Integrated Writing Task

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As in the reading as in the lecture both are about School-year vacations. In the reading we can see
that have vacations is very good for the students, but in the lecture says that it’s more difficult for
the students to catch with their day-by-day routine, in both you cast doubt on the most important
points as in the reading and the lecture.

Well what the reading says that the parents used to took their children to vacations only on break
days, also said that one of the most benefit of being on vacations is that the students can learn
about the traditions of the place you visited in your trip, but in the lecture the teacher says that it´s
good to have vacations but also said that it´s more difficult for the students to take back their

Another point is that in the lecture they are all day long catching up with you are doing the work
that you didn´t do in vacations and follow the other students that have already done the job, but in
the reading they really don´t put to much attention in that stuff because they don´t talk about that.

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