Feufel1997 AL SI MG

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AND i!iEiEmM
Journal of Alloy; and Compiwnds 247 (1797

Investigation of the Al-Mg-Si system by experiments and thermodynamic

calcuiations ’


The enthalpies of formation and fusion as well as rhe heat capacity of Mg:Si were measured calorimetrically. The Al comer of the
Al-M@ ternary system was investigated hy DTA and optical micrognphy. of the solvusof the Al(f.c.c.) solid solution
A few points
were determinedby dilatometry.The resultsof theseexperiments.rogerherwith literaturedata. were usedlo redeterminea completeset of
analytical descriprionsof Ihe Gibbs energies of all stable phases of the Al-M@ system.

1. Introduction ternary solubility of the Al(f.c.c.) solid solution show

considerable discrepancies.
Phase diagrams are an essential tool for all material To improve the accuracy of the thermodynamic dcscrip
development. A very effective method of evaluating phase tion of this system, some specific experiments were
diagrams is thermodynamic optimization using simultan- desirable. To localize the position of the quasi-binary
eously the phase diagram and thermodynamic data. The section. four vertical sections, at 95. 90, 85 and 80 mass%
primary goals of this method are Al. were investigated by DTA and metallography. The
(i) to check the compatibility of the data available from ternary solubility of Mg,Si in the Al(f.c.c.) solid solution
different sources: and its temperature dependence are determined by the.
(ii) to extrapolate into regions where no experimental Gibbs energy and enthalpy of formation of MgzSi rcspec-
data are available; tively. Therefore the beat capacity (CFzsi) and the
(iii) to combine binary systems to ternary and higher enthatpies of formation and melting of Mg,Si were
ones. measured. Three single points of the ternary solubility
For the Al-Mg-Si system such a thermodynamic limit as well as one for each of tbe AI-Si and AI-Mg
optimization was carried out recently in the COST 507 binary solubility limits of Al were measuted by di-
action [I]. Theregion of greatest interest in this system is latometry. With the resulting data the binary Mg-Si and
the range of homogeneity of the Al(f.c.c.) solid solution. AI-Si as well as the ternary Al-Mg-Si system were
The available experimental data, however. were not sufti- thermodynamically re-optimized.
cient to evaluate this feature with the desired accuracy.
There is a quasi-binary section between Al and the phase
MgzSi which displays a eutectic. The plane of this quasi-
2. Experimenti
binary section appeared in the calculation shifted by about
2 mol% to the Mg-rich side, whereas in the literatutz it
All alloy samples were prepared from 99.999% pure AI,
was assumed to go through the Al comer of the system.
99.98% pure Mg and 99.999% pure Si.
The experimental literature data for the temperature and
composition of this quasi-binary eutectic as well as for the
2.1. Calorimetry in the Mg-Si system
‘Dediiated to Pmfessor Riccarda Fern, on Ihe cccacion of his 70th 2. I. I. Ettthalpyqf formationof M&Si
birthday. The calotimeter used for tbe determination of the

