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PSALMS Part 1.
For the BOOK of PSALMS

The Psalms span a time frame consisting

approximately around 1000 years. Most of the
Psalms were written between 1010 and 930 BCE
during the time of David and his son Solomon.
The oldest psalm, Psalm 90, was written by
Moses approximately circa 1500 BC, when the
first generation of Israelites were dying in the
wilderness after the Exodus.

This book of the Old Testament is composed of

sacred songs, or poems meant to be sung. The
traditional Hebrew title is tehillim (meaning
"praises" yet many of the psalms are tephillot
(meaning "prayers"). 

The Psalter is for the most part a book of prayer

and praise. In it, faith speaks to GOD in prayer
and of GOD in praise.

But there are also psalms that are explicitly

didactic (instructional) in form and purpose,
teaching the way of godliness and informing us
about GOD and his ways.

Also, some psalms are prophetic, alluding to the

coming and reign of GOD’s Messiah. (the Christ)


along with affording us glimpses into GOD’s

heavenly Zion.

The 150 Psalms were written by a number of

different people, over a period of approximately
700 years. The greatest number (73) are
attributed to David. Asaph wrote (12) and Korah
wrote (11). The remaining (55) are attributed to
unknown writers except for Solomon who wrote
(2), Moses who wrote (1), Ethan who wrote (1)
and Heman who wrote (1). Despite the fact that
the Psalms were voiced in human terms by
humans, their content was nevertheless inspired
by YHWH for preservation among his inspired

Perhaps the most interesting aspect about the

Psalms is that while all the other Bible books were
written from the viewpoint of what GOD had to
say to the human family, The Psalms were
written from the viewpoint of what humans had
to say to GOD.

While individual psalms have valuable expository

worth, the greatest benefit to be derived from the
psalms is not achieved by taking meaning from
them individually, but by taking and pondering
on the collective meaning of the psalms as a
collection of thought by humans, a collection seen
worthy of preservation by YHWH God.



PSALMS Chapter 1:

The Two Paths

(Matthew 5:3–12; Luke 6:20–23)

Psalm 1:1 How blessed is anyone who rejects the advice of the wicked and does not walk the path
that sinners tread, nor takes a seat in company with cynics, 2 but takes delight in the teachings of
YHWH. And on those teachings, he meditates day and night.

3 That one shall be like a tree planted by streams of water, that brings forth fruit in its season,
whose leaves also don’t wither. And whatever he does shall prosper.
4 Not so with the wicked; rather, he is like a fallen leaf that the wind blows away.

5 Therefore the wicked will not survive judgment, and they won't have a place with the people of
God. 6 For YHWH watches over the path of the upright, but the path of the wicked is doomed.

PSALMS Chapter 2

Triumphant Messiah

Psalm 2:1 Why do the nations conspire, and their people plot in vain? 2 The kings of this earth
have all joined together to turn against YHWH and his anointed one. 3 They say, "Let's cut the
ropes and set ourselves free from them!"

4 He that dwells in the heavens shall laugh at them with disdain, and GOD shall mock them. 5
Then he speaks to them in his anger. In his rage he terrifies them by saying; 6 "I myself have
installed my king on Zion, my holy mountain."

7 Let me tell you about YHWH’s decree. He said to him, "Today I have become your father, and
you are my son. 8 Just ask me, and I will give you the nations as your inheritance, the ends of the
earth as your possession. 9 You will smash them with an iron rod and shatter them like dishes of

10 So now, you kings, come to your senses, you earthly rulers, learn your lesson! 11 Serve YHWH
in awe and tremble with fright, 12 Embrace the Son lest He be angry, and you perish in the way,
for soon His wrath shall be kindled. Blessed (happy, fortunate, and to be envied) are all those
who seek refuge and put their trust in the son!


PSALMS Chapter 3

Deliver Me, O YHWH!

(2 Samuel 15:13–29)

Psalm 3:1 A psalm by David, regarding the time David fled from his son Absalom.

2 O YHWH, look how so many enemies I have are against me.3 They are saying even with
Elohim on his side he will not prevail. 4 But You, O YHWH, are a shield protecting me, my
dignity and reputation, the one who keeps my head held high.

5 When I lay down and slept. I woke up in safety, for YHWH was watching over me. 6 So, I will
not be afraid of ten thousand people who set themselves against me and surround me.

