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REED The Pentecost event is a clear

manifestation of the Holy Spirit’s work in

In the previous subject REED 102, we the church. The Church is inaugurated
talked about God as ONE and with the spectacular outpouring of
Trinitarian. God is one of three divine the Holy Spirit. “All were filled with
persons, the Father, the Son, and the the Holy Spirit”
Holy Spirit. These three divine persons (Acts 2:4). At Pentecost the large
are consubstantial and co-eternal. This crowd was much confused upon
faith that we have in God is best hearing the eleven expressing
described in the twelve (12) articles of themselves in foreign tongues and
faith which are contained in the making bold proclamations as the
Nicene Apostles Creed. Spirit prompted them (Acts 2:4).

Our God is a Father who is One, Living, Since then, Peter and John were no
Faithful and Merciful. He is an Almighty longer afraid to face the Sanhedrin who
God who is universal, loving, and reprimanded them for preaching
mysterious to us. He is our Creator. He about Jesus suffering, death, and
created us with his wisdom and love. He resurrection (Acts 4:1-22). Stephen,
is always present and continually whom Saul ordered arrested and later
sustains what he created. on stoned to death, gladly offered his
life for Jesus and His Church (Acts
The Son, is our Lord, the proclaimer of 7:54-60).
the Kingdom of God and our savior. He
suffered, died, and was buried. Thus it was the Holy Spirit, sent by the
However, on the third day, He rose Father and the Risen Christ, that gave
again from the dead, ascended into birth to the first Christian community, the
heaven, and is now seated at the right apostolic Church. The Holy Spirit
hand of the Father. He will come again continues to exercise three functions
to judge all of us, both the living and the until today: to give life to, to unify, and to
dead. move the whole Body of Christ (cf. LG
The Holy Spirit, on the other hand,
continues to perform three (3) 1. The Spirit Gives Life
roles in the church namely 1) to give
life, The role of the Spirit is to vivify creation.
2) to unify the church, and It belongs to the Holy Spirit to rule,
3) to move the whole Body of Christ. sanctify, and animate creation. Power
over life pertains to the Spirit, for being
The Spirit’s Activity in the Church God he preserves creation in the Father
through the Son (CCC 703)
Through the outpouring of the Holy Lesson 1: The Etymology of the Word
Spirit, God will gather his children “Ecclesiology”
scattered abroad (CCC 706). Even the
Church’s practical pastoral decisions Ecclesiology comes from the Greek
were made under such influence of the “ekklesia” which is a translation of the
Spirit that the apostles could write: “It is Hebrew “qahal”. Another Greek term
the decision of the Holy Spirit, and ours synonymous with “ekklesia” is
too, not to lay on you any burden “kyriake”. The Greek “ekklesia” is
beyond what is necessary” (Acts 15:28). translated to Latin “ecclesia” which
means a gathering or assembly. The
2. The Spirit Unifies Greek “kyriake” is translated into
German “Kirche” and English
The Spirit unifies the Church by uniting “Church”. The Church is an assembly
its members with Christ and with one of the people of God (CCC 777).
another. The Spirit makes Christ present Ecclesiology is the study of the
through the sacraments that make us Church.
commune with one another and with the
Triune God. A. Two Ways of Viewing the Church

