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Feasibility of Coconut Coir Fibers with Beeswax as an Alternative Eco-

Friendly and Water-Resistant Coir Paper Bag


A paper bag is a bag made of paper. It can be made either with virgin or recycled fibers to

meet customers’ demands. It is frequently used as shopping carrier bags and in the packaging of

some consumer goods. They carry a wide range of products, including groceries, glass bottles,

clothing, books, toiletries, and electronics, and can also serve as a mode of transportation in daily

activities. It is said that paper bags are more eco-friendly than plastic bags; they are 100%

biodegradable and recyclable.

Taking into account that plastic bags are difficult and costly to recycle and most end up

on landfill sites where they take around 300 years to photodegrade. They break down into tiny

toxic particles that contaminate the soil and waterways and enter the food chain when animals

accidentally ingest them. But the problems surrounding waste plastic bags start long before they

photodegrade. Our planet is becoming increasingly contaminated by our unnecessary use of

plastic bags. Big black bin liners, plastic carrier bags carrying advertising logos, clear sandwich

bags and a variety of other forms are all polluting our environment. They're lightweight, handy

and easily discarded. Too easily discarded. Plastic bags can be seen hanging from the branches

of trees, flying in the air on windy days, settled amongst bushes and floating on rivers. They clog

up gutters and drains causing water and sewage to overflow and become the breeding grounds of

germs and bacteria that cause diseases.

However, Paper waste is also a severe problem in many industries, offices, and even at

schools. With much of the attention focused on plastic disposal, the impact of paper waste is

often overlooked. Manufacturing a paper bag takes about four times as much energy as it takes to

produce a plastic bag, plus the chemicals and fertilizers used in producing paper bags create

additional harm to the environment. According to Douglas (2018) compared to plastic, paper

bags produce 70 more air pollutants. In comparison to plastic, they produce 50 times more water

pollution. Recycling a plastic bag uses 90% less energy than recycling a paper bag. Paper bags

are generally recyclable as long as they're free of contaminants such as grease, food residue, or

ink. But, people often throw away their paper bags because they have become unusable due to

being worn out and being easily contaminated. Because unlike plastic, paper bags aren’t

waterproof, and can’t be washed if they were to get dirty.

In landfills, paper doesn't decompose any more quickly than plastic. That's because

landfills are not ideal circumstances, but paper decomposes far more quickly in optimum

conditions. Paper and plastic are doomed to spend about similar amounts of time there because

there isn't anything that decomposes there due to the lack of light, air, and oxygen.

With this, studies have developed an alternative source for paper, such as coconut coir.

Coconut coir contains cellulose and can be used in pulp manufacturing. The coconut husk is

available in large quantities as residue from coconut production in many areas, thus yielding

numerous coarse coir fibers. It has a variety of uses in manufacturing, construction, and

agriculture. It is a material found in nature, a hearty byproduct of the coconuts produced in

abundance by coconut palms. It's what makes up the fibrous husks of the inner shell of the

coconut and is used for all sorts of products, including rugs, ropes, brushes, and even upholstery
stuffing. Since the availability of coir fiber is plentiful, this indicates that from the source of raw

material supply, it is a potentially useful raw material for paper.

Coconut coir provides beneficial ingredients. It includes a high concentration of

cellulose, which might be utilized to make paper pulp. It is highly rot resistant, making it ideal

for outdoor applications. Its fibers have the highest toughness of any known natural fiber and can

withstand 4-6 times the strain of other fibers, making the potential product sturdy. This fiber is

also odorless and completely organic. In this study the researchers used natural waxes,

particularly beeswax, which are also utilized as waterproofers because of their high

hydrophobicity and great moisture resistance (Zhang et al., 2014). Because of its high melting

point and resilience to solvents, beeswax is a good choice as a material waterproofer. Beeswax

also has the added benefit of smelling good.

The coir paper bag was created as an eco-friendly and environmentally friendly

alternative to plastic bags. Agricultural waste implementation can be more convenient while also

being more environmentally friendly. In addition, in this study, the researchers decided to test if

it’s effective and efficient to use for students like us and for other possible users.The researchers

also promote and advocate recycling among their members, remind everyone to reduce, reuse,

and recycle, and strive for sustainable agriculture techniques to maximize the benefits of

coconuts while minimizing the risk of pollution.


