the 2D Card as an example, the following explains how to load an image processed by
the Scan Card.

1 Set the 2D Card.

For more information about setting the card, see “5.2 Card Settings”.

2 Click the 2D Card tab and open the 2D Card.

If the input data of the 2D Card is not set for the desired Scan Card, click the Input Data
Release button (①) to release the card from the input data. For more information about
releasing the input data, see “3.5.2 Releasing the Card Input Data”.

3 Click the Input Data Settings button (②), then set the desired card as
the input data.
This displays the Control Face.

74 Q1E-BM5832
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5.3.2 Loading Images from the Database ·························································

Using the Data Card as an example, this section explains how to load images from the database.

1 Double-click the Data Card button (①).

This sets the Data Card.

2 Click the Data Card tab (②).

This opens the Data Card.
Click the Input Data Release button (③) to release all cards from the input data.
For more information about releasing the input data, see “3.5.2 Releasing the Card Input

3 Click the Database button (④).

This displays the Series Selector screen.

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Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

4 Click the desired series.

5 Click the Load Single button (⑤) or the Load Multi button (⑥).
This displays selected image to the Control Face.
To load a single or multiple series to a single Viewport, click the Load Single button.
To load multiple series to various Viewports (max. 4), click the Load Multi button.

The following explains the screens that are displayed when clicking the Load Single button and
Load Multi button.

76 Q1E-BM5832
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

When clicking the Load Single button

When clicking the desired image from the Series Selector and then clicking the Load
Single button, the image series of the Series Selector is displayed to Viewport 1.

ƒ Dragging the scrollbar (①) changes the image.

ƒ The Viewport layout can be selected from the pull-down menu that is displayed
when clicking the Viewport Layout field (②).
ƒ Click the Start button (③) display the image to the Review Face. Filming can be
performed for the displayed image.

Q1E-BM5832 77
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

When clicking the Load Multi button

When clicking the desired image from the Series Selector and then clicking the Load
Multi button, each image series is displayed to each Viewport of the Control Face.

② ⑤

Each image series is loaded to each Viewport in the order they were clicked in the Series
ƒ Dragging the scrollbar (①) changes the image.
ƒ Turning on the Synchronous Scroll (②) option changes the image of each Viewport
simultaneously when dragging the scrollbar.
ƒ The Viewport layout can be selected from the pull-down menu that is displayed
when clicking the Viewport Layout field (③).
ƒ Click the Start button (④) displays the image to the Review Face. If the Output
(⑤) is set to Interleaved, the image of each Viewport in the Review Face is
displayed alternately. If Output is set to Sequential, they are displayed by Series in
the order of the Viewport.

78 Q1E-BM5832
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⑦ ⑥

The image layout of the Review Face can be selected from the Layout Selection screen
(⑦), which is displayed by clicking the Layout Selection button (⑥).

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5.4 Writing to the Database

The procedures and the manner in which the results are displayed vary depending on whether or
not the processed images of the 2D Card and 3D Card are automatically written to the database.
The setting for determining whether or not to write to the database automatically is set by the
Save As button.

By default, the Save As button is turned on ( ). It toggles from on and off each time it is

When the Save As button is on ( )

ƒ When the processing results are displayed to the Review Face, the processed image
is saved to the database.
ƒ Filming can be performed from the Review Face.
ƒ The positioning of the image prior to processing and after processing is shown
Layout prior to processing Layout after processing
(Control Screen) (Review Screen)

For 2D Cards (4 on 1) Image prior Image after Image after

* Adaptive Image to processing-1 processing-2
* Edge Enhancement
* Correct Image Shading Image prior Image after Image after
* Background Noise Reduction to processing-3 processing-4

For 2D Cards (3 on 1) Image prior Image prior Image after Image after
* Addition/Subtraction to to processing-1 processing-2
processing-1 processing-2
* T1/T2 Calculation
Image after Image after
processing-3 processing-4

For 3D Cards Image after Image after

COR SAG processing-1 processing-2
image image

Image after Image after

TRS processing-3 processing-4

80 Q1E-BM5832
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

When the Save As button is off ( )

ƒ The processing results are displayed to the right of the Control Face.
ƒ To save the image to the database, turn the Save As button on and reprocess the
ƒ The positioning of the image prior to processing and after processing is shown
Layout prior to processing Layout after processing
(Control Screen) (Review Screen)

For 2D Cards (4 on 1)
Image prior to Image prior to Image after
* Adaptive Image processing -1 processing -1 processing -1
* Edge Enhancement
* Correct Image Shading Image prior to Image prior to Image after
* Background Noise Reduction processing-2 processing-2 processing -2

For 2D Cards (3 on 1)
Image prior to Image prior to Image prior to Image prior to
* Addition/Subtraction processing-1 processing-2 processing -1 processing-2
* T1/T2 Calculation
Image after

For 3D Cards
image image image image

TRS TRS Image after

image image processing

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82 Q1E-BM5832
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6. Card Operations
6.1 Data Card
Data Card is used for reading and displaying image data generated in the Scan Card, 2D Card,
and 3D Card folders.
Since this card can read multiple series as once, it is used for comparing and filming between
For more information about loading the data image, see “5.3 Loading Images to the Control

6.2 2D Card
The 2D Card is used for performing the following post-processing on the image.
z Adaptive Image
z Edge Enhancement
z Correction Shading
z Background Noise Reduction
z Addition/Subtraction
z T1/T2 Calculation

Q1E-BM5832 83
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6.2.1 Adaptive Image·························································································

A smoothing processing is performed to improve the S/N ratio of images.

1 Open the Adaptive image processing tab (①) of the 2D Card.

For more information about opening a card, see “5.2 Card Settings”.

2 Load the image series to perform the processing on to the Control

For more information about loading image series, see “5.3 Loading Images to the Control

3 From the Filter pull-down menu (②), click the desired filter of the
processing level.
4 Click the Save As button (③) to turn it on/off.
For more information about toggling the on/off setting of the Save As button, see “5.4
Writing to the Database”.

5 Click the Start button (④).

When the Save As button is turned on, the processed image is displayed to the Review
When the Save As button is turned off, the processed image is displayed to the Control

84 Q1E-BM5832
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

6.2.2 Edge Enhancement··················································································

This performs processing for sharpening and smoothening the edges of the image data.

1 Open the Edge Enhancement processing tab (①) of the 2D Card.

For more information about opening a card, see “5.2 Card Settings”.

2 Load the image series to perform the processing on to the Control

For more information about loading image series, see “5.3 Loading Images to the Control

3 Drag the Smoother Edges controller (②).

To sharpen the image, drag to the right; to smoothen the image, drag to the left.

4 Click the Save As button (③) to turn it on/off.

For more information about toggling the on/off setting of the Save As button, see “5.4
Writing to the Database”.

5 Click the Start button (④).

When the Save As button is turned on, the processed image is displayed to the Review
When the Save As button is turned off, the processed image is displayed to the Control

Q1E-BM5832 85
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

6.2.3 Correction Shading ···················································································

This corrects the shading.

1 Open the Shading processing tab (①) of the 2D Card.

For more information about opening a card, see “5.2 Card Settings”.

2 Load the image series to perform the processing on to the Control

For more information about loading image series, see “5.3 Loading Images to the Control

3 From the Coil Type pull-down menu (②), select the coil type.
4 If necessary, change the execution radius of the shading correction
set in the Coil Size field (③).
The maximum value is ½ of the scanned FOV.

5 Click the Save As button (④) to turn it on/off.

For more information about toggling the on/off setting of the Save As button, see “5.4
Writing to the Database”.

6 Click the Start button (⑤).

When the Save As button is turned on, the processed image is displayed to the Review
When the Save As button is turned off, the processed image is displayed to the Control

86 Q1E-BM5832
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

6.2.4 Background Noise Reduction···································································

This reduces the background noise. The following are the two modes.

(1) Automatic mode

This automatically detects the image region and reduces the noise outside of the region.

(2) Manual mode

Manually sets the ROI to the image region and reduces noise outside the ROI.

The following explains the procedures for using each mode.