om-8388/97/$17.00 Q 19% Elsevier Science S.A. All ri@as reserved

PII SO925-8388(96)02655-2
emhnlpy of mixing of liquid MS-5 alloys and for the summing the transformed heat effects of all the previous
enthalpy of ft~rntatitm of Mg.,Si has been described additions of the same series and dividing by the total
previously 121. The enthalpy of mixing of liquid MS-Si amount of initial Mg plus all added Si. The corresponding
alloys was measured at constant temperature by adding concentration. given in column 4, is the concentration after
successively small atnotmts of Si from room temperature the last addition The partial enthalpies were calcu-
of Si.
to the liquid bath in the calorimeter. starting with pure Mg. lated by dividing the transformed heat effect by the added
The temperature change due to the addition of a sample amount of Si, approximating the differential quotient dHl
was measured with an Ni/NiCr thermopile sitttated below dn by the quotient of differences AH/An. This quotient of
the reaction crucible. The calorimeter was calibrated by differences is exactly equal to the differential quotient at
dropping solid sampies uf magnesium before the addition an unknown concentration between the concentrations of
of silicon or Mg,Si. The standard deviation of the cali- the calorimetric bath before and after the Si addition. As
bration ranges from ?I! to 3%. long as the H,(x) curve in this concentration interval can be
The experimental results for liquid Mg-Si alloys are roughly approximated by a parabola, the mean of the
given in Table I. together with calculated integral and concentrations before and after the addition is a good
partial enthalpies of mixing. The ‘heat effect’ is the effect approximation of the unknown concentration. In column 6
measured by adding the amount of solid Si given in this mean concentration is given.
column 2 from room temperature to the calorimetric bath The intermetallic compound Mg,Si was prepared in an
at measuring temperature. The bath contains all ‘amounts’ induction furnace under argon atmosphere. The sample
of the previous measurements of the same series. For the was first presintered at a temperature slightly above the
calculations the measured heat effects had to be trans- melting point of magnesium and then heated for a short
formed by subtracting the enthalpy difference between time to a temperature above the melting point of the
liquid pure silicon at the calorimetric bath temperature and compound. The alloy was then heat treated under argon at
solid silicon at room temperature. H;;(T) - 600°C for about one week. X-ray diffraction measure-
H$“““““(298 K). This enthalpy difference of pure Si was ments after this heat treatment confirmed that the sample
calculated from the unary data compiled by Dinsdale 131. was single phase. The diffraction pattern of Mg,Si was
The integral enthalpies of mixing were calculated by identified using the data given by Pearson 141.

Table I
Experimenralvalues of the rnthalpy change during dissolution of solid Si at 298 K in liquid Mg-Si alloys at different temperatures and crtculated
enthalpiea of miring of Mg-Si liquids

Measured Calculated

Starting Added MolN Integral Molar Panial enthatpy of

amo”“t o\,l Urn”““,h fraction enthslpy fraction mixing i\‘““HEr
(molt An,, (mol) of Si i,, of mixing of Si .I,, tkJmolV’)
(Sl.8) A”“‘H”Y t&c/c)
(klmot ‘)

Tuwprrunm~ Y 7.~K
0.23168 o.ooo66 2.7 0.003 -0.17x 0.001 -62.92
0.000x4 12.4 0.006 -0.367 0.00s -52.26
O.lWlS3 6.9 0.009 -0.48X O.GQS -53.X8
0.09105 to.7 0.013 -0.740 0.01 I -56.83
O.OOOY5 12.4 0.017 -0.954 0.015 -53.86
o.OQ107 IS.2 0.022 - I.188 0.019 -52.76
O.OlKl93 10.0 0.025 - I .402 0.023 -56.17
0.00126 14,s 0.03 I -I .6xX 0.028 -55.51
Tempumrarr /MU K
0.23621 O.wO80 3.1 0.003 -0.216 0.002 -63.87
0.00189 12.7 0.01 I -0.696 o.M)7 -60.95
O.OLllX4 17.8 0.019 -1.133 0.015 -57.99
0.00167 19.3 0.026 -1.511 0.022 -56.15
0.00122 19.8 0.030 - I.762 0.028 -51.52
Tpmpr,un,,e 1056 K
0.14570 O.cOl73 14.6 0.012 -0.715 O.OLl6 -60.91
O.OOtO8 14.9 0.019 -1.114 0.015 -55.55
0.00173 30.4 0.030 - I.698 0.025 -51.82
0.00190 40.9 0.042 -2.273 0.036 -48.00
0.001 I3 22.5 0.049 -2.621 0.046 -49.43
0. I7436 “.OOlW 43.2 0.2 43.20
0.00124 SO.6 0.4 40.93
0.00126 s9.x 0.7 47.47
o.oo:JI hi.6 0.0 43.63
0.00131 57 6 II 44.10
Mean wlue (A’ “H,,,:,,),=43.X7_2..;5 LJ mol

