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7 Habits Overview ®

Level 6, Lesson 4

© Franklin Covey Co. All rights reserved.

The years you are in school can be
some of the best and some of the
toughest years of your life. It takes
time and experience to know what
you stand for, what is important to
you, who you want to be, and where
you want to go.

© Franklin Covey Co. All rights reserved.

The 7 Habits can help you make
choices based on what is best for
you—not what your friends are
doing, what others think you should
do, or what the media tells you is

© Franklin Covey Co. All rights reserved.

The 7 Habits are principles that help
people to be leaders of themselves
and others. You can think of the 7
Habits like a tree.

© Franklin Covey Co. All rights reserved.

Turn to page 10.

Follow along while students read the

three sections on this page:
• The Private Victory

• The Public Victory


• Renewal
© Franklin Covey Co. All rights reserved.
Turn to page 11.

On this page is the 7 Habits Tree.

Notice that the Private Victory is
written near the roots, the Public
Victory is written by the branches, and
Renewal is written near the sun and
rain. © Franklin Covey Co. All rights reserved.
Why do you think a tree is a good
picture representation of the 7 Habits?

© Franklin Covey Co. All rights reserved.

Why do you have to win the Private
Victory before you can win the
Public Victory?

© Franklin Covey Co. All rights reserved.

Fill in each of the habits on the tree.

© Franklin Covey Co. All rights reserved.

The 7 Habits are used by many great
leaders around the world. As you
learn more about the 7 Habits and
work toward living them, you will
become more effective and
experience great results in all parts of
your life.
© Franklin Covey Co. All rights reserved.
© Franklin Covey Co. All rights reserved.

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