(1) For Automatic mode

② ④

1 Open the Background Noise Reduction processing tab (①) of the

2D Card.
For more information about opening a card, see “5.2 Card Settings”.
2 Load the image series to perform the processing on to the Control
For more information about loading image series, see “5.3 Loading Images to the
Control Face”.

3 From the Mode pull-down menu (②), select Automatic Mode.

4 Set the noise level (0 - 9) to reduce by dragging the Threshold
Value controller (③).
The greater the value, the more deduction performed.

Q1E-BM5832 87
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

5 From the No. of Divisions pull-down menu (④), select the division
Select either 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, or 64 as the division size.
Used to increase the noise reduction efficiency by setting the maximum division size
for space in the image.

6 Click the Save As button (⑤) to turn it on/off.

For more information about toggling the on/off setting of the Save As button, see
“5.4 Writing to the Database”.

7 Click the Start button (⑥).

When the Save As button is turned on, the processed image is displayed to the
Review Face.
When the Save As button is turned off, the processed image is displayed to the
Control Face.

88 Q1E-BM5832
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

(2) For Manual Mode

① ②

1 Open the Background Noise Reduction processing tab (①) of the

2D Card.
For more information about opening a card, see “5.2 Card Settings”.

2 Load the image series to perform the processing on to the Control

For more information about loading image series, see “5.3 Loading Images to the
Control Face”.

3 From the Mode pull-down menu (②), select Manual Mode.

4 Click the Viewport Tool button (③).
This opens the Viewport Tool.

5 Click the ROI Tool tab (④).

6 Click the Free shape ROI (⑤) button.
7 Circle the image region with the ROI.
8 Click the Save As button (⑥) to turn it on/off.
For more information about toggling the on/off setting of the Save As button, see
“5.4 Writing to the Database”.

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Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

9 Click the Start button (⑦).

When the Save As button is turned on, the processed image is displayed to the
Review Face.
When the Save As button is turned off, the processed image is displayed to the
Control Face.

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Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

6.2.5 Addition/Subtraction ·················································································

This creates addition images and subtraction images, where data between two images are added
or subtracted.
This section explains the following operations.

(1) Subtracting between different series

(2) Subtracting from images within the same series

(3) Subtraction using the Sequential button

(4) Alignment subtraction using the Sequential button

(1) Subtracting between different series

⑥ ②

1 Open the Add/Sub processing tab (①) of the 2D Card.

For more information about opening a card, see “5.2 Card Settings”.

2 Set the initial values for window width and level (②) after the
preview image is made to WW and WL.

Q1E-BM5832 91
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

3 Load the image series (two series) to perform the processing on

to the Control Face.
Set the two Scan Cards that processed the desired image as the input data, or load
two series of images to the Control window from the database using the Load Multi
The first series (③) that was selected becomes the Ref. Image, and the second series
(④) that was selected becomes the Move Image.
For more information about loading image series, see “5.3 Loading Images to the
Control Face”.

4 From the Operation pull-down menu (⑤), select Subtraction.

5 Click the Slice Pos button (⑥).
Subtraction is performed from images of the same slice position.
Subtraction image = Ref. Image - Move Image

6 Click the Save As button (⑦) to turn it on/off.

For more information about toggling the on/off setting of the Save As button, see
“5.4 Writing to the Database”.

7 Click the Start button (⑧).

When the Save As button is turned on, the processed image is displayed to the
Review Face.
When the Save As button is turned off, the processed image is displayed to the
Control Face.

92 Q1E-BM5832
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

(2) Subtracting from images within the same series


④ ②

1 Open the Add/Sub processing tab (①) of the 2D Card.

For more information about opening a card, see “5.2 Card Settings”.

2 Set the initial values for window width and level (②) after the
preview image is made to WW and WL.
3 Load the image series to perform the processing on to the Control
When loading from a Scan Card, set the same card as the input data twice.
When loading from the database, load the same series twice using the Load Single
button. For more information about loading image series, see “5.3 Loading Images to
the Control Face”.

4 From the Operation pull-down menu (③), select Subtraction.

5 Click the None button (④).
6 Drag the Move Image scrollbar (⑤) and display the desired
7 Click the Use Current Image button (⑥).
The Move Image display changes from “Used: All” to “Used: (selected image
Subtraction Image = Ref. Image - Move Image selected in Step 6

Q1E-BM5832 93
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

8 Click the Save As button (⑦) to turn it on/off.

For more information about toggling the on/off setting of the Save As button, see
“5.4 Writing to the Database”.

9 Click the Start button (⑧).

When the Save As button is turned on, the processed image is displayed to the
Review Face.
When the Save As button is turned off, the processed image is displayed to the
Control Face.

94 Q1E-BM5832
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

(3) Subtraction using the Sequential button

1 Set the Scan Card and 2D Card.

For more information about setting a card, see “5.2 Card Settings”.

2 Click the 2D Card tab (①).

This opens the 2D Card.

3 Click the Add/Sub tab (②).

4 Set the initial values for window width and level (③) after the
preview image is made to WW and WL.
5 Turn the Sequential button (④) on.
When the Sequential button is on, images cannot be loaded from the database.

6 Click the Input Data Settings button (⑤), then set the desired
Scan Card as the input data.
For more information about setting, see “3.5.1 Setting the Card Input Data”.
Do not use the folder cover or Data Card as input data.

7 From the Operation pull-down menu (⑥), select Inv. Sub.

Q1E-BM5832 95
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

8 Perform the scanning of the desired Scan Card two or more times.
The image on the Add/Sub card is displayed in the following manner.
Ref. Image The second last image series scanned
Move Image The first image series scanned

9 Click the Save As button (⑦) to turn it on/off.

For more information about toggling the on/off setting of the Save As button, see
“5.4 Writing to the Database”.

10 Click the Start button (⑧).

When the Save As button is turned on, the processed image is displayed to the
Review Face.
When the Save As button is turned off, the processed image is displayed to the
Control Face.

96 Q1E-BM5832
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

(4) Alignment subtraction using the Sequential button

This processing is fit for Mask images or Live images using dye.

1 Set the Scan Card and 2D Card.

For more information about setting a card, see “5.2 Card Settings”.

2 Click the 2D Card tab (①).

This opens the 2D Card.

3 Click the Add/Sub tab (②) of the 2D Card.

4 Set the initial values for window width and level (③) after the
preview image is made to WW and WL.
5 Turn the Sequential button (④) on.
When the Sequential button is on, images cannot be loaded from the database.

6 Click the Input Data Settings button (⑤), then set the desired
Scan Card as the input data.
For more information about setting, see “3.5.1 Setting the Card Input Data”.

7 From the Operation pull-down menu (⑥), select Inv. Sub+Pos.

Q1E-BM5832 97
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

8 Perform the scanning of the desired Scan Card two or more times.
The image on the Add/Sub card is displayed in the following manner.
Ref. Image The second last image series scanned
Move Image The first image series scanned
The display scrollbars point to the center slice of the image series that were loaded
for the Ref. Image and Move Image.
The image displayed for the processing image is the difference between the
alignment performed on the image series loaded to the Ref. Image and Move Image
based on the center slice.

9 Click the Save As button (⑦) to turn it on/off.

For more information about toggling the on/off setting of the Save As button, see
“5.4 Writing to the Database”.

10 Click the Start button (⑧).

When the Save As button is turned on, the processed image is displayed to the
Review Face.
When the Save As button is turned off, the processed image is displayed to the
Control Face.

98 Q1E-BM5832
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

6.2.6 T1/T2 Calculation ·····················································································

This section explains the following processing.

(1) T1 Calculation Processing

This creates the T1 image from the IR image and SE image.

(2) T2 Calculation Processing

This creates the T2 image from SE images with different echo times.

(3) M0 Calculation Processing

This creates the M0 image from an SE image with a short echo time and the T2 image.

Q1E-BM5832 99
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

(1) T1 Calculation Processing

This creates the T1 image from the IR image and SE image.

1 Open the T1/T2 tab (①) of the 2D Card.

For more information about opening a card, see “5.2 Card Settings”.

