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A Detailed Lesson Plan in

The Teacher and The Curriculum

Objectives: At the end of 60- minute lesson 90% of the student should be able to;
a. Determine the different factors to consider in implementing the curriculum
b. Give the importance of the things in implementing the curriculum
c. Explain the different factors to consider in implementing the curriculum

I. Subject Matter:
A. Topic: Things to consider in implementing the curriculum
B. Reference: Module the teacher and the school curriculum
C. Materials: Laptop, paper and pencil

II. Procedure:
Teacher activity Student activity
1. Preliminaries
a. Prayer
: (the student will pray)
b. Greetings
: Good morning sir!
c. Checking of attendance
: (the secretary reports the absentees)

Before we start I will present first our

objectives for today. These are the following

a. Determine the different factors to

consider in implementing the
b. Give the importance of the things in
implementing the curriculum
c. Explain the different factors to
consider in implementing the

2. Motivation
Now class I have here a word. Who
can give an idea or concept about this

: Sir!

Very good! : Subject

What else?

: Policy
Very good!

: implementing
Very good!

: Developing
Very good!

3. Presentation and Discussion

Class today we are going to learn the
different thing to consider in
implementing the curriculum.
(let the student read the meaning of
Ok who will read Number 1?
(after the student read. The teacher
will explain) : Me Sir!

1. Government Requirements
- Includes of memoranda,
Education, policies,
Commission Guidelines, on
higher and Education, and the
technical Education Skills
Development Authority. The
competencies required by the
board exam are also considerd.

who will read number 2?

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