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Integrated task unit 4

Raymundo Villarreal Vargas december 9th 2020

The hurricanes are the most destructive natural disasters that only can happen in tropical locations
around the Ecuador from top to bottom of the Pacific Ocean.

The hurricanes are very large storms that are extremely destructive because of their very strong
wind that this one produces, the central eye of the hurricane is the most calm part of the hole
hurricane because in there nothing happens, because if something happens the hurricane will not be
the same and not cause the damage they normally make.

The hurricanes most of them happens in the summer and rarely in the star of the autumn, most of
the hurricanes are unpredictable to know when they are going to happen, is very difficult because
they form really quickly, but for having a complete hurricane they need from 3 to 4 days until they
form over the ocean.

A hurricane is most dangerous in the calm water, then in land because it is going to lose strength, all
the wind that comes from a hurricane can be from 30.000 miles to 60.000 miles in just 1 minute
when it gets in all its formation.

It’s to difficult no know when a hurricane is going to happen, but the ways to know when a hurricane
is going to arrive in land are becoming better over the past years.

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