2 Click the T1 button (②).

3 Load the desired IR image series and SE image series to the
Control Face.
Load two series with the Load Multi button from the database to the Control Face.
Select an image series that has the same slice count, slice thickness, slice position,
FOV, echo, and repetition time for the same patient.
For more information about loading image series, see “5.3 Loading Images to the
Control Face”.

4 Click the Save As button (③) to turn it on/off.

For more information about toggling the on/off setting of the Save As button, see
“5.4 Writing to the Database”.

5 Click the Start button (④).

When the Save As button is turned on, the processed image is displayed to the
Review Face.
When the Save As button is turned off, the processed image is displayed to the
Control Face.

100 Q1E-BM5832
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

(2) T2 Calculation Processing

This creates the T2 image from SE images with different echo times.

1 Open the T1/T2 tab (①) of the 2D Card.

For more information about opening a card, see “5.2 Card Settings”.

2 Click the T2 button (②).

3 Load the desired SE image series that has a different echo time to
the Control Face.
Load two series with the Load Multi button from the database to the Control Face.
Select an image series that has the same slice count, slice thickness, slice position,
FOV, and repetition time, but different a echo time for the same patient.
For more information about loading image series, see “5.3 Loading Images to the
Control Face”.

4 Click the Save As button (③) to turn it on/off.

For more information about toggling the on/off setting of the Save As button, see
“5.4 Writing to the Database”.

5 Click the Start button (④).

When the Save As button is turned on, the processed image is displayed to the
Review Face.
When the Save As button is turned off, the processed image is displayed to the
Control Face.

Q1E-BM5832 101
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

(3) M0 Calculation Processing

This creates the M0 image from an SE image with a short echo time and the T2 image.

1 Open the T1/T2 tab (①) of the 2D Card.

For more information about opening a card, see “5.2 Card Settings”.

2 Click the M0 button (②).

3 Load the desired SE image series that has a short echo time and
the T2 image series to the Control Face.
Load two series with the Load Multi button from the database to the Control Face.
Select the image series, which has the short echo time and was used in the T2
calculation processing, and the T2 image series that was created.
For more information about loading image series, see “5.3 Loading Images to the
Control Face”.

4 Click the Save As button (③) to turn it on/off.

For more information about toggling the on/off setting of the Save As button, see
“5.4 Writing to the Database”.

5 Click the Start button (④).

When the Save As button is turned on, the processed image is displayed to the
Review Face.
When the Save As button is turned off, the processed image is displayed to the
Control Face.

102 Q1E-BM5832
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

6.3 Analysis Card

The Analysis Card performs the following analysis on the scanned image data.
z Velocity Analysis
This calculates the velocity of the velocity image within the ROI by setting the ROI.
z Dynamic Scan Analysis
This analyses how the signal intensity changes over time for the image obtained by the
dynamic scan.

6.3.1 Velocity Analysis ·····················································································

By setting the ROI for the velocity image, the following values are displayed.
z Average Velocity (Velocity: cm/s)
z Mean Pixel Value (Mean)
z Standard Deviation (Std. Dev)
z ROI Area (Area: mm2)
z Pixel Count (Pixel Count)

When using image data scanned with a method other than Phase Contrast, the average velocity
is not calculated. Values other than the average velocity are calculated.

① ⑤

1 Click the Velocity tab (①) of the Analysis Card.

For more information about opening a card, see “5.2 Card Settings”.

Q1E-BM5832 103
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

2 Set a Scan Card scanned in Phase Contrast method as the input

Or load an image scanned in Phase Contrast method from the
For more information about setting the input data, see “3.5.1 Setting the Card Input
For more information about loading image series, see “5.3 Loading Images to the Control

3 Click the Viewport Tool button (②).

This opens the Viewport Tool.

4 Click the ROI Tool tab (③).

5 Sets the ROI.
6 Click the Start button (④).
The results are displayed in ⑤.

6.3.2 Dynamic Scan Analysis ············································································

This analyses how the signal intensity changes over time for the image obtained by the dynamic
scan, and it generates the following three graphs.
X axis Y axis Description

Signal Intensity The ROI value set for the image is compared with the value
Time (Canonical before and after injecting Contrast Agent, and the change over (A)
expression) time of the difference is displayed to the graph.

Signal Intensity The ROI value set for the image is compared with the value
Time (Scale) before and after injecting Contrast Agent, and the change over (B)
time of the magnification is displayed to the graph.

Signal Intensity The ROI value set for the image is compared with the value
Time Change Ratio before and after injecting Contrast Agent, and the speed of the (C)
change over time is displayed to the graph.

The screen is displayed in the following manner.

104 Q1E-BM5832
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

Original Image Signal Intensity
(Canonical expression)
- Time Graph

(B) (C)
Signal Intensity Signal Intensity
(Scale) Change Ratio
- Time Graph - Time Graph

If an image processed by scanning other than dynamic scanning is used, the X axis of each
graph displays “Image Number” rather than “Time.”

① ④

1 Click the Dynamic Scan Analysis tab (①) of the Analysis Card.
For more information about opening a card, see “5.2 Card Settings”.

2 Set the Scan Card processed by dynamic scanning as the input data.
Or load an image processed by dynamic scanning from the database.
For more information about setting the input data, see “3.5.1 Setting the Card Input
For more information about loading image series, see “5.3 Loading Images to the Control

3 Click the Viewport Tool button (②).

This opens the Viewport Tool.

Q1E-BM5832 105
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

4 Click the ROI Tool tab (③).

5 Sets the ROI.
6 Click the ROI Copy button (④).
The same ROI is set to the other images within the series.

7 Click the Start button (⑤).

The results are displayed as graph.

106 Q1E-BM5832
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

6.4 3D Card
The 3D Card is used for performing the following post-processing based on multiple images.
z MIP(Maximum Intensity Projection)
This creates a projection from multiple images scanned.
z MPR (Multi Planar Reconstruction)
This creates a user-defined section image from multiple images scanned.

Regardless of whether the same folder or different folder is used, do not perform the
following for the 3D Card. It will degrade the response time
y Opening three or more processed 3D Cards simultaneously.
y Performing another MIP process while one is in progress.

Q1E-BM5832 107
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

6.4.1 MIP ···········································································································

This creates a projection from multiple images scanned.
This can also sets the MIP region to the created projection, cut fat region, and rotate the image.

The following are the procedures for creating the projection.

② ③

1 Click the MIP tab (①) of the 3D Card.

For more information about opening a card, see “5.2 Card Settings”.

2 Load the desired image series to the Control Face.

After loading process, the MIP image is displayed in the following layout.


TRS MIP after


For more information about loading image series, see “5.3 Loading Images to the Control

3 Select the desired 3DAI process from the 3DAI menu (②).
4 Click the Output View Rotation button (③) to specify the post-process
display section of the MIP image.
The MIP image with the specified orientation will be displayed on the right-bottom

108 Q1E-BM5832
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

Regarding the 3D Adaptive Imaging Processing (3DAI) Function

y Compared to None, when Sm.Ves or Lg.Ves is selected, more time is required to
load the input series.
y There is a limit on the matrix size and number of images that can be used in the
3D Adaptive Imaging Processing Function. Exceeding this limit disables the 3D
Adaptive Imaging Processing Function.
y If the system default is used to generate a 3D card, the default 3DAI will be the
process set in System Preferences.

(1) Setting the MIP region

The area within the yellow lines is the region where the MIP processing occurs. This
region is called the Volume.

To change the position of the Volume, drag within the Volume.

To change the size of the Volume, drag the corners the Volume.

Q1E-BM5832 109
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

(2) Cutting Fat Region

② ③ ④ ⑤

1 Select Clipping Parameters (①) for the setting parameters.

2 Click the ROI button (②).
3 Select Operation (③).
: Perform MIP within the ROI.

: Perform MIP outside the ROI.

4 Select the ROI shape from Shape section (④).

: Irregular ROI

: Elliptical ROI

: Rectangular ROI

5 Set the ROI to the desired fat region to cut.

ROI can be set on the four Viewports.
ROI clipping results are displayed in the viewport at the bottom right.