In this study, we propose to determine the feasibility of using coconut coir fibers with

beeswax as an alternative, eco-friendly, and water-resistant coir paper bag. In recent years, there

has been growing concern about the widespread usage of plastic bags. Although tons of plastic
bags are being produced by thousands of plastic factories, their extremely hazardous negative

impact is never brought to light or, at the very least, openly discussed in a more serious tone.

However, plastic bags are widely used for shopping due to their ease of use, affordability, and

convenience. To combat the garbage problem, attempts have been made in the Philippines to

prohibit the usage of plastic bags. Such as recycling, upcycling, and downcycling to reduce

plastic pollution. Some supermarkets and department stores even charge a fee for plastic bags on

a specified day to encourage people to bring their own bags. And, as plastic pollution has

increased, paper bags have become a viable solution, particularly when made from recycled

materials. Paper bags are easier to recycle, and because they are biodegradable, they can be

composted. Paper bags will help to keep the environment clean and less polluted.

But our insatiable appetite for paper has also had a negative impact on the environment.

That is why the researchers conducted this research to determine the feasibility of using coconut

coir fibers with beeswax as an alternative, eco-friendly, and water-resistant coir paper bag. The

researchers employed coconut coir's high cellulose content to generate paper pulp and beeswax's

hydrophobicity and moisture resistance to make the paper bag waterproof.


The use of single-use plastic bags has become a major environmental problem in recent

years due to its harmful impact on the environment. Plastic bags decompose hundreds of years

and are not biodegradable, which makes them a major contributor to landfills and ocean

pollution. According to Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives (Philippines), Filipinos use

nearly 60 billion sachets, 17.5 billion shopping bags, and 16.5 billion labo bags annually. To

address this problem, various environmentally friendly alternatives, such as paper bags, reusable
textile bags and biodegradable bags, have been developed. Among these alternatives, coir paper

bags have attracted considerable attention as an environmentally friendly solution.

Coir, also known as coconut fiber,is a natural fiber extracted from the flesh of coconut

fruit. Coir is widely used in various applications such as ropes, mats and brushes. Coir paper

bags are manufactured by combining coir fibers with paper pulp, creating a durable and eco-

friendly material that can replace plastic bags for a single use. According to Khiril Nizam Husin

(2013), the purpose of the study was to identify that coconut coir can replace wood as the main

material to produce paper. The focus of the study was to find a raw material that is capable of

replacing wood. Hence, the study was done to test coconut fiber (coir) could potentially be used

to produce paper. Coconut coir contains cellulose fiber which is high enough to be used as a raw

material to produce paper. Coir paper bags are biodegradable, compostable and recyclable,

making them an ideal alternative to plastic bags.


The research is made with the aim to provide crucial information and knowledge

regarding to the chosen topic from the recent studies, theses, and related sites needed for the

expected importance to the individuals as follow:

Environment, the findings of this study may lead to the development of an alternative

paper bag, a sufficiently eco-friendly product that will never cause any environmental harm and

is thus free of resentment.

Consumers, the result of this study may help them discover an alternative paper bag that

is much more durable, cost-effective, and water-resistant and can withstand the struggles

encountered while using a standard paper bag.

Producers, the result of this study may help them to discover a criteria that influence the

preference for using coir composites that includes consideration of material durability,

recyclability, disposability, and above all cost effectiveness on their way to getting popular with

the potential customer.

Farmers, the result of this study may provide the ability to convert coir fibers into a

marketable product and an additional source of income from the loads of waste they must deal

with on a regular basis.

Future researchers, the result of this study may be a basis of further studies and can be

used as a related literature.


Alternative Hypothesis

Paper bags made of coconut coir are a great alternative to single-use plastic owing to the

fact that it is eco-friendly and sustainable which contributes to the well-being of the environment

by reducing plastic and coconut coir waste.

Null Hypothesis

Coconut coir cannot be used to make eco-friendly paper bags as an alternative to single-

use plastic bags and it does not provide environmental benefits such as reducing plastic and

coconut coir waste.


