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Discuss the following in your own words:

1. Art is universal because it is popular.

- Popularity in art may result from several of aspects, such as economic success or widespread
popularity.Universal art can evoke emotional responses, communicate ideas, and create connections
among diverse individuals and communities. It requires a deeper connection, understanding, and
appreciation among individuals irrespective of their background or personal preferences.

2. Art is good because it is universal.

- Art has the ability to transcend language barriers. It allows for a direct and intuitive form of
communication, enabling individuals to experience and appreciate art without requiring translation.
art's universality lies in its impact on our senses. It stimulates our senses of sight, hearing, touch, or
even smell, creating a multi-dimensional experience. Its ability to connect people emotionally, provide
a platform for diverse perspectives, transcend language barriers, engage our senses, and document
our collective history makes it accessible and appreciated by people worldwide.

3. Why does art demand involvement? Explain

- Art demands involvement because it is a form of expression that requires the active participation of
both the creator and the viewer. Firstly, art demands involvement from the artist. Creating art
necessitates the artist's investment of time, skills, and emotions. Artists use their creativity and
personal experiences to convey their ideas, beliefs, and perspectives through various mediums such
as painting, sculpture, music, or performance art. Secondly, art demands involvement from the
viewer. Art is often intended to evoke emotions, provoke thoughts, or convey messages that the
creator may want to communicate. To fully appreciate and understand the artwork, the viewer must
actively engage with it. This involvement includes observing, analyzing, interpreting, and reflecting
upon the piece. In conclusion, art demands involvement because it requires active participation, both
from the artist in the creation process and from the viewer in its interpretation and appreciation.

4. Who is considered an artist?What does it mean to be an artist? Explain.

- An artist is someone who expresses themselves through various forms of creative expression, such
as painting, drawing, sculpting, acting, dancing, writing, and more. Being an artist goes beyond simply
creating something aesthetically pleasing; it involves the ability to evoke emotions, convey messages,
and challenge the status through their work. Artists have the ability to invoke empathy,
understanding, and self-reflection through their work, allowing viewers to connect with their
messages on a deep level. Artists are constantly experimenting and exploring new ideas, techniques,
and mediums. They are driven by a desire to grow and evolve as creatives, always seeking to push the
boundaries of their craft. Being an artist means being an individual who uses their creativity to make
sense of the world and connect with others. Artists have a unique ability to capture the essence of
humanity and translate it into something tangible, whether it be a painting, a play, a poem, or a

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