6 Click the Update Orthogonal Views button (⑤).

The clipping results are applied to the top left, bottom left, and top right viewports.

110 Q1E-BM5832
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

The calculation method of clipping region is different between the case of setting ROI
on MIP image of the different angle (different projective direction) and the case of
setting ROI on MIP image of the same angle (same projective direction).
When drawing multiple +ROI on the MIP image of the different angle, the overlapped
region (common region) of multiple ROIs is set to the clipping region.
When drawing multiple +ROI on the MIP image of the same angle, the composed
region of multiple ROIs is set to the clipping region.

(3) Rotating the MIP image (by specifying the rotation angle)

③ ②

1 Select Series Parameters (①) for the setting parameters.

2 Enter the start angle and increment of the rotation processing to
Start Increment +direction

Rotate The rotation start The rotation increment

angle for the Y axis. for the Y axis. X axis

Tilt The rotation start The rotation increment +direction

angle for the X axis. for the X axis. Y axis

3 Enter the number of images to create into the No. of Views field

Q1E-BM5832 111
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

(4) Rotating the MIP image (by dragging)

1 Click the Manual button (①).

2 Click the Show Cube button (②).
A cube (③) is displayed to visually represent the angle of perspective of the MIP

3 Move the mouse cursor over the MIP image(④), then drag it in
the direction to rotate.

By holding the Ctrl key while dragging, the MIP image can be rotated with the mouse
regardless of whether Manual is set to ON or off.

112 Q1E-BM5832
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

(5) Creating Multiple Series

1 Click the Copy Series button (①).

A new Series Setting Page is displayed. At this time, the parameters for the selected
Series Setting Page are copied to the new Series Setting Page.

2 Set the MIP region, cut the fat component, and rotate the MIP
image on the new Series Setting Page.
3 Click the Save as button (②), and select either On or Off.
See “5.4 Writing to the Databases” for more information on the On/Off setting for
the Save as button.

4 Click the Start button (③).

The created image is displayed.
The display order that appears on the Review screen if the Save as button is set to On
is shown below.
1st Image 2nd Image Final Image
in Series 1 in Series 1 in Series 1
1st Image Final Image
・・・ ・・・
in Series 2 in Series 2
1st Image Final Image
・・・ ・・・
in Final Series in Final Series

Q1E-BM5832 113
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

(6) Setting series names

When creating multiple series setting pages, and making series names for each series to
be created for those pages, use Description of the Series Parameters.

Here, an example is given of the method for setting different series names for series
created from series setting page 1 (series 1) and series created from series setting page 2
(series 2).

1 Set the series name for series 1 in Description (①) for series
setting page 1.
2 Copy series setting page 1, and create series setting page 2.
For details, see “(5) Creating Multiple Series”.
The series name set in step 1 is copied for the Description of series setting page 2.

3 Click the tag (②) for series setting page 2.

Series setting page 2 is displayed.

4 Set the series name for series 2 in Description.

y If Description is left blank, the series name displayed on the card’s tag is
y Up to 16 characters can be entered for Description.

114 Q1E-BM5832
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

(7) Setting the same ROI for multiple series

② ④

Here, an example is given for the method of drawing the same ROI on series setting page
2 as for series setting page 1.

1 Click the tag (①) for series setting page 2.

Series setting page 2 is displayed.

2 Click the Set ROI Copy button (②).

3 Click the tag (③) for series setting page 1.
The ROI drawn on series setting page 1 is copied to series setting page 2.
The name of the selected series setting page is displayed below the button. In this
way, the ROI drawn on the series setting page that is the copy source is copied to the
series setting page that is the copy destination.
To set ROI to series setting page 1 only, click the Disable Copy button (④) on series
setting page 2.

y Only one series setting page can be set as the copy source.
y Cyclic copy setting cannot be made: for example a setting where series 1 is set as
the copy source for series 2 while series 2 is set as the copy source for series 1.

Q1E-BM5832 115
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

(8) MIP with Dynamic Scanning Series

1 Load the series which is scanned with dynamic scanning to MIP.

Input Control ① is displayed on the screen for MIP. The MIP image which is generated
with dynamic number 1 is displayed on the preview viewport ② by default.

2 Set the desired dynamic number to Dynamic# parameter ③.

The MIP image which is generated with the set dynamic number is displayed on the
preview viewport.

116 Q1E-BM5832
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

6.4.2 MPR ·········································································································

This creates user-defined section image from multiple images. The following are the major
MPR types.

(1) Parallel MPR

The function for creating multiple parallel section images.

(2) Curved MRP

The function for creating multiple curved section images.

(3) Radial MPR

The function for creating multiple radial section images.

Q1E-BM5832 117
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

This section explains the common procedures for creating MPRs.

1 Click the MPR tab (①) of the 3D Card.

For more information about opening a card, see “5.2 Card Settings”.

2 Load the desired image series to the Control Face.

For more information about loading image series, see “5.3 Loading Images to the Control

3 Adjust the three section locations of MRP images (i.e. the default
COR image, SAG image, and TRS image) of the Control Face.
Drag the following lines to adjust the section location.
The image where the
Line to drag
section is to be adjusted

COR image The vertical line of the SAG image or the horizontal line of the TRS image.

SAG image The vertical line of the COR image or the TRS image.

TRS image The horizontal line of the COR image or SAG image.

The following explains the procedures for creating (1) the Parallel MPR, (2) the Curved MPR,
and (3) the Radial MPR.

118 Q1E-BM5832
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

(1) For the Parallel MPR

This creates a user-defined flat section image.

② ① ④ ⑤

1 Select the type of the section to create from the Cut Set Type
section (①).
:TRS : SAG : COR : Oblique

Oblique is selected in the above figure.

2 From the Defining View section (②), select the section type to be
used for the positioning image.
A parallel slice line (③) is displayed to the selected image.
The SAG image is selected in the above figure.

3 Selects a slice order (in which direction section images are

created) from Slice Order menu (④).
Allowable set values differ depending of the setting of Cut set type and Parameters.
Select a desirable value from those displayed in the menu.
If you change Slice Order, the slice line numbers displayed on a positioning image
are sorted in the reverse order.

Q1E-BM5832 119
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

4 Set the Parameters (⑤).

Parameters Setting Value Remarks

Number of cuts number of slices -

Cut spacing slice spacing(mm) -

Thickness slice thickness (mm) -

FOV region of interest (mm) -

Angle slice angle Set this when selecting Oblique for Step 1.
Dragging the slice line also sets the angle.

Active cut The slice number to be Set this when there are multiple images.
displayed in the right-
bottom viewport (⑥).

You can also set the number of cuts, cut spacing and angle by dragging an object on
the image.


・・ ・

(b) (b)



number of cuts
Turn ON, and then drag object (a).
cut spacing
Turn ON, and then drag object (a).
Drag object (b).

5 Set the position of the slice line.

Use the mouse to drag the centerline of the slice lines (see the figure for step 4) to the
desired location.

6 Click the Save As button (⑦) to turn it on/off.

For more information about toggling the on/off setting of the Save As button, see
“5.4 Writing to the Database”.

7 Click the Start button (⑧).

120 Q1E-BM5832
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

(2) For Curved MPR

This creates user-defined curved section image.

② ① ④ ⑤

1 Click from the Cut Set Type section (①).

2 From the Defining View section (②), select the section type to be
used for the positioning image.
The SAG image is selected in the above figure.

3 Draw the curve (section location) (③).

Settings Operation

Free hand setting Drag the mouse while pressing the left button.

Polygon line setting Click the left mouse button, and then click it again in another
location. Continue this processing to draw the polygon line.

Curve correction Single-click the right mouse button while drawing the curved line
to trim a small piece of the line’s end.
Moving the mouse while pressing down on the right button while
drawing the curved line deletes the end of the curved line the more
the mouse is dragged.

Set curved line Press the center mouse button.

Delete all curved lines Click the Clear All button (④).

Q1E-BM5832 121
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

4 Set the Parameters (⑤).

Parameters Setting Value Remarks

number of cuts number of slices -

cut spacing slice spacing -


Thickness Slice thickness (mm)

curve dir. Additional directions for slice The slice lines are added to both
lines (°) sides of the curved line drawn.

active cut The slice number to be displayed Set this when there are multiple
in the right-bottom viewport (⑥). images.