3. The Spirit Moves the whole Body There are two ways of looking at the
of Christ church.

The Spirit leads the Church toward its First, by her very NATURE as the
mission and ministry. The Spirit moves church of Christ (Ecclesiology). This
the faithful to purification and renews manner of viewing the church tries to
also that the sign of Christ may shine answer the question: WHAT IS THE
more brightly over the face of the CHURCH?
Church (GS 43).
Second, by her MISSION and function
The Spirit inspires new “movements” in as a church (Mission – Evangelization),
the Church and empowers us with new this answers the question:
unsuspected strengths to grapple with WHAT IS THE CHURCH FOR? In this
the problems and challenges of daily subject, will we be focusing on the
life. It was the Spirit that inspired the nature and the mission of the Church.
1986 non-violent but militant and yet
prayerful mass movement that
manifested the solidarity of Filipinos at a
time of national crisis, popularly known
as the “EDSA experience.”
B. The Church, A Divine, and Human believers recognized itself as heir to that
Reality assembly. In the Church, God is "calling
together" his people from all the ends of
The Church is a mystery composed of the earth.
human and divine elements. This is
compared to the mystery of Jesus Christ B. The Three Meanings of the Church
which is both human and divine. The (CCC 752)
human and the divine are substantially
united. Part of its divine dimension is In Christian usage, the church is:
its being an invisible society. Part of
the human dimension of the Church is ● a liturgical assembly,
its being a visible society. As a visible ● a local community, and
society, the Church is structured with ● the whole universal community
hierarchical organs and functions (LG of believers.
8). In the Church, the human is directed
toward and subordinated to the divine, These three meanings are inseparable.
the visible to the invisible, action to "The Church" is the People that God
contemplation, and this present world to gathers in the whole world. She exists in
that city yet to come, the object of our local communities and is made real as a
quest (SC 2). liturgical, above all a Eucharistic,
assembly. She draws her life from the
Lesson 2: The Church in God's Plan Word and the Body of Christ and so she
herself becomes Christ's Body.
A. Names and Images of the Church
(CCC 751) C. Symbols of the Church (CCC
The word "Church" comes from the
Greek phrase “ekkalein” which literally 1. The Church is a sheepfold. It is the
means to call out or the nouns flock of which God himself foretold that
“Ekklesia” and “Kyriake”. Ekklesia refers he would be the shepherd, and whose
to the assembly of the chosen people sheep, even though governed by human
before God. The Greek “Ekklesia” is shepherds, are unfailingly nourished
translated to Latin “Ecclesia”. The Greek and led by Christ himself, the Good
“Kyriake” is translated to the German Shepherd and Prince of Shepherds,
“Kirche” which means "what belongs to who gave his life for his sheep.
the Lord." The German “Kirche” is
translated to English “Church”. By
calling itself "Church," the first
community of Christian
2. The Church is a cultivated field, the Lesson 1: The Church Origin
tillage of God. On that land, the ancient The Trinity’s Plan for the Church
olive tree grows whose holy roots were
the prophets and in which the God the Father through His Wisdom and
reconciliation of Jews and Gentiles has Goodness created the universe and
been brought about and will be brought chose human beings to share in His
about again. That land, like a choice divinity through His Son, Jesus Christ.
vineyard, has been planted by the He willed to gather together in a holy
heavenly cultivator. Yet the true vine is Church the believers of Jesus Christ.
Christ who gives life and fruitfulness to This Church gradually developed and
the branches, that is, to us, who through took form as human history unfolded.
the Church remain in Christ, without The formation of the Church began in
whom we can do nothing the history of Israel and will be
completed at the end time through the
3. The Church is called the building of outpouring of the Holy Spirit. (CCC759)
God. The Lord compared himself to the
stone which the builders rejected, but B) The Father’s Family
which was made into the comer-stone.
On this foundation, the Church is built The Church originated from the very
by the apostles and from it, the Church nature of the Holy Trinity itself, the
receives solidity and unity. Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The
Father begets the Son and breathes the
4. The Church is the spotless spouse of Spirit, the Son was begotten of the
the spotless lamb. It is she whom Christ Father and also breathes the Spirit and
'loved and for whom he delivered the Holy Spirit the Breath of the Father
himself up that he might sanctify her. It and the Son. All three are equal in
is she whom he unites to himself by an divinity and share a perfect life of
unbreakable alliance, and whom he communion with each other in a
constantly nourishes and cherishes. dynamic community of love. This