● To measure the strength, flexibility, and water resistance of beeswax and coconut coir

fibers in order to determine whether they are suitable for making coir paper bag.
● To find out and improve a production method for coir paper bags using coconut coir

fibers and beeswax.

● To assess the water resistance, strength, and durability of coir paper bags. To make sure

the bags satisfy the necessary process.



The general intent of the study is to know whether an Eco-Friendly Coir Paper Bags can be

used as an Alternative to Single-Use Plastic Bags. This study aims to find a way to lessen the use

of single use of plastic and coconut coir waste. To also determine new ways to use coconut coir.


This study will be conducted around Camarines Norte. The main focus of this study is

whether an eco-friendly coir paper bag can be used as an alternative to single use of plastic and

ordinary paper bags.


1. What is the potential use of coconut coir for producing a paper bag that is an alternative

to single-use plastic bags?

2. How effective are coconut coir paper bags in reducing the environmental impact of

single-use plastic bags?

3. What is the possible usage of beeswax as a paper bag waterproofer?


Environmental-friendly coir paper bags are an alternative to single-use plastic bags and

are based on sustainability, environmental protection and public health.Its aim is to provide a

viable and environmentally friendly solution to the problem of plastic pollution in the


Coconut coir fibers are an abundant waste product from the coconut industry that can be

repurposed for various applications. In recent years, eco-friendly and sustainable alternatives to

single-use plastic bags have gained increased attention. Coir paper bags have been proposed as

one such alternative, but their water resistance needs to be improved. This conceptual framework

aims to explore the feasibility of using beeswax as an alternative Eco-Friendly and water-

resistant Coir Paper Bag.

Overall, the conceptual framework for eco-friendly coir paper bags aims to promote

sustainable living, minimize environmental damage, and protect public health. By adopting this

framework, individuals and businesses can help to reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to

a cleaner, healthier planet.

Theoretical Framework

E. Pongrácz1, P. S. Phillips2 & R. L. Keiski1 (2004) states in their theory of waste

management, that waste management includes conceptual assessments of waste, activities related

to trash, and a comprehensive view of waste management's objectives. The premise of waste

management theory is that waste management should stop waste from endangering the

environment and human health. For the purpose of creating a sustainable waste management

strategy, the appropriate definition of waste is essential. The majority of the time, present

legislation deals with garbage that has already been created. Definitions that result from this

circumstance might, however, be at odds with waste reduction objectives because something that

already existing cannot be prevented from developing.When anything is given the label "waste,"

it will be handled accordingly; as a result despite its clear desire to prevent waste, law essentially

has no effect on it. gathers trash. Such concepts have the philosophical connotation that they are

unable to support a long-term garbage disposal system. Therefore, it's important to look for fresh,

modern definitions of waste and waste management. It can provide an inherent answer for the

problem and explain why waste is produced. A completely new strategy built on object-oriented

modeling language, which defines the essential waste management ideas, is used. Waste, non-

waste, and theory of waste management are some related terms. definition, theory, goal,

composition, and execution.

According to Rimadhanti Ningtyas et al. (2022) that this study determines the mixture of

coconut pulp and banana shell bond so that it can be obtained by mixing fiber paper with tear

resistance and tensile strength, which is most suitable for application as an alternative to

packaging paper. Other materials that can be used for pulp and paper production, in addition to

wood containing cellulose, are empty palm fruits(EFB) and coconut fibers. Based on pulp
produced from the research carried out, the cellulose content ranged from 46,4316% to

48,4993% and the hemicellulose from 18,2699% to 20,7593%. With a high cellulose content,

samples of EFB raw materials and coconut fiber can be used as raw materials for the

manufacture of paper.

A theory of production with waste and recycling by (Klaus Conrad, 1997) states that

solid waste management has turned into a critical issue. Product responsibility refers to the idea

that a product will follow its manufacturer from conception to disposal; prevention, recycling,

and waste disposal are all parts of the theory of the firm that we build under sound residual

management. We presume that the government encourages businesses to improve resource

recycling by levying a tax on garbage. The effects of a charge on waste reduction, the structure

of the manufacturing process, recycling, input demand, material saving effort, the number of

enterprises, and the amount of waste disposal are demonstrated by a comparative statics analysis.