You can also set the number of cuts and cut spacing by dragging an object on the





number of cuts
Turn ON, and then drag object (a).
cut spacing
Turn ON, and then drag object (a).

5 Set the position of the slice lines.

Use the mouse to drag the centerline of the slice lines (see the figure for step 4) to the
desired location.

6 Click the Save As button (⑦) to turn it on/off.

For more information about toggling the on/off setting of the Save As button, see
“5.4 Writing to the Database”.

7 Click the Start button (⑧).

122 Q1E-BM5832
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

Regarding the Curved MPR

y The View Direction cannot be changed while using the Curved MRP.
y There is a limit to the length of the curved line. A WARNING Message is
displayed when the limit is exceeded, and the section that exceeded the limit is
automatically deleted.
y The starting point of the curved line corresponds to the top edge of the curved
section image created by the Curved MPR.
y The direction (R/L/A/P/H/F) displayed for the top end and bottom end of the
curved section image that was created by the Curved MPR is calculated by the
virtual plane passing through the starting point and ending point of the curved
y The curved section image created by the Curved MPR cannot be used as the
Scanogram for positioning of the Scan Card.
y The curved section image created by the Curved MPR cannot be used for
Intersection Lines.
y Before drawing the curved line, the window width/level cannot be adjusted by
pressing and dragging the center mouse button over the positioning image.
y Active cut can be used after setting a curved line.

Q1E-BM5832 123
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

(3) For Radial MPR

This creates a radial section image.

② ① ④

1 Click from the Cut Set Type section (①).

2 From the Defining View section (②), select the section type to be
used for the positioning image.
A radial slice line (③) is displayed to the selected image.
The TRS image is selected in the above figure.

3 Set the range of the radial slice line in the Parameters section (④).
Parameters Setting Value

Start angle The angle of the start location of the radial slice line.

End angle The angle of the end location of the radial slice line.

The Radial MRP of this system sets an n slices or θ degrees spacing between the
start angle and end angle. When setting the parameters, first set the start angle and end
angle. The setting range of the slice line is 0 - 179 degrees against the Start angle.
The angle difference between the start angle and end angle cannot be 180 or 540
degrees. Setting the angle difference to 180 or 540 displays a WARNING Message
and automatically restores the previous value.

124 Q1E-BM5832
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

4 Set the Number of cuts and Delta angle in the Parameters section (④).
Parameters Setting Value Remarks

Number of cuts number of Setting the Number of cuts automatically changes the
slices Delta angle and End angle. The input range of the
Number of cuts varies depending on the values of the
Start angle, End angle, and Delta angle.

Delta angle Slice spacing Set the delta angle. Setting this value automatically
(angle) changes the Number of cuts and End angle. The input
range of the Delta angle varies depending on the
values of the Start angle, End angle, and Number of

You can also set the number of cuts and delta angle by dragging an object on the


number of cuts
Turn ON, and then drag object (a).
delta angle
Turn ON, and then drag object (a).
You can rotate all slice lines together by dragging object (b).

5 Set the other parameters.

Parameters Setting Value Remarks

Thickness slice thickness (mm) -

FOV region of interest (mm) -

Active cut The slice number to be displayed in Set this when there are multiple
the right-bottom viewport (⑤). images.

6 Set the position of the slice line (③).

Use the mouse to drag the centerline of the slice lines (see the figure for step 4) to the
desired location.

Q1E-BM5832 125
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

7 Click the Save As button (⑥) to turn it on/off.

For more information about toggling the on/off setting of the Save As button, see
“5.4 Writing to the Database”.

8 Click the Start button (⑦).

126 Q1E-BM5832
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

7. Window Adjustment
The Window Width and Window Level is adjusted from the frame of the Control Face, Review
Face, and Film Tool. There are two methods for adjusting: drag the mouse or use the Viewport

7.1 Selecting the image for adjusting the window

1 Click the desired image.

A red frame is displayed around the clicked image.

2 Click the Scope field (①).

A pull-down menu is displayed.

3 Click the desired Scope from the pull-down menu.

Image Adjusts only the selected image.

Echo Bulk adjusts the window of the echo that contains the selected image.

Series Bulk adjusts the window of the series that contains the selected image.

All Bulk adjusts the windows of all images displayed in the Control Face or in the
Review Face.

Q1E-BM5832 127
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

7.2 Window Adjustment (using the mouse)

1 Select the desired image.

For more information about selecting images, see “7.1 Selecting the image for adjusting
the window”.

2 Drag the mouse while holding down the center mouse button on the
To adjust the window width, drag the mouse horizontally.
To adjust the window level, drag the mouse vertically.
High Window level

Center button
Window width
Narrow Wide


128 Q1E-BM5832
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

7.3 Window Adjustment (using the Viewport Tool)

⑨ ⑩ ②

④ ⑪

⑥ ⑫

⑧ ⑭

1 Select the desired image.

For more information about selecting images, see “7.1 Selecting the image for adjusting
the window”.

2 Click the Viewport Tool button (①).

Or double-click the selected image.
The Viewport Tool is displayed.

3 Click the Window Width/Level Tool tab (②).

4 Adjust the window width/level with one of the following methods.
The current window width is displayed to ⑧, and the current window level is displayed
to ⑭.
Each time ③ is clicked, the window width is increased by 1.
Each time ④ is clicked, the window width is increased by 10.
The window width can be adjusted by dragging ⑤.
Each time ⑥ is clicked, the window width is decreased by 10.
Each time ⑦ is clicked, the window width is decreased by 1.
The window width can be specified by entering a numeric value to ⑧.
Each time ⑨ is clicked, the window level is increased by 1.
Each time ⑩ is clicked, the window level is increased by 10.
The window level can be adjusted by dragging ⑪.

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Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

Each time ⑫ is clicked, the window level is decreased by 10.

Each time ⑬ is clicked, the window level is decreased by 1.
The window level can be specified by entering a numeric value to ⑭.

Regarding drag adjustments

The drag operations of ⑤ and ⑪ can be performed using the center mouse
Regarding input via the Numeric Input Control Panel
Clicking the center mouse button over ⑧ displays the Numeric Input Control
Panel for entering the window width.
Clicking the center mouse button over ⑭, displays the Numeric Input Control
Panel for entering the window level.
For more information about inputting with the Numeric Input Control Panel, see
“1.2.1 Input Operation”.

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8. Selecting the Display Image / Processing Image

Images are loaded to Control Face and Review Face by series. The image to be displayed in
each screen can be selected from the series. The display order can also be specified.

Image Selection
Select and display the desired image from the image series loaded to each screen.

Specify the display order of the image loaded to each screen.

8.1 Image Selection

This selects and displays the desired image from the loaded images to the Control Face and
Review Face.

1 Click on an image.
A red frame is displayed around the clicked image.

2 Click the Pick Images (①) button.

The Image Selection screen is displayed.

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Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

③ ②

② ③

④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦

3 Select the images.

The background of the selected images is highlighted.
Clicking a selected image (②) will unselect it.
Clicking an unselected image (③) will select it.
Click the All button (④) to select all the images.
Click the None button (⑤) to unselect all the images.

4 Click the Include button (⑥) or Exclude button (⑦).

This displays the images to the current screen.
Clicking the Include button displays selected images.
Clicking the Exclude button displays unselected images.

132 Q1E-BM5832
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

If the number of images to select and display is few, apply one of the following
y After unselecting all the images with the None button, click and select the
images to display, then click the Include button.
y After selecting all the images with the All button, click and unselect the images
to display, and then click the Exclude button.
If the number of images to select and display is plenty, apply one of the following
y After selecting all the images with the All button, click and unselect the images
not to display, and then click the Include button.
y After unselecting all the images with the None button, click and select the
images not to display, then click the Exclude button.

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Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

8.2 Sort
The sort order can be specified according to the image attributes.

② ⑤

⑥ ⑦

1 Click the Sorting button (①).

This displays the Sort Dialog.