7. Arise, YHWH, rescue me, my Elohim! and strike all my enemies across the face. Break the
teeth of the wicked.

8 Because, victory belongs to you YHWH! May your blessings rest on your people. . . . . .

PSALMS Chapter 4

Answer My Prayer

Psalm 4:1 A psalm by David for the music Conductor using. stringed instruments. You are my
Elohim and protector. Please answer my prayer. I was in terrible grief, till you set me free. Now
have pity and listen as I pray.

2 How long will you people keep ruining my reputation? How long will you make these
groundless accusations? How long will you pursue lies? . . . 3 Know this; YHWH has set apart
for himself the man that is godly: YHWH will hear when I call to him.

4 Stand in awe, and do not sin: Connect with your own heart as you lie in your bed and be
quiet . . . . 5.Offer the sacrifices of righteousness and put your trust in YHWH.

6 So many people keep saying, 'Who will put good before our eyes?' Let the light of your face
shine on us. But you, YHWH, 7 have given my heart more joy than they have at the grain harvest
and when wine abounds.

8 In peace will I both lay me down and sleep, 9 for you, O YHWH, keep me staying in safety.


PSALMS Chapter 5

Psalm 5:1 For the conductor: A psalm of David, to be accompanied by the flute. O YHWH, hear
me as I pray; pay attention to my groaning. 2 Listen to my plea for help, my King, and my
Elohim, for I pray only to you.

3 My voice will come to you in the mornings, O YHWH; in the morning will I send my prayers to
you and keep alert.

4 You are not a god who delights in evil. No wicked person finds safe haven with you; 5 The
boastful have no standing in your sight. You hate all workers of iniquity. 6 You will destroy all
those who tell lies. You abhor the bloodthirsty or a deceitful man.

7 But as for me, in the richness of your lovingkindness I can come into your house. In respectful
reverence I will bow down in worship at your holy temple.

8 Lead me in the right path, O YHWH so my enemies cannot conquer me. Tell me clearly what to
do and show me which way to turn.

9 For there is no truth in their mouth; their hearts are for destruction and their throat is an open
grave while they flatter with their tongue. 10 Lay their guilt on them, O Elohim, make their own
intrigues their downfall; For their countless crimes, thrust them away from yourself, since they
have rebelled against you.

11 But let all those who take refuge in you rejoice. Let them sing you joyful praises forever.
Protect them, so all who love your name may be filled with joy. 12 For you, YHWH, bless the just
and you surround them with favor like a shield.

PSALMS Chapter 6

Do Not Scold Me in Your Anger

(Psalm 38:1–22) For the conductor: A psalm of David, to be accompanied by an eight-stringed
Psalm 6:1 O’ YHWH, do not scold me in your anger or discipline me in your rage. 2 Have mercy
upon me, O YHWH; for I am in a weakened state: O YHWH, heal me; for even my bones are
troubled. 3 I am sick at heart. How long, O YHWH, before you revive me?

4 YHWH, relent and save my life. Rescue me for the sake of your Love and mercy, 5 For, if I die,
I cannot praise you or even remember you. 6 I am worn out from sobbing all night long. I flood
my bed with weeping and drench my couch with tears. 7 Sorrow has made my eyes dim, and my
sight is failing because of all my enemies.


8 Get away from me, all you troublemakers, because YHWH, my god has heard the sound of my
crying. 9 YHWH has heard my pleas and he 10 will let all my enemies be ashamed and sorely
troubled. Let them turn back and be put to shame and quickly.

PSALMS Chapter 7

I Take Refuge in You

Psalm 7:1 A plaintive song of David, which he sang to YHWH concerning Cush, the Benjaminite.

2 YHWH, my Elohim, in you I take refuge; rescue me; save me from all who pursue me, 3 or they
will tear me apart like lion’s do and rip me to pieces with no one to rescue me.

4 YHWH my Elohim; If I ever betrayed a friend or had pity on an enemy who attacks for no
reason, 5 then let my enemies pursue and overtake me; let them trample my life to the ground
and make me sleep in the dust.

6 Rise up, YHWH, in your anger; rise against the fury of my enemies. Awaken to judge them as
you have decreed.7 Make the nations come to you, as you sit on your throne above them all. 8
You are the judge of all people. Judge in my favor, O YHWH, for you know that I am innocent. 9
Put an end to the malice of the wicked, make the upright stand firm, you who discern hearts and
minds, YHWH, the upright.

