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Lanao del Sur

Lanao del Sur, is one of the four provinces in the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in
Muslim Mindanao (BARMM). It ranks first among the poorest provinces of the country
with 67.3% poverty incidence. Although have a significant change, challenges remained
to persist. The following below are major problems that cause its rank.

o Problem: Breakdown in peace and order mainly in the South

Peace and order have always affected the improvement of the area. Orderliness
encourages investment, but investors and businessmen have moved away and are
discouraged by the enduring breakout of fights, violence, and worse—a war in
Mindanao, for example, the Marawi Siege in 2017. Redevelopment may have
been on its way, yet there is still uncertainty.

Army Scout Rangers takin cover behind a military truck after Maute gunmen fired
shots at them in Marawi City. 2017. MindaNews photo by FROILAN GALLARDO


Solution: The primary source of disorderliness and conflict in Mindanao is the

difference of view and unnerving disagreement between the government and
liberal fronts and terrorist groups. One of the key improvements is the signed
Framework Agreement on the Bangsamoro. It brought about changes and
opportunities within the political and cultural sphere in the region. In conclusion,
there is a need for a strong grip on the government, tightened security measures
by government forces against violent and radical groups, peaceful agreements and

o Problem: Poorly developed agricultural, infrastructure, education and

livelihood sector
One problem ripples to another, as businessmen and investors less consider Lanao
for investment, it became the evident cause of appalling sectors necessary for the
people, especially the livelihood. Despite having fertile areas, Lanao's land is
unutilized due to feuds over land and ownership. Due to conflict, many young
people have disrupted education, adding to these destroyed facilities.

Solution: Government programs and combined efforts in many sectors are needed
to alleviate the situation. Varied livelihood and agricultural programs are already
targeting the improvement of the poorest province in the country. The MinDa are
eyeing seven areas within Lanao for pilot projects in livestock raising. A
partnership between private business owners should be encouraged to build and
introduce programs. Prioritizing building settlements, community hubs, roadway
systems, and educational facilities as it serves as access to livelihood efforts.
Additionally, suggest land reforms in handling land disputes give way to
agricultural purposes.

ARMM-BRIDGE to distribute 10 tons of food to families in Lanao del

Sur as part of Food Humanitarian program.2018.

2. Eastern Samar
In the first semester of 2021, Eastern Samar has a poverty incidence of 36 percent among
population by Province. The following below are major problems that cause its rank.

o Problem: Typhoon prone area

Eastern Samar faces typhoons almost every year, which is the main reason for its
poor situation, according to the Philippine Statistical Authority (PSA).

Solution: Typhoons are a non-stoppable force by nature. Yet it is predictable.

Resiliency through technology and knowledge will be helpful such as introducing
calamity-prone houses and structures. One great example is the Department of
Energy providing enhanced use of renewable energy in off-grid parts of the

Eastern Samar must upgrade its social welfare by improving catastrophic-related

funds, disaster resiliency, and economic growth.

Residents in Sulu-an, Guiuan, Eastern Samar installing solar panels for their
community. 2018. ©GLINLY ALVERO

Problem: Low-income generating activities

The province is dominated by agriculture and fishing, which are low-income livelihoods.
Primarily, underutilization of agricultural lands, lack of infrastructure like improve
irrigation systems, inputs of seeds, fertilizer, and feeds and technology are making it hard
for the farmers. Decrease in fishery output is also evident in the province as fishing
registered decrease of 95.9% and 88% of the same year.

 Red tide bloom has expanded in Eastern Samar as the phenomenon remains in five other
bays in Eastern Visayas region. 2021.

Solution: Support and development are crucial in Eastern Samar in both; the agricultural,
aquatic, and fishing sector. The Department of Agriculture shall assess how to
incorporate sustainable ways of increasing yields and livestock in agriculture, as well as
improve technology and infrastructure against calamities. Introduce aquaculture to back
up the fishery. And improve its market system to encourage livelihood.

Cassava Production Project benefits 3 FAs in Eastern Samar. 2022.



Custodio, Arlo. (2019, March 25). Lanao del Sur should pursue cultural, economic and
political revolution. The Manila Times. Retrieved from

Fontanilla, Denise M. (2018, November 8). Five years later, Yolanda survivors light the
way for the rest of the country- and the world. GMA News Online. Retrieved from

ICRC. (2020, November 10). New school brings light to students in Lanao del Sur. Relief
Web. Retrieved from

Nawal, Allan. (2020, January 16), MinDa introduces livelihood. Philippine News
Agency. Retrieved from
Ordinarion, Cai. (2017, May 28). Violence to worsen povervty in Lanao del Sur—
experts. Business Mirror Ph. Retrieved from

Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture. (2016,
April 11). Eastern Visayas is the Philippines’ poorest region. Retrieved from

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