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Analyst Climate Change and Health

27th August , 2023
CONTEXT: India is all set to open a climate change & health hub in New Delhi in partnership with Asian
Development Bank.

Impact of Climate Change: Way Forward:

● Extreme Temperatures: ● Realization of Problem:
○ 1998 Odisha Heat Wave: Intense heatwave in ○ Recognizing the urgency of climate
India’s Orissa state resulted in thousands of change is crucial. Governments,
fatalities due to extreme temperatures and lack businesses, and individuals need to
of infrastructure to cope with such conditions. acknowledge the scientific consensus
○ Chicago 1995 Heat Wave: A severe heat wave and the potential consequences of
hit Chicago, causing hundreds of deaths, inaction to motivate meaningful steps
particularly among the elderly, highlighting the toward mitigation and adaptation.
health risks posed by extreme heat events. ● Preventive Measures:
● Extreme Weather Events: ○ Implementation of policies that reduce
○ 1999 Odisha Super Cyclone: Devastating greenhouse gas emissions is vital. This
cyclone struck Orissa, India, causing widespread includes transitioning to renewable
destruction and loss of life. Such events energy sources, improving energy
underline the vulnerability of communities to efficiency, promoting sustainable
extreme weather events under changing climate transportation, and adopting green
conditions. technologies to mitigate climate change
● Vector-Borne Diseases: impacts.
○ Malaria Transmission: Increased transmission ● Global Coordination:
months of malaria in highland areas of America ○ Climate change is a global challenge that
and Africa indicate that changing climate requires collective action. International
patterns can expand the range of disease agreements like the Paris Agreement
vectors, increasing the risk of infections in new facilitate cooperation among countries to
areas set emission reduction targets and
● WHO Projection: foster collaboration in addressing
○ 2030-2050 Climate Impact: The World Health climate-related issues.
Organization (WHO) predicts around 250,000 ● Lifestyle Changes:
annual deaths from malnutrition, malaria, and ○ Individuals can contribute by making
heat stress between 2030 and 2050 due to the conscious choices in their daily lives.
changing climate, emphasizing the urgency of Reducing energy consumption, minimizing
addressing these health risks. waste, and using public transportation or
● Food Security: carpooling can collectively make a
○ Maize Growth Season: The reduction of the significant impact in reducing carbon
growth season for maize by 2% compared to footprints.
1981-2010 highlights the potential impact of ● Shift in Dietary Patterns (Lancet 2022):
climate change on crop yields, which can ○ The Lancet's study emphasizes the
subsequently affect food security for importance of dietary changes to
communities relying on these crops. mitigate climate change. Shifting
● Respiratory Diseases: towards plant-based diets reduces the
○ Asthma Impact: An anticipated 20% increase in environmental footprint associated with
asthma deaths over the next decade meat production, conserves resources,
underscores the relationship between changing and reduces greenhouse gas emissions.
climate patterns, air quality deterioration, and
the health impact on individuals with respiratory
Analyst National Space Day
27th August , 2023
CONTEXT: PM announced that August 23 will be commemorated as National Space Day.

Milestone in India's space industry: ● Communication Satellites (INSAT):

The Indian National Satellite System (INSAT)
● Mars Orbiter Mission, 2013: comprises a series of communication satellites.
India's Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM), also known as These satellites provide essential services such
Mangalyaan, was a remarkable achievement. It made India as telecommunications, broadcasting, and
the first Asian nation to reach Martian orbit and the meteorological data dissemination, contributing
fourth space agency globally to do so. MOM significantly to India's connectivity and
demonstrated India's space capabilities and information dissemination.
cost-effectiveness in interplanetary missions.
● AstroSat, 2015:
● NaVIC (Navigation with Indian Constellation):
Launched in 2015, AstroSat is India's first
NaVIC is India's regional satellite navigation system.
dedicated multi-wavelength space observatory.
Covering India and its surrounding region up to 1500 km,
It observes celestial objects in X-ray, ultraviolet,
it provides accurate positioning and timing information. It
and visible light spectra simultaneously, enabling
enhances navigation services for various sectors
scientists to study cosmic phenomena like black
including transportation, disaster management, and
holes, star-forming regions, and more.

● NISAR (NASA-ISRO Synthetic Aperture Radar):
● Education ( satellite instructional television
The joint venture between NASA and ISRO, NISAR,
experiments, 1975 and GSAT-3 )
aims to systematically map Earth's surface using
● Agriculture ( RESOURCESAT & RISAT )
advanced synthetic aperture radar technology. It will
● Weather-Forecasting ( Kalpana & INSAT-3D)
provide high-resolution imagery with less than a
● Space mining
centimeter precision, enabling scientists to monitor
● Defence ( RISAT and Cartosat)
changes in Earth's surface.
● Earth Observation and Resource Management
● Bhuvan 3.0 (Geo-Imaging Portal):
● Navigation (NaVIC)
Bhuvan is India's geo-imagery portal developed by ISRO.
Bhuvan 3.0, an upgraded version, offers high-resolution
satellite imagery and maps for various applications,
including disaster management, urban planning, and
resource monitoring.

Human Animal Conflict
27th August , 2023
CONTEXT: Amla and Bel are being planted in Assam in a bid to secure a major elephant habitat & mitigate
conflicts between human & tuskers.

● Changes in Land-use patterns (Nilgiri elephant
corridor, 2020)
● Habitat-Fragmentation
● Climate Change ( Kaziranga National park and
Karbi-anglong hills)
● Issues in declaration of Vermin species under WPA
( 2016 - wild boar in Uttarakhand, Nilgai in Bihar )
● Illegal Poaching

● Loss of Biodiversity (UNEP - more than 75% of
world’s wild cat species)
● Transmission of diseases ( Nipah Virus in Kerala &
Kyasanur Forest Disease in Karnataka )
● Economic Loses
● Ecological imbalances
● Conservation Challenges

Concluding Thoughts:
● Approach of Co-existence ( A Future for all report
2021 by UNEP )
● Uttarakhand bio-fencing
● Odisha casting seed balls
● Wildlife Corridors ( Canada )
● Innovative Techniques
● Project Re-HAB by KVIC
● Fencing with chili pepper in Tanzania
● Skill development
Analyst President's Rule
27th August , 2023
CONTEXT: Punjab Governor has threatened to recommend imposition of President’s rule in the state.

● Parliamentary Approval & Duration
○ Continuous Parliamentary Approval
○ Max limit and 44th CAA
● Revocation
● Consequences of President’s Rule -
○ President assume the functions of State
government or Governor
○ Parliament to legislate for States
○ Make incidental provisions & suspend
constitutional provisions relating to a body
○ Either suspension or dissolution of State
legislative Assembly.

CONTEXT: An FIR has been registered against a U.P. teacher as she asked students to hit their Muslim classmate.

About: Mandate:
● National Commission for protection of Child Rights. ● align with the Child Rights perspective as enshrined
● Statutory body under the Commissions for in the Constitution of India and also the UN
Protection of Child Rights (CPCR) Act, 2005. Convention on the Rights of the Child.
● Ministry of Women & Child Development ● To monitor the proper and effective implementation:
Members ● Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act,
● A chairperson and six members, out of which at least 2012.
two are women ● Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children)
● Appointed by the Central Government, for a term of Act, 2015.
3 years ● Right to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009.

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