10 My defense is from Elohim, who saves the upright in heart. 11 Elohim is a righteous judge,
and a god who is angered by injustice every day.

12 Whenever your enemies refuse to change their ways, you sharpen your sword and string your
bow. 13 But he is making ready instruments of death for himself and tipping his arrows with fire.

14 The minds of the wicked are full of evil; they are pregnant with wicked plans, which give birth
to lies. 15 They dig a pit to trap others and then fall into it themselves. 16 Their mischief returns
upon their own heads, and on the crown of their own skull’s violence descends.

17 I will praise YHWH according to his righteousness and will sing forth the name of YHWH the
most high.

PSALMS Chapter 8

How Majestic Your Name Is!

For the conductor: A psalm of David, to be accompanied by a stringed instrument.


Psalm 8:1 O YHWH, our lord, the majesty of your name fills the earth! Your glory is higher than
the heavens.

2 With praises from your children and from tiny infants, you have built a fortress. It silences
your enemies, and all who turn against you are left speechless.

3 When I see your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have put
in their places; 4 what are human beings that you spare a thought for them, or a child of Adam
that you care for him?

5 Yet You have made him but a little lower than heavenly beings, and You have crowned him
with glory and honor.

6 You gave us dominion over everything your hands have made. And you put all of it under our
power, 7 all the flocks and herds, and wild animals of the field, 8 the birds in the sky, the fish in
the sea, and all ocean creatures.
9 O YHWH, our lord and ruler, your name is wonderful everywhere on earth!

PSALM Chapter 9

I Will Give Thanks to YHWH

For the conductor, a Psalm of David, concerning the secrets of the Son.

Psalm 9:1 I will give thanks to you, O YHWH, with my whole heart; I will recount all your
wonderful works.

2 I will be filled with joy because of you. I will sing praises to your name, O supreme lord. 3
When my enemies are turned back, and they fall and perish at your presence. 4 For you have
given fair judgement in my favor, seated on your throne as a righteous judge.

5 You condemned nations, you destroyed the wicked, and wiped out their names till time
indefinite, even forever.

6 The enemy is finished, in ruins forever. You have uprooted their cities. Even their memory has

But YHWH is forever. He has established his throne for judgment. He alone judges the world in
righteousness. He judges the people fairly.

9 YHWH is a stronghold, for the oppressed, a fortress in troubling times.

10 Those who discern your name trust in you O YHWH because you have never deserted those
who seek your help.


11 Make music to praise YHWH who sits on his throne in Zion. Announce to the nations what he
has done. 12 For He does not ignore the cry of the afflicted; He who avenges bloodshed is
mindful of them.

13 Have mercy upon me, O YHWH; Behold my affliction which I suffer from those who hate me,
you who lifts me up from the gates of death; 14 so I may recite your praises one by one at the
gates of Zion.

15 The nations have fallen into the pit they dug for others. They have been caught in their own
trap. 16 Yahweh has made himself known, given judgement, he has ensnared the wicked in the
work of their own hands. . . .

17 Let sinners be driven away into a Sheol, even all the nations that forget Elohim.

18 For the needy shall not always be forgotten, and the hope of the poor shall not perish forever.

19 Arise, YHWH; human strength shall not prevail. Let the nations stand trial before you. 20
Make them tremble in dread, O YHWH. Let them know they are merely human.

Footnote for Psalm Nine.

Sheol = the ‘grave’ in Hebrew. It has its counterpart as “hades’ in Greek.

PSALMS Chapter 10

Where are You When I Need You Most?

Psalm 10:1 O YHWH, why do you stand so far away? Why do you hide when I need you the

2 Proud and wicked people viciously oppress the poor. Let them be caught in the evil net they
cast for others. 3 For they brag about their evil longings; they praise the greedy and reject

4. The wicked are so proud that they do not look for Elohim, rather they think; There is no

5 The wicked seem to succeed at everything, even though they cannot understand YHWH’s
judgments and they sneer at their enemies. 6 They say to themselves, "Nothing bad will ever
happen to us! We will stay free of troubles forever!"


7 They wish trouble on others. Their speech is full of lies, and oppressiveness, under their
tongues lurk spite and malice.

8 The wicked one lies in wait with rich men in secret places, ready to kill an innocent victim; his
eyes are fixed against the poor.