2 Click the Clear button (②) if necessary.

Clicking the Clear button clears the currently set display order.

3 Click the desired attribute from the Sort Attributes list (③).
The selected attributes are displayed in the Sort By list (④).

4 To change the ascending or descending setting, click the or

Each time the bottoms are clicked, they toggle between (descending) and

5 Click the Done button (⑤).

The display order of the images are set and sorted by the specified attributes.

6 Click the Include button (⑥) or Exclude button (⑦).

The images are displayed to the current window by the specified sorting.
Clicking the Include button displays selected images.
Clicking the Exclude button displays unselected images.

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9. Filming
This processes the layout of the image and outputs it to the imager.
There are two methods for outputting: Manual output and Auto output. This section e explains
the procedures for Manual output.

The following terminology is used in this chapter.

Sheet Indicates one film to output the image data.

Frame Indicates each frame of the split sheet.

Sheet Layout Indicates positioning of the frame in the sheet.

y The Film Job Queue Dialog button is indicated with a green mark ( )
during filming processing.
y After filming is completed, the folders and series of images are displayed on the
Patient Registration and Selection screen as follows:

Indicates the number of filmed

films in the folder.

Indicates the number of filmed

films of the images in the Series.

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9.1 Filming image data from the same Patient Folder

This section explains the processing for filming the image data within the same Patient Folder.

1 Load the desired image series to the Review Face.

2 Click the Film Tool button (①).
This displays the Film Tool - Card Output screen.

3 Click the Sheet Layout button (②).

This displays the Film Tool - Layout Selection screen.

136 Q1E-BM5832
Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

4 Click the desired layout to select the sheet layout.

5 Click the Done button (③).
The layout selected in Step 4 is set as sheet layout of the Film Tool.
The frames are laid out and filmed to the sheet layout.
For more information about laying out user- defined images to the desired frames, see
“9.1.1 Filming with a user-defined layout”.
For more information about sequentially laying out the images of the Review window,
see “9.1.2 Filming the image in order of the Review Face”.

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9.1.1 Filming with a user-defined layout ····························································

This section explains the procedures for using user-defined layout when filming the images
loaded to the Review Face.
Film Tool Review Face

1 Click the desired image(①) from the Review Face.

A red frame is displayed around the clicked image.
Select the image in the upper right side in the figure above.

2 Click the desired frame(②) from the Film Tool.

A red frame is displayed around the clicked frame.
Select the frame in the center of the 2nd line in the figure above.

3 Click the Frame button (③).

The frame selected in Step 1 is laid out to the frame selected in Step 2.


Film Tool Review Face

4 Repeat steps 1 - 3 for as many frames to film to the sheet.

5 Click the Print button (④).
The set sheet is outputted to the imager.

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9.1.2 Filming the image in order of the Review Face ········································

This section explains the procedures for filming the images loaded to the Review Face in the
order they are displayed.

1 Click the frame(①) where the layout starts.

A red frame is displayed around the clicked frame.
Select the frame in the center of the 2nd line in the figure above.

2 Click the Seq button (②).

The images of the Review window are laid out in order to the frame selected in Step 1.

a b
a b
c d

c d

Film Tool Review Face

3 Click the Print button (③).

The set sheet is outputted to the imager.

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9.1.3 Changing the frame and sheet layout·······················································

This section explains the procedures for changing the frame or layout in the Film Tool.

① ⑤

③ ④

Changing the frame image

1 Click the frame to change.

2 Click the Clear Frame button (①).
The frame image is cleared.

3 Click the desired image from the Review Face.

4 Click the Frame button (②).

Deleting all sheet images

1 Click the Delete Sheet button (③).
The sheet is cleared.

Creating multiple sheets

1 Click the New Sheet button (④).
This increase the Page count (⑤).

2 Click Page Settings (⑥). This updates the sheet page.

Displays a new sheet. The new sheet is displayed in the same layout as the sheet
shown before the additions were made.

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3 To change the layout from Step 2, click the Sheet Layout button
(⑦) and set the new layout.

Regarding the images displayed in the Film Tool

y Right-clicking the image of the frame in the Film Tool maximizes the image and
launches the Viewport Tool. Clicking it again restores it to its original condition.
Note that the Viewport Tool launched from the Film Tool has limited
y The window can be adjusted by holding down the center button of the mouse
over the frame of the Film Tool and dragging it. For more information about
adjusting the window, see “Chapter 7 Window Adjustment”.

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9.2 Filming image data from multiple Patient Folders

This section explains the processing for filming image data from multiple Patient Folders to the
same film.
In order to load image data from multiple Patient Folders to the Control Face, a Teaching Folder
must be created.
9.2.1 Creating a Teaching Folder·······································································
This section explains the procedures for creating a Teaching Folder and loading image data from
multiple Patient Folders to the Control Face.

1 Click the Create Teaching Folder button(①).

This creates a Teaching Folder.

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Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

2 Input the desired data.

For more information about inputting, see “2.1 Registering Patient Data”.

3 Double-click the Data Card button (②).

This opens the Data Card.

4 Click the Database button (③).

This displays all the Patient Folders.

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Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

5 Click the desired Patient Folder.

Or click the icon ( ) in the left margin of the Patient Folder to display
the image series within that folder, and then click the desired series.
6 Click the Load Multi button (④).
For more information about Load Single and Load Multi, see “6.1 Data Card”.
This loads the image series of various Patient Folders to the Control Face.

7 Click the Start button (⑤).

This loads the images to the Review Face.

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9.2.2 Filming image data in the Teaching Folder···············································

This section explains the procedures for filming image data, which was loaded to the Teaching
Folder from multiple Patient Folders, to the same film.

1 Click the Film Tool button (①).

This displays the Film Tool.

2 Click one image from the Review Face.

3 Click one of the four buttons from the Film Tool.
From the frame around which the red frame is displayed in the Film Tool, the image
clicked in Step 2 is displayed according to the operation of each button. Initially, the top
left frame is displayed within a red frame in the Film Tool.
Only the frame selected in the Review Face is laid out in the Film Tool.

All the images in the Review Face are laid out within a single frame in the Film

All the images from the same series as the image selected in the Review Face are
laid out in the Film Tool.

All the images displayed in the Review Face are laid out in the Film Tool.

4 Click the Print button (②).

This finishes the queuing of the Film Job.

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10. Saving Data

This chapter explains the following topics.

Initialize MOD/DVD
This is the processing required when using a new MOD/DVD or when replacing an old

Uninitialize MOD/DVD
This is the processing returning a mistakenly initialized MOD or DVD to its
pre-initialized state.

Writing to an MOD/DVD(Archive)
This is the processing of writing data from the database to a MOD/DVD.

Reading from an MOD/DVD(Restore)

This is the processing of reading data from an MOD/DVD to the database.

Do not press the Eject button while the Access LED of the MOD drive or DVD drive
is blinking.

The MOD drive and DVD drive do not automatically play both sides of the media.
If necessary, eject the MOD/DVD, flip it over, and re-insert it.

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10.1 Initialize
The MOD/DVD must be initialized when using a new MOD/DVD or when replacing an old

All data in the MOD/DVD will be lost after initializing.

Be sure to save necessary data in the MOD/DVD.

② ①

1 Insert the MOD to the MOD drive.

Or insert the DVD to the DVD drive.
2 Click the Patient Selector tool button (①).
This displays the Patient Registration and Selection screen.

3 Click Archive tab (②).

A warning dialog is automatically displayed for new MOD or DVD. For this reason, skip
the next step (Step 4: Click the Initialize button.) and begin the operation from step 5.

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4 Click the Initialize button (③).

A warning dialog regarding the initialization of the MOD or DVD is displayed.

5 Click the OK button in the warning dialog.

This displays the Disk Initialization screen.

6 Enter the Volume Label (④).

Up to 22 characters may be entered.

7 Click the OK button (⑤).

A confirmation dialog is displayed.

8 Click the Yes button in the confirmation dialog.

This initializes the MOD/DVD.
Once the initialization is completed, the “Initialize complete” message is displayed.