communitarian Love of the Blessed
Trinity in its perfection cannot have
access to Him through Christ, in the
Holy Spirit thus become sharers in the
MODULE 2: The Holy Catholic divine nature (CCC 51) The Father
Church wants to adopt human beings as His
sons in His only begotten Son. (CCC
UNIT 1 – The Church Origin, 52) He manifested Himself to our first
Foundation and parents and invited them to
Mission be intimate and be one with Him. (CCC
C) The Goal of Creation complete creation. In this case, the
human being becomes the secondary
The World was created for the Glory of cause to the realization of the Master
God. St. Bonaventure said that God Plan of the Primary Cause who is God.
made all things not to augment His glory Human Beings are God’s co-workers in
but to share it. (CCC293) St. Iranaeus the actualization of His plan for the
said “The glory of God is a man fully attainment of the goal of creation.
alive…” God created human beings to (CCC307)
be His children through Jesus Christ
according to the purpose of His will. Summary
(CCC294) Thus to be fully human and to
be fully alive one has to be open and 1. The Blessed Trinity is One God
receptive to God’s manifestation and consisting of three divine
communication of His goodness for persons: the Father, the
which this world was made. Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Creation has its own goodness but God 2. The Trinity’s plan for the Church
did not make it complete. All of creation is for her to share in His Divine
is in a state of journeying, a becoming Life and to make all faithful
towards the ultimate perfection to which members of this Church His
God has destined it. God, however, adopted children.
guides creation to its destination and
this act of God is called “Divine 3. The goal of creation is to glorify
Providence”.(CCC302) God by freely sharing in His
God’s Providence protects, leads, and Goodness.
governs the entire creation from all ends
of the earth including even the those 4. All of creation is in a state of
that are yet to come, ordering them well journey towards perfection.
through the free cooperation of
creatures. (Vatican Council I, Dei Filius) 5. God as the primary cause of
While God is the Master Planner, He things, needs the free
needs the free cooperation of His cooperation of creation as the
creatures to carry out His plan. This free secondary cause to realize His
cooperation from Human beings and plan.
other creatures is allowed by God
because He gives every creature the 6. The free cooperation of human
dignity to act on its own. Specific to persons in the realization of
Human Beings, God gives intelligence God’s plan is allowed by God
and freedom in order to because He gives every human
being the dignity to decide and B) Jesus Gives the Church a Structure
act independently.
Jesus Christ made the Kingdom felt
Lesson 2: through His words, works and presence.
There were those who heard and
The Church’s Foundation experienced Him, followed Him, and
formed the “Little Flock” whose
Jesus Ushers In the Kingdom shepherd He was. This “Little Flock” is
the seed, the beginning of the Kingdom.
After He heard of John the Baptist’s They consisted of Jesus’ true family to
arrest, Jesus went to Galilee preaching whom He taught a new way of acting
the gospel of God saying: ”The time is and praying. (CCC764) Later, The Lord
fulfilled, and the Kingdom of God is at Jesus gave this “Little Flock” with a
hand: repent, and believe in the gospel.” structure that will stay until the Kingdom
(Mark 1:14-15) The perfection of the is fully achieved. Here, the Twelve were
Reign of God or the Kingdom of God chosen with Peter as their leader. These
lies ahead of us. When Jesus Christ , Twelve were reminiscent of the Twelve
the Second person in the Trinity became tribes of Israel in the Old Testament but
one of us (the Word Incarnate), He now the twelve become the foundation
brought near to us the Kingdom of God stones of the New Jerusalem.
that was proclaimed throughout the They along with the other disciples
whole Gospel and has come in Christ’s share in Jesus’ mission, power, and lot.
death and resurrection. (CCC2816) (CCC765)
This is the reason for His Incarnation. It
was Christ’s task to actualize the C) The Spirit Displays the Church
Father’s plan to save. To realize His
Father’s will, He began this task by In the prayer that Jesus taught us
preaching the Good News which is the (Lord’s Prayer), God’s Kingdom refers to
coming of God’s Reign promised for the final coming of the reign of God
ages in the Old Testament. Thus, Christ through Christ’s return. The Churchsince
ushered in the Kingdom of Heaven to its birth at Pentecost committed herself
us. (CCC763) The Church “is the reign to continue Christ’s task through the
of Christ already present in the mystery.” work of the Holy Spirit who completes
(LG2) To the words of St. Cyrprian: “It Christ’s work on earth and brings us to
may even be … that the Kingdom of the fullness of grace when the Kingdom
God means Christ Himself …For as He comes in glory in that time when Christ
is our resurrection, since in Him we rise, hands it over to His Father. (CCC2818)