9 Like lions they crouch silently, waiting to pounce on a helpless victim. Like hunters they
capture their victims and drag them away in nets. 10 The helpless are crushed, laid low; they fall
into the power of the wicked, 11 They think, "GOD is not concerned, He hides His face, He never

12 So, Rise up, YHWH God! Raise your arm! Do not forget the poor!
13 Why do wicked people have such a low opinion of Elohim, saying in their hearts; GOD will not
make a search for it?

14 But you, O YHWH, do see the trouble and grief; you consider it to take it in hand. The victim
commits himself to you; you are the helper of the fatherless. 15 O YHWH break the power of the
wicked and evil men, so that when You look for their wickedness You will find it no more.

16 YHWH is the eternal king; the nations will vanish from GOD's land.

17 YHWH, you listened to the cries of the poor, you give them courage, you grant them a hearing,
18 and do justice to the fatherless and the oppressed ones, so that men on the earth may no
longer terrify people.

PSALMS Chapter 11

In YHWH I Take Refuge

For the conductor: A psalm of David.

(Habakkuk 1:12–17)

Psalm 11:1. I trust in YHWH for protection. So why do you say to me, "Flee to the mountains for

2 See how wicked ones string their bows, fit their arrows to the string and shoot from the
shadows at the upright.
3 If the foundations are destroyed, What can the righteous do?
4 'YHWH is in his holy temple in the heavens where His throne is. He watches people
everywhere and knows what they are doing.

5 YHWH examines the upright and the wicked, and he detests the lover of violence.


6 For the wicked He shall rain snares. Fire, brimstone, and a horrible tempest shall be their cup
to drink.

7 For YHWH is righteous and loves righteousness. So, the honest and upright will get to see his

PSALMS Chapter 12

The Godly Are Disappearing

For the conductor: A psalm of David, to be accompanied by an eight-stringed instrument.

Psalm 12:1 Help, O YHWH, for the godly are fast disappearing! The faithful have vanished from
the earth!

2 All the people speak dishonestly. They speak with flattering lips to one another. They say one
thing but mean another.

3 May YHWH cut off all deceiving lips, and every boastful tongue, 4 of everyone who has said; By
our tongues we will succeed; Our lips are our own: Who is lord over us?

5 Because of the misery of the oppressed, and because of the sighing of the needy, now will I
arise, says YHWH, I will set them in safety; I will speak to them about it openly.

6 And, YHWHs promises are real promises unalloyed, like natural silver which comes from the
earth and seven times refined.

7 Therefore, YHWH, we know you will protect the oppressed, and preserve them forever from
this lying generation, 8 even though the wicked strut about, and evil is applauded all through the

PSALMS Chapter 13

For the choir director: A psalm of David. How Long, O YHWH?

Psalm 13:1 O YHWH, how long will you forget me? Forever? How long will you look the other

2 How long must I struggle with the anguish of living, with sorrow in my heart every day? How
long will my enemies have the upper hand?


3 Consider and hear me, O YHWH my Elohim Enlighten my eyes and restore my strength. Do
not let me die.

4 My enemies will say, "I have overcome him," and my adversaries will rejoice when I fall.

5 But, I have trusted in your loving kindness and my heart will rejoice in your salvation.

PSALMS Chapter 14 To the conductor. By David.

Fools Say There Is No God

(Psalm 53:1–6 Isaiah 59:1–17; Romans 3:9–20)

Psalm 14:1. The foolish man has said in his heart, there is no Elohim, he will not do anything.
Fools are unclean, they have done evil things and there is not one who does good.

2 YHWH looks down from heaven on the entire human race. He looks to see if there is even one
with real understanding, one who pursues after GOD. 3 But all of them have become corrupt. No
one does right.

4 Will these evildoers ever learn?

They eat up my people like they devour bread; they do not call upon YHWH.

5 By not calling upon YHWH: they tremble in fear, where there is no fear.

For Elohim is with the just generation. And while they have confounded the counsel of the poor
man because YHWH is his hope. 6 They would also crush the hopes of the oppressed, but the
oppressed have YHWH as their refuge.

7 Oh, that salvation would come from Mount Zion to rescue Israel! For when YHWH restores his
people, Jacob will shout with joy, and all Israel will rejoice.

PSALMS Chapter 15

A psalm by David.
Who May Dwell on Your Holy Mountain?

Psalm 15:1 Who may abide in YHWH's temple or live on the holy mountain of YHWH?