0.I764s 0.001 ?J 4x.x 0.2 39.47

0.0012x so I 0.5 39.30
O.WI I7 49.1 0.7 41.88
0.00121 91.1 0.9 4?..?4l
0.001 IS 47.1 I.1 40.87
Mean wl”r (A’ “H . . .. .. 1.. =40.76r I.36 M m”l

The standard heat of formation of Mg,Si at room linear regression. assuming linear concentration depen-
temperature was determined as the difference of two dence of the AEH, on the molar fraction of Si in the
different types of solution enthalpy. First the enthalpy of calorimetric bath, .rs,. Since the two series of measure-
dissolution of MgzSi in liquid magnesium. A”H,,?s,. was ments of the enthalpy of dissolution of Mg$i deviate
measured by adding successively small amounts of Mg,Si within the accuracy of the measurements, both series of
from room temperature (298 K) IO the liquid bath in the measurements were separately extrapolater! to infinite
calorimeter at 1000+3 K. In a separate solution experi- dilution. As “H s,p+, (Table 2). The AEH,,,,, of both
ment the enthalpy of dissolution of a mechanical mixture series were simultaneously extrapolated to a single valw
of pure magnesium and silicon in the correct ratio. for intinite dilution, AE.“HM,+,, (Table 3). The obtained
AEH,,+si. was measured at the same temperature. The values are 43.87’2.35 and 40.76~1.36kJmol- for
experimental results of both types of enthalpy of solution At.‘%,.,, and 19.64~1.18lt.t mo-’ for AE~“H,,+si. The
are given in Table 2 Table 3. AaH, includes the enthalpy given limits of error are the total standard deviations. The
difference of sample i between room temperature and the unit mol refers to one mole of atoms.
temperature of measurement. In both types of solution experiment the samples were
To calculate the enthalpy of formation of Mg,Si from dropped from rwrn temperature into liquid magnesium at
these solution experiments, the thermal effects have to be IO00 K. The enthalpy of formation of Mg$i at mom
extrapolated to intinite dihrbon (x,, = 0). This was done by temperature. A’.‘HMl,+. can therefore be derived directly

Table 3
Experimental values of the enthalpy change during dirsoluflon of a mechanicsl mixture of *“lid Mg and Si at 298 K in lipid Mg-Si alloys at 1000 K:
mol = mole of atoms

Measured Calculated

Stsning ~m”“nl nMI (mol) Added ilmounts Heat effect L\Q (J , Molar fraction of Si x1, (“I.%) End.dlpy of s”lutkm 4%,,.,, kJ ma-’

L\n,. (mol) An,. (mol)

0. I7645 0.00140 0.00070 43.3 0.4 20.62
o.cOO77 o.ooo39 25.0 0.6 21.71
o.c0109 o.ooos5 34.3 0.9 21.02
0.00091 O.OLW46 30.4 I.1 22.15
0.00085 0.00042 26.9 1.4 21.05
0.001 I6 0.00058 39.6 I.7 22.67

0.22518 O.OO116 0.00059 33.8 0.3 19.27

0.00161 0.0008 I 47.7 0.6 19.72
O.OQl48 o.axl74 52.8 0.9 23.84
0.00167 O.WOU1 56.4 I.’ 22.55
0.00179 o.OcKl89 62.5 1.b 23.26
Linau waxssion: A’,“H. ...= = 19&d+ I .I8WmOl-’
Measured Calculated

O.OIMKl 429 43x 26.X 27.4

42Y 436 2E.R 27.3
42s 430 26.6 26.9
425 427 26.6 26.7

from the A”.“H values:

