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Lesson learnt during the covid-19 movement control order.

Corona is the word in everybody’s lips, which has made the entire world quiet and also to
quit from their daily chores. The virus is invisible and yet it has become the more powerful
weapon than nuclear bombs. The nature has unleashed a long-pending war, for the ill-deeds we
did to mother nature. War leads to side effect and this left us looking like monsters wearing
masks and forbidding socializing.

The main cause of this virus is not being hygienic and disciplined, failing to wash our
hands frequently and stay clean. And not to kill animals, they’ve right to live and survive on this
planet. We kill animals because we’re stronger and smarter, virus came and did the same to us.
This is karma, what you do will come back like boomerang.

We get excited on holidays, as we plan to go overseas. This virus proved that home is the
safest place on earth. Our parents spend a lot on us to keep us happy, now we had learnt that the
good time we have with our parents is worth more than the money. They are our biggest support.

Virus has proved that humanity is a bigger religion in the world, and there are plenty of
homeless people who suffer. Corona has dropped us in the middle of the ocean, and some people
are lucky to be on the ship, some are on small lifeboat, and some on the ocean and drowning,
Now it’s our duty to help them with food, clothes, don’t be greedy and selfish.

I always admire superheroes like superman, Iron Man, who try to save the world from the
evil. Corona is an evil thing happened to our people. we don’t see these super heroes, but we see
doctors, police, scientist trying hard to protect us, without thinking about their lives. they’re the
real-life superheroes.

Corona has made us re-think, by stopping the ever-running clock, turning to the basic and
has taught us to live our lives with what we have, peacefully, happily and hygienically.

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