2 He who walks blamelessly and does what is right and speaks truth in his heart; 3 Those who
refuse to slander others or harm their neighbors or speak evil of their friends. 4 Those who
despise persistent sinners and honor the faithful followers of YHWH and keep their promises
even when it hurts. 5 Those who do not charge interest on the money they lend, and who refuse
to accept bribes to testify against the innocent. Such people will stand firm forever.

PSALMS Chapter 16

A psalm of David. Acknowledging YHWH

Psalm 16:1 Keep me safe, O God, for I have come to you for refuge. 2 I say to YHWH, my lord;
"You are my master; I have no good apart from you." 3 As to the saints and excellent ones that
are in the land, my whole desire concerning them is for their delight.
4 But as for those who rush to other gods, they bring many troubles on themselves. I will not
take part in their sacrifices; I refuse to offer sacrifices of blood to those gods or worship in their

5 O YHWH you are my allotted share and portion; You control my fate. 6 Your boundaries mark
out pleasant places for me. Indeed, my inheritance is something beautiful. 7 I will give praise to
YHWH who has been my guide. Knowledge even comes to me from my thoughts in the night.

8 I keep YHWH before me in all ways, for with him at my right hand, nothing can shake me. 9
No wonder my heart is filled with joy, and my lips shout his praises! My whole-body rests in the
calm of his security.

10 For he will not abandon me to death, neither will he allow his Holy one to rot in the grave.

11 YHWH; You have shown me the path to life, and you make me glad by being near to me.
Sitting at your right side, I will always be joyful.

Footnote for the Sixteenth Psalm

Sheol - the place of the dead

PSALMS Chapter 17

A Prayer. of David.
Hear My Sincere Plea

Psalm 17:1 Let my cause come to your ears, O YHWH, pay attention to my cry; listen to my
prayer which goes not out from false lips. 2 Let the verdict of my innocence come directly from
you. For your eyes observe what is true and just.


3 You have tested my thoughts and visited my heart in the night. You have scrutinized me and
found nothing wrong, for I am determined not to sin in what I say. 4 Unlike most people, I have
obeyed your commands, so I have never been like those who are cruel and evil. 5 my steps never
strayed from the paths you showed me. My feet never left your path. 6 I pray to you, GOD,
because you will help me. So, please listen and answer my prayer! 7 You protect those who run to
you for safety from their enemies. 8 Protect me as you would the apple of your eye; hide me in
the shadow of your wings.

9 Protect me from wicked people who want to attack me, from murderous enemies who encircle
me. 10 They are wrapped up in their own prosperity and have shut up their hearts to pity; With
their mouths they make exorbitant claims, proudly and haughtily speaking.

11 Even now, they have us surrounded. They are watching for ways to take us down. 12 They are
like hungry lions, eager to tear me apart -- like young lions in hiding, waiting for a chance to

13 Arise, O YHWH; Confront them and bring them down. With your sword save my life from the
wicked, 14 O YHWH, by your hand save me from such men, from men of this world whose
reward is in this life. You satisfy the hunger of those you cherish; their sons have plenty, and they
store up wealth for their children.

15 But because I have done what is right, I will see you when I awaken. Then, I will

be fully satisfied, for I will see you face to face.

PSALMS Chapter 18

For the conductor: A psalm of David, the servant of YHWH. He sang this song to YHWH on the
day YHWH rescued him from all his enemies and from Saul.

YHWH Is My Rock
(2 Samuel 22:1–51)

Psalm 18:1 I love you, YHWH; you are my strength.

2 YHWH is my rock, and my protection, and my deliverer; My god, my fortress, in whom I will
take refuge; My shield, and the a horn of my salvation, my high tower. 3 I will call upon YHWH,
who is worthy of praise, so I shall be saved from my enemies.

4 The cords of death wrapped around me; the storms of devastation attacked me; 5 The grave’s
snares were on both sides of me, Death's traps lay ahead of me.


6 But, in my distress, I cried out to YHWH; Yes, I prayed to my god for help. He heard me from
his tabernacle; my cry reached his ears.

7 Then, the earth shook and trembled; The foundations also of the mountains quaked and were
shaken, because he was truly angry. 8 Smoke poured from his nostrils; fierce flames leaped from
his mouth and glowing coals burst into flame. 9 He parted the heavens and came down, dark
clouds under his feet.