so He can also be understood as the When the task from the Father was
Kingdom of God, for in Him we shall finally accomplished by the Son, the
Holy Spirit was sent down to continue to
sanctify the Church. 3. The Holy Spirit continues to deliver
the missionary task started by Jesus
It was on the day of Pentecost that the Christ by
Holy Spirit openly displayed the Church continually making the Church holy and
and the preaching, healing and the by giving the Church hierarchic and
spreading of the Good News among charismatic gifts until her perfection at
nations began. It is the very nature of the end time.
this community of
Christ’s followers to be sent as Lesson 3 The
missionary to make disciples of those Church’s Mission
who have not heard of Christ. (CCC
767) To accomplish this missionary task, A) The Church in the Old Testament
the Spirit of the Lord bestows in the
church many and different hierarchical The gathering together of the People of
and charismatic gifts. With these gifts God began when sin destroyed the
coupled with the faithful observance of harmony of relationships between
Christ’s precepts, the Church receives Human Beings and God and among
her mission of proclaiming and human beings themselves. Stories of
establishing among nations the this Sin were narrated in the Book of
Kingdom of Christ and of God as she Genesis: Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel,
herself is the beginning of this Kingdom. Noah and the Great Flood and the
(CCC 768) Tower of Babel. God calling people
together in the church is His reaction to
Summary these breaks of relationship and the
1. Jesus Christ through His words, work chaos caused by Sin. (CCC761) In the
and presence brought to us the Scriptures, we heard the stories of the
Kingdom of calling of Abraham to be the Father of a
God but it has yet to be completed and Great People, Isaac and Jacob, the
perfected at the end time by the action liberating
of leadership of Moses and the election of
the Holy Spirit. Israel as “Qahal Yahweh” (People of
2. Jesus Christ organized His followers
by assigning Twelve Apostles with Peter These are Scriptural narrations of the
as their head. This indicates Christ’s remote and proximate preparations of
intention to put up a church who will stay the
and share His mission until the Kingdom Church to be instituted by Jesus Christ
is fully achieved guided and aided by in the New Covenant. (CCC762)
the Holy Spirit.
B) The Church instituted by Christ Jesus and genuinely saving action of the
The Father’s will is to raise up human Church, charisms are to be welcomed
beings to share in His own divinity. He and received as vital and concrete
does this by gathering humans around manifestations that help build up the
His Son Jesus Christ already inserted Church. (CCC 800) However simple or
into a specific human Lsociety, culture, humble or at times extraordinary, these
period and geography. This gathering is are graces from the Holy Spirit which
called the Church. (CCC541) Christ is at directly or indirectly benefit the Church
the core of this gathering of human to address her needs. (CCC 799) The
creatures into the “Family of God”. Holy Spirit therefore animates the
Through His words and works that Church with His gifts and graces and
shows the reign of God and by sending dwells in it making her His temple. It is
out His disciples to the ends of the world the Spirit of Jesus that challenges the
Jesus calls all people around Him. At Church to be One, Holy, Catholic and
best, in His great Paschal Mystery, His Apostolic.(CCC 811)
crucifixion and death and in His
resurrection He brings forth the coming Summary
of His Kingdom. “And I when lifted up
from the earth (crucifixion) will draw all 1. The coming of sin which destroys
men to myself.” (Jn.12:32) Thus all relationships especially between human
humans are called to be in union with persons
Jesus Christ, to be His body and Him as Land the Blessed Trinity, triggers God to
the head. gather a chosen people which by now
(CCC542) we know as the Church

C) The Church Revealed by the Holy 2. “Qahal Yahweh” of the Old Testament
Spirit period is the earliest image of the
Since the time of Pentecost-the birth of church that Christ Jesus was
the Church, the Holy Spirit played a established in the New Testament times.
major role in the
whole of the Church’s mission. It is the 3. Jesus instituted the Church by His
main agent who leads the Church on words, works, presence and by
her missionary journey. It is he who commissioning His disciples to the ends
urges the Church to walk the road of of the earth to make converts.
Christ, the way of poverty, obedience,
service and self-sacrifice so that in the 4. Christ’s passion, crucifixion, death
end the Church will emerge glorious as and resurrection bring to us His
Christ was victorious when He rose from Kingdom.
the dead. (CCC852) Since the Holy
Spirit is the principle of every essential
5. The Holy Spirit animates, guides,
leads, protects, sustains and nourishes
the Church
towards her perfection until the second
coming of Christ.

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