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10.2 Uninitialize
An MOD or DVD that has been mistakenly initialized can be returned to its pre-initialized state,
but only immediately after it has been initialized.

1 Insert the initialized MOD into the MOD drive.

Alternatively, insert the initialized DVD into the DVD drive.
2 Click the Uninitialize button (①).
Uninitialization is performed.
Even if the uninitialization process is successful, the list of study folders in the MOD or
DVD might not be updated. If this occurs, remove the disk from the drive, and then
reinsert it.

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10.3 Archive
This writes the data in the database to the MOD/DVD.
② ①

1 Insert the MOD to the MOD drive.

Alternatively, insert the DVD to the DVD drive.
2 Click the Patient Selector tool button (①).
3 Click Archive tab (②).
4 Click the desired Patient Folder in the database(③).
Or click the icon ( ) in the left margin of the Patient Folder to display
the image series within that folder, and then click the desired series.
5 Click the Archive button (④).
This writes the data in the database to the MOD/DVD(⑤).
Once the write processing is completed, the Patient Folder and image series selection is
If the free space on the MOD/DVD runs out while writing the image data, write both the
data being written and the data to be written on a separate MOD/DVD. See step 6 and
below for more information on this operation.
Note that if the MOD/DVD is write-protected when clicking the Archive button, a
message is displayed and the write processing does not perform.

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6 Remove the disk on which the free space has run out from the drive.
7 Insert a disk with the sufficient free space into the drive.
If you use a new disk, be sure to initialize it. See “10.1 Initialize” for more information on
initializing disks.

8 Click the Archive Job Dialog button (⑥).

The Archive Queue screen is displayed.

9 Select the device that was being used for writing from Device Type
10 Click the Resume button (⑧).
The archiving process continues.

y If archiving is performed while a folder is open, the task card information inside
the folder will not be saved. Make sure that folders are closed before archiving
y To archive images to the MOD initialized with MRP-20, MRP-5000AD, MRP-7000,
and AIRIS is not supported. Do not archive images to the above MOD.

The Archive Status button (⑥) is indicated with a green mark ( ) during

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Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

10.4 Restore
This reads data from an MOD/DVD to the database.
② ①


1 Insert the MOD to the MOD drive.

Or insert the DVD to the DVD drive.
2 Click the Patient Selector tool button (①).
3 Click Archive tab (②).
4 Click the desired Patient Folder in MOD/DVD(③).
Or click the icon ( ) in the left margin of the Patient Folder to display
the image series within that folder, and then click the desired series.
5 Click the Restore button (④).
This reads data from an MOD/DVD to the database(⑤).
Once the read processing is completed, the Patient Folder and image series selection is

Images archived on an MOD using MRP-5000AD, MRP-7000, and AIRIS are for
reference only.

The Archive Status button (a) is indicated with a green mark ( ) during writing.

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11. Creating a Library

This chapter explains the following topics.

Registering to the Card Library

The parameters of the processing performed by the card (Scan Card, 2D Card, 3D Card,
etc.) can be registered to the Card Library.
Using the Scan Card as an example, this section explains procedures for registering to the
Scan Card Library.

Registering to the Clinical Study Library

A sequence of steps of the processing of a Scan Card, 2D Card, and 3D Card can be
registered to a library.
Each Clinical Study Library is organized by Anatomical Region.

Changing the library display order

Items registered in the Card Library and the Clinical Study Library can be sorted in the
required order.

Protecting the library

Items registered in the Card Library and the Clinical Study Library can be protected.

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11.1 Registering to the Card Library

1 Register the region.

This step is used for specifying the registration of the region for processing of the card.
Therefore, only set the Anatomical Region (①) and Laterality (②).
However, the Laterality is only enabled when the Anatomical Region is set to TMJ,

2 Click the Emergency Registration (③).

3 Click the Proceed button (④).
This displays the Clinical Study Library screen.

4 Click the Cancel button on the Clinical Study Library screen.

The card, which is within the execution folder after the study is completed, can be
registered to the library.
For more information about registration procedures, see Step 8 and onward.

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5 Double-click the Scan Card button (⑤).

This sets the Scan Card.

6 Set the scan conditions.

7 Set the conditions of the Control Face and Review Face.

Example: To set the auto-archive function
Click the Archive button (⑥) to turn it on (pressed in).
Example: To set the sheet layout of the filming
Click the Film Tool button (⑦), click the Sheet Layout button (⑧), then click the
desired sheet layout.

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8 Click the Modify button (⑨).

The appearance of the button changes as shown below.



9 Click the Card Save button (b).

This displays a window for entering the card name.

Using the above button, cards can be registered or removed.

(a) Study Save Registers all cards in the folder.
(b) Card Save Registers the currently active card.
(c) Study Remove Removes all cards in the folder.
(d) Card Remove Removes the currently active card.

10 Enter the name of the Card Library to the Name input field (⑩) and
the description to the Description input field (⑪).
The Name input field takes up to 16 characters, and the Description input field takes up to
32 characters.

11 Click the Done button (⑫).

The set card is registered to the Card Library.

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11.2 Registering to the Clinical Study Library

The following cases are used for the explanation.

ƒ Using the Scan 1 Card as the input data of the Scan 2 Card
ƒ Using the Scan 2 Card as the input data of the 2D 3 Card.
ƒ Registering the Scan 1 Card, Scan 2 Card, and 2D 3 Card to the Clinical Study
Library as a series of clinical studies.

1 Register the patient.

This is used for specifying the registration of the region for processing of the card.
Therefore, only set the Anatomical Region (①) and Laterality (②).
However, the Laterality is only enabled when the Anatomical Region is set to TMJ,

2 Click the Emergency Registration (③).

3 Click the Proceed button (④).
This displays the Clinical Study Library screen.

4 Click the Cancel button.

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Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

5 Double-click the Scan Card button (⑤), Scan Card button (⑤), and
2D Card button (⑥) in that order.
The sequence of cards is set to the execution folder.

6 Check to see that the Scan 1 Card is set as the input data of the Scan
2 Card.
If “Images from 1,” is displayed in the tab (⑦) and “Scan 1” is displayed in the Images
From list (⑧) when the Scan 2 Card is open, the Scan 1 Card is set as the input data of
the Scan 2 Card.

If the Scan 1 Card is set as the input data of the Scan 2 Card, the image taken by the
Scan 1 Card is displayed to the Control Face of the Scan 2 Card.

7 Set the Scan 2 Card as the input data of the 2D 3 Card.

For more information about setting the card input data, see “3.5.1 Setting the Card Input

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8 Set the parameters of the Control Face and Review Face.

Example: To set the processing to start automatically
Click the Start button of the Control Face. The ▽ mark is displayed in the 2D 3
Card tab. This indicates that it is in a READY state.
Example: To set the auto-archive function
Click the Archive button of the Review Face to turn it on (pressed in).

9 Click the Modify button (⑨).

The appearance of the button changes as shown below.

10 Click the Study Save button (⑩).

This displays a window for entering the card name.

Since automatic start is not allowed for scanning, registration with a Scan card is
performed after taking the system out of the READY status.

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11 Enter the name of the Clinical Study Library to the Name input field
(⑪) and the description of the library to the Description input field
The Name input field takes up to 16 characters, and the Description input field takes up to
32 characters.

12 Click the Done button (⑬).

The set clinical study is registered to the Clinical Study Library.

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11.3 Changing the library display order

The method for sorting the order of cards registered in the Card Library is described in this
Registered protocols can also be sorted in the Clinical Study Library using the same operation.

Sorting library
y The sorting order is saved even when the system is shut down.
y If multiple items are selected, they are sorted in the order they were selected.
y The display order for items is saved when cards/protocols are archived. When
this data is restored, it is shown in the same order as in the archive.
y Protocols can be sorted only within the same region. Sorting cannot be
performed across different regions.

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11.3.1 Moving items to the top of the library······················································

The procedure for moving the selected cards to the top of the Card Library is explained below.

1 Select Selection Mode (①).

When moving a single card, select Single.
When moving multiple cards at once, select Multiple.