A’.“H = Ali ID
H MgtSl- 2.2. DTA and tttetallograph,v
Aa.“H,, .1s,. The tw’o different values”~~‘AE.“H,,~,, yield
the two values -24.2353.53 and -21.1222.54 kJ mol-’ The alloy samples were melted in a high frequency
for A’.“HMelS,. The measurement series giving the more furnace under argon and cast into a cylindrical copper
negative value of Ae”‘HMrzS, suffers from great scatter of mould of 8 mm diameter and 100 mm length. The samples
the calibration factor and therefore the other value, the less were hammered to a diameter of 6.5 mm and then heat
exothermic one, should be considered as more reliable. treated. Alloys inside the range of the ternary eutectic E,:
L=(AI)+ Mg,Si+Si were heat treated for five days at
550°C. those-inside the range of the ternary eutectic E,:
2.1.2. Eathairy of fusion ofMg_$i
Le(Al)f Mg,Si +J3AI-Mg were annealed for 10 days at
A sample of Mg$i was introduced into a tightly closed
440°C. The alloys below the quasi-binary eutectic er:
tantalum ampule (in order to avoid volatilization) and
L+AI)+MgrSi were first annealed at 440°C to avoid
heated and cooled several times in a calorimeter through
partial melting due to segregation and finally for two days
the melting temperature IS]. The resulting heat effects were
at 525 “C.
recorded. The calorimeter was calibrated using the known
For differential thermal analysis (DTA), samples of
enthalpy of fusion of pure silver [3]. The experimental
about 0.3 g were cut from these cylinders and put into
values obtained are summarized in Table 4. The mean of
thin-walled crucibles of ultra-pure graphite, which were
these values gives AfU‘HMglsi= 27.122.7 kJ mol-‘.
sealed in thin-walled (0.2 mm) evacuated silica tubes. DTA
was performed on heating and cooling with rates of 2 to
2.1.3. Heat capacity of M&G 5 K min-‘. All samples were metallographically investi-
These measurements were performed in a differential gated after DTA.
scanning calorimeter (Perkin-Elmer DSC7). In this device Fig. I Fig. 2 Fig. 3 Fig. 4 show the measured DTA
the difference of the heat flow between a sample-filled and effects in the vertical sections of constant Al contents of
an empty pan is measured during continuous heating of the 95, 90, 85 and 80 mass% respectively. The temperature of
instrument. The recorded heat flow data are calibrated for the quasi-binary eutectic e, was found to be 595 “C, that of
each sample separately with the measurement of a standard the ternary eutectic E, 558 “C.
sample. The reproducibility of this procedure is about
23% using different samples and about 25% using 2.3. Dilatometric meawrements of the Al solvas
different standard samples (i.e. sapphire, Mg). The re-
sulting heat capacities of Mg,Si are summarized in Table For the dilatometric measurements pieces of I2 mm
5. length were cut from the annealed cylindrical samples and

Table 5
Measured heat capacities C:““: mol = mole of atoms: values about 20.5 J mol.’ Km’

T(K) C, (J mol.’ K-‘) T(K) C, (J mole’ Km’) T(K) C, (J mol.’ K-‘)

363 23.2 523 24.1 683 25.3
383 23.35 543 24.2 703 25.5
403 23.5 563 24.25 723 25.7
423 23.65 583 24.3 143 25.9
443 23.7 603 24.3 763 26.05
463 23.8 623 24.45 783 25.80
483 23.9 643 24.1 803 25.65
503 24.0 663 24.95
-++I :I

LtMg2S i



0 .a2 .M 46 .m .I2 .I4

b .02 .I
calcularcd and crprnmenralpoints.
mass fraction Mg
curves indicate very clearly the start of the dissolution of
the PALMS precipitates around 240°C. The end of this
dissolution process is at tbe solvus tempetature, which is
reduced to 6 mm diameter on a lathe. A I mm axial hole determined as the intersection of the extrupolations of the
was drilled for the thermocouple. nearly linear branches of the curve before and after this
Fig. S(a) shows the ‘technical expansion coefficient‘ effect. The value thus &termined depends on the heating
AI rate. as shown in Fig. 5(a). In Fig. 5(b) the end-of-
of an AI-MS alloy with 9.14 mass%
arrh = /,,(7- 293 K) dissolution temperature is extrapolated to zero heating rate,
Mg obtained at different heating rates. The acch vs. 7 yielding an equilibrium solvus temperature of 348°C for
this alloy. In Fig. 6 the extrapolation of the ettd-of-
dissolution temperature to zero heating rate is shown for an
AI-Si alloy with 0.84 mass% Si and two ternary Al alloys
with 0.54 mass% Mg, 1.06 mass% Si and 0.41 mass% Mg,
0.84 mass% Si respectively.

