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Rizal Law (Republic Act 1425)

Date Name: Issued by: What it is

12/20/1989 Decreed “a national Gen. Emilio Set December 30(Rizal's death

day of mourning” Aguinaldo anniversary)

6/11/1901 Act 137 Taft Commision Made rizal a national heo

9/28/1901 Act 243 Erected statue of RIzal in Luneta

2/1/1902 Act 345 Made Rizal Day an Official

national Holiday

6/9/1948 Act 229 President Quirino NO cockfighting, Horse racing

and jai-alai every rizal day

8/10/1954 E.O. 52 Pres. Ramon Created the “Rizal NAtional

Magsaysay Centennial COmmsioon” or Rizal
Presidenial Committee”

6/12/1956 Act 1425 Senator Claro Recto “Rizal Act” where college studens
must study LIWORIZ

6/2/1961 E.O. 429 Pres. Garcia Created “Rizal Pro Patria Award”

12/26/1994 Memorandum Order Pres. Fidel Ramos

No. 247

What is Rizal Law:

- Called Republic Act No. 1425(when approved); House Bill No. 5561l(started as) or
Senate Bill No. 438(sinalo ng senate)
- “An Act to Include in the Curricula of All Public and Private Schools, Colleges and
Universities courses on the Life Works and Writings of JOSE RIZAL, particularly his
novels NOLI ME TANGERE and EL FILIBUSTERISMO, Authorizing the Printing and
Distribution Thereof, and for Other Purposes”
- for a re-dedication to the ideals of freedom and nationalism
- To Shape national Character
- a constant and inspiring source of patriotism
- to develop moral character, personal discipline, civic conscience, and to teach the duties
of citizenship

What it would do:

- included in the curricula of all schools, colleges and universities, public or private;
Provided, That in the collegiate courses, the original or unexpurgated editions of the Noli
Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo
- exemption(as a requirement) of students for reason of religious belief stated in a sworn
written statement. (but excempted students can still take the course)
- Schools are obligated to keep provide copies of Noli Me and El FIli and others
- The Board of National Education will provide or ____ the proper books to be read

Other laws related to it:

- Republic Act No. 229
- No cock fighting, horse racing, and jai alai on rizal Day
- Mayors should make a committeee to take charge in celebrating Rzal Day
- Punisment to thos who violate:
- Memorandum Order No. 247
- To fully implement RA 1425
- People will commemotate Rizal’s martyrdom
- Rekindle nationalism

Nationalism by Recto:
Basic Components of Nationalism:
- Growing and deepening consciousness that the we(Filipinos) are distinct because
- Of our customs, traditions, experiences, ideals and way of life
- Soo you are a nationalist if you yourself are one with history or take heart the
sacrifices of our heroes and martys
- Nourished by a asense of history
- Believing in the genius of our race and the capacity to advance
- Can happen if we understand the struggles and accomplishemnts; trials and
tribulations; and experiences in history
- “nationalism as the love and devotion to all that is ours”
- Nationalism and patriotism
- They are synonymours,
- Isnt only “positive and balance”
- It is a necessity

Nationalism as a vital Force:

Vital becuase:
- It will shape and effect our political, economical, and cultural life for the better becuase
we want our and our fellowmen’s good life
- Connects us with one another by having the same goal
- Wants reality and not just mere illusions
- national self-determination, and demoeracy are the two mighty forces
- nationalism is the strongest force in Asia and Africa today

Ang Binatang Rizal (FIlm)

- Won a lottery in SPain
- Like beatiful girls
- 1889, nakatira si rizal sa paris. Namamangha din si rzal. Went to europe to become a
tourist as well
- Hotel na tinirahan ni Rizal. Hotel de Paris.
- Also popular and significant to non filipino people - Belgium Jean Paul,
- Moulin Rouge, show girls, pumunta si Rizal. Madami din pinuntahan si rizal.
- Lived in his freonds’ building
- Studied medicine, and learned philisophy
- Naaliw sa mga pasyalan, nsa letter to his parents.
- Indios pravos,
- Wore costuem cuz juan Luna needed models but had no money, so Rizal and others
became the models.
- Trained under an optalmologist.
- Love life of Rizal. Had a lot of girl friends.
- Pasciano nagpararal kay rizal, nagpamulat kay riza.

Buhay ng Isang BayaniJose Rizal

- His birth almost
- Was a country boy
- Taught by his mom, provided by his father,
- Quiet but curious, wanted to sculpt and paint
- Was told stories by his yaya,
- 9 yrs old went to school, although at the top he was beaten as
- His mother was imprisoned for poisoning,
- Went to Ateneo,
School life
- Ateneo- super small pero super smart.
- Read novels and history
- Hs graduated, mother out of prison
- College with ateneo, finished.
- Went home to calamba, and went to study for land philosophy surveying, but also
studied medicine,
- Met a girl, he was in live, his cousin, llorona revera
- Forgot to salute a soldier and was beaten, he tried to appeal in the malacanag but was
- Won a reward, but he was not celebrated by the audience cuz hes filipino
- Antonio rivera and rizal bro helped him
Life abroad
- Pasyano helped him,
- He drew and wrote his journey towards Europe. Went first to spain, ddn tlike it
immediately cuz ppl ddnt care about others.
- wrot e in Dyaryong Tagalog, sent letters. Dad was sick out of worry. Sister was also
heartbrocken, llorona wore black to mourn roizal’s leave
- He ddnt have much money aborad,
- But he stll enjoyed stuff, like theater n such.
- Joined a group of filipinos,
- Here he learened how to about
- His fam was troubled cuz of his mother;s sicknes and low price of sugar
- Nagtatampo kasi di masyado nasusulat iya fam
- Had a pen pal, a doctor i think who was inetersted in the filipino language
- Finished noli me, but no money to publish, and Dr someoene helped him publish it.
After Noli me
- Filipinos liked him cuz of his medical skill, but became a danger bcoz of noli me.
- Ddnt meet leonora cuz its too dangerous
- So he left to japan, and met another lady. He was amazed cuz ppl was very nice and
clean in japan
- Went to california, then visited the popular areas. Met another Dr. who allowed him to
visit the library
- Rewrote the book about philippines together with his thouts about it
- Joined la solidaridad, theme pagtatangp sa kultura
- Pinalayas and fam ni rizal due to land problems, abotu 3k ppl wes kicked out. Pasyano
and narcissa, went to other places
- Wanted to go home cuz he wasnted to help, but was stoped by his fam
- Went home to Phil and wanted to do politics stuff, but underestimated the power of Del
- Llnowora river ddnt write then, cuz she was going to be wed off. He ddnt have much
problem cuz he thought she better off with him cuz americans are free. She ddn tmarry
but was to never sing or play piano
- Loved again to Enlli(juan luna’s crush), Many girls would make him happy, but he ddnt
want them to suffer
- Suffered poverty jsut so that he coudl write. But he was helped by two friends, one to
publish one for ticket to hong kong wher ehe met his fam

- In hong kong, and opened clinic.

- He wasnt content with this, so hi did liga filipina and went back to ph without guarantee
of his freedom
- Sent to dapitan, as prisoner.
- Won lettery and bought land
- Discovered species of frog and lizard
- Another lady, where he confessed in the seaside. They werent able to marry bcoz rizal
wasnt christian. So they procreated and did married things
- Kinakahiya love nila by both fam
- Ddnt want to be part of the himagsikan
- Death sentence, he was lonely and wanted to meet them. In prison he gave letters,
apologized, and gave stuff.
- He secretly gave letters to his friedns dad, bro(in war)

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