Grade 9 Ratio and Proportion Eden

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Central Bicol State University of Agriculture

Pasacao Campus

A Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics

Geometry III


The learner demonstrate understanding of......

 The key concept of ratio and proportion


The learner is able to.....

 Investigate, analyze, and solves problems involving ratio and proportion, and triangle similarity
through appropriate and accurate representation.


At the end of the lesson the students are expected to:

a. describe ratio and proportion;

b. simplify ratio and proportion; and
c. apply the concept of ratio and proportion in the field of engineering.


a. Topic: Ratio and Proportion

b. Reference: Geometry III, by Olivia N. Buzon
c. Materials: colored paper, Cartolina, Pentel pen, sample goods
d. Skills: Critical thinking, Accuracy, Speed and Problem solving
e. Values to be integrated: cooperation, teamwork, and thriftiness
f. Methodology: 4A's ( Activity, Analysis, Abstraction, and Application )
g. Concept:
1. The ratio of two numbers is comparison of two qualities. It is expressed as the indicated
quotient of two numbers is called terms of the ratio.
2. The ratio of a to b may be expressed as a: b ( read as "a is to b" ) as a/b.
3. The quality of two ratio is called a proportion.
4. The principle of proportion states that the product of the mean is equal to the product of
the extremes.
Time Frame Teacher's Hints Teacher's Activity Student's Activity I.M's

5 minutes A. Preliminary
1. Greetings Good morning Good morning too
class? ma'am!
2. Prayer Everybody, will
you please stand (The class will
for the opening pray)
3. Securing the prayer.
Before you take
your seats, kindly
arrange your
chairs properly
4. Checking of the and pick up all the
attendance pieces of paper
under your chairs.
Class Secretary,
5. Checking of the will you please
assignments check the
3 minutes attendance of
your classmates.
6. Recall Since, this is our
first meeting we
don't have any
assignment to
Before we start to
our discussion, let
us first short recap Ma'am, in one
your knowledge month, we have
about conversion approximately
or comparison of 43,200 minutes.
two values.
Anyone from the Ma'am, in one
class, who can year, we have 12
now convert one months.
month to
minutes? Ma'am, in one
kilometer, we
Very good how have 100, 000
about 1 year to centimeters.

Very good! How

about one
kilometer to
7 minutes
7. Motivation Very well said
class! Based from
your answers it
seems that you
are now really
have a knowledge
on how to convert
in one value to
another values. I Yes ma'am! The
think you are now super typhoon
ready for our new named Yolanda
lesson. caused many
Before we
proceed to our
new lesson, we
will have first an
activity. Did you
remember class
the tragedy was
happened in
Tacluban City last

Absolutely! Now,
may I request 5
volunteers from
the class to come
in front?
This morning, we
will assume that
we are in the
Tacluban city and
the task of the 5
volunteers are to Yes ma'am!
distribute the
given good to We found it
those members of difficult as we all
the said place, know there were
which was the different numbers
most affected by of family members
the super typhoon living in the said
named Yolanda community.
and the students
in their seats will We distribute the
act as the goods depending
community to the number of
members of the the family
Tacluban city, who members.
have different
family members,
and the challenge
is that, how you
15 minutes are going to divide There will be
B. Lesson Proper the given goods families who will
1. Presentation of equally. not receive the
the lesson Are you ready goods and it will
class? lead to another
How did you find problem.
the activity class?

2. Presentation of
the objectives
Very good! So,
how did you
distribute the

Excellent answer!
3. Activity What do you think
a. Pre- Activity our class will Objectives
happen if we don't a. define ratio and
have the proportion;
knowledge to b. simplify the
distribute the ratio and
good equally? proportion; and
c. apply the
concept of ratio
Very well said and proportion in
class! Therefore, it the field of
is very important engineering.
to be fair, so
nobody does

In connection with
our activity, our
topic for today are
ratio and
For today's
10 minutes b. Activity proper discussion we
have the following
c. Post Activity objectives.
10 minutes a. define ratio and
4. Analysis and b. simplify the
Abstraction ratio and
proportion; and
c. apply the
concept of ratio
and proportion in
the field of
So that to attain presenting their
those objectives output
let us now conduct
your second
activity. I will
group the class
into three and
each group should
rotate around the
three station Ratio is a
located in the comparison
classroom. As you between two
can see there are numbers or
box at each quantities.
station. The task
of the group at
each station is In simplifying
inside the box. You ratio, we should
are allowed stay first see to it that
for 3 minutes at the two ratio may
each station and be expressed in
after the time the same unit and
allotted you need if given are in the
to move to the unit, you may now
next station until simplify the
all the station values.
reach of the
group. After
completing the
task a group
representative will
share the group We have four
work in the class. terms in the
(See attached illustration.
Activity sheets and
Post your output The second and
on the board then the third terms are
your leader will called means.
explain your work.
The first and the
Let us now discuss last terms are
your answer in the called extremes.
activity. In station
1 you are asked to
solve the following
5 minutes problems. Bas on
your activity, how
5. Generalization can you define In principle of
ratio? proportion are
states that, the
product of the
means is equal to
Excellent answer! the product of the
How about in extremes.
simplifying ratio?

Proportion is an
equation that
shows two ratios
are equivalent.
Bright answer! So
let us now discuss
the next problem.
Based from the
illustration we
have, what did you

5 minutes
Very good! What
6. Application do you call the
second and the
third terms?

Great answer!
How about the
first and the last

Nice observation!
Now, what did you
observe about the
product of the
means and the
product of the
Bright idea! Based
from your
observation, who
can now define

Very well said

class! Those are
the important
concepts and
ideas that are
necessary to A building and a
clearly understand car
ratio and
It forms a right
To concretize our triangle
discussion today, i
have here about
ratio and
proportion. I will
divide the class
into two groups.
You brainstorm all
the given concepts To find x,
what you're going 10m
to do is to
categorize the
concepts using the
concept map. Using
* The first are proportionality:
called ________ 10:20 = x:10
* Examples 20x = 10(10)
* A comparison 20x/20 = 100/20
between two x = 5m (vertical
numbers or line between car
quantities and building)
* Is an equation
that shows two
ratios are
* The second and

the third terms are If the measures of

called _______ small is directly
* 1:2:3, 1:38, 2:3:4 proportional to
the measure of
Who wants here large triangle.
to become an
Class, ratio and
proportion have None ma'am.
application. I have
here an illustration
or a model.

Class what have

you observed?

So what kind of
figure that the
showed to us?

Class let we say

that the height of
this building is 10
m. The distance of
this car from the
building is 20 m,
the problem is,
what is the exact
measure of this
vertical line
between car and
the building?

This illustration
class shows a
triangle and we
can find the value
of x using the
concept of ratio
and proportion, as
we observe that it
shows 2 triangles
which are similar
to each other.
Again what is
similar, especially
in triangle?

Very well said

Do you have any
questions class?


A. Solve the following questions.

1. Solve the proportion 4x - 1/ 3 = 6x + 1/ 5

2. A rectangle field has an area of 300 sq. meters and a perimeter of 80 meters. What is the ratio of the
lengthy the width of the field?


A. Find the unknown terms of proportion.

1. 12:3 = 3x:3

2. 16/X + 8 = x - 8/5

3. 11: x = x : 11

4. 6/12 = 5/n

5. The ratio of the measure of angles of the triangle is 3:6:9 find each angle

B. Research and study on the proportional segments.

Prepared by:

Eden P. Paral


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