3. Optimization of the Gii energy descriptbrs

For the optimization. the description of the binary Al-

Mg system of Ref. 161 was accepted. although new
experimental work on the central part of this system 171
shows that it has to be updated. For the present work only
the descriptions of liquid and the f.c.c. and h.c.p. solid
solutions are relevant, which well describe all the related
experimental work.

3.1. Modding

The phases Mg,Si aud pure Si were treated as stoichio-

il .m .o( .k .m .lO metric phases. Their molar Gibbs energy is expressed as
mass fraction Mg
G”(T) - HsER(298 K) = A + BT + CT In T + DT’
Fig. 2. Venicul section of the Al-Mg-Si sysrem at YOmassl Al.
calculatedand experimentalpoints. +m-’ (1)

I A Heating
y CGGiilIg

, I
.m .in .I36 .00 .I0 .12 .I4 .16 .I8 .2tl
mass fraction Mg

2.75 7 I I I

v I K min-’

300 350 Loo 450
410 , 1 I I I

350 - To9L60C

0 ( 2 I 6
v I Kmin-’
The AI,,Mg,, (y-AI-M& phase was modelled by the
compound energy formalism. adopting the description
given by Ref. 161 and neglecting any solubility of Si in this
For the Gibbs energies of the pure elements (“G, -
H:l’Y) in all stable states. as well as in the metastable
states Mg’ ’’. Alh ’ ‘. Sih.‘~’ and Sir.” . theSGTE values.
compiled by Dinsdale 131. were adopted.

The least-squares calculation works well only if all

independently adjusted coefficients react differently on the
set of experimental data. Coefticients not distinguishable
by the experimental data set tend to diverge. In the
calculated values that correspond to the experimental
points the contribution of the diverging coefficients com-
pensate, but for areas where no experiments exist the
diverging coefticients may lead to very strange results.
The scatter of the experimental points around the final
description should satisfy a Gaussian normal distribution.
For the stoichiometric phases Al,: ,Mg;, ( f3-AI-Mg). Contradictions between different sets of experimental
AI,,Mg,, (e-AI-M%) and AI,,Mg,, (<-AI-Mg) the de- values indicate svstematic errors in at least one of the sets
scriptions of Ref. 161 were accepted, which give the Gibbs and thus contradrft a Gaussian normal distribution. In such
energy of formation referred to the pure elements cases one of the contradicting sets must be rejected in the
Ieaxi.squares calculation. Tbe arguments as to which of the
G”(T) -x(N:‘G:“(T’)) = A + BT (2) contradicting sets is most likely correct must be judged
before the least-squares calculation.