10 He rode on the backs of flying b cherubim and swooped down with the wind as his wings. 11
Darkness was his robe; thunderclouds filled the sky, hiding him from sight. 11 He made the
darkness his secret place. His tent around him was the dark waters and thick clouds of the skies.

12 The brilliance of his presence pierced the clouds, raining down hail and burning coals. 13
YHWH thundered from heaven; The Most-High uttered a voice, like hailstones and coals of fire.

14 He sent out His arrows and scattered my enemies. Lightnings flashed in abundance, as he
vanquished them. 15 Then channels of the sea were opened, and the foundations of the world
were laid bare at your rebuke, O YHWH, at the blast of the breath of your nostrils.

16 He reached down from on high and seized me, drawing me out of the deep waters. 17 He freed
me from my stronger enemy, and from those who were against me, because they were mightier
than I.

18 They attacked me at a moment when I was weakest, but YHWH was my support. 20 He
brought me out to freedom and rescued me because he was pleased with me.

21 YHWH rewarded me according to my righteousness, according to the purity of my hands he

reimbursed me: 22 Because I have kept the ways of YHWH and have not done wickedly against
my god.

23 For all his ordinances are before me, and his statutes I do not put away from me.24 And I
shall remain spotless before him: and shall keep myself from my iniquity.

25 With the merciful you will show yourself merciful; With an upright man You will show
Yourself upright; 26 With the pure you will show yourself pure and with the bold you will show
yourself bold. 27 You rescue the humble, but you humiliate the proud.

28 For it is you who lights my darkness; YHWH my Elohim lightens my lamp.

29 With your help I can storm the rampart, with YHWH I can scale any wall. 30 As for GOD His
way is perfect; The word of YHWH is proven; He is a shield to all who trust in Him.

31 For who is God besides YHWH? And who is the Rock except our god?


32 This is the true god who girded me with might, kept my way unerring, 33 He makes me as
surefooted as a deer, leading me safely along the mountain heights. 34 He trains my hands for
battle, so that my arms can bend a bow of bronze.

35 You have also given me the shield of your salvation, your right hand has kept me, and your
loving kindness has made me grow great.

36 You gave me a wide path for my steps under me, from which my feet did not stray.

37 I chased my enemies and caught them, not stopping until they were conquered.

38 I have dashed them to pieces, and they shall not be able to rise. 39 They shall have fallen
under my feet.

40 You made my enemies turn their backs in flight, and I cut off my foes. 41 They cried for help,
but there was none to save them; Even to YHWH but he didn’t answer them.

42 I ground them as fine as the dust in the wind. Like mud in the streets, I trampled them down.

43 You gave me the victory over my opponents. You appointed me as a ruler over nations. 44
Even people I don't know now serve me.

45 They all lose heart and come trembling from their strongholds.

46 YHWH lives! Blessed be my rock! May he, the god of my salvation be exalted!

47 He is the god who executed vengeance for me, and subdued peoples under me.

48 You rescue me from enemies. You hold me safe beyond the reach of them. You save me from
violent opponents.

49 For this, O YHWH, I will praise you among the nations; I will sing joyfully to your name. 50
You gave great victories to your king. You show unfailing love to your anointed, to David and his
posterity forever.

Footnotes for Psalm Eighteen

horn – A source of ‘power’, possibly alluding to the horns on the altar which was connected
with worship and forgiveness as represented by the sacrifices on the altar.

cherubim. – A spirit being whose function is; as an attendant of GOD.


PSALMS Chapter 19 For the choir director: A psalm of David.

The Heavens Declare the Glory of GOD

Psalm 19:1 The heavens tell of GOD’s glory. The skies display his marvelous craftsmanship. 2
Day after day they continue to speak; night after night they reveal him.

3 They do not speak a word, and there is never the sound of a voice. 4 Yet their message reaches
everywhere on earth, and it travels around the world.

In the heavens a home is set up for the sun. 5 It rises like a bridegroom and gets ready like an
athlete eager to run a race. 6 And It travels all the way across the sky. Nothing escapes from its

7 The teaching of YHWH is perfect, renewing life; the decrees of YHWH are enduring, making
openminded ones wise.

8 The precepts of YHWH are right, making our hearts glad; The commandment of YHWH is
pure, enlightening the eyes.

9 Reverential respect for YHWH is pure, lasting forever.

The ordinances of YHWH are true and righteous altogether. 10 They are more desirable than
gold, even the finest gold. They are sweeter than honey, even honey dripping from the comb. 11
Also, by them we are enlightened and there is great reward for those who obey them.

