Friendship Between Two Worlds

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Once Upon a Time, there lived two friends named Moana and Caspia. Moana was the
daughter of a traditional leader in Motunui, Hawaii. She really likes the sea and exploring the
sea.Almost all her time is spent in the ocean. She likes to surf, swim and catch fish and all that
she does with caspia.

Moana : Hi, I am Moana of Motonui

Caspia : Hi,I am Caspia, Moana’S Friend

One day when they come home from school it suddenly rains and washes over their

When he wanted to take shelter, Caspia's body suddenly became covered in Caspian's s

Caspia : oh no! Why is my body suddenly covered in scales?

Moana: why is it like this?, let's go to Triton’s house caspia, he must know the cause.

Moana invites Caspia to meet Triton, a pirate who knows about magic and the underwater
world. he often sailed the seas because he wanted to find out where mermaids and marine
animals were. When they arrived at Triton's house, the two friends immediately approached

Moana: please help us

Triton: HHH...( Triton's voice surprised)

What's going on? Why are you guys so panicked?

Moana: Look, my friend's skin is covered in scales

After seeing Caspia's skin, Triton immediately took his books to find out the cause of
this. and according to the book, Caspia was hit by the mermaid curse. Tritan couldn't believe it,
he immediately asked Caspia.

Triton: Caspia, what actually happened?

have you ever done wrong to the sea dwellers?

Caspian: Hmm,I remember!

It turns out that last night Caspia went into the sea to dive. And she saw a very beautiful fish
because he had never seen a fish before. She caught it and took it to her boat and it turned out
that the fish was Founder, who is a friend of Ariel, a mermaid from the lower kingdom.

Because She didn't accept that the founder was arrested, Ariel immediately ordered
Caspia and approached Caspia's ship. but how surprised Ariel was when she saw her best
friend's flounder die because it was eaten by the cat caspia. ariel, who was emotional,
immediately cursed caspia.

Ariel: hi humans, why are you all evil, you always take my best friend.

But instead of feeling guilty, Caspia actually laughed at Ariel,

Caspia: hahaha, everything that goes to sea is ours.

because of Caspia's words, Ariel was angry and immediately cursed Caspia

Ariel: You deserve this

After telling all this to Triton and Moana, Caspia realized that all of this happened
because of Ariel's curse. Caspia also asked Triton for the solution.

Caspia: Triton, help me. I don't want to be a fish!

Triton: Be patient girl, I will help you as much as I can

Triton immediately looked for another book to help caspia. in the book it is said that
someone who is affected by the mermaid curse must get elephant seal tusk as an antidote

Moana: but how can we get that tusk? Isn't the elephant seal already extinct?

Triton: there is only one more elephant seal in this world and according to the legend the
elephant is very dangerous and deadly.

Even though she was scared when she heard Triton's story, Moana was still determined
to save her friend. Triton said that Moana had to be fast because if within 2 days Moana didn't
succeed then she would definitely become a Dugong forever. and to be able to explore
underwater, Moana must have a magic necklace that only the traditional leader of the village
has. where the traditional leader was her father. Because Moana knew that her father would
definitely not give her the necklace, she secretly stole it and went straight to the sea.

The next day moana immediately pushed the boat and went out to sea. when she got in the
middle of the sea she heard screams from the bottom of the sea! Without thinking, Mona
immediately went down to the sea and dived looking for the sound. And it turned out that it
was the voice of Ariel who was in Ursila's cage, the elephant seal. Even though she felt annoyed
with Ariel, because she had cursed her best friend, Moana still helped Ariel. She remembered
that she had read a book and it said that elephant seals could fall asleep if they were stung by
jellyfish. Moana faced Ursula bravely. she stung Ursula with jellyfish and made Ursula sleep.dan
rushed to open Ariel's cage and save ariel

Moana: are you okay?

Ariel : yes I'm fine.

I've never seen you before, who are you?

moana: l am moana from molonui

But before she had time to get to know Ariel, Ursula woke up and immediately chased
them, but Ariel immediately grabbed Moana's hand and asked her to run.

Ariel brought Moana to the palace.

there Moana saw a very messy underwater palace like a war had just happened.

Moana: why is your palace so messy?

Ariel: Ursula who has done all this, he also has captured my parents and locked them up. they
are still there!

I failed to save them

Moana: why did that happen?

Ariel: Ursula wants to take control of the underwater palace by taking my necklace.

Moana saw Ariel's necklace and realized that it was similar to Ariel's necklace

Moana: Wow! I also have a necklace like you.

it turns out that moana and ariel's necklaces are 2 necklaces that are split because there
used to be a war between land and sea humans. and it turns out that if the necklaces are put
together, their strength can defeat ursula. .

They put the two necklaces together and stuck them right in Ursula's heart. Ursula died
instantly and Moana was able to take her ivory.

Since then Moana and Ariel have become friends. Moana often goes to the sea to visit
Ariel. life on land and sea became friendly.

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