Also according to Ramli et al., (2013) that the results show the compressive and flexural

strength of the structure is improved by including coconut fibers to 13% and 9%,respectively.

This result means that fibers play a role in restricting the development of fractures. In general,

harmful effects caused by aggressive environments can be suppressed by reinforced fiber

concrete. The study recommends that coconut fibers be treated prior to their application in

concrete to protect them from degradation.

In conclusion, the theory that E. Pongrácz, P. S. Phillips, & R. L. Keiski (2004) proposed

focuses on preventing waste from harming the environment and human health. Rimadhanti

Ningtyas et al. (2022) investigated the use of coconut pulp and banana shell bond to produce

paper with tear resistance and tensile strength that is suitable for use as an alternative to

packaging paper. Klaus Conrad (1997) argues that solid waste management has become a critical
issue and that a new theory of production is needed to address it. He proposes a theory of

production with waste and recycling that is based on the idea of product responsibility. This

would encourage businesses to design products that are less wasteful and easier to recycle. Ramli

et al. (2013) found that the compressive and flexural strength of concrete can be improved by

adding coconut fibers. They recommend that coconut fibers be treated prior to their application

in concrete to protect them from degradation. With these underlying theories we came up with

an alternative eco-friendly paper bag made out of coconut coir to reduce the environmental and

social impacts of waste production and disposal.

Figure 1. Theoretical Paradigm of the Study

Review of the Related Literature and Studies




Research Design
The researchers will employ an experimental research design and rely primarily on

investigation and observation to get their results. The main goal of these qualitative data was to

determine how coconut coir fibers coated with melted beeswax could be used as an alternative

environmentally friendly and water-resistant coir paper bag. Utilizing the researcher's frame of

reference, data were collected from the investigation. Beeswax and coconut coir were utilized

and given top priority. The goal of the experiment's duration was for the researchers to compile a

comprehensive analysis.

Data Gathering Procedure

Experimentation was the main tool used to gather data in this study. It was conducted

between the variables, Coconut Coir Fiber and Beeswax as the independent variable and its

feasibility as a Water-Resistant Paper Bag as the dependent variable. The researchers will record

and evaluate the data to examine the procedure of making and the effectiveness of the paper bag.

During the data-gathering procedure, laboratory experimentation was done. The

researchers used this data-gathering procedure because a controlled environment is needed to

observe and a standard setup for all the results. In gathering the data, the researchers used all the

available resources and references that could be found in books, articles, previous studies,

theories, pieces of literature, and different websites on the internet. These sources are important

because they contain essential information and the foundation for the study.


1. Components and Equipments

Table 1.1 Components

Name Quantity Description

Coconut Coir Fiber Pulp 1760 g Main component of the paper

Caustic Soda Flakes 250 g Used to increase the cellulose content

and dissolve and remove wax layers
from coconut fiber surfaces.

Paper Pulp 640 g Serves as the binding agent

Beeswax - Serves as the waterproofer

Water 30.5 L Serves as the solvent

Table 1.2 Equipments

Name Quantity Description

Stainless Can 1 Used for boiling and heating the

Coconut coir

Blender 1 Used for blending the Coconut Coir

into a pulp

Basin 1 Use to prevent spill in the table

Deckle 1 A deckle is a removable wooden
frame or "fence."

Foam 1 To remove excess water

Stirring Stick 1 An object used for stirring

Measuring Cup 1 For measuring the amount Coconut


Old Clothes 10 Drying and cleaning sheet for paper

Latex gloves – Safety and hygiene purposes

2. Preparation

a. Components

The coconut coir will be collected from the farm located in Basud, Camarines Norte. The

fibers will be separated from the husk and then boiled for 4-6 hours with the caustic soda flakes.

After 4-6 hours, the coconut coir fibers will be sterilized and cleansed to make sure all non-fiber

materials, such as pebbles, dirt, mud, leaves, etc., are removed as much as possible.

b. Equipments
In a clean workplace, prepare the area with a basin to prevent spills on the table surface.

Equipment such as bowls, containers, or strainers, as well as apparatus such as measuring cups,

stirring sticks, deckles, and molds, are sanitized, free of contamination, dry, and functioning.


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