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Indonesia is known for its abundant sources of spices, being the center of the
world's spice trade since hundreds of years ago. Until now, Indonesian spice
products are in great demand by countries around the world. We introduce Semeru
Spices, a product series from Goorita Indonesia which is processed from selected
spices that are packaged and certified to meet the needs of the global market
especially in food & beverage industries.

Proudly presented by:

Ginger family 1. Ginger Powder (Jahe Bubuk)
2. Galangal Powder (Lengkuas Bubuk)
3. Turmeric Powder (Kunyit Bubuk)
4. Curcuma Powder (Temulawak Bubuk)

Sweets aromatic 5. Moringa Powder (Kelor Bubuk)

6. Palm Sugar (Gula Aren)
7. Cinnamon Powder (Kayu Manis)

Whole seeds 8. Mung Beans (Kacang Hijau)

9. Whole Cloves (Cengkeh)
10. Whole White Cardamom (Kapulaga)
11. Cinnamon Sticks 5 cm (Kayu Manis)
12. Coriander Seed (Ketumbar)

Chili & Pepper 13. Garlic Powder (Bawang Putih Bubuk)

14. Black Pepper Ground (Merica Hitam Bubuk)
15. White Pepper Ground (Merica Putih Bubuk)
16. Cumin Ground (Jinten Bubuk)
17. Chili Powder (Bubuk Cabe)
18. Chili Flakes (Remah Cabe

Assorted flour 19. Mocaf Flour (Tepung Mocaf)

20. Konjac Glucomannan Powder (Tepung Porang)
21. Tapioca Flour (Tepung Tapioka)
22. Glutinous Rice Flour (Tepung Ketan)
23. Rice Flour (Tepung Beras)

Fried shallot 24. Sumenep Fried Shallot (Bawang Merah Goreng)

Sea Salt 25. Bali Premium Sea Salt (Garam Premium)

Snacks & nuts 26. Tempeh Chips (Keripik Tempe)

27. Banana Chips (Keripik Pisang)
28. Amplang Crackers (Kerupuk Amplang)
29. Atom Nuts (Kacang Atom)
30. Egg Peyek Nuts (Kacang Telur Peyek)

1. Ginger Powder, 250g

Ginger Powder has anti-bacterial properties
that help prevent any infections in the body.
Ginger powder is widely used in the kitchen to
add flavour and aroma. Ginger powder will
bring a warm, slightly floral, and spicy aroma
and flavour to your dishes especially for
middle eastern food.

2. Galangal Powder, 250g

For thousands of years, Arabic and Asian
healers prized galangal as food and medicine
both for good reason. Galangal is rich in
antioxidants and protect against infections.
The strong flavour, sharper, spicier & peppery
but healthy galangal is a perfect match for a
soup and any middle eastern food.

3. Turmeric Powder, 250g

Warm, bitter, black pepper-like flavour and
earthy, mustard-like aroma. Turmeric powder
is nutritious to consume, it has also is the best
part on middle eastern food when it comes
with its natural yellowish orange colour.

4. Curcuma Powder, 250g

Similar character with its family, turmeric,
Curcuma also has warm, bitter, black pepper-
like flavour and earthy, mustard like aroma.
Curcuma powder is nutritious to consume but
has less orange colour than turmeric.

5. Moringa Powder, 250g

Moringa powder contains antioxidants that helps protect cells against free
radicals. An easy way to consume Moringa powder is to simply mix into a liquid
of choice and consume first thing in the morning. You can add it to just plain
water, or use coconut water, and smoothies.

6. Palm Sugar, 250g

As one of the countries with the longest coastline, Indonesia has enormous
coconut potential. In fact, the World Atlas report states that Indonesia is the
largest coconut producer in the world, stretching from the west to the east. One
of the best product is Palm Sugar that is a better source of vitamins and
minerals than comparable sweeteners.

7. Cinnamon Powder, 250g

Cinnamon powder is made from the bark of the cinnamon tree that has been
crushed to a powder form. It is used to flavour curry on the Indian subcontinent,
savoury chicken and lamb dishes in the Middle East, and chocolate and yams in
Mexico. In the West it is popular in baked goods like cinnamon rolls and cookies,
or with apples and pears in hearty pies, crumbles and cobblers.
8. Mung Beans, 250g
Mung bean is a type of palawija that is
widely known in the tropics. Plants
belonging to the legume tribe have many
benefits in everyday life as a source of high
vegetable protein food.

9. Whole Cloves, 250g

Cloves can be used whole or ground,
and they have a very strong, pungent
flavour and aroma. Cloves are
commonly used in spice blends for
meat rubs and marinades, including
the popular blends Chinese five spice
powder and garam masala.

10. Whole White Cardamom, 250g

Cardamom is often used as a food spice
especially in India and Middle East.
Cardamom is a kind of spice that has a
strong and slightly sweet taste. For the
boldest flavour, always start with whole
pods since ground cardamom is milder.
11. Coriander Seed, 250g
Coriander seed is great for curry pastes
and doughs (like in this aloo gobi recipe or
this saag paneer) while whole coriander
seeds are ideal for pickling, adding to meat
rubs or on top of bread.

