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Assessable -PRACTICAL 2 NO 1: The rate of respiration in Germinating and Non-
germinating seeds



ID #: 2O21311429.


LECTURER: Mr. Kannan

Due Date: 6th May 20

TITLE: Measuring rate of cellular respiration in germinating Mung bean seeds

AIM: this experiment is aimed to find out the rate of cellular reparation in germinating seeds, using a
mung bean germinating seed as an example

HYPOTHESIS: If the seeds uses all the oxygen precent in there setup then the rate of cellular
respiration will increase.


Respiration is a vital metabolic process that takes place in all living cells, including non-germinating
seeds or germinating seedlings when there is an absence of Carbon dioxide. The process involves the
exchange of gases between the organism and the environment, where oxygen is taken in, and carbon
dioxide is released. According to Campbell Biology, "cellular respiration includes both aerobic and
anaerobic respiration but is often used to refer to aerobic respiration" (Reece et al., 2018, p. 166).

Aerobic respiration takes place when oxygen is present, and it involves a series of reactions that occur
in three stages: glycolysis, the citric acid cycle, and oxidative phosphorylation. During glycolysis,
glucose is broken down into two molecules of pyruvate. The pyruvate then enters the mitochondria,
where it undergoes the citric acid cycle, producing ATP and carbon dioxide as byproducts. Finally,
oxidative phosphorylation occurs in the inner mitochondrial membrane, where electrons are passed
from one molecule to another, generating a proton gradient that drives ATP synthesis (Reece et al.,
On the other hand, anaerobic respiration occurs when oxygen is not present and involves the
breakdown of glucose without oxygen. This process occurs in two stages: glycolysis and
fermentation. During glycolysis, glucose is broken down into two molecules of pyruvate, which then
undergo fermentation to produce ATP and either lactic acid or ethanol as byproducts (Reece et al.,
Overall, respiration is a crucial metabolic process that takes place in all living cells. Aerobic
respiration occurs in the presence of oxygen and involves glycolysis, the citric acid cycle, and
oxidative phosphorylation. Anaerobic respiration occurs in the absence of oxygen and involves
glycolysis and fermentation.

However, an experiment was conducted to find out what will happen to the seedling if there was lack
of oxygen in a setup. What will happen to the rate of reparation at that moment of low oxygen.


The successfully complete this lab experiment, this are some of the equipment and material used
during the experiment. Four (4) Plastic pipette, 1% Potassium hydroxide, cotton ball, Petridish-1,
Germinated and non-germinated seeds, Styrofoam or carton pieces-1, Eosin or food colour


Prior to the experiment the lab technician socked a handful of non-germinating seed in water for 2
days to ensure they germinate. Lab technician also obtained four (4) plastic Pipettes and modified
them as a substitute of respirometers in liking of the experiment to come, at the same time a Petridis
was modified which four (4) wholes was made onto it.
Firstly, three (3) drops of Potassium Hydroxide were dropped onto a small cotton piece which was
then put into the modified plastic pipettes, making sure it is placed right in the bottom. The same was
done to the rest of the remaining Modified plastic pipettes.

Secondly, 12 non-germinating mung bean seeds were

collected and put into modified pipet 1 also six
germinating mung bean seeds plus 6 non- germinating
mung bean Seeds were put into modified pipet 2. Eight
(8) germinating and four non-germinating mung bean
seeds were put into modified pipet 3 and 12 germinating
seeds into modified pipet 4. Unfilled spaces were filled
using glass marble beads, and to prevent backflow of the
beads, small foam was shoved through to block. After the
insertions the setups were left for five minutes.

The table below illustrates the Quantity of the

germinating seeds in the Plastic pipettes.

Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4

100% 50% 75% 100% Non-
Germinating Germinating germinating germinating
seeds 505 Non- 25% Non-
germinating germinating
Thirdly, a large beaker was filled with fifty (50)
millilitres of water and also five (5) drops of blue food
colouring was poured into the filled beaker. On the
modified Petridis the four (4) pipets was fitted in

Than the setups was placed on the bench and was left for 5 minutes in a constant temperature of 25°C.
After 10 minutes the timer was set for 20 minutes; 5 minutes in a raw


The following are the results taken during the experiment

SETUP 1(100 % G) 12 SETUP 2 (50/50 %) SETUP 3 (75/25 %)7/5 SETUP 4 (100% N-G)
6/6 12
5min - 5min - 5min - 5min
10min 0.7cm 10min 0.3cm 10min 0.3cm 10min No-change
15min 1.8cm 15min 1.4cm 15min 1cm 15min in Distance
20min 3cm 20min 2.2cm 20min 1.5cm 20min

Table 1.0; shows the results of the four (4) setups, taken during the experiment

SETUP 1(100 % G) 12 SETUP 2 (50/50 %) SETUP 3 (75/25 SETUP 4 (100% N-

6/6 %)7/5 G) 12
TIME Volume (2.5cm=1ml) Volume (2.5cm=1ml) Volume (2.5cm=1ml) Volume(2.5cm=1ml)
5min - - - -
10min No-change in
15min Volume
Table 2.0; shows the volume absorbed in certain time range respectively to the setups
Further emphasizing on table 2.0, the column graph below showed the amount of water absorbed
throughout certain time range (5 min-intervals)

Volume absorbed vs time

Volume Absorbed into the tube

setup 1 setup 2 setup 3 setup 4
volume 3(20 min) 1.2 0.88 0.6 0
volume 2 (15min) 0.7 0.56 0.4 0
volume 1 (10 min) 0.28 0.12 0.12 0

Column Graph 1.0: shows the graph of the amount (volume), absorbed in specific time intervals (5 min-

Further Emphasizing on the tabulated results above, below is a groups the gives a clear illustration of
the rate of respiration on the germinating and non-germinating seeds.