where H’“a(298 K) is an abbreviation of

-, (N,Hy”“(298 K)) and describes the enthalpy of a me- The Gibbs energy parameters for the liquid phase and
chanical mixture of the corresponding amounts of pure
the Mg(h.c.p.j solid solution were chosen similarly as in
elements in their stable states at the reference temperature
the previous optimizations [l,lO]. Five linearly tempen-
of 298 K. The N, are the amounts of element i in I mol of
ture dependent Redlich-Kister parameters were used for
the phase.
the liquid phase. the first two of them with two in-
The liquid phase. the Al(f.c.c.) and Mg(h.c.p.) solid
dependent coefficients A and B for the linear expression
solutions were described by the Redlich-Kister-Muggianu
“L = A + BT. For Y = 2 to 4, as well as for a single
18.91 formalism
Redlich-Kister parameter “I!$:~ of the Mg(h.c.p.) solid
solution. only one independent coefficient could be ad-
justed. Using the relation proposed by Tanaka et al. [I I],
the excess entropy Es was estimated to be proportional to
the excess enthalpy EH, ES = “HIT”. The factor I IT, = I I
with 8000 K is derived from the mean of the reciprocal melting
temperatures of Mg and Si, divided by the empirical
constant 14.
(refGd - ,YsER) =&b-~(T) - @“a(298 K)) (4)
,=I For the Mp,Si phase the enthalpy and entropy of
formation as well as the heat capacity is measured. This The solvus data for the ternary f.c.c.(Al-Mg-Si) solid
allows the use of Eq. (I) rather than Eq. (2). The solution in equilibrium with the Mg,Si phase. however.
experimental heat capacity values of Mp,Si are not connect the Gibbs energy of Mg,Si with that of the f.c.c.
sufficiently accurate to adjust more than two of the three phase. The homogeneity range of the f.c.c. solid solution is
coefticients C to E describing C, in Eq. ( I ). therefore the restricted to dilute solutions of Mg and Si in Al. Therefore
idea of Kubaschewski and ijnal [12] was used to fix the the G’~‘C~(T~Ur~S,) function cannot have a significant
coefficient E to 630 000 J K mol ’ (I mol = 3 moles of contribution from a ternary excess term in the Redlich-
atoms). This procedure seems to be better than the usage of Kister-Muggianu formalism, Eq. (3). and the function is
Kopp-Neumann’s rule. Eq. (2). assuming Crrzs’ to be the completely defined by the AI-Mg and AI-Si binary Gibbs
sum of 2CC;“lh‘r’ + C:““‘lm’. C, after this definition energy descriptions. Hence the ternary solvus data can be
shows a kink due to the change of the Mg reference phase used to determine G”“2S’(T), the Gibbs energy of Mg,Si.
at the melting tempcrarure of Mg. which surely would be The cocflicients A to D of the MgzSi phase were first
incorrect for CpM’+. Above 300 K Kubaschewski and tentatively adjusted, together with the parameters for liquid
ijttal’s proposal of 2 IO 000 J K molt ’(moles of atoms) for and the Mg solid solution by a least-squares calculation, to
the coefficient E of Eq. (I ) is virtua!ly equivalent to the the binary experimental data. Then the coefficient X”“s’
suggestions of the workshop on Thermodynamic Models was adjusted by trial and error to the ternary solvu~ data.
und Data for f’ure Elements and Other Epd Members of Finally the parameters of liquid and Mg were adjusted
Sohtrions [ 131. either with 0, = 570 K or 0, = 450 K. again to the binary data, keeping the Mg,Si coefficients
The literature values of the enthalpy of formation of constant.
A”“mHM”S’ and A’“.HM”‘S’
MgZSi scatter over a large range. The present measure- Besides the C,,, AmtrH~~,
ments are at the lower limit of this range. but the accuracy values described in Section 2.1, all the literature values as
of these values is not very high. The standard entropy reported in the previous optimization [I] were used again
revealed by integration of the low temperature heat capaci- in the present least-squares calculation.
ties of Ref. [ 141 is also of limited accuracy. All other
binary Mg-Si experimental data connect thermodynamic
functions of the liquid phase with those of MgaSi, and 3.2.2. The binary AL.9 system
their tit to calculated functions may allow simultaneous The parameters for all three phases, liquid, Al(f.c.c.) and
change of the descriptions of both these phases. Thus the Sudiamond), were chosen as in the previous optimizations
use of only the binary data leaves some ambiguity in the ll.lSl.
thermodynamic functions of Mg-Si. In the present least-squares optimization the same

Binary and tuuwy parameters of the Gibbs energy descriptions. Eqs. (3-7). of the solution phases of the Al-Mg-Si system: mol = mole of atoms

Pbax ?UUll~lW A B Ref.