12. Cinnamon Sticks, 250g

Cinnamon or with the scientific name
Cinnamomum is a type of spice
producing tree. Cinnamon sticks can
be used in tea, curries, stews, soups,
rice, desserts or distilled into extract.

13. Garlic Powder, 250g

Garlic powder is a condiment derived from dehydrated garlic and is used in
cooking for flavour. The process of making garlic powder includes drying and
drying the vegetables, then making the powder through machines or household
appliances depending on the scale of production.

14. Black Pepper Ground, 250g

Black Pepper Ground comes from unpeeled young peppercorns and then dried.
Suitable for cooking chicken, fish, and meat. The taste is not too spicy, so it is
suitable for those who don't like spicy but want to add a little spicy taste.

15. White Pepper Ground, 250g

White pepper ground is taken from the ripe pepper fruit. The next process is to
soak the pepper in salt water so that the skin peels off and leaves only the
inside. White pepper ground has a spicier taste than black pepper ground.

16. Cumin Ground, 250g

Cumin is a spice made from the seeds of the Cuminum cyminum plant. Very
earthy, nutty, spicy and warm. It is best to be conservative when cooking middle
eastern food with cumin as its flavor can easily overtake a dish.

17. Chili Powder, 250g

Chili powder is the result of processing fresh chilies into powder. The use of chili
powder has become a trend among households and industry along with the
increasing need for chili seasoning in a practical and easy-to-carry form.

18. Chili Flakes, 250g

Chili flakes are coarsely ground from whole red chili peppers and have a mild to
medium heat. Their culinary uses are both popular and diverse and they can be
added to almost any meal in need of some heat.
19. Mocaf Flour, 250g
Mocaf is a modified cassava flour product. Mocaf
flour is a highly versatile ingredient with numerous
uses in the food industry, including in all sorts of
baked goods, tortillas, porridge, pancakes, and
gluten-free pasta and pizza.

20.Konjac Glucomannan Powder, 250g

Konjac Glucomannan Powder can produce
various types of food such as shirataki noodles
and shirataki rice which are known as low-
calories sources of carbohydrates, making them
suitable for those on a diet.
21. Tapioca Flour, 250g & 500g
Tapioca is a starch extracted from the storage
roots of the cassava plant. It consists of almost
pure carbs and contains very little protein, fiber,
or other nutrients. Tapioca has recently become
popular as a gluten-free alternative to wheat
and other grains.

22.Glutinous Flour, 250g & 500g

Glutinous rice flour is milled flour made by
grinding cooked and dehydrated kernels of long
or short-grain glutinous rice (oryza sativa
glutinosa). Glutinous rice, also known as sticky
rice or sweet rice, refers to any type of rice high in
amylopectin starch and low in amylose starch.

23.Rice Flour, 250g & 500g

Rice flour is a form of flour made from finely
milled rice. It is distinct from rice starch, which is
usually produced by steeping rice in lye. Rice
flour is a common substitute for wheat flour. It is
also used as a thickening agent in recipes that
are refrigerated or frozen since it inhibits liquid
24.Sumenep Fried Shallot, 250g
Fried shallots are sliced shallots that are
deep-fried until golden and crispy. This
fried onion is a seasoning that is
commonly used as a seasoning which
is sprinkled on top of various Indonesian
dishes. Shallots are the most common
type of onion grown and consumed in
Indonesia. Generally, fried shallots are
large enough so that they are not easily
crushed and crunchy when fried.

25.Bali Premium Sea Salt, 250g
Bali Premium Sea Salt is a salt that
produced by farmers in the Bali Strait
which is high quality salt, geographical
factors and sea water in the region
make salt in the Bali Strait produced
with premium quality. Bali Premium Sea
Salt is best for premium steak and
another premium cooking meat.
26.Tempe Chips, 250g
Tempeh chips contain only half of the fat.
That’s why it’s consistent with the quality
diet of both children and adults. Taking into
account the composition of tempeh chips.
Its potential to combine it with other food.

27. Banana Chips, 250g

Banana chips are deep-fried or dried,
generally crispy slices of bananas.
They can be sweet or savory, and can
be covered with sugar, honey, salt, or
various spices.
28.Amplang Crackers, 250g
Amplang, also known as kerupuk kuku
macan, is an Indonesian traditional
savoury fish cracker snack commonly
found in many places in Indonesia.

29.Atom Nuts, 250g

Atom Nuts or peanut sukro is a favorite
peanut product of Indonesian people.
The texture is crunchy with a savory
taste because it is coated with
seasoning flour.

30.Peyek Egg Nuts, 250g

Peyek Egg Nuts is peanuts wrapped in
wheat flour glued together with a
mixture of spices and starch porridge.
Atomic beans are peanuts wrapped in
tapioca dough and then fried until dry
and crunchy.

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