The Rate of respiration in Germinating and Non-germinating Mung Bean Seeds

Distance (cm)

2 setup 1
1.5 setup2
1 setup3
0.5 setup4

5min 10min 15min 20min
Time (minutes)

Graph 1.0; show a more illustrated vision of the results. The graph contains information on the four (4) setups
against time (min) and Distance (cm).


The differences in respiration rates between the different groups of mung bean seeds may be due to
various factors, including the metabolic activity associated with growth and development and the
availability of nutrients and oxygen. Germinating seeds require more energy to fuel cellular processes
associated with growth and development, resulting in higher oxygen consumption. In contrast, non-
germinating seeds may have lower oxygen consumption levels because they are in a dormant state and
do not require as much energy.
Our results showed that the rate of respiration varied between the different groups of mung bean
seeds. In the first group, the non-germinating seeds had a lower rate of respiration than the
germinating seeds, as show in the graph 2.0 below;

Graph 2.0; shows the result about experiment; “Rate of respiration in Non-germinating and germinating
mung bean seeds”.

The graphs contain information about the rate of respiration in 12 germinating seedling in setup 1. As
shown during the first 5 minute into the experiment the rate of respiration increased from 0.0cm to 0.7
cm in table 1.0 which is after 10 minutes into the experiment the rate of respiration
increased from to which is 0.62ml increase. And 20 minutes after the rate of
respiration increased from to that is approximately 1.0ml increased

The Rate of Respiration In 50% G and 50% NG


Distance (cm)

1.5 Setup 2


5minutes 10minutes 15minutes 20minutes
Time (Min)

In Graph 3.0 Above, the data presented on the rate of respiration in Setup 2 (50% G and 50% N-G)
showed that in the first 5 minutes of into the experiment there was a slight increase respiration from
0ml to , furtherer into the experiment the rate of respiration increased from
that is an increase of 0.44ml thus as seen on the graph there in steep increase in respiration,
feather down the rate of respiration increase from to that is an increase of 0.32 ml.
The rate of respiration in 75% G and 25% N-G seedling
Distance (cm)

Setup 3
5 minutes 10minutes 15minutes 20minutes
time (min)

Graph 4.0; shows the graph representing setup 3

When referencing back to Graph 1.0, that showed the more comparable illustration of the graphs 2.0,
3.0, 4.0 & 5.0. It can be seen that the graph representing, setup 1 (graph 2.0) had the higher rate of
respiration than all the other graphs. That is because setup 1 contains 100% germinating seeds. Thus
there is more respiration resulting in a higher pull of the blue liquid. In the setup 4 (100% Non-
germinating) there was no changes seen, it is because respiration is occurring in the capsule of the
seed. For germinating seed the seed is now exposed to water thus stimulated growth thus the initiated
photosynthesis. As seen in the first 5 minutes of the experiment there was no changes to the volume
because the germinating seedling were using the excess oxygen present in the tube, after 10 minutes
slowly the volume of the liquid raised. As seen in column graph 1.


Respiration is a metabolic process that occurs in all living cells, including non-germinating seeds or
germinating seedling when there is an absence of Carbon dioxide.

Non-germinating seeds are in a dormant state where they are not actively growing or developing.
However, they still need to maintain their cellular functions such as protein synthesis, DNA
replication, and ion transport. These processes require energy that is produced through respiration.
The energy produced during respiration is also used to maintain the integrity of the cell membrane
and to regulate the osmotic balance of the seed inside the capsule, thus there was no changes in non-
germinated seeds in setup 4.

Thus seen in the Experiment Non-germinating seed did not show any signs of respiration, because
every respiration or metabolic activity in happening inside the capsule. That sores the main seedling.
In the germinated seedling it was seen that after 5 minutes of using all available oxygen in the tube,
the volume of the water increases as it uses the oxygen in the water to respire. It proves that all plant
respire when there is a lack of oxygen.

The experiment could have been done better if there was an accurate measurement of the volume
increased or the distance covered by the liquid. Furthermore, the experiment lacks some of the vital
equipment need to make better assumptions to the game. The measurement taken could be fixed if
there was more suitable equipment’s.


Reece, J. B., Urry, L. A., Cain, M. L., Wasserman, S. A., Minorsky, P. V., & Jackson, R. B.
(2018). Campbell biology (11th ed.). Pearson.

Khan Academy. (2021). Cellular respiration introduction.

National Center for Biotechnology Information. (2021). Respiration.

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