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Colegio Helen Parkhurst First Semester

Subject English B1

Teacher’s name: Juan Carlos Lugo Pérez

- Bachelor’s degree in teaching English as a foreign language

at UNAM FES Acatlán

- Pre-service Training Course TKT

University of Cambridge

- In -service Training Certification ICELT

University of Cambridge

- IH CAM Certificate in Advanced Methodology

International House

- Specialization in English Teaching DELTA

University of Cambridge


Nowadays we know how important English is around the world. Knowing this language is an increasing need in
today's society. The economy, professional relations, studies and training in general, cultural exchanges of all
kinds, the increase in tourism and humanitarian aid to developing countries, as well as new technologies make
this need a requirement within the process of training people.
Furthermore, learning foreign languages also contributes to the integral development of the personality since it
increases self-esteem, accelerates the construction of formal thinking and generates confidence in the learning
strategies themselves, all of which in turn has an impact on a greater command of the mother tongue. But
mastering other languages also allows knowing other cultures and helps to forge values of tolerance and respect
towards the different ways of thinking and understanding reality, fundamental principles in a democratic society.
For these reasons, we teachers must work to ensure that our students enjoy learning this new language, a tool
that will be of great use to them throughout their lives wherever they go.


a) Effective communication
b) Critical thinking, creative thinking, out-of-the-box.
c) Ability to work autonomously

a) Take responsibility
b) Work with values
c) Sustainable attitude


- Enable students to communicate effectively and appropriately in real life situations and develop and
integrate the use of the four language skills reading, listening, writing and speaking.
- Asses students for Cambridge certifications. Advise and encourage them to practice doing exercises in
exam conditions, within the exact time frames that they will have to face on the day.


Unit 1 Hrs

Breaking the ice, diagnosing speaking and listening skills, setting class procedures 2
and marking scheme, creating good rapport and breaking the ice

Simple present VS present continuous 2

Vocabulary building - adjectives for describing personality 2

Grammar subject-object questions 3

IPA Chart phonetics introduction 2

Review of parts of the speech, syntax and grammar 3

Grammar contrasting present tenses (simple, continuous and perfect) 2

First partial evaluation 2

Unit 2

Word collocations 2

Developing listening comprehension skills 3

Reading in detail skills 2

Phonological features of semi modals (used to) 2

Speaking asking and giving directions 3

The narrative forms for reading and writing skills development 3
IPA Chart phonetics 2 1

Unit 3

Introduction to phrasal verbs syntaxis 3

Vocabulary phrasal verbs 2

Contrasting past tenses (simple, continuous and perfect) 3

Phonology: weak forms in prepositions 2
Phonology: recognizing grammar and content words 2
Writing in process and context 3

Evaluative project 7

Unit 4

Vocabulary compound adjectives 2

Introduction to podcasts 2

Grammar verb patterns 2

First and second conditional review 6

Grammar how to express future using common collocations 3

Speaking about hopes and goals 3

Practice testing 2

Evaluation 2

Unit 5

Vocabulary building words for talking about work 3

Listening practice with podcasts 2

Grammar verb patterns verb-ing and verb-to infinitive 3

Present and modal verbs 2

Third partial evaluation project 7

Evaluation 1


Generally speaking, there will be a diversity of resources to support comprehension of topics to be covered. Said
resources can be made by the teacher herself or videos or material from other authors that are adequate to meet
our aims. Specifically, most of our grammar content will be approached through the Guided Discovery
methodology, but there may be other methodologies. Team work will be an essential part of your learning during
this semester.


a) Partials evaluation
First partial Second Partial Third partial

70% Classwork 70% Classwork 70% Classwork

and Homework and Homework and Homework

30% Exam 30% Exam 30% Exam

b) Exemption criteria

You must have completed 80% of homework and classwork.

You must have 80% of attendance.
Your final average must be 8 or above.
You must not have failed any partial and partial exam.
You must not commit plagiarism


1. To exempt:
Hand in at least 80% of your work
80% attendance
Get an average of 8 or more. (7.9 does not go up to 8 for exemption purposes)
Pass all partials and partial exams.
2. To take ordinary exam:
Hand in at least 80% of your work.
80% attendance
Get an average of 7.9 or less.
Fail one or more partials.
3. To Regularization exam:
Hand in less than 80% of your work
Less than 80% attendance
Fail the Ordinary Exam.

c) Attendance
When you are absent from a class, you must report the same day to Miss Pili and send a letter to your teacher
within the next 24 hours to justify your absence (with evidence). If you do not report to Miss Pili or don’t send
your evidence, the absence will be registered).

d) Homework
Homework is understood as any activity requested for the student to learn or reinforce some thematic content
that also implies the elaboration of a product that will be sent to the teacher. The assignments must be delivered
in a timely manner, since covering 80% of their delivery is a requirement to exempt the course or to have the
right to take the ordinary exam. Any task that is delivered 24 hours late will be out of this percentage and will not
be reviewed.
e) Classwork
This includes any activity that facilitates the students’ learning, be it individual or in groups and that must be
sent to the teacher for grading or assessment.
Activities are designed in such a way that you can complete them in a class session. When there is a research
task, time will be given during a session to do the research.
Any work requested must be handed in on time and in form (complete and following the instructions given).
Remember that you need to cover 80% of classwork in order to exempt your course or be able to present your
ordinary exam.
Deadlines to hand in work will be clearly defined in each case. Please note that, for you to be graded over 100,
you need to submit your work on the date and schedule specified. Points will be lowered according to the
● ADDITIONALLY: if your work is copy-pasted from the Internet without citing the source or you have
copied the work of another student, your work will NOT BE TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT.

f) Exam
Exams are designed to be completed in 50 minutes during class.


Chong, C. S., & Lansford, L. (2021). Voices Intermediate with Online Practice and Student’s

Book. Heinle ELT.

Chong, C. S., & Lansford, L. (2021). Voices Intermediate with Online Practice and Work Book.

Heinle ELT.

Chong, C. S., & Lansford, L. (2021). Voices Intermediate with Online Practice and Teacher’s
EBook. Heinle ELT.

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