2 Select the cards you want to move from the Card Library list (②).
If Multiple was selected for Selection Mode, select the cards in the order you wish them
to appear from the top. The selection order (③) for the selected cards is displayed to the
right of each card.
To cancel a selection, click the selected card once again.

3 Click the Move to Top button (④).

The selected cards are moved to the top of the Card Library. If multiple cards are selected,
they are sorted from the top in the selected order in which they were displayed.

To reset the cards to their original state, click the Reset button (⑤).

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11.3.2 Moving items to the desired position ····················································

The procedure for moving the selected card to the desired position in the Card Library is
explained below.

1 Select Selection Mode (①).

When moving a single card, select Single.
When moving multiple cards at once, select Multiple.

2 Select the cards you want to move from the Card Library list (②).
If Multiple was selected for Selection Mode, select the cards in the order you wish them
to appear from the top. The selection order (③) for the selected cards is displayed to the
right of each card.
To cancel a selection, click the selected card once again.

3 Click the Move to button (④).

The Move to button becomes pressed in ( ). In addition, the selection of the
card is cancelled. The selection is cancelled at this point so that the card can be selected
in the following step; however, the selected content is saved.

4 Click the card that is in the position which you want to move.
The card selected in step 2 is moved to the position immediately below the card that was
clicked. If multiple cards are selected, they are sorted from the top in the selected order in
which they were displayed.

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Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.

To redo the selection of the card, click the Move to button again. The Move to button is
released, and you can select the card to be moved.

To reset the cards to their original state, click the Reset button (⑤).

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11.4 Protecting the library

The method for setting the protection of cards registered in the Card Library is described in this
Registered protocols can also be set the protection in the Clinical Study Library using the same
11.4.1 Protecting the Card Library ····································································
The procedure for protecting the selected cards is explained below.

1 Select Selection Mode(①)

When protecting a single card, select Single.
When protecting multiple cards at once, select Multiple.

2 Select the cards you want to protect from the Card Library list.(②)
To cancel a selection, click the selected card once again.

3 Click the Protect button.(③)

The selected cards are protected with the protection mark( ).

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11.4.2 Unprotecting the Card Library·································································

The procedure for unprotecting the selected cards is explained below.

1 Select Selection Mode(①)

When protecting a single card, select Single.
When protecting multiple cards at once, select Multiple.

2 Select the cards you want to unprotect from the Card Library list.(②)
To cancel a selection, click the selected card once again.

3 Click the Unprotect button.(③)

The selected cards are unprotected and the protection mark( ) is hidden.

The card with the system protection mark( ) can not be unprotected.

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copying slice position..................................................52
2 correcting patient data .................................................12
2D card...................................................................71, 83 correcting patient data (from patient folder)...............14
correcting patient data
3 (from patient registration and selection screen) .....12
3D adaptive imaging processing function.................109 correction shading .......................................................86
3D card.................................................................71, 107 creating library ..........................................................155
3-point positioning.......................................................41 creating multiple series.............................................. 113
3-surface positioning display ................................40, 41 creating teaching folder.............................................142
curved MPR...............................................................121
A cutting fat region ....................................................... 110
adaptive image .............................................................84

addition ........................................................................91
analysis.......................................................................103 data card.................................................................71, 83
analysis card.........................................................71, 103 data input ....................................................................... 2
appointment ...................................................................7 default settings related to registering patient data ......18
archive................................................................147, 151 display image function of patient folder .....................66
average velocity .........................................................103 displaying.....................................................................55
displaying database image data...................................55
B displaying DVD image data........................................60
background noise reduction.........................................87 displaying image data..................................................55
basic group...................................................................45 displaying MOD image data .......................................60
basic operations .............................................................1 double-click ................................................................... 2
drag ................................................................................ 2
C duplicating patient data ...............................................16

card operations.............................................................83 dynamic group .............................................................45

card overview...............................................................71 dynamic scan analysis ...............................................104

card settings .................................................................72

card types .....................................................................71
card types makeup clinical study ................................71 edge enhancement .......................................................85
center button ..................................................................1 emergency...................................................................... 7

changing frame ..........................................................140 entering to input field .................................................... 2

changing sheet layout ................................................140

Changing the library display order....................155, 163
click................................................................................2 fatsup group .................................................................45
control face ..................................................................71 filming .......................................................................135

Q1E-BM5832 169
Error! Style not defined.

filming image data from multiple patient folders..... 142 N

filming image data from same patient folder ........... 136
notes regarding acquisition functions......................... 21
filming image data in teaching folder....................... 145
notes regarding MRA acquisition functions............... 21
filming image of image preview................................. 64
notes regarding pre-saturation setting ........................ 51
filter group................................................................... 45
numeric input control panel.......................................... 3
frame.......................................................................... 135

operating image preview............................................. 62
gating group................................................................. 45
operations common to all cards .................................. 71
others group................................................................. 45

output to the imager .................................................. 135
image preview ............................................................. 55
image quality ............................................................... 45 P
image selection.......................................................... 131
parallel MPR ............................................................. 119
initialize ..................................................................... 148
particular group........................................................... 45
input devices.................................................................. 1
patient data .................................................................... 8
input operation .............................................................. 2
pixel count................................................................. 103
preparing scanning ........................................................ 5

procedures for creating projection............................ 108
left button ...................................................................... 1 projection .................................................................. 108
load multi..................................................................... 78
Protecting the Card Library ...................................... 167
load single ................................................................... 77 Protecting the library ........................................ 155, 167
loading images ............................................................ 74
loading images from database..................................... 75 R
loading images processed by scan card ...................... 74
radial MPR ................................................................ 124
loading images to control face .................................... 74
reading from MOD/DVD ......................................... 147
loading scanned images .............................................. 74
regarding curved MPR ........................................... 123
registering patient data.................................................. 5

registering to card library.................................. 155, 156
M0 calculation processing ........................................ 102 registering to clinical study library................... 155, 159
matrix group ................................................................ 45
registration errors .......................................................... 7
maximum intensity projection .................................. 107 registration problem screen .......................................... 7
mean pixel value ....................................................... 103 releasing card input data ............................................. 42
MIP .................................................................... 107, 108
restore................................................................ 147, 153
MIP with Dynamic Scanning Series......................... 116 review face .................................................................. 71
mouse operations........................................................... 1 right button.................................................................... 1
MPR................................................................... 107, 117
ROI area .................................................................... 103
multi planar reconstruction ....................................... 107 rotating MIP image ............................................111, 112
multiple series ........................................................... 113

170 Q1E-BM5832
Error! Style not defined.

S subtraction ...................................................................91
switching input fields .................................................... 4
save as button...............................................................80
saving data .................................................................147

scan card ......................................................................71
scanning .......................................................................21 T1 calculation processing..........................................100
T2 calculation processing..........................................101
Scanning using 3-surface positioning .........................40
technique group ...........................................................45
scanning with multi plane............................................36
selecting display image..............................................131 to add angle to slice line..............................................46

selecting processing image........................................131 to change thickness of slice.........................................46

to increase/decrease interval .......................................46
selecting series ..............................................................69
setting card input data..................................................42 to increase/decrease number of multi slice count.......46

setting conditions manually.........................................27 to move position of slice line ......................................46

setting MIP region .....................................................109

setting pre-saturation ...................................................50
setting scan parameters................................................45 uninitialize .................................................................150

Setting series names...................................................114 Unprotecting the Card Library..................................168

setting slice line ...........................................................46 using clinical study library ..........................................22

setting slice lines for multi plane.................................49

setting slice lines with different angles .......................47
setting slice lines with different intervals ...................48 velocity analysis ........................................................103
Setting the same ROI for multiple series ..................115 volume .......................................................................109
sheet ...........................................................................135

sheet layout ................................................................135
signal intensity ...........................................................104 window adjustment ...................................................127
sort..............................................................................134 window adjustment (using mouse) ...........................128
sorting library.............................................................163 window adjustment (using viewport tool) ................129
specifying sort order ..................................................134 window level .............................................................127
subtracting between different series............................91 window width ............................................................127
subtracting from images within same series ...............93 writing to database.......................................................80
writing to MOD/DVD ...............................................147

Q1E-BM5832 171

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