12 Who can detect his own errors? Cleanse me from my unknown transgressions.

13 Keep me back also from deliberate sins; Let them not have control over me: Then shall I be
upright, And I shall be clear from great transgression.

14 May the words I speak, and the thoughts of my heart be pleasing to you, O YHWH, my rock
and my redeemer.

Psalm 20:1

For the conductor: A psalm of David.

In Times of Trouble


Psalm 20:1 In times of trouble, may YHWH respond to your cry. May the Elohim of Israel keep
you safe from all harm. 2 May he send you help from his sanctuary and strengthen you from
Zion. 3 May he remember your sacrifices and be pleased with what you bring.

5 May you shout for joy over your salvation, and in the name of Elohim set up your banners! May
YHWH fulfill all your petitions!

6 I am certain, YHWH, that you will help your chosen king. You will answer my prayers from
your holy place in heaven, and you will save me with your mighty arm.

7 Some trust in and boast of chariots and some of horses, but we will trust in and boast of the
name of YHWH our God. 8 Such people will stumble and fall, but we will rise and stand firm.

9 Save us, O YHWH! The King will answer us on the day of our calling.

PSALMS Chapter 21
For the conductor: A psalm of David
(Proverbs 21:1–31)

Psalm 21:1 How your king rejoices in your strength, O YHWH! He shouts with joy because of
your victory. 2 For you have given him his heart's desire. You have held back nothing that he

3 For you welcomed him with goodly blessings; you placed on his head a crown of pure gold. 4
He asked to live a long time, and you gave him everlasting life. 5 His glory is great through your
salvation. Majesty and splendor, you laid upon him. 6 You have endowed him with eternal
blessings. You have given him the joy of being in your presence.7 For the king puts his trust in
YHWH so, the faithful love of the Most High will keep him from falling.

8 His hand will find all your enemies; His right hand will find those who hate You. 9 You will
destroy them as in a flaming furnace when he appears. YHWH will consume them in his anger;
Fire will devour them. 10 You will purge the earth of their descendants, the human race of their
posterity. 11 For they intended evil against you; They conceived a device which did not
succeed.12 He will shoot his arrows at them and make them turn and run.

13 We praise you, YHWH, for all your glorious power. With music and singing we celebrate your
mighty acts.

PSALMS Chapter 22
For the conductor: A psalm of David, to be sung to the tune "Doe of the Dawn."


Why Have You Forsaken Me?

Psalm 22:1 My God, my God! Why have you forsaken me? Why do you remain so distant? Why
do you ignore my cries for help? 2 I cry out day and night, but you do not answer, and I can
never rest.

3 Yet you are the holy one with the praises of Israel surrounding your throne. 4 Our ancestors
trusted in you; they hoped, and you delivered them. 5 You heard their cries for help and saved
them. They put their trust in you and were never disappointed.

6 Yet, I am a like worm, not a man. I am scorned by humanity and despised by people. 7 All who
see me mock me; they hurl insults, shaking their heads and saying 8 "You relied on YHWH. Let
him deliver you; if he loves you, let him rescue you."

9 It was you who cared for me from the day of my birth. You gave me faith even in my mother's
womb. 10 From the day I was born, I have been in your care, and from the time of my birth, you
have been my god. 11 Don't stay so far away when I am in trouble with no one to help me. 12
Enemies are all around me, like a herd of wild bulls from Bashan they are everywhere. 13 They
gape at me with wide mouths like a roaring lion raging at his prey.

14 My strength is poured out like water, and all my bones are out of joint. My heart is like wax
that has melted within me.

15 My mouth is dry as earthenware, my tongue sticks to my jaw. You lay me down in the dust of
death. 16 A pack of wild dogs surrounds me. Evil ones close in on me like lions and maul my
hands and feet.

17 I can count the bones in my body as my enemy stares at me and gloats. 18 Enemies divide my
clothes among themselves and throw dice for my garments.

19 O YHWH do not stay away! You are my strength; come quickly to my aid! 20 Rescue me from
enemy swords and save me from these wild dogs. 21 Snatch me from the lions' jaws, and from
the horns of these wild oxen.

