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Work is essential for fulfillment of basic necessities.

Although a few individuals

argue that senior citizens should work after their retirement age, others believe
that they should out from work culture.I believe that above 65 year age group
should be join in any work area.

There are significant advantages of working after retirement age.Firstly,they fill

independent as they earn money by themselves in order to sustain and enjoy their
life.For instance, they can explore new tourist places and complete their dreams.In
addition, it helps them to cope with mental health problem like anxiety,insominia
and many more.If their focus and interest are towards to their work field,they will
not fill lonliness and stay away from the mental disorders.

Furthermore,working after retirement age benefits to make strong economy as it

reduce labour shortages and collecting more taxes.To exemplify, a recent survey
from the economic department of France reported that they collect 21.6 percent tax
from the old age employees in 2019.Moreover,this policy helps government to reduce
their burden on old age peope in regard to overcome the subsidy and close pention

Nevertheless, there are some negative effects on inhabitants to work after their
retirement.Firstly,some think that owing to physical disibilites many old age
citizens are not able to work.Consequently, they will not be able to receive
government schemes such as health benefits, penstion and many more.Following this,
old age is only age when they can enjoy their last periods of time to explore new
places,spend time with family and so on because they spend their entire life on
working and fullfill their family's needs.

To conclude,although there are some negative consequences of working after

retirement age like physical disibilities, there are numerous positive impact on
their mental health as well as on economy.In my opinion,authority should bring some
rules and regulations about flexible working time period for old age people along
with health benefits.

what,why, how

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