Liquid - i 2ooO.W 8.56600 161

1894.00 -3.OQOOO 161
2oLKl.o 161
-11340.10 - 1.23394 thir work
- 3530.93 I .35993 this work
2265.39 this work
-83864.26 32.44438 this work
I 8027.4
2486.67I -0.31084
19.61202 this work
18541.17 -2.31766 this work
- 12338.84 I .54236 this work
4125.86 -0.51573 this work
-47961.64 5.99520 this work
25813.80 -3.22672 this work

497 I.Gu
900.00 -3sOoml
0.42300 161

950.00 0.39297 this
R work
-7148.79 0.8936 I this work

Mgth.o.p.r solid solution 1950.00 -2.oooM) I61

- 148O.txl 2.08wO 161

3500.00 0.39297 this
161 work
-7148.79 0.89361 this work
litemtuw data as in Ref. [ 11wereused together with the Table 8

dilatometrically determined solability of Si in Al (Fig. 6). Pammeten of the Gibbs energy dcsciip&m~ of the AI,$Q,, ty) phase.
lAI.Mg),~lMg.AI),(Mg),,. after Rd. [6l: mol= I fomwla unit AI,,Mg,,
The chosen weights for the dilatometric measurement of
the Al(f.c.c.) solvus as well as for the eutectic temperature P~llRter A B
(850 K) were very large.

3.2.3. Ternary parumeters ofthe AI-M.:4 system

The Gibbs energy contribution “.“‘G in Eq. (7) reaches
signiticant values only at some distance from the binary
boundary systems. As only the liquid phase extends far
into the ternary composition range, only for this phase is
the ternary contribution to the Gibbs energy likely to be
significant. The experimental data strongly connected with
the tetnary liquid are limited to the ternary liquidus data.
These correspond IO one temperature value for each
composition. Therefore the temperature dependence of
B.‘CrG”qcannot be determined and must be estimated. The
three coefficients “‘I!,:“’ of t.“‘G”q were chosen as “‘L:” =
A,( I + T/T,,) with T,, = 8000 K.
The Gibbs energies of the A1tf.c.c.) and Mg(h.c.p.) solid
solutions are totally determined by the binar] descriptions.
AI-Mg taken from Ref. 161, Mg-Si and AI-% as de-
scribed above, setting “L.$Ts, = “Lki.t, and “Li;:8 =
“La;‘,:;. The dilatometric Al solvus values show up only in
the determination of the Gibbs energy of MgzSi as
described in Section 3.2.1.
The same literature values as used in Ref. [ I] were again
used for the least-squares calculation.

3.3. Results
I in Fig. 9. Calculated and measured valws of the standard
The selected coefficients were adjusted to the ex- enthalpy and entropy of formation as well as the enthalpy
perimental values by the programs BINCSS and TERGSS of fusion are compared in Table 9.
[ 16,171. The resulting set of optimized parameters is given The binary AI-Mg system, calculated witb tbe parame-
in Table 6 Table 7 Table 8. ters of Ref. 161. is compared with the measured Al solvus
The binary Mg-Si parameters are compared with ex- point in Fig. IO. The excellent fit justifies the acceptance of
perimental data from the literature for the Mg-Si phase these parameters.
diagram in Fig. 7, with the C~s’“’ data of Table 5 in Fig. 8 The calculated Al soivus of the AI4 systetn is
and with the partial enthalpies of mixing in liquid of Table compared with literature data in Fig. I I.

Table 7
Parameters of the Gibbs energy descriptions. Eq. (I) orEq. (2). of the stoic...ometric solid phaes of the Al-M& syslem;md = mok of atoms
Rg. IO. Solvus of Al in the hinary AI-Mg sy\km calculared with the
thermodynamic dercnpl~on of Ref. IhI and the dilatmmcWically measured

OF --___




-m f Lh,, .ort
0 1 .? .1 .I .5 .6 .7 .(I .9 I.0

The calculated ternary phase diagram is represented by Fig. 13. In Fig. I4 the Al solvus is shown in the vertical
vertical sect: UI\ at conctant Al contents of 9.5. 9P X.5 and . W$W from A’ IO Mr,Si :
hne ol‘ double sa.urat~~~ of Al with respect to Si and
Mg2Si is projected onto the plane of this vertical section
H. Fcufrt cd.
t’, I ha n,,, t ,,I A,,,,v, and (‘,mp,wa,,, 2.fzJ; , ,W,, .7,-J?


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