22 Then I will proclaim your name to the brotherhood; In the assembly I will praise you.

23 All you who reverence YHWH, give him praise; all you descendants of Jacob, give him glory;
go in fear of him, all you house of Israel. 24 For he has not ignored the suffering of the needy. He
has not turned and walked away. He has listened to their cries for help.

25 My praise comes from you in the great congregation; I will perform my vows before those who
fear you.


26 The weak and afflicted ones will eat their fill. Those who seek YHWH will offer praise. May
our hearts enjoy future life!"

27 The whole earth will acknowledge YHWH and return to him. People from every nation will
bow down before him. 28 For the kingdom has become YHWH's; and he is the ruler over the

29 All who prosper on earth will bow before him, all who went down to the dust will do reverence
before him along with those who are dead. 30 A seed shall serve him; it shall be recounted to my
Lord for generations.
31 And I will live for YHWH; and my descendants will serve him. 31 And, his righteous acts will
be told to those future people. They will come to know everything he has done.

PSALMS Chapter 23
A psalm of David;

YHWH Is My Shepherd
(Ezekiel 34:11–24)

Psalm 23:1 YHWH is my shepherd; He gives me everything I need.  2 He lets me rest in green
fields. He leads me alongside peaceful streams.  3 He restores my life and guides me along the
right paths, bringing honor to his name.

4 Even when I walk across the dark valley of deaths shadow, I will not be afraid, for he is
close beside me. His rod and his staff protect and comfort me. 

5 He prepares a feast for me in the midst of my enemies. He welcomes me as a guest and

anoints my head with oil. My cup overflows with his blessings. 6 May his goodness and
unfailing love follow me all the days of my life, and I will live in the house of YHWH forever. 

PSALMS Chapter 24
A psalm of David.

Earth Belongs to YHWH

Psalm 24:1 The earth is YHWH’s along with all it holds. The world of people on it all belong to

2 For he has founded the earth upon the seas and established it upon the underground water

3 Who may go up the mountain of YHWH? Who may come into his holy place?


4 Only those with hands and hearts which are pure, those who do not worship idols and never
tell lies. 5 They are the ones to receive YHWH's blessing and have a right standing with the
Elohim of their salvation. 6. They alone may enter God's presence and worship the God of Israel.
7 Open the ancient gates, so that out glorious king may come in.

8 Who is this glorious king? He is YHWH, a strong and mighty warrior.

9 Open the ancient gates, so that the glorious king may come in.

10 Who is this glorious king? YHWH of armies. He is the King of all glory.

PSALMS Chapter 25
A psalm of David

I Give My Life to You.

Psalm 25:1 To you, O YHWH, I give my life. 2 O my God, I trust, lean on, rely on, and am
confident in you. Let me not be put to shame or my trust in you be disappointed. Do not let my
enemies be victorious over me 3 No one who trusts in you will be disappointed. But
disappointment will come to those who try to deceive others. They will end up with nothing.

4 Direct me in your ways, YHWH, and teach me your paths. 5 Lead me by your truth and teach
me, for you are the Elohim who saves me. All day long I put my hope in you.

6 Remember, O YHWH, your tender mercies, and your loving kindness, as they go back forever.

7 Forgive the rebellious sins of my youth. Look instead through the eyes of your unfailing love,
for you are merciful, O YHWH.

8 Gracious and righteous is YHWH so, he teaches sinners in the right way for them. 9 He guides
the humble rightly and teaches them his ways.

10 All the ways of YHWH are merciful with good faith for those who keep his covenant and his
divine laws.

11.For the sake of what your name stands for, YHWH, pardon my guilt, though it is great. 12
About people who respect YHWH, what of them? He guides them in the way they must choose.

13 They will live in prosperity, and their children will inherit the promised Land.


14 Intimate knowledge of YHWH is reserved for those who revere him. With them, he shares the
secrets of his covenant.

15 My eyes are always looking to YHWH for help, for he alone can rescue me from the traps of
my enemies. 16 I am lonely and troubled. Please show that you care and have pity on me.

17 My awful worries keep growing. Rescue me from sadness. 18 See my troubles and misery and
forgive my sins. 19 Look at all my enemies! See how much they express hatred for me.

20 I come to you for refuge. Protect me, keep me safe, and do not disappoint me. 21 I obey you
with all my heart, and I trust you, knowing that you will save me.
22 Our god, please